
林 康弘

ハヤシ ヤスヒロ  (Yasuhiro Hayashi)


武蔵野大学 データサイエンス学部 データサイエンス学科 准教授




  • Yasuhiro Hayashi, Yasushi Kiyoki, Yoshinori Harada, Kazuko Makino, Seigo Kaneoya
    Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XXXV 380 287-296 2024年1月16日  査読有り
    This paper proposes a spatio-temporal and categorical correlation computing method for induction and deduction analysis. This method is a data analytics method to reveal spatial, temporal, and categorical relationships between two heterogeneous sets in past events by correlation calculation, thereby finding insights to build new connections between the sets in the future. The most significant feature of this method is that it allows inductive and deductive data analysis by applying context vectors to compute the relationship between the sets whose elements are time, space, and category. Inductive analysis corresponds to data mining, which composes a context vector as a hypothesis to extract meaningful relationships from trends and patterns of past events. Deductive analysis searches past events similar to a context vector’s temporal, spatial, and categorical conditions. Spatio-temporal information about the events and information such as frequency, scale, and category are used as parameters for correlation computing. In this method, a multi-dimensional vector space that consists of time, space, and category dimensions is dynamically created, and the data of each set expressed as vectors is mapped onto the space. The similarity degree of the computing shows the strength of relationships between the two sets. This context vector is also mapped onto the space and is calculated distances between the context vector and other vectors of the sets. This paper shows the details of this method and implementation method and assumed applications in commerce activities.
  • Koichiro Kawashima, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Yasushi Kiyoki, Tetsuya Mita
    Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XXXIII 343 297-308 2022年1月14日  査読有り
    Dynamic routing with combinations of mobility and activity is expected as new methodology for supporting sensitivity to various contexts for traveling. It is important to realize the dynamics by integrating “mobility and activity” in physical and cyber spaces. This paper presents a mobility and activity integration system for making routing plans from an original point to a destination with a scenario as “sensitivity to context” on the route. The “sensitivity to context” expresses reactions to the intentions and situations of a moving user. This system applies semantic computing to find out the appropriate mobility and activity, that dynamically calculates semantic associations between user’s intentions and mobility services. This system makes a moving plan reflecting “sensitivity to context” created by query creation operators for synthesizing and expressing “everyday intention” and “mobility situation.” This system has a distance calculation function for “feature value vectors” expressing the means of mobility and the features of facility spots, and outputs some expected means of moving towards the destination with activities on the route.
  • 川島宏一郎, 川島宏一郎, 林康弘, 清木康, 三田哲也
    日本データベース学会和文論文誌(Web) 20-J 2022年  
  • Natsuki Kamada, Shogo Shibahara, Yasuhiro Hayashi
    IIAI-AAI-Winter 251-256 2022年  
  • Shogo Shibahara, Natsuki Kamada, Yasuhiro Hayashi
    IIAI-AAI-Winter 236-240 2022年  





