The Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology, 57(4) 454-465, 2009
The first purpose of the present study was to investigate whether Japanese learners understood the usage of the passive voice in English. A preliminary study with 42 university students showed that the students did not have a sufficient understanding of the English passive voice. Based on those results, a new instructional method for teaching the passive voice was prepared, based on psychological theory. The new method was taught to 2 high school classes (n=68 students), while students in 2 other classes (n=67 students) were taught the passive voice by the method generally used in Japanese high school English classes. The new method was different from the traditional one as follows: (a) students were forced to realize that their knowledge about the passive voice was insufficient, (b) differences between the structure of English and Japanese sentences were explained, and (c) the method showed the students what experts were thinking while solving problems about the passive voice, so that the students could learn how to solve those problems. All participants were trained for an hour, and then took 2 posttests. On both tests, the 2 classes receiving the new instructional method performed better than the classes taught in the traditional way.