Curriculum Vitaes

Sonoe Mashino

  (増野 園惠)

Profile Information

教授 (所長), 地域ケア開発研究所, 兵庫県立大学

Researcher number
researchmap Member ID




  • Kevin K. C. Hung, Makiko K. MacDermot, Theresa S. I. Hui, Suet Yi Chan, Sonoe Mashino, Catherine P. Y. Mok, Pak Ho Leung, Ryoma Kayano, Jonathan Abrahams, Chi Shing Wong, Emily Y. Y. Chan, Colin A. Graham
    Globalization and Health, 20(1), Feb 21, 2024  Peer-reviewed
    Abstract Background With the increasing threat of hazardous events at local, national, and global levels, an effective workforce for health emergency and disaster risk management (Health EDRM) in local, national, and international communities is urgently needed. However, there are no universally accepted competencies and curricula for Health EDRM. This study aimed to identify Health EDRM competencies and curricula worldwide using literature reviews and a cross-sectional survey. Methods Literature reviews in English and Japanese languages were performed. We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL (English), and the ICHUSHI (Japanese) databases for journal articles published between 1990 and 2020. Subsequently, a cross-sectional survey was sent to WHO Health EDRM Research Network members and other recommended experts in October 2021 to identify competency models and curricula not specified in the literature search. Results Nineteen studies from the searches were found to be relevant to Health EDRM competencies and curricula. Most of the competency models and curricula were from the US. The domains included knowledge and skills, emergency response systems (including incident management principles), communications, critical thinking, ethical and legal aspects, and managerial and leadership skills. The cross-sectional survey received 65 responses with an estimated response rate of 25%. Twenty-one competency models and 20 curricula for managers and frontline personnel were analyzed; managers' decision-making and leadership skills were considered essential. Conclusion An increased focus on decision-making and leadership skills should be included in Health EDRM competencies and curricula to strengthen the health workforce.
  • Sakiko Kanbara, Apsara Pandey, Sonoe Mashino
    The Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Global Applications to Advance Health Equity, 117-130, Aug 17, 2023  Peer-reviewedLast author
  • Megumi Ikemoto, Kaori Matsuo, Toyomitsu Tamura, Sonoe Mashino
    Global Health & Medicine, 5(3) 188-190, Jun 30, 2023  Peer-reviewedLast author
  • C Hayashi, S Ogata, H Toyoda, N Tanemura, T Okano, M Umeda, S Mashino
    Public Health, 217 196-204, Mar 11, 2023  Peer-reviewed
  • 佐々木 由佳, 原田 紀子, 能町 しのぶ, 松原 朋子, 三浦 智恵, 西村 佳子, 瀧 琴江, 角井 和代, 岡邑 和子, 工藤 美子, 増野 園惠
    兵庫県立大学地域ケア開発研究所研究活動報告集, 8 14-18, Mar, 2023  
  • Kevin K C Hung, Makiko K MacDermot, Emily Y Y Chan, Sonoe Mashino, Satchit Balsari, Gregory R Ciottone, Francesco Della Corte, Marcelo F Dell'Aringa, Shinichi Egawa, Bettina D Evio, Alexander Hart, Tadashi Ishii, Luca Ragazzoni, Hiroyuki Sasaki, Joseph Harold Walline, Chi S Wong, Saurabh Dalal, Ryoma Kayano, Jonathan Abrahams, Qudsia Huda, Colin A Graham
    Prehospital and disaster medicine, 37(6) 1-14, Nov 3, 2022  Peer-reviewed
    INTRODUCTION: Health workforce development is essential for achieving the goals of an effective health system, as well as establishing national Health Emergency and Disaster Risk Management (Health EDRM). STUDY OBJECTIVE: The objective of this Delphi consensus study was to identify strategic recommendations for strengthening the workforce for Health EDRM in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) and high-income countries (HIC). METHODS: A total of 31 international experts were asked to rate the level of importance (one being strongly unimportant to seven being strongly important) for 46 statements that contain recommendations for strengthening the workforce for Health EDRM. The experts were divided into a LMIC group and an HIC group. There were three rounds of rating, and statements that did not reach consensus (SD ≥ 1.0) proceeded to the next round for further ranking. RESULTS: In total, 44 statements from the LMIC group and 34 statements from the HIC group attained consensus and achieved high mean scores for importance (higher than five out of seven). The components of the World Health Organization (WHO) Health EDRM Framework with the highest number of recommendations were "Human Resources" (n = 15), "Planning and Coordination" (n = 7), and "Community Capacities for Health EDRM" (n = 6) in the LMIC group. "Policies, Strategies, and Legislation" (n = 7) and "Human Resources" (n = 7) were the components with the most recommendations for the HIC group. CONCLUSION: The expert panel provided a comprehensive list of important and actionable strategic recommendations on workforce development for Health EDRM.
  • 高田 大樹, 牛尾 裕子, 稲垣 真梨奈, 宮本 純子, 水川 真理子, 藤田 さやか, 増野 園恵
    地域保健, 53(6) 56-59, Nov, 2022  Peer-reviewed
  • Ye Tao, Tao Lin, Xianqiong Feng, Yongli Gao, Sonoe Mashino
    International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 80 103188-103188, Oct 1, 2022  Peer-reviewedLast author
  • Sonoe Mashino, Sheila Bonito, Yudi Ariesta Chandra, Kaori Matsuo, Qin Hu, Ye Tao, Eni Nuraini Agustini, Sushila Paudel, Sakiko Kanbara
    Sustainable Development Goals Series, 65-76, Apr 24, 2022  Peer-reviewedInvitedLead authorCorresponding author
  • Shiori Usami, Sonoe Mashino
    Journal of Japan Academy of Nursing Science, 41 373-381, Nov 6, 2021  Peer-reviewedLast author
  • Chisato Hayashi, Hiromitsu Toyoda, Soshiro Ogata, Tadashi Okano, Sonoe Mashino
    Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, 26(1) 105-105, Oct 10, 2021  Peer-reviewedLast author
    <title>Abstract</title><sec> <title>Background</title> How community-based group resistance exercises affect the transition from robustness to frailty remains unclear. Thus, we conducted a retrospective cohort study to determine whether the trajectory from robustness to frailty over age differed depending on the duration of participation in group exercises. </sec><sec> <title>Methods</title> We analyzed the Kihon Checklist (KCL) score of community-dwelling elderly residents of Sumoto city, Hyogo prefecture, who participated in community-based group resistance exercises between April 2010 and December 2019. Finally, 2567 older individuals were analyzed using multilevel modeling. The explanatory variables of interest were the frailty score measured using the KCL for each individual, where 0–3, 4–7, and ≥8 points denoted robustness, pre-frailty, and frailty, respectively. We considered age, sex, systolic blood pressure, pulse, duration of participation, and change in KCL score from baseline as possible confounders. Participants were classified as follows based on the duration of participation in the exercises: &lt;3 times, short-term participation group; 4–6 times; mid-term participation group; and 7–13 times, long-term participation group. The mean duration from the baseline physical test for the total sample was 2.35 years (SD=2.51). </sec><sec> <title>Results</title> The participants’ mean total KCL score at baseline was 4.9±3.7. Multilevel modeling analysis revealed that the KCL scores changed by 0.82 points for each additional year of age (<italic>p</italic>&lt;0.001) and changed by − 0.93 points for long-term participate group (<italic>p</italic>&lt;0.001). The Estimated Marginal Means (EMM) of the KCL score was 3.98 (95%CI: 3.69, 4.28) points in the short-term participation group and was significantly worse than that of the long-term participation group at 70 years of age (<italic>p</italic>=0.001). The EMM was 4.49 (95%CI: 4.24, 4.74) at 75 years of age in the mid-term participation group and was significantly worse than that of the long-term participation group. The EMM was 3.87 (95%CI: 3.57, 4.16) in the long-term participation group and significantly better than that of the short-term (<italic>p</italic>&lt;0.001) and mid-term (<italic>p</italic>=0.002) participation groups. </sec><sec> <title>Conclusion</title> Participation in community-based group resistance exercises prolongs the transition from robustness to frailty. The improved KCL scores at baseline in the long-term participation group remained in the robust range at 75 years of age, which suggests the importance of initiating participation before the onset of functional decline. </sec>
  • Disaster Recovery and Revitalization Review, 10(1) 27-32, Sep 11, 2021  Peer-reviewedInvitedLead author
  • Chisato Hayashi, Soshiro Ogata, Tadashi Okano, Hiromitsu Toyoda, Sonoe Mashino
    European review of aging and physical activity : official journal of the European Group for Research into Elderly and Physical Activity, 18(1) 6-6, May 28, 2021  Last author
    BACKGROUND: The effects of group exercise on the physical function of community-dwelling older adults remain unclear. The changes in lower extremity muscle strength, timed up and go (TUG) time, and the motor fitness scale (MFS), over time, among older adults who expressed a willingness to participate in community-based physical exercise groups, were determined using multilevel modelling. METHODS: We analyzed data of 2407 older adults between April 2010 and December 2019 from the registry of physical tests of community-based physical exercise groups. We conducted a retrospective cohort study to assess the effect of physical exercise on lower extremity muscle strength, TUG time, and MFS scores. The durations of the exercises were evaluated by frequency of physical test's participate. RESULTS: A deterioration in lower extremity muscle strength was found in the short-term participant group only. However, in the mid-term and long-term participation groups, lower extremity muscle strength showed a trend of improvement. The TUG time and the MFS score were negatively correlated with increasing age in both groups divided by the duration of participation. However, there was a slower rate of deterioration in the long-term participation group. DISCUSSION: Lower extremity muscle strength, TUG time, and MFS scores decline with increasing age and there were differences in the slope of deterioration that depended on the duration of participation in community-based group exercise. CONCLUSION: Participation in group exercise improved lower extremity muscle strength, TUG time, and MFS scores of older adults living in a community. The positive effects of group exercise were dependent on long-term participation.
  • 李 錦純, 山本 大祐, 真鍋 雅史, 増野 園惠, 木村 真, 牛尾 裕子, 森 菊子
    厚生の指標, 68(4) 17-24, Apr, 2021  
    目的 人口減少と高齢化が進む中山間地域在住高齢者における訪問看護に対する認知度を把握し,関連する項目について明らかにすることで,在宅医療人材不足が深刻な地域における,訪問看護の適正利用の促進と在宅ケア体制の整備に向けて,訪問看護に対する住民ニーズを探索する上での基礎資料とすることを目的とした。方法 中山間地域であるA県北部の二次医療圏B地域の5市町在住の65歳以上の元気〜虚弱高齢者を対象に,無記名自記式質問紙調査を実施した。質問項目は,訪問看護の認知度に関する項目(名称・サービス内容・サービス内容別認知度),基本属性,介護保険サービス利用に関する項目,健康要因に関する項目,社会関係要因に関する項目とした。訪問看護のサービス内容認知度と各項目との単変量解析およびロジスティック回帰分析により関連する項目について分析した。結果 578件の有効回答のうち(有効回答率60.0%),訪問看護の名称は526人(91.0%)が認知していたが,サービス内容については375名(64.9%)の認知度であった。内容別では,「療養上の世話」(73.0%),「病状の観察」(64.0%)の順に認知度が高い反面,「精神障がい者の看護」(19.9%)と「ターミナルケア」(27.2%)の認知度が低かった。訪問看護サービス内容認知度の有無を従属変数としたロジスティック回帰分析では,訪問リハビリテーションの認知度と,別居家族・親族とのソーシャルサポートが有意に影響していた。結論 訪問看護サービスの内容別の認知度に差があり,認知度が低いながら社会的要請が高い精神障がい者やターミナルケアに対する訪問看護の意義と,地域住民へもたらす価値をいかに可視化し伝えていくかが課題として示された。訪問看護のサービス内容認知度には訪問リハビリテーションの認知度と別居家族・親族のソーシャルサポートが影響しており,背景として,訪問リハビリテーションを普及促進している地域医療体制の後押しによる住民ニーズの高まりと,地元を離れた別居家族の介護参加のあり方の一端がうかがえた。訪問看護サービスの具体的な内容の認知度向上により,地域住民の潜在ニーズの発掘と適正利用につながることから,リハビリテーション専門職とのさらなる連携強化と,別居家族・親族による介護体制の特徴を加味した情報発信上の工夫が必要である。(著者抄録)
  • Kevin K C Hung, Sonoe Mashino, Emily Y Y Chan, Makiko K MacDermot, Satchit Balsari, Gregory R Ciottone, Francesco Della Corte, Marcelo F Dell'Aringa, Shinichi Egawa, Bettina D Evio, Alexander Hart, Hai Hu, Tadashi Ishii, Luca Ragazzoni, Hiroyuki Sasaki, Joseph H Walline, Chi S Wong, Hari K Bhattarai, Saurabh Dalal, Ryoma Kayano, Jonathan Abrahams, Colin A Graham
    International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(7), Mar 24, 2021  
    The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 placed human health at the centre of disaster risk reduction, calling for the global community to enhance local and national health emergency and disaster risk management (Health EDRM). The Health EDRM Framework, published in 2019, describes the functions required for comprehensive disaster risk management across prevention, preparedness, readiness, response, and recovery to improve the resilience and health security of communities, countries, and health systems. Evidence-based Health EDRM workforce development is vital. However, there are still significant gaps in the evidence identifying common competencies for training and education programmes, and the clarification of strategies for workforce retention, motivation, deployment, and coordination. Initiated in June 2020, this project includes literature reviews, case studies, and an expert consensus (modified Delphi) study. Literature reviews in English, Japanese, and Chinese aim to identify research gaps and explore core competencies for Health EDRM workforce training. Thirteen Health EDRM related case studies from six WHO regions will illustrate best practices (and pitfalls) and inform the consensus study. Consensus will be sought from global experts in emergency and disaster medicine, nursing, public health and related disciplines. Recommendations for developing effective health workforce strategies for low- and middle-income countries and high-income countries will then be disseminated.
  • Sue Kim, Tae Wha Lee, Gwang Suk Kim, Eunhee Cho, Yeonsoo Jang, Mona Choi, Seoyoung Baek, David Lindsay, Sally Chan, Regina L T Lee, Aimin Guo, Frances Kam Yuet Wong, Doris Yu, Sek Ying Chair, Yoko Shimpuku, Sonoe Mashino, Gigi Lim, Sheila Bonito, Michele Rumsey, Amanda Neill, Indrajit Hazarika
    Human resources for health, 19(1) 19-19, Feb 15, 2021  
    BACKGROUND: The Western Pacific region constitutes one-quarter of the world's population and has diverse health needs. While dialogue on and promotion of advanced practice nurses are ongoing, this study investigated the current responsibilities of nurses in advanced roles, future healthcare needs, and the implications of these components for nurses' professional development within the Western Pacific region. METHODS: This study employed three phases, a descriptive survey on the current status of nurses in advanced roles in the Western Pacific region, followed by a Delphi survey, and exploratory interviews. A total of 55 national experts with clinical, academic, and/or government-related backgrounds from 18 countries participated from December 2017 - December 2018. The descriptive survey via email to identify the status of nurses in advanced roles and a working definition was developed. This formed the basis for the Delphi survey, which identified key barriers and challenges for enhancing the development of nurses in advanced roles within the country (round 1) and for the region (rounds 2 and 3). Lastly, semi-structured individual interviews were conducted to identify strategies for establishing nurses in advanced roles to improve equitable access to healthcare. RESULTS: Thirty-seven roles and characteristics were identified and categorized for nurses performing advanced roles. Emergency care, critical care, elderly health, child health, and rural/remote communities were identified as fields with particular need for nurses in advanced roles in the Western Pacific region. Providing effective services, influencing government leadership, and advocating for health system sustainability were deemed necessary to improve equitable healthcare access. We found that nurses in advanced roles are not limited to clinical tasks within the hospital but are poised for active participation in primary healthcare, education/teaching, professional leadership, quality management, and research. CONCLUSIONS: Demand for nurses in advanced roles is high in the Western Pacific region and 15 items were identified across five core strategic areas to enhance development of nurses in advanced roles. Governmental-level recommendations include establishing legislative protection, improving systems for remuneration, strengthening supportive channels, and conducting national needs assessments.
  • Maki Umeda, Rie Chiba, Mie Sasaki, Eni Nuraini Agustini, Sonoe Mashino
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(6) 2011-2011, Mar 18, 2020  Peer-reviewedLast author
    Little scientific evidence exists on ways to decrease the psychological stress experienced by disaster responders, or how to maintain and improve their mental health. In an effort to grasp the current state of research, we examined research papers, agency reports, the manuals of aid organisations, and educational materials, in both English and Japanese. Using MEDLINE, Ichushi-Web (Japanese search engine), Google Scholar, websites of the United Nations agencies, and the database of the Grants System for Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare, 71 pertinent materials were identified, 49 of which were analysed. As a result, 55 actions were extracted that could potentially protect and improve the mental health of disaster responders, leading to specific recommendations. These include (1) during the pre-activity phase, enabling responders to anticipate stressful situations at a disaster site and preparing them to monitor their stress level; (2) during the activity phase, engaging in preventive measures against on-site stress; (3) using external professional support when the level of stress is excessive; and (4) after the disaster response, getting back to routines, sharing of experiences, and long-term follow-up. Our results highlighted the need to offer psychological support to disaster responders throughout the various phases of their duties.
  • Sonoe Mashino
    LINK MAGAZINE, 2019 5-6, Jun, 2019  InvitedLead author
  • Mélissa Généreux, Philip J. Schluter, Sho Takahashi, Shiori Usami, Sonoe Mashino, Ryoma Kayano, Yoshiharu Kim
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(8) 1309-1309, Apr 12, 2019  Peer-reviewed
    Emergencies and disasters typically affect entire communities, cause substantial losses and disruption, and result in a significant and persistent mental health burden. There is currently a paucity of evidence on safe and effective individual- and community-level strategies for improving mental health before, during, and after such events. In October 2018, the World Health Organization (WHO) Centre for Health Development (WHO Kobe Centre) convened a meeting bringing together leading Asia Pacific and international disaster research experts. The expert meeting identified key research needs in five major areas, one being “Psychosocial management before, during, and after emergencies and disasters”. Experts for this research area identified critical gaps in observational research (i.e., the monitoring of long-term psychological consequences) and interventional research (i.e., the development and evaluation of individual- and community-level interventions). Three key research issues were identified. First, experts underscored the need for a standardized and psychometrically robust instrument that classified the mental health/psychosocial risk of people within both a clinical and community setting. Then, the need for a standardization of methods for prevention, screening, diagnosis, and treatment for affected people was highlighted. Finally, experts called for a better identification of before, during, and after emergency or disaster assets associated with greater community resilience.
  • 佐々木 美絵, 市川 学, 梅田 麻希, 増野 園惠
    兵庫県立大学地域ケア開発研究所研究活動報告集, 4 45-52, Mar, 2019  
  • 牛尾 裕子, 森 菊子, 増野 園恵, 李 錦純, 山本 大祐, 木村 真, 真鍋 雅史, 細川 裕平, 太田 都
    兵庫県立大学看護学部・地域ケア開発研究所紀要, 26 15-24, Mar, 2019  Peer-reviewed
  • Glauberman, G., Sonoe Mashino, Qureshi, K.
    Health Emergency & Disaster Nursing, 6 35-42, 2019  Peer-reviewedCorresponding author
  • 李 錦純, 山本 大祐, 牛尾 裕子, 森 菊子, 増野 園惠, 細川 裕平
    兵庫県立大学看護学部・地域ケア開発研究所紀要, 23 89-103, Mar, 2016  Peer-reviewed
  • 増野 園惠
    看護研究, 49(2) 104-113, 2016  Lead author
  • Sonoe Mashino
    Crisis Response Journal, 11(3) 54-55, 2016  Peer-reviewedLead author
  • 藤原史博, 楢原理恵, 増野 園惠
    近大姫路大学看護学部紀要, 5 57-67, 2013  Peer-reviewedLast author
  • 小西美和子, 永島美香, 藤原史博, 堀理江, 岡谷恵子, 増野 園惠
    近大姫路大学看護学部紀要, 5(5) 41-48, 2013  Peer-reviewedLast author
  • 増野 園惠
    兵庫県立大学看護学部・地域ケア開発研究所紀要, 20 1-14, 2013  Peer-reviewedLead author
  • 増野 園惠
    近大姫路大学看護学部紀要, 3 1-7, 2011  Peer-reviewedLead author
  • 小西美和子, 増野園惠, 永島美香, 竹本敬子, 笹谷孝子, 藤田敦子, 戸田登美子
    近大姫路大学看護学部紀要, (2) 75-79, Mar, 2010  Peer-reviewedCorresponding author
  • 増野園惠, 小西美和子, 永島美香, 竹本敬子, 笹谷孝子, 藤田敦子, 戸田登美子
    近大姫路大学看護学部紀要, (2) 31-39, Mar, 2010  Peer-reviewedLead author
  • 増野園惠
    看護研究, 40(7) 613-619, Dec, 2007  Lead author
  • Journal of Japan Society of Disaster Nursing, 8(3) 21-30, May, 2007  Peer-reviewedCorresponding author
  • 奥野信行, 増野園惠, 大島理恵子, 渡邊智恵, 鵜山治, 南裕子, 山本あい子
    日本災害看護学会誌, 8(2) 41-52, Dec, 2006  Peer-reviewedCorresponding author
  • 三木真由美, 大川順子, 高井裕美, 足立洋子, 顕谷美恵子, 大下ひろみ, 山本孝子, ウィリアムソン彰子, 増野 園恵
    日本看護学会論文集:看護管理, 36 353-355, Mar, 2006  Peer-reviewedCorresponding author
  • 増野 園惠, ウィリアムソン彰子, 藤原裕美子
    兵庫県立大学看護学部紀要, 13 39-47, 2006  Peer-reviewedLead author
  • パトリシア・アンダーウッド, ウィリアムソン彰子, 増野園惠
    日本災害看護学会誌, 7(2) 23-30, Dec, 2005  Last author
  • 金井Pak雅子, 藤原裕美子, 伊豆上智子, 増野 園惠, 遠藤和子, 角田由佳
    看護研究, 38(4) 305-310, 2005  Corresponding author
  • 伊豆上智子, 金井Pak雅子, 藤原裕美子, 遠藤和子, 増野 園惠, 角田由佳
    看護研究, 38(4) 295-503, 2005  Corresponding author
  • 藤原裕美子, 増野 園惠, 角田由佳, 伊豆上智子, 遠藤和子
    看護研究, 38(4) 269-280, 2005  Corresponding author
  • 山本あい子, 増野 園惠, 津田万寿美, 中西睦子, 安藤幸子, 山田覚
    日本災害看護学会誌, 6(3) 15-29, 2005  Peer-reviewedCorresponding author
  • 小原真理子, 井伊久美子, 増野 園惠
    日本災害看護学会誌, 6(2) 21-30, 2004  Peer-reviewedLast author
  • 江角美紀恵, 坂本理郎, 檜垣美香子, 田村香代美, 村居千絵, 石谷明子, 増野 園惠, 藤原裕美子
    看護管理, 14(8) 642-646, 2004  Corresponding author
  • 檜垣美香子, 田村香代美, 増野 園惠, 藤原裕美子
    看護管理, 14(8) 637-641, 2004  Corresponding author
  • 金井Pak雅子, 藤原裕美子, 遠藤和子, 増野 園惠, 伊豆上智子, 角田由佳
    インターナショナルナーシングレビュー, 116 76-81, 2004  Corresponding author



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