浜崎 紘嗣, 川田 康介, 金 政秀, 森 勝彦, 田辺 新一
学術講演会論文集 22(3) 2479-2482 2010年8月12日
Recently, corresponding to a diversification of educational contents and methods in school education, the number of schools which adopt an open-plan is increasing. But, there are a few study cases which reveal a characteristic of open-plan from the perspective of environmental engineering. In this study, the actual effects of natural ventilation windows on thermal environment and indoor air quality at classrooms are figured out from the field survey of thermal environment, indoor air quality and usage of classrooms .The result of the study, it was known that the rate of windows open is related to weather, wind velocity and outdoor air temperature. Furthermore, it was confirmed that natural ventilation windows control air volume from pressure difference, and enough amount of ventilation was available.