
Atsuko Takano

  (高野 温子)

Profile Information

Professor, Institute of Natural and Environmental Sciences, University of Hyogo
主任研究員, 自然環境・評価研究部, 兵庫県立人と自然の博物館

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  • Sachiko Nishida, Atsuko Takano, Yoshihisa Suyama, Satoshi Kakishima
    Journal of Plant Research, Aug 30, 2024  Peer-reviewedLead author
    Abstract Reproductive interference, an interspecific interaction in reproductive process that exerts an adverse effect, has gained attention as a contributing factor in promoting exclusive distributions between closely related species. However, detailed studies on the possibility of reproductive interference between native plants are still lacking, presumably because strong reproductive interference can rapidly realize exclusive distributions, leaving the two species apparently independent. Salvia japonica and S. lutescens are found in separate localities at a small scale, although their distributions overlap at a large scale. We investigated the possibility of reproductive interference between them through field surveys, hand-pollination experiments, evaluation of hybrid fertility, cpDNA and nrDNA genotyping, and genome-wide DNA analysis. The field survey results did not reveal apparent negative interaction in competition for pollinator services. Mixed pollination with conspecific pollen and counterpart pollen reduced seed set in S. japonica, and hybrid progeny produced by mixed pollination were less than 20% as fertile compared to the pure species. The DNA genotyping results suggested the possibility of hybridization where their distributions overlap, and the genome-wide DNA analysis results showed clear genetic differentiation between the two species as well as the existence of hybrids. These results suggest that bi-directional reproductive interference between S. japonica and S. lutescens may have led to their present separated distributions at a small scale.
  • Jing‐Chen Yuan, Ang Liu, Atsuko Takano, Masayuki Maki, Richard G.J. Hodel, Ya‐Ping Chen, Chun‐Lei Xiang
    TAXON, Jun 26, 2024  Peer-reviewed
    Abstract Paraphlomideae (Lamioideae, Lamiaceae) is a recently established tribe endemic to East and Southeast Asia. It comprises three herbaceous genera: Paraphlomis, Matsumurella, and Ajugoides. Phylogenetic relationships among these genera have not yet been satisfactorily resolved and the monophyly of Paraphlomis was challenged in previous molecular phylogenetic studies. In this study, we performed maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference analyses on complete plastomes and nuclear ribosomal internal and external transcribed spacer sequences to further resolve the generic relationships within Paraphlomideae. All phylogenetic analyses support the monophyly of Paraphlomideae. Contrary to traditional classifications, both Ajugoides and Matsumurella were deeply nested within Paraphlomis, indicating the need to expand Paraphlomis to include Ajugoides and Matsumurella. Hence, six new combinations and one replacement name are proposed. Morphologically, species of the newly defined Paraphlomis share a rhizomatous or stoloniferous habit, plants with simple hairs, nutlets with a truncate apex, and actinomorphic calyces. In addition, widespread incongruence between nuclear and plastid trees may have been caused by hybridization and incomplete lineage sorting after rapid diversification in the re‐circumscribed Paraphlomis.
  • Atsuko Takano, Theodor C. H. Cole, Hajime Konagai
    Scientific Reports, 14(1), Jan 2, 2024  Peer-reviewedLead author
    Abstract Digital extraction of label data from natural history specimens along with more efficient procedures of data entry and processing is essential for improving documentation and global information availability. Herbaria have made great advances in this direction lately. In this study, using optical character recognition (OCR) and named entity recognition (NER) techniques, we have been able to make further advancements towards fully automatic extraction of label data from herbarium specimen images. This system can be developed and run on a consumer grade desktop computer with standard specifications, and can also be applied to extracting label data from diverse kinds of natural history specimens, such as those in entomological collections. This system can facilitate the digitization and publication of natural history museum specimens around the world.
  • Mei‐Zhen Wang, Jing Wu, Sheng‐Lu Zhang, Li‐Mi Mao, Tetsuo Ohi‐Toma, Atsuko Takano, Yong‐Hua Zhang, Kenneth M. Cameron, Pan Li
    Cladistics, Nov 20, 2023  Peer-reviewed
    Abstract Species delimitation has long been a subject of controversy, and there are many alternative concepts and approaches used to define species in plants. The genus Amana (Liliaceae), known as ”East Asian tulips” has a number of cryptic species and a huge genome size (1C = 21.48–57.35 pg). It also is intriguing how such a spring ephemeral genus thrives in subtropical areas. However, phylogenetic relationships and species delimitation within Amana are challenging. Here we included all species and 84 populations of Amana, which are collected throughout its distribution range. A variety of methods were used to clarify its species relationships based on a combination of morphological, ecological, genetic, evolutionary and phylogenetic species concepts. This evidence supports the recognition of at least 12 species in Amana. Moreover, we explored the complex evolutionary history within the genus and detected several historical hybridization and introgression events based on phylogenetic trees (transcriptomic and plastid), phylonetworks, admixture and ABBA‐BABA analyses. Morphological traits have undergone parallel evolution in the genus. This spring ephemeral genus might have originated from a temperate region, yet finally thrives in subtropical areas, and three hypotheses about its adaptive evolution are proposed for future testing. In addition, we propose a new species, Amana polymorpha, from eastern Zhejiang Province, China. This research also demonstrates that molecular evidence at the genome level (such as transcriptomes) has greatly improved the accuracy and reasonability of species delimitation and taxon classification.



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