Curriculum Vitaes

Kiyoki Yasushi

  (清木 康)

Profile Information

Professor (Distinguished professor, Keio University), Data Science, Musashino University
工学(Keio University)

Researcher number
researchmap Member ID

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  • Y. Kiyoki, T.Kitagawa, T. Miyahara
    Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases (IOS Press), 7 44-58, May, 1996  Peer-reviewed
    In this paper, we present a fast algorithm of semantic associative search for supporting information and knowledge bases.
  • Y. Kiyoki, T. Kitagawa, K. Kurata
    Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases (IOS Press), 8 345-360, May, 1996  Peer-reviewed
    In this paper, we present a learning mechanism for adjusting retrieval results according to the individual variation and obtaining appropriate retrieval results.
  • 清木康, 金子昌史, 北川高嗣
    電子情報通信学会論文誌 D-2 情報・システム 2-情報処理, 79(4) 509-519, Apr, 1996  Peer-reviewed
    ACM SIGMOD Record, 23(4) 34-41, 1996  Peer-reviewed
    In this paper, we present a metadatabase system which realizes the semantic associative search for images by giving keywords representing the user's impression and the image's contents.
    ACM SIGMOD Record, 23(4) 34-41, 1996  Peer-reviewed
    In this paper, we present a metadatabase system which realizes the semantic associative search for images by giving keywords representing the user's impression and the image's contents.
  • 清木康, 村岡正則, 佐藤聡
    情報処理学会論文誌, 36(12) 2831-2843, Dec, 1995  Peer-reviewed
  • 新城靖, 清木浩
    情報処理, 36(8) 721-725, Aug, 1995  Peer-reviewed
  • Yasushi Kiyoki, Takashi Kitagawa
    Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases (IOS Press), 6 121-130, May, 1995  Peer-reviewed
    In this paper, we present a new method for realizing semantic associative search for knowledge acquisition in knowledge bases.
  • Y. Kiyoki, T.Kitagawa, Y. Hitomi
    Journal of Integrated-Computer-Aided-Engineering, 2(1) 3-20, Jan, 1995  Peer-reviewed
    In this paper, we propose a fundamental framework for realizing semantic interoperability at the level of semantic relationships between data items in a multidatabase environment. We present a metadatabase system which extracts the significant information from different databases.
  • Y. Kiyoki, T.Kitagawa, T. Hayama
    ACM SIGMOD-Record, 23(4) 34-41-41, Dec, 1994  Peer-reviewed
    In this paper, we present a metadatabase system which realizes the semantic associative search for images by giving keywords representing the user's impression and the image's contents.
  • Yasushi Kiyoki, Takashi Kitagawa
    Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases (IOS Press), 5 484-495 287-298, May, 1994  Peer-reviewed
    In this paper, we present a metadatabase system which realizes the semantic interoperability among data items in different databases.
  • 清木康, 久保武士, 重光貞彦, 北川高嗣
    日本応用数理学会論文誌, 4(2) 111-128, 1994  Peer-reviewed
  • 清木康, 新城靖
    情報処理学会論文誌, 34(3) 478-488, 1993  Peer-reviewed
  • Yasushi Kiyoki, Misa Namiuchi
    Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases III: Foundations, Theory and Applications, IOS Press, 8(704) 316-332, 1992  Peer-reviewed
    In the paper, we extend our proposed resource allocation method to flexibly adapt the resources to parallel processing environments. To clarify effectiveness of the extended method, several actual queries have been executed by using the parallel processing system, and the execution times of queries were measured at the actual CPU time with the system call time for disk I/O processing on the multiprocessor.



Books and Other Publications




Teaching Experience



  • 2001 - Present Others
    概要: 宇宙開発事業団における高度情報化、知識ベース化のための方式、システムおよびデータベースの構成方法についての検討を行ない、その指針を提示する。
  • 2000 - Present Others
    概要: データベースと感性情報についての最近の研究動向、および、我々の研究について、講演を行った。(〜平成13年まで)
  • 2000 - Present Others
    概要: マルチデータベースシステム、知識管理方式についての最近の研究(〜平成13年まで)
  • 1996 - Present Others
    概要: 日立製作所が開発したミドルウェアシステムOpenTP1に関する研究会の座長として、最近の分散システム、ネットワークシステムの最近の研究動向に関する講演、および、パネル討論の進行を行った。(〜平成12年まで)

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