Curriculum Vitaes

Kiyoki Yasushi

  (清木 康)

Profile Information

Professor (Distinguished professor, Keio University), Data Science, Musashino University
工学(Keio University)

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  • Xing Chen, Yasushi Kiyoki
    Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Jan 16, 2024  
    This paper aims to analyze the phenomenon of inapplicability of experience, which means that sometimes we make mistakes when we use our past experience to solve current problems. We propose a knowledge model based on the concept of “dark-matter”, which is a term used to describe the time-related data that is hidden from our observation. We use a two-dimensional matrix to represent both time-related and non-time-related data, and we call it space. We also introduce the concept of parallel spaces, which are composed of several spaces that can explain different situations and outcomes. We use case studies to illustrate how knowledge is generated and expressed using “dark-matter” and parallel spaces. We also reveal the reason for the inapplicability of experience and suggest some solutions. The contribution of this paper is that we provide a new perspective and a new model to understand and process knowledge based on “dark-matter” and parallel spaces.
  • Yasushi Kiyoki, Asako Uraki, Shiori Sasaki, Yukio Chen
    Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Jan 16, 2024  
    “Semantic space creation” and “distance-computing” are basic functions to realize semantic computing for environmental phenomena memorization, retrieval, analysis, integration and visualization. We have introduced “SPA-based (Sensing, Processing and Actuation) Multi-dimensional Semantic Computing Method” for realizing a global environmental system, “5-Dimensional World Map System”. This method is important to design new environmental systems with Cyber-Physical Space-integration to detect environmental phenomena occurring in a physical-space (real space). This method maps those phenomena to a multi-dimensional semantic-space, performs semantic computing, and actuates the semantic-computing results to the physical space with visualizations for expressing environmental phenomena, causalities and influences. As an actual system of this method, currently, the 5D World Map System is globally utilized as a Global Environmental Semantic Computing System, in SDG14, United-Nations-ESCAP: ( This paper presents a semantic computing method, focusing on “Time-series-Analytical Semantic-Space Creation and Semantic Distance Computing on 5D World Map System” for realizing global environmental analysis in time-series. This paper also presents the time-series analysis of actual environmental changes on 5D World Map System. The first analysis is on the depth of earthquakes Earthquake with time-series semantic computing on 5D World Map System, which occurred around the world during the period from Aug. 23rd to Aug. 28th, 2014, and Jan 7th to Jan. 13th, 2023. The second is the experimental analysis of the time-series difference extraction on glacier melting phenomena in Mont Blanc, Alps, during the period from 2013 to 2022, and Puncak Jaya (Jayawijaya Mountains), Papua, during the period from 1991 to 2020 as important environmental changes.
  • Yasuhiro Hayashi, Yasushi Kiyoki, Yoshinori Harada, Kazuko Makino, Seigo Kaneoya
    Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Jan 16, 2024  
    This paper proposes a spatio-temporal and categorical correlation computing method for induction and deduction analysis. This method is a data analytics method to reveal spatial, temporal, and categorical relationships between two heterogeneous sets in past events by correlation calculation, thereby finding insights to build new connections between the sets in the future. The most significant feature of this method is that it allows inductive and deductive data analysis by applying context vectors to compute the relationship between the sets whose elements are time, space, and category. Inductive analysis corresponds to data mining, which composes a context vector as a hypothesis to extract meaningful relationships from trends and patterns of past events. Deductive analysis searches past events similar to a context vector’s temporal, spatial, and categorical conditions. Spatio-temporal information about the events and information such as frequency, scale, and category are used as parameters for correlation computing. In this method, a multi-dimensional vector space that consists of time, space, and category dimensions is dynamically created, and the data of each set expressed as vectors is mapped onto the space. The similarity degree of the computing shows the strength of relationships between the two sets. This context vector is also mapped onto the space and is calculated distances between the context vector and other vectors of the sets. This paper shows the details of this method and implementation method and assumed applications in commerce activities.
  • Yasushi Kiyoki, Koji Murakami, Shiori Sasaki, Asako Uraki
    Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Jan 14, 2022  
    Semantic space creation and computing are essentially significant to realize semantic interpretations of situations and symptoms in human-health. We have presented a semantic space creation and computing method for domain-specific research areas. This method realizes semantic space creation with domain-oriented knowledge and databases. This paper presents a semantic space creation and computing method for “Human-Health Database” with the implementation process for “Human-Health-Analytical Semantic Computing”. This paper also presents a new knowledge base creation method for personal health data for preventive care and potential risk inspection with global and geographical mapping and visualization in 5-Dimensional World Map System. This method focuses on the analysis of personal health and potential-risk inspection and realizes a set of semantic computing functions for semantic interpretations of situations and symptoms in human-health. This method is applied to “Human-Health-Analytical Semantic Computing” to realize world-wide evaluation for (1) multi-parameterized personal health data, such as various biomarkers, clinical physical parameters, lifestyle parameters, other clinical/physiological or human health factors, etc., for health monitoring, and (2) time-series multi-parameterized health data in the national/regional level for global analysis of potential cause of disease. This Human-Health-Analytical Semantic Computing method realizes a new multidimensional data analysis and knowledge sharing for a global-level health monitoring and disease analysis. The computational results are able to be visualized in the time-series difference of the values in each place, the difference between the values of multiple places in a focused area, and the time-series differences between the values of multiple places to detect and predict a potential-risk of diseases.
  • Koichiro Kawashima, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Yasushi Kiyoki, Tetsuya Mita
    Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Jan 14, 2022  
    Dynamic routing with combinations of mobility and activity is expected as new methodology for supporting sensitivity to various contexts for traveling. It is important to realize the dynamics by integrating “mobility and activity” in physical and cyber spaces. This paper presents a mobility and activity integration system for making routing plans from an original point to a destination with a scenario as “sensitivity to context” on the route. The “sensitivity to context” expresses reactions to the intentions and situations of a moving user. This system applies semantic computing to find out the appropriate mobility and activity, that dynamically calculates semantic associations between user’s intentions and mobility services. This system makes a moving plan reflecting “sensitivity to context” created by query creation operators for synthesizing and expressing “everyday intention” and “mobility situation.” This system has a distance calculation function for “feature value vectors” expressing the means of mobility and the features of facility spots, and outputs some expected means of moving towards the destination with activities on the route.
  • Himawari Otsuka, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Yasushi Kiyoki
    2021 International Electronics Symposium (IES), Sep 29, 2021  
  • Koichiro Kawashima, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Yasushi Kiyoki, Tetsuya Mita
    Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XXXIII- Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases(EJC), 297-308, 2021  
  • Piyaporn Nurarak, Yasushi Kiyoki, Petchporn Chawakitchareon, Yasuhiro Hayashi
    Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XXXIII- Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases(EJC), 129-140, 2021  
  • Y. Itabashi, Y. Kiyoki
    International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining, 19(2) 242-266, 2021  
    Robots communicating with humans have been widely utilised in our society. This type of communication can be limited when only one robot is involved. Meanwhile, expressing the same unified mood and emotion is difficult when several robots are working. Furthermore, realising expressions representing different cultures in the context of a global society is also challenging. To address these issues, we propose an integrated robot architecture (IRA) providing a communication environment, in which various robots and devices can be combined. In this architecture, meta-level messages are communicated between various kinds of devices using a unified communication protocol. The framework of Kansei computing is integrated for realising non-verbal expression. This method makes it possible to express emotions with colours synchronised with each utterance, according to the characteristics of the device and required culture. This paper also presents a system prototype and verifies its feasibility.
  • Shiori Sasaki, Koji Murakami, Yasushi Kiyoki, Asako Uraki
    Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 333 134-149, Dec 16, 2020  
    This paper presents a new knowledge base creation method for personal/collective health data with knowledge of preemptive care and potential risk inspection with a global and geographical mapping and visualization functions of 5D World Map System. The final goal of this research project is a realization of a system to analyze the personal health/bio data and potential-risk inspection data and provide a set of appropriate coping strategies and alert with semantic computing technologies. The main feature of 5D World Map System is to provide a platform of collaborative work for users to perform a global analysis for sensing data in a physical space along with the related multimedia data in a cyber space, on a single view of time-series maps based on the spatiotemporal and semantic correlation calculations. In this application, the concrete target data for world-wide evaluation is (1) multi-parameter personal health/bio data such as blood pressure, blood glucose, BMI, uric acid level etc. and daily habit data such as food, smoking, drinking etc., for a health monitoring and (2) time-series multi-parameter collective health/bio data in the national/regional level for global analysis of potential cause of disease. This application realizes a new multidimensional data analysis and knowledge sharing for both a personal and global level health monitoring and disease analysis. The results are able to be analyzed by the time-series difference of the value of each spot, the differences between the values of multiple places in a focused area, and the time-series differences between the values of multiple locations to detect and predict a potential-risk of diseases.
  • Motoki Yokoyama, Yasushi Kiyoki, Tetsuya Mita
    Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 333 196-212, Dec 16, 2020  
    In recent years, with the development of information technology, many cyber-physical systems, in which real space and the information space are linked for data acquisition and analysis, have been constructed. The purpose of constructing a cyber-physical system is to solve and improve social and environmental problems. An important target is the railway space, which aims to provide safe and stable transportation services as part of the social infrastructure. In this paper, we propose a new data model, the "Context Cube Semantic Network", for the railway space and a metric method that employs an integrated scale based on heterogeneous correlations of purpose, sensibility, and distance for the railway space. Furthermore, we constructed a station guidance system that implements the proposed method and evaluates subjects at the station. As a result, we clarified the effectiveness and applicability of the system.
  • Ryosuke Konishi, Fumito Nakamura, Yasushi Kiyoki
    Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 333 161-173, Dec 16, 2020  
    While individuals benefit from the goods and services provided by companies that enrich their lives and that have adapted to a dynamic environment that is always changing, these companies pay a high communication cost to access opportunities to provide these goods and services and to seek a better understanding of individual customers’ changing needs. Although vast amounts of information can be obtained, databases and machine learning are playing an increasingly important role in extracting meaning from this information, turning it into meaningful information assets that consider circumstances and contexts, and individualizing the economy of information. I propose an implementation method for providing information to enrich the profiles of individual customers by consolidating different data, calculating the individual customers’ needs through the relationships between customers and products, evaluating the change in relationships between individual customers and products over time, and providing goods and services to suit different intervals of change to factors such as lifestyle and living environment. As there are different factors involved in estimating the incidence of needs, and different frequencies and rates at which they occur, based on the special characteristics of products, different data are required to estimate such needs. By profiling individuals over the long term, it is possible to build an information provision environment that is conducive to companies’ customer acquisition.
  • Piyaporn Nurarak, Shiori Sasaki, Irene Erlyn Wina Rachmawan, Yasushi Kiyoki
    Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 333 295-309, Dec 16, 2020  
    Cross-cultural religious tourism is computational to promote cross-cultural communication and understanding according to impression distance. Our motivation to implement semantic search with an emotion-oriented context into the proposed system is to realize global tourism recommendations expressed in different cultures. The objectives of this paper are (1) to find the religious places by using the tourist’s emotional distance, (2) to find similar religious places not only in the same culture but also in the different cultures with the tourist’s emotional distance calculations. Experimental results demonstrate the feasibility and applicability of this method.
  • Ryosuke Konishi, Fumito Nakamura, Yasushi Kiyoki
    Proceedings - 14th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing, ICSC 2020, 9-16, Feb 1, 2020  
    In recent times, large-scale data transmission and processing have become possible along with an increase in the processing and memory capacities of computer systems. With the advent of smart device technology, computing environments are being developed to support 'interaction and feedback' that is specific to each customer's individual behavior. By acquiring a user's known information and monitoring his interests by following his online behavior, it has become possible to use his changing interests as triggers to learn and make more appropriate recommendations. In an online trading or e-commerce setting, multiple items are often purchased at the same time, which makes it different from the problem of determining the degree of preference for a single item at a time, as in the case of a movie recommendation. This method adjusts recommendations dynamically over the course of browsing for other products by a user, taking into account how the degree of preference for one product may affect those for others, when trying to predict the degree of preference for the next item. In this paper, a product recommendation method is proposed that dynamically understands customer needs and considers the degree to which each product itself is preferred (degree of preference). Based on this evaluation, it decides whether or not to intervene in a customer's perception of their individual product preferences, resulting in a recommendation method that can adapt to the customer's needs to a high degree. Further, it is able to make such effective recommendations in the time period between a customer's search and his decision to purchase.
  • Yasushi Kiyoki, Bernhard Thalheim, Marie DužÃ-, Hannu Jaakkola, Petchporn Chawakitchareon, Anneli Heimbürger
    Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 321 531-544, Dec 13, 2019  
    Humankind faces a most crucial mission we must endeavour, on a global scale, to restore and improve our natural and social environments. This is a big challenge for global information systems development and for their modelling. In this paper, we discuss on different aspects of conceptual modelling in global environmental context. The paper is the summary of the panel session "The Future of Conceptual Modelling" in the 29th International Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases.
  • Petchporn Chawakitchareon, Bernhard Thalheim, Yasushi Kiyoki
    Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 321 419-429, Dec 13, 2019  
    This paper presents a comparison of prediction methods for a water quality index (WQI) that is used for classification of water quality in rivers or canals. In this work, we consider the water quality index of two canals namely Phadung Krung Kasem Canal and Saen Saep Canal, Bangkok, Thailand as a case study. We compare results from M5P, M5Rules, REPTree with results from multilayer perceptron. The models employ five input variables including dissolved oxygen (DO), biological oxygen demand (BOD), ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N), Fecal Coliform bacteria (FCB) and Total Coliform bacteria (TCB) which were measured in the canals. The data in this research had been collected from Bangkok Metropolitan Authority, Thailand from 1 January 2007 to 31 November 2017. The total number of data is 2,000 records. The 10-fold cross validation method is used for evaluation of prediction models. It allows to determine the most effective method. Our experimental results show that the REPTree method yielded the highest accuracy to predict water quality index compared to other methods proposed in this paper.
  • Irene Erlyn Wina Rachmawan, Yasushi Kiyoki
    Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 321 401-418, Dec 13, 2019  
    The detection of deforestation by remote sensing technologies has been one of the most important research issues in forest monitoring over the last decades. However, only identifying the area of change is usually not sufficient to understand how critical the effects are on the environment including increased CO2 emissions, loss of biodiversity, and soil degradation. To interpret the causes of the detected forest loss and the full impacts upon an ecosystem, additional expert knowledge is required. Traditionally the environmental standard classifies the measurement value, as called parameter value, from the environmental sensor into several condition categories to presenting meaningful quantitative measures of environmental results and establishing whether or not the problem of environmental exists. There are several traditional calculations to measure the interpretation of environmental phenomena such as numerical approach as represented, e.g., by pattern matching that is supported by classical Boolean logic rule. However, in the Boolean logic rule, the truth interpretation values of parameters may only be the truth values, true and false in a category. This paper demonstrates the type of logical approach that has huge potential to assign the interpretation of environmental phenomena in where the truth value may fall in the range between completely true and completely false.
  • Ryosuke Konishi, Fumito Nakamura, Yasushi Kiyoki
    Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 321 205-221, Dec 13, 2019  
    Improved computing environments performing large-scale data processing and high-speed computational processing facilitate the delivery of new algorithms to businesses while considering cost efficiency for small-scale investments. Implementing the proposed method more as a criterion for feasibility and economic rationality in specific problem areas rather than as an approach to generic issues, we aim to develop technologies of practical use in the real world. Recently, it has become possible for customers to monitor their buying behavior through smart devices, and with the improvement of computing performance, it has become possible to improve the accuracy of prediction and recommendation cycles through active online learning. This study proposes a method for dynamically recommending products that are highly likely to be selected by the user by combining the user's reaction with reuse of knowledge and real-time online learning to cyclically repeat feedback that is more specific to the user.We propose a method to sense streaming data by utilizing a user's behavior, intervening a user's behavioral change through interactions, such as recommendations, and evaluating the user's buying intention and interest in each product. Using the evaluation results for recommendations helps achieve positive feedback and effectively support the selection of more exciting or different products. We propose a recommendation method specific to individual customers based on past transaction data, where changes can be monitored in real-time by reusing the knowledge acquired in advance through batch processing of knowledge discovery and data mining and processing the stream data in real-time online. We will present the implementation of our proposed method targeting the database system and machine learning algorithm.
  • Yasuhiro Hayashi, Ryota Nakamura, Osamu Hasegawa, Yuichi Kitano, Yasushi Kiyoki
    2019 International Electronics Symposium (IES), Sep, 2019  
  • Yuka Toyoshima, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Yasushi Kiyoki
    International Journal of Information Technology, Control and Automation, 9(3) 1-16, Jul 31, 2019  
  • Pracharat Sa-ngadsup, Yasushi Kiyoki, Chawan Koopipat
    Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XXX, 312 457-468, 2019  Peer-reviewed
  • Motoki Yokoyama, Yasushi Kiyoki, Tetsuya Mita
    Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XXX, 312 435-448, 2019  Peer-reviewed
  • Yasuhiro Hayashi, Daisuke Oyokawa, Yasushi Kiyoki, Tetsuya Mita
    Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XXX, 312 384-399, 2019  Peer-reviewed
  • Yoshiko Itabashi, Yasushi Kiyoki
    Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XXX, 312 369-383, 2019  Peer-reviewed
  • Irene Erlyn Wina Rachmawan, Yasushi Kiyoki
    Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XXX, 312 353-368, 2019  Peer-reviewed
  • Alexander Dudko, Tatiana Endrjukaite, Yasushi Kiyoki
    Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XXX, 312 334-352, 2019  Peer-reviewed
  • Panath Jermthaisong, Sununtha Kingpaiboon, Petchporn Chawakitchareon, Yasushi Kiyoki
    Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XXX, 312 312-318, 2019  Peer-reviewed
  • Jinmika Wijitdechakul, Yasushi Kiyoki, Chawan Koopipat
    Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XXX, 312 293-311, 2019  Peer-reviewed
  • Khoumkham Ladsavong, Petchporn Chawakitchareon, Kiyoki Yasushi
    Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XXX, 312 195-207, 2019  Peer-reviewed
  • Yasushi Kiyoki, Xing Chen, Chalisa Veesommai, Jinmika Wijitdechakul, Shiori Sasaki, Chawan Koopipat, Petchporn Chawakitchareon
    Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XXX, 312 147-148, 2019  Peer-reviewed
  • Xing Chen, Yasushi Kiyoki
    Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XXX, 312 39-60, 2019  Peer-reviewed
  • Ryosuke Konishi, Yasushi Kiyoki
    Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XXX, 312 1-19, 2019  Peer-reviewed
  • Hanako Fujioka, Shiori Sasaki, Toshihiro Watanabe, Kyohei Otsuka, Masayuki Ishii, Yasushi Kiyoki
    Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XXX, 312 478-494, 2018  Peer-reviewed
  • Shiori Sasaki, Yasushi Kiyoki, Hanako Fujioka, Toshihiro Watanabe, Kyohei Otsuka, Masayuki Ishii
    Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XXX, 312 276-292, 2018  Peer-reviewed
  • Yasushi Kiyoki, Xing Chen, Shiori Sasaki, Chawan Koopipat
    Semantic computing is an important and promising approach to semantic analysis for various environmental phenomena and changes in real world. This paper presents a new semantic computing method with multi-spectrum images for analyzing and interpreting environmental phenomena and changes occurring in the physical world. We have already presented a concept of "Semantic Computing System" for realizing global environmental analysis. This paper presents a new semantic computing method to realize semantic associative search for the multiple-colours-spectrum images in the multi-dimensional semantic space, that is "multi-spectrum semantic-image space" with semantic projection functions. This space is created for dynamically computing semantic equivalence, similarity and difference between multi-spectrum images and environmental situations. We apply this system to global environmental analysis as a new platform of environmental computing. We have already presented the 5D World Map System, as an international research environment with spatio-temporal and semantic analysers. We also present several new approaches to global environmental-analysis for multi-spectrum images in "multi-spectrum semantic-image space."
  • Shiori Sasaki, Yasushi Kiyoki
    InformationModelling and Knowledge Bases, XXVII 220-239, 2016  Peer-reviewed
  • Chalisa Veesommai, Yasushi Kiyoki, Shiori Sasaki, Petchporn Chawakitchareon
    This paper presents the analysis and visualization of river-water quality in 25 rivers in Thailand by using 5D World Map system. Water pollution is analyzed by using Water Quality Index (WQI) and Metal Index (MI), which focus on Ping, Nan and Chao Phraya River (the important rivers of Thai). The WQI indicator was used to evaluate water quality by conductivity, NO3-N, NO2-N, NH3-N, Cd, Cr, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn and As. The MI indicator was used to estimate concentration of metal in the river. The results on 5D World Map System show that several actual values assigned to water-quality parameters are shown in snapshots. The results of Water Quality Index (WQI) show the WQI levels 32.697 at Chaophraya river (Bangkok, 2004) and 38.534 at Ping river (Nakhonsawan, 2014) for Irrigation and Aquatic life respectively, and can be classified into categories of quality-levels for Irrigation and Aquatic life. The results of Metal Index (MI) show that the MI level reaches 92.902 at Ping River (Nakhonsawan, 2014) and 1803.303 at Ping River (Nakhonsawan, 2014) for Irrigation and Aquatic life respectively.
  • Fuminori Tsunoda, Yasushi Kiyoki
    A multi-database environment is commonly important for creating new values by integrating heterogeneous data resources. We have designed a realtime association computing system for interactive information exchange among multi-databases. The metadatabase system organized to measure a relationship of interactive data and define a feedback control output to a system. In this paper, we present the applicability of this method to a multidatabase on railway information. We show several experimental results which have been obtained by associative computing for two different databases as a multidatabase environment. By those results, we clarify the effectiveness of the associative computing method in the actual multi-databases.
    Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases, XXVI, Feb, 2015  
  • Dadet Pramadihanto, Wahyu T Sesulihatien, Soffi Patrisia, Shiori Sasaki, Yasushi Kiyoki
    Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases, XXVI, Feb, 2015  
    Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases, XXVI, Feb, 2015  
  • Yasushi Kiyoki, Xing Chen, Anneli Heimbürger, Petchporn Chawakitchareon, Virach Sornlertlamvanich
    Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases,, XXVII 281-298, 2015  Peer-reviewed
  • Heimburger, A, Duzi, M, Kiyoki, Y, Sasaki, S, Khanom S
    Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases, XXV 306-321, May, 2014  
    Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases, XXV 82-97, Mar, 2014  Peer-reviewed
  • J. Hall, Y. Kiyoki
    Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases, XXV 82-101, Mar, 2014  
  • S. Ito, Y. Kiyoki
    Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases, XXV 158-173, Mar, 2014  
  • J. Hall, Y. Kiyoki
    International Journal of Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process, 4(1) 1-18, Jan, 2014  
  • KIYOKI YASUSHI, Tatiana Endrjukaite
    International Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 1(2) 170-176, Dec, 2013  
  • Rong Zhang, Koji Zettsu, Yutaka Kidawara, Yasushi Kiyoki, Aoying Zhou
    FRONTIERS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE, 7(6) 875-893, Dec, 2013  
    As service oriented architecture (SOA) matures, service consumption demand leads to an urgent requirement for service discovery. Unlike Web documents, services are intended to be executed to achieve objectives and/or desired goals of users. This leads to the notion that service discovery should take the "usage context" of service into account as well as service content (descriptions) which have been well explored. In this paper, we introduce the concept of service context which is used to represent service usage. In query processing, both service content and service context are examined to identify services. We propose to represent service context by a weighted bipartite graph model. Based on the bipartite graph model, we reduce the gap between query space and service space by query expansion to improve recall. We also design an iteration algorithm for result ranking by considering service context-usefulness as well as content-relevance to improve precision. Finally, we develop a service search engine implementing this mechanism, and conduct some experiments to verify our idea.
  • B. Thalheim, Y. Kiyoki
    Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases, XXIV 142-160, 2013  



Books and Other Publications




Teaching Experience



  • 2001 - Present Others
    概要: 宇宙開発事業団における高度情報化、知識ベース化のための方式、システムおよびデータベースの構成方法についての検討を行ない、その指針を提示する。
  • 2000 - Present Others
    概要: データベースと感性情報についての最近の研究動向、および、我々の研究について、講演を行った。(〜平成13年まで)
  • 2000 - Present Others
    概要: マルチデータベースシステム、知識管理方式についての最近の研究(〜平成13年まで)
  • 1996 - Present Others
    概要: 日立製作所が開発したミドルウェアシステムOpenTP1に関する研究会の座長として、最近の分散システム、ネットワークシステムの最近の研究動向に関する講演、および、パネル討論の進行を行った。(〜平成12年まで)

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