Curriculum Vitaes

Yukiko Nakano

  (中野 有紀子)

Profile Information

Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology Department of Science and Technology , Seikei University

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1990年東京大学大学院教育学研究科修士課程修了.同年,日本電信電話(株)入社.2002年 MIT Media Arts & Sciences修士課程修了.同年より JST社会技術研究開発センター専門研究員,東京農工大学大学院工学府特任准教授,成蹊大学理工学部情報科学科准教授を経て,現在,成蹊大学理工学部情報科学科教授.知的で自然なユーザインタフェースの実現に向けて,人との言語・非言語コミュニケーションが可能な会話エージェントの研究に従事.博士(情報理工学).ACM,人工知能学会,電子情報通信学会,情報処理学会各会員.




  • ITO Atsushi, SAKATO Tatsuya, NAKANO Yukiko, NIHEI Fumio, ISHII Ryo, FUKAYAMA Atsushi, NAKAMURA Takao
    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI, JSAI2022 3H3OS12a02-3H3OS12a02, 2022  
    Persuasiveness is an important communication skill in communicating with others. This study aims to estimate the persuasiveness of the participants in group discussions. First, human annotators rated the level of persuasiveness of each of four participants in group discussions. Next, GRU-based neural networks were used to create speech, verbal, and visual (head pose) encoders. The output from each encoder was combined to create a multimodal and multiparty model to estimate the persuasiveness of each participant. The experiment results showed that multimodal and multiparty models are better than unimodal and single-person models. The best performing multimodal multiparty model achieved 80% accuracy in predicting high/low persuasiveness, and 77% accuracy in predicting the most persuasive participant in the group.
  • 木村清也, ZHANG Qi, HUANG Hung-Hsuan, 岡田将吾, 林佑樹, 高瀬裕, 中野有紀子, 大田直樹, 桑原和宏
    人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM), 31st, 2017  
  • Yukiko I. Nakano, Roman Bednarik, Hung-Hsuan Huang, Kristiina Jokinen
    ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems, 6(1), Apr 21, 2016  
    Eye gaze has been used broadly in interactive intelligent systems. The research area has grown in recent years to cover emerging topics that go beyond the traditional focus on interaction between a single user and an interactive system. This special issue presents five articles that explore new directions of gaze-based interactive intelligent systems, ranging from communication robots in dyadic and multiparty conversations to a driving simulator that uses eye gaze evidence to critique learners' behavior.
  • 二瓶芙巳雄, 中野有紀子, 林佑樹, HUANG Hung-Hsuan, 岡田将吾
    情報処理学会全国大会講演論文集, 77th(1), 2015  
  • 八城美里, 池田直弥, 林佑樹, 中野有紀子
    第76回全国大会講演論文集, 2014(1) 273-274, Mar 11, 2014  
  • 二本柳咲子, 林佑樹, 中野有紀子
    第76回全国大会講演論文集, 2014(1) 227-228, Mar 11, 2014  
  • 齋藤直子, 岡田将吾, 新田克己, 林佑樹, 中野有紀子
    人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM), 28th, 2014  
  • 山内崇資, 林佑樹, 中野有紀子
    第75回全国大会講演論文集, 2013(1) 315-316, Mar 6, 2013  
    本研究ではTwitterを用いた新たなシーンインデキシング手法について提案する. Twitter内では,テレビを視聴しながらその番組に関するTweetをする人が多いため,それらのTweetを解析することで視聴者の感情の動きを抽出することができる.我々は既に,テレビ番組に関連したTweetを形態素解析し,形態素と感情極性を関連づけた辞書と照らし合わせ感情を推定する方法を提案してきた.本稿では,これに係り受け解析を導入することにより,感情を表現する形態素の周辺の係り受け関係を調べ,ユーザが自由に記述する文法ルールと照らし合わせて感情の重み付けを行う方法を提案する.さらに,これにより推定された感情をもとにシーンインデキシングを行う.
  • 野中裕子, 酒井洋一, 安田清, 林佑樹, 中野有紀子
    全国大会講演論文集, 2013(1) 179-181, Mar 6, 2013  
  • 馬場直哉, 黄宏軒, 林佑樹, 中野有紀子
    全国大会講演論文集, 2013(1) 181-183, Mar 6, 2013  
    本稿では,エージェント対二人のユーザとの三人会話において京都の観光案内を行う会話エージェントの実装について報告する.まずWOZ実験により会話コーパスを収集し,ドメインに対応した索引語・想定質問文を作成し,ユーザ発話のキーワード認識・言語理解機構を構築した.さらに,複数人ユーザ対エージェントとの会話では,発話が誰に向けられているかを判定したうえで,ターン交替の管理をすることが必要になるが,これについては,先行研究において提案した受話者推定方式により,ユーザの発話対象を推定することで,ターン制御を行った.また,会話の状態管理にはマルチモーダルInformation Stateを,また,状態遷移を用いた会話制御機構を実装した.
  • OOKO Ryota, ISHII Ryo, NAKANO Yukiko
    IEICE technical report, 111(190) 27-31, Aug 19, 2011  
    With the goal of building an intelligent conversational agent that can recognize user's engagement, this paper proposed a method of judging the user's conversational engagement based on the head pose data. First, we analyzed how head pose information is correlated with user's conversational engagement, and found that amplitude of head movement and rotation has positive moderate correlation with the level of conversational engagement. Then, we established an engagement estimation model by applying a decision tree learning algorithm to 19 parameters. As a result, it was revealed that the proposed model based on the head pose information performs quite well.
  • 馬場直哉, 黄宏軒, 中野有紀子
    第73回全国大会講演論文集, 2011(1) 169-170, Mar 2, 2011  
    複数人のユーザと会話エージェントによるグループ会話を実現するには、多人数で会話が交わされる中、<br />会話エージェントがいつ応答すべきかを適切に決定する必要がある.<br />そのためには,ユーザの発話が誰に向けられているのかを判断することが不可欠である.<br />そこで本研究では、音声のF0、音圧、話速、また、顔向き情報などの非言語情報について、<br />発話がエージェントに向けられている場合と他のユーザに向けられている場合の差異を分析した.<br />次に、その分析結果から有効な特徴量を選定し、決定木学習を行い、<br />音声情報のみで対エージェント発話を73%、対ユーザ発話を80%の精度で分類できることを確認した.<br />さらに、顔向き情報を追加した受話者の判定精度を評価するとともに、<br />会話エージェントへの実装方法について述べる.
  • 大古亮太, 中野有紀子
    第73回全国大会講演論文集, 2011(1) 171-172, Mar 2, 2011  
  • 小野 正貴, 中野 有紀子
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. NLC, 言語理解とコミュニケーション, 109(355) 213-218, Dec 14, 2009  
  • YOSHIDA Akihiko, NAKANO Yukiko, NAKAGAWA Masaki
    Human Interface, 11(5) 47-52, Nov 12, 2009  
  • 吉田 亮彦, 中野 有紀子, 中川 正樹
    情報処理学会研究報告. HCI, ヒューマンコンピュータインタラクション研究会報告, 2009(22) 1-6, Nov 5, 2009  
    This paper presents a method to combine a computer-displayed image with a camera-captured image of presenter&#039;s operation to the displayed image with the latter made semi-translucent and overplayed on the former so that viewers can see the former being operated the presenter without being hidden by his/her hand, pen or whatever else. A large interactive electronic whiteboard allows a presenter to directly point and directly manipulate an object as well as annotate on the display so that he/she can attract the attention to his hand, but his/her hand or body may hide the board. On the other ha...
  • YOSHIDA Akihiko, NAKANO Yukiko, NAKAGAWA Masaki
    2009(22) 1-6, Nov 5, 2009  
  • NAKANO Yukiko, Yukiko Nakano, Dept. of Computer and Information Science Faculty of Science and Technology Seikei University
    Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 24(6) 848-855, Nov 1, 2009  
  • 石井 亮, 中野 有紀子
    情報処理学会論文誌, 49(12) 3835-3846, Dec 15, 2008  
  • ENOMOTO Mika, NAKANO Yukiko
    J. SOFT, 20(4) 540-556, Aug 15, 2008  
    This paper reports empirical results showing the difference between human-human and human-artifact interactions, and proposes human interaction strategies that are useful in designing human-agents based on human behavioral models. Our empirical study uses a PC operation task as a corpus collection experiment, and reveals human-artifact interaction strategies by analyzing how verbal/nonverbal behaviors are allocated in human-human and human-artifact interactions. First, as basic characteristics in human-human and human-artifact conversations, we found that in human-artifact interactions, the number of utterances and frequency of acknowledgements and other responses are smaller than those in human-human conversations. Then, we propose human-human verbal/nonverbal behavior allocation rules, and examine how these rules are violated in human-artifact interactions, suggesting that these violations are complementary behaviors by the listener that displays understanding of the utterance to the speaker without using a verbal response.
  • ENOMOTO Mika, NAKANO Yukiko
    J. SOFT, 20(4) 540-556, Aug 15, 2008  
    This paper reports empirical results showing the difference between human-human and human-artifact interactions, and proposes human interaction strategies that are useful in designing human-agents based on human behavioral models. Our empirical study uses a PC operation task as a corpus collection experiment, and reveals human-artifact interaction strategies by analyzing how verbal/nonverbal behaviors are allocated in human-human and human-artifact interactions. First, as basic characteristics in human-human and human-artifact conversations, we found that in human-artifact interactions, the number of utterances and frequency of acknowledgements and other responses are smaller than those in human-human conversations. Then, we propose human-human verbal/nonverbal behavior allocation rules, and examine how these rules are violated in human-artifact interactions, suggesting that these violations are complementary behaviors by the listener that displays understanding of the utterance to the speaker without using a verbal response.
  • ENOMOTO Mika, NAKANO Yukiko
    J. SOFT, 20(4) 540-556, 2008  
    This paper reports empirical results showing the difference between human-human and human-artifact interactions, and proposes human interaction strategies that are useful in designing human-agents based on human behavioral models. Our empirical study uses a PC operation task as a corpus collection experiment, and reveals human-artifact interaction strategies by analyzing how verbal/nonverbal behaviors are allocated in human-human and human-artifact interactions. First, as basic characteristics in human-human and human-artifact conversations, we found that in human-artifact interactions, the number of utterances and frequency of acknowledgements and other responses are smaller than those in human-human conversations. Then, we propose human-human verbal/nonverbal behavior allocation rules, and examine how these rules are violated in human-artifact interactions, suggesting that these violations are complementary behaviors by the listener that displays understanding of the utterance to the speaker without using a verbal response.
  • NAKANO Yukiko, NISHIDA Toyoaki, Yukiko Nakano, Toyoaki Nishida, Igor S. Pandzic, Graduate School of Engineering Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Graduate School of Informatics Kyoto University, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing University of Zagreb Croatia
    Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 21(2) 150-155, Mar 1, 2006  
  • YI Nakano, T Murayama, D Kawahara, S Kurohashi, T Nishida
    This paper presents an embodied conversational agent (ECA) that presents multimedia contents. The system takes plain text as input, and automatically generates a presentation featured with an animated agent. It selects and generates appropriate gestures and facial expressions for a humanoid agent according to linguistic information in the text. As a component of the ECA systems we also present an agent animation system, RISA, which can draw animations of natural human behaviors on web-based applications.
  • KATO Tsuneaki, NAKANO Yukiko I., Tsuneaki Kato, Yukiko I. Nakano
    Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 14(3) 455-465, May 1, 1999  
  • KATO Tsuneaki, NAKANO Yukiko, Tsuneaki Kato, Yukiko I. Nakano
    Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 12(4) 627-634, Jul 1, 1997  

Research Projects
