理工学部 教授

Masako Asano

  (浅野 雅子)

Profile Information

Faculty of Science and Technology Department of Science and Technology , Seikei University

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  • Masako Asano, Mitsuhiro Kato
    Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, 2022(10), Sep 12, 2022  Peer-reviewed
    Abstract Covariant quantization of a multi-pronged open bosonic string junction is studied beyond static analysis. Its excited states are described by a set of ordinary bosons as well as some sets of twisted bosons on the worldsheet. The system is characterized by a certain large algebra of twisted type that includes a single Virasoro algebra as a subalgebra. By properly defining the physical states, one can show that there are no ghosts in the Hilbert space.
  • Masako Asano
    Journal of High Energy Physics, 1904(2019)(051), Apr, 2019  Peer-reviewed
  • Masako Asano, Mitsuhiro Kato
    NUCLEAR PHYSICS B, 910 178-198, Sep, 2016  Peer-reviewed
    We construct a class of quadratic gauge invariant actions for extended string fields defined on the tensor product of open superstring state space for multiple open string Neveu Schwarz (NS) sectors with or without one Ramond (R) sector. The basic idea is the same as for the bosonic extended string field theory developed by the authors [1]. The theory for NSn sector and NSn-1-R sector contains general n-th rank tensor fields and (n-1)-th rank spinor-tensor fields in the massless spectrum respectively. In principle, consistent gauge invariant actions for any generic type of 10-dimensional massive or massless tensor or spinor-tensor fields can be extracted from the theory. We discuss some simple examples of bosonic and fermionic massless actions. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
  • Masako Asano, Mitsuhiro Kato
    Nuclear Physics B, 877(3) 1107-1128, Dec 21, 2013  Peer-reviewed
    We propose a new gauge field theory which is an extension of ordinary string field theory by assembling multiple state spaces of the bosonic string. The theory includes higher-spin fields in its massless spectrum together with the infinite tower of massive fields. From the theory, we can easily extract the minimal gauge-invariant quadratic action for tensor fields with any symmetry. As examples, we explicitly derive the gauge-invariant actions for some simple mixed symmetric tensor fields. We also construct covariantly gauge-fixed action by extending the method developed for string field theory. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
  • Masako Asano
    NUCLEAR PHYSICS B, 868(1) 75-101, Mar, 2013  Peer-reviewed
    We propose a systematic procedure for extracting gauge invariant and gauge fixed actions for various higher-spin gauge field theories from covariant bosonic open string field theory. By identifying minimal gauge invariant part for the original free string field theory action, we explicitly construct a class of covariantly gauge fixed actions with BRST and anti-BRST invariance. By expanding the actions with respect to the level N of string states, the actions for various massive fields including higher-spin fields are systematically obtained. As illustrating examples, we explicitly investigate the level N <= 3 part and obtain the consistent actions for massive graviton field, massive 3rd rank symmetric tensor field, or anti-symmetric field. We also investigate the tensionless limit of the actions and explicitly derive the gauge invariant and gauge fixed actions for general rank n symmetric and anti-symmetric tensor fields. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.