Curriculum Vitaes

Masashi Kiyomi

  (清見 礼)

Profile Information

Associate Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology Department of Science and Technology , Seikei University

researchmap Member ID

- 2006年情報処理学会コンピュータサイエンス領域奨励賞
- IEEE ICDM Workshop on Frequent Itemset Mining Implementations, 2004, Best Implementation Award

Research Interests





  • JSAI Technical Report, SIG-FPAI, 119 21-26, 2022  
  • 青池宥希, 清見礼, 小林靖明, 大舘陽太
    情報処理学会研究報告(Web), 2021(AL-184), 2021  
  • AOIKE Yuuki, GIMA Tatsuya, HANAKA Tesshu, KIYOMI Masashi, KOBAYASHI Yasuaki, KOBAYASHI Yusuke, KURITA Kazuhiro, OTACHI Yota
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告(Web), 120(276(COMP2020 18-27)) 502-515, 2020  
  • Masashi Kiyomi, Hirotaka Ono, Yota Otachi, Pascal Schweitzer, Jun Tarui
    CoRR, abs/1712.09230, 2017  
  • 兼本 樹, 斎藤 寿樹, 清見 礼, 上原 隆平
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報, 116(211) 1-5, Sep 6, 2016  
  • 山中 克久, エリック, ドメイン(MIT, 伊藤 健洋, 川原純, 清見 礼, 岡本 吉央, 斎藤 寿樹, 鈴木 顕, 内澤 啓, 宇野 毅明(N
    電子情報通信学会コンピュテーション研究会資料, 2014(2) 5-12, Apr, 2014  
  • KIYOMI Masashi, OKAMOTO Yoshio, SAITOH Toshiki
    IEICE technical report. Theoretical foundations of Computing, 112(93) 17-24, Jun 14, 2012  
    We study a character-based phylogeny reconstruction problem when an incomplete set of data is given. More specifically, we consider the situation under the directed perfect phylogeny assumption with binary characters in which for some species the states of some characters are missing. Our main object is to give an efficient algorithm to enumerate (or list) all perfect phylogenies that can be obtained when the missing entries are completed. While a simple branch-and-bound algorithm (B&B) shows a theoretically good performance, we propose another approach based on a zero-suppressed binary decision diagram (ZDD). Experimental results on randomly generated data exhibit that the ZDD approach outperforms B&B. We also prove that counting the number of phylogenetic trees consistent with a given data is #P-complete, thus providing an evidence that an efficient random sampling seems hard. This article is a technical report without peer review, and its polished version will be published elsewhere.
  • 岡山 陽介, 清見 礼, 上原 隆平
    研究報告アルゴリズム(AL), 2011(19) 1-8, Feb 28, 2011  
    電波による通信を用いたサービスでは、基地局の通信の範囲は円となる.複数の基地局からの通信が重なることで不具合がでる場合もあり,どのように基地局を配置するかが問題になる.ここでサービスの利用者を点,電波の届く範囲を単位円としたときに,重なりの無い単位円集合ですべての点を覆えるか,という問題が考えられる.本研究では,これを複数の単位円による点集合の排他的被覆問題として取り扱う.どのように配置しても必ず適当に配置した単位円の集合で排他的に被覆できる点の個数 k は 1 以上で上限があり,既知の結果として 10≦k<108 が知られている.本研究では,この上界を改善することを目的とし,提案手法により 10≦k<54 と改善することができた.In services using the electric wave communication, the range of the electric wave from a base station becomes a circle. The situation where two ranges of the wave intersect can be problematic. Therefore, base station layout becomes a problem. Consider 2 points in the plane. Clearly we can cover them by disjoint unit disks. It is known that any 10 points can be covered by some disjoint unit disks, and carefully arranged 108 points cannot be covered by any arrangement of unit disks. We improve the upper bound from 108 to 54, i.e. we show an arrangement of 54 points which cannot be covered by any arrangement of unit disks.
  • 清見 礼, 斎藤 寿樹, 上原 隆平
    情報処理学会研究報告, 2010(1) 5p, Jun, 2010  
  • KIYOMI Masashi, SAITOH Toshiki, UEHARA Ryuhei
    IEICE technical report, 110(37) 1-5, May 12, 2010  
    The Voronoi game is a two-person perfect information game modeling a competitive facility location. The original version of the game is played on a continuous domain. Only two special cases (1-dimensional case and 1-round case) are well investigated. Recently, the discrete Voronoi game of which the game arena is given as a graph was introduced. In this note, we give a complete analysis of the discrete Voronoi game on a path.
    2009(5) 1-8, Sep 8, 2009  
  • 野木 慶太, 浅野 哲夫, 清見 礼
    数理解析研究所講究録, 1649 244-251, May, 2009  
  • Ito Tsuyoshi, Kiyomi Masashi, Imahori Shinji, Uehara Ryuhei
    RIMS Kokyuroku, 1649(1649) 66-72, May, 2009  
  • Kiyomi Masashi, Saitoh Toshiki, Uehara Ryuhei
    RIMS Kokyuroku, 1644(1644) 128-134, Apr, 2009  
  • ITO Tsuyoshi, KIYOMI Masashi, IMAHORI Shinji, UEHARA Ryuhei
    IPSJ SIG Notes, 2009(9) 1-8, Jan 23, 2009  
    We introduce a new origami problem about pleats foldings. For a given assignment of n creases of mountains and valleys, we make a strip of paper well-creased according to the assignment at regular intervals. We assume that (1) paper has 0 thickness and some layers beneath a crease can be folded simultaneously, (2) each folded state is flat, (3) each crease remembers its last folded state made at the crease, and (4) the paper is rigid except at the n given creases. On this model, we aim to find efficient ways of folding a given mountain-valley assignment. We call this problem unit folding problem for general patterns, and pleats folding problem when the mountain-valley assignment is "MV MV MV…." The complexity is measured by the number of foldings and the cost of unfoldings is ignored. Trivially, we have an upper bound n and a lower bound log(n+1). We first give some nontrivial upper bounds: (a) any mountain-valley assignment can be made by 「n/2」+「log(n+1)」 foldings, and (b) a pleats folding can be made by O(n^ε) foldings for any ε>0. Next, we also give a nontrivial lower bound: (c) almost all mountain-valley assignments require Ω(n/(log n)) foldings. The results (b) and (c) imply that a pleats folding is easy in the unit folding problem.
  • 来嶋 秀治, 清見 礼, 岡本 吉央
    数理解析研究所講究録 理論計算機科学の深化 : 新たな計算世界観を求めて, 1599 148-153, 2008  
  • 斎藤 寿樹, 清見 礼, 上原 隆平
    数理解析研究所講究録, 1554(1554) 93-100, May, 2007  
  • 来嶋 秀治, 清見 礼
    日本計算機統計学会大会論文集, 21 125-128, 2007  
  • KIYOMI Masashi, KIJIMA Shuji
    IPSJ SIG Notes, 2006(100) 25-31, Sep 27, 2006  
    A graph is chordal iff its vertices do not induce any chordless cycle of length more than three. Given a graph G and G (where G is a subgraph of G), the problem to find a graph G such that G is a proper subgraph of G and G is a proper subgraph of G is known as "chordal graph sandwich problem" and is NP-hard. We show that if either G or G is chordal, we can solve the chordal graph sandwich prolem in polynomial time. Besides, we develop an algorithm for enumerating every graph G that is a subgraph of G and a super graph of G, under the condition that at least one of G and G is chordal. This result is a natural extension of our previous work [5].
  • Kiyomi Masashi, Uno Takeaki
    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2006(1) "S-39"-"S-40", Mar 8, 2006  
  • 清見礼, 宇野毅明, 松井知己
    第101回情報処理学会アルゴリズム研究会, 17-24, May, 2005  
  • 清見 礼, 宇野 毅明, 松井 知己
    日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会秋季研究発表会アブストラクト集, 2004 220-221, Sep 8, 2004  
  • Kiyomi Masashi, Matsui Tomomi
    RIMS Kokyuroku, 1185 100-108, Jan, 2001  

Books and Other Publications

  • 清見 礼 (Role: Contributor, 特集= 大学数学のキーポイント(前篇)アルゴリズム/情報数学の一例として pp.37-41)
    Mar, 2019

Research Projects
