
筒井 孝子

ツツイ タカコ  (Takako Tsutsui)


兵庫県立大学 社会科学研究科 教授





  • Jungsoo Yoon, Takako Tsutsui, Sadanori Higashino, Nozomi Nakajima, Kazuo Nakajima
    International Journal of Welfare for the Aged A Samuel Journal 21 3-24 2009年12月  査読有り
  • 宮野 尚哉, 筒井 孝子
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. NLP, 非線形問題 109(269) 91-95 2009年11月4日  査読有り
  • 原祥子, 實金栄, 太湯好子, 中嶋和夫, 小野光美, 沖中由美, 筒井孝子, 小山秀夫
    介護経営 4(1) 15-23 2009年11月  査読有り
  • 東野定律, 筒井孝子, 山内康弘, 大夛賀政昭, 大夛賀政昭, 松繁卓哉
    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集 68th 431-431 2009年10月15日  査読有り
  • 筒井孝子, 東野定律, 大夛賀政昭, 大夛賀政昭, 山内康弘, 松繁卓哉
    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集 68th 432-432 2009年10月15日  査読有り
  • 大夛賀 政昭, 東野 定律, 山内 康弘, 筒井 孝子, 松繁 卓哉
    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集 68回 499-499 2009年10月  査読有り
  • 松繁 卓哉, 筒井 孝子, 東野 定律, 大夛賀 政昭, 山内 康弘
    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集 68回 499-499 2009年10月  査読有り
  • 山内 康弘, 大夛賀 政昭, 筒井 孝子, 東野 定律, 松繁 卓哉
    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集 68回 499-499 2009年10月  査読有り
  • 榎本 みのり, 樋口 重和, 有竹 清夏, 筒井 孝子, 東野 定律, 大多賀 政昭, 肥田 昌子, 田村 美由紀, 松浦 雅人, 高橋 清久, 三島 和夫
    不眠研究 2009 67-69 2009年9月  
  • 宮野 尚哉, 筒井 孝子
    電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会講演論文集 2009 38-38 2009年9月1日  査読有り
  • Rosanne Burton-Smith, Keith R. McVilly, Marie Yazbeck, Trevor R. Parmenter, Takako Tsutsui
    As part of an international, multicentered project, the burden of care, health, and subjective well-being experienced by select Australian family carers supporting a relative with disability at home were investigated. Some 448 family carers residing in New South Wales and Tasmania completed a battery of instruments, including a self-report demographic survey, the Family Caregiver Burden Inventory, the General Health Questionnaire, and the Personal Wellbeing Index. Respondents were predominantly females (mean age = 48 years), married, and supporting a son or daughter with an intellectual disability (mean age = 18 years). Although caring for their family member was not perceived to be a burden, respondents reported notable limitations on their social networks and social activities. They reported higher levels of unemployment than would be expected for the general population and were over represented in lower income groups. They reported seriously low levels of mental health and personal well-being when compared with the general population. The findings revealed that this group of family carers were at high risk of social and economic disadvantage and at high risk of mental health challenges. Social policy makers and service providers should take these factors into account, both in the interests of promoting the health and well-being of the carers and considering the long-term needs of family members with disability who rely on family carers for daily support when designing services.
  • 筒井 澄栄, 中井 俊雄, 本田 由美子, 葛原 江利子, 彼宗 千恵, 大柳 堅司, 下川 浩幸, 安井 リカ, 筒井 孝子
    保健医療科学 58(2) 94-101 2009年6月  査読有り
  • 筒井 澄栄, 本田 由美子, 葛原 江利子, 彼宗 千恵, 大柳 堅司, 下川 浩幸, 安井 リカ, 中井 俊雄, 大夛賀 政昭, 松繁 卓哉, 筒井 孝子
    保健医療科学 58(2) 102-106 2009年6月  査読有り
  • 松繁 卓哉, 筒井 孝子
    保健医療科学 58(2) 90-93 2009年6月  
    日本における地域包括ケアのシステム構築の取り組みは,2006年の介護保険制度改革において本格化した.そこでは基本理念として「自己選択」「利用者本位」「地域ケア」が掲げられているが,諸外国においても同様の理念を掲げる地域包括ケア構想を見ることができる.例えばイギリスでは,1997年のブレア労働党政権発足以来,`choice'`self care'`community based services'などのコンセプトを持つ地域包括ケアシステムづくりが進められてきた.本稿は,持続可能な介護サービスの供給体制としての地域ケアシステムについての今後の検討の一助とすべく,イギリスにおける地域包括ケアの取り組み,とりわけ`self care'という概念に着目し,その点において日英の地域包括ケアシステム構築について再考することを目的とした.イギリスの地域包括ケアでは,ケアサービスの取捨選択をめぐって,その責任主体・行為主体として利用者が位置づけられている点に特質がある.このセルフケア路線を補強すべく各種の保健医療福祉のプログラムが整えられてきており,そのうちの最大規模を持つものの一つがExpert Patients Programme(EPP)である.EPPは,慢性症状のある者を対象に,運営・指導すべての業務が慢性症状を持つ人々によって担われる`lay led'(非専門家主導)であり,この点においても徹底した「自己管理」「自己決定」というネオ・リベラリズムを土台とするセルフケア特性が見られる.日本では,2006年の介護保険制度改革以降,加速する公助志向に対してブレーキがかけられ,地域において何らかの形式による「自助」が構想されなければならなくなっている.また,増大する公助においては,fairnessの維持の面でも問題が出てきている.イギリス式の高齢者に対しても徹底した自己責任を投げかけるシステムが,どの程度日本社会にフィットするのか.多くのことが明らかになっていないが,まずは国家間の文化的・構造的相違点を考慮した上で,わが国の「自助」あるいは「互助」構想が検討されなければならない.
  • 榎本みのり, 有竹清夏, 筒井孝子, 東野定律, 大多賀政昭, 松浦雅人, 樋口重和, 三島和夫
    国立精神・神経センター精神保健研究所年報 (21) 252-252 2009年3月31日  査読有り
  • 榎本みのり, 有竹清夏, 筒井孝子, 東野定律, 大多賀政昭, 松浦雅人, 樋口重和, 三島和夫
    国立精神・神経センター精神保健研究所年報 (21) 139-140 2009年3月31日  査読有り
  • 宮野 尚哉, 筒井 孝子
    電子情報通信学会総合大会講演論文集 2009 89-89 2009年3月4日  査読有り
  • 大夛賀政昭, 東野定律, 筒井孝子
    福祉情報研究 5 16-31 2009年  査読有り
  • 東野定律, 張英恩, 金貞淑, 尹靖水, 筒井孝子, 中嶋和夫, 小山秀夫
    介護経営 4(1) 24-34 2009年  査読有り
  • Rosanne Burton-Smith, Keith R. McVilly, Marie Yazbeck, Trevor R. Parmenter, Takako Tsutsui
    Background As part of an international, multicentre project, the service and support needs of Australian family carers were investigated. Method A sample of 1,390, 448 family carers completed a self-report survey, including an adaptation of the Family Needs Survey (FNS) and several open-ended questions. A mixed method design was used, employing quantitative and qualitative analyses. Results On the FNS the most frequently endorsed items were those relating to the need for information about services and, in particular, future, out-of-home accommodation. Similarly, the need for respite services was endorsed by over 80% of respondents. Comments indicated that access to and the quality of respite, day support, and therapy programs were a priority. Conclusions Participants expressed the need for greater access to information. Access to appropriate respite options, together with quality day support and therapy services, remain a priority for family carers.
  • Takaya Miyano, Takako Tsutsui
    We have recently developed a method for feature extraction from multivariate data using an analogue of Kuramoto's dynamics for modeling collective synchronization in a network of coupled phase oscillators. In our method, which we call data synchronization, phase oscillators carrying multivariate data in their natural and updated rhythms achieve partial synchronizations. Their common rhythms are interpreted as the template vectors representing the general features of the data set. In this study, we discuss the link of data synchronization to the self-organizing map algorithm as a popular method for data mining and show through numerical experiments how our method can overcome the disadvantages of the self-organizing map algorithm in that unintentional selections of inappropriate reference vectors lead to false feature patterns.
  • 筒井孝子, 東野定律, 柳漢守, 尹靖水, 筒井澄栄, 大夛賀政昭, 桐野匡史, 中嶋和夫, 小山秀夫
    介護経営 3(1) 2-9 2008年11月  査読有り
  • Takaya Miyano, Takako Tsutsui
    We developed a method for extracting feature patterns from multivariate data using a network of coupled phase oscillators subject to an analogue of the Kuramoto model for collective synchronization. Our method may be called data synchronization. We applied data synchronization to the care-needs-certification data, provided by Otsu City as a historical old city near Kyoto City, in the Japanese public long-term care insurance program to find the trend of the major patterns of the aging process for elderly people needing nursing care.
  • Takaya Miyano, Takako Tsutsui
    PHYSICAL REVIEW E 77(2) 026112 2008年2月  査読有り
    We propose a method for extracting general features from multivariate data using a network of phase oscillators subject to an analogue of the Kuramoto model for collective synchronization. In this method, the natural frequencies of the oscillators are extended to vector quantities to which multivariate data are assigned. The common frequency vectors of the groups of partially synchronized oscillators are interpreted to be the template vectors representing the general features of the data set. We show that the proposed method becomes equivalent to the self-organizing map algorithm devised by Kohonen when the governing equations are linearized about their solutions of partial synchronization. As a case study to test the utility of our method, we applied it to care-needs-certification data in the Japanese public long-term care insurance program, and found major general patterns in the health status of the elderly needing nursing care.
  • 筒井 孝子, 東野 定律
    日本医療・病院管理学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society for Healthcare administration 45(1) 37-48 2008年1月1日  査読有り
  • 筒井 孝子, 東野 定律, 大夛賀 政昭, 筒井 澄栄, 桐野 匡文, 中嶋 和夫
    日本保健科学学会誌 11(3) 103-114 2008年  査読有り
  • Yoshitaka Kaneita, Makoto Uchiyama, Shinji Takemura, Eise Yokoyama, Takeo Miyake, Satoru Harano, Takami Asai, Takako Tsutsui, Akiyo Kaneko, Hiromi Nakamura, Takashi Ohida
    SLEEP MEDICINE 8(7-8) 723-732 2007年11月  査読有り
    Objective: The present study was conducted to clarify the prevalence of the use of alcohol and hypnotic medication as sleep aids, and associated factors, in the general population in Japan. Methods: The survey was conducted in June 2000, using self-administered questionnaires, targeting a population that was selected randomly from among 300 communities throughout Japan. A total of 18,205 responses indicating alcohol use and 16,804 responses indicating hypnotic medication use were analyzed. Results: The prevalence of alcohol use as a sleep aid one or more times per week was 48.3% among men and 18.3% among women. The prevalence of the use of hypnotic medication one or more times per week was 4.3% among men and 5.9% among women. The prevalence of alcohol used as a sleep aid increased gradually for men and women up to age 55-59 years and 40-44 years, respectively, and then declined with increasing age thereafter. The prevalence of the use of hypnotic medication among both men and women showed a trend toward a gradual increase with age. The use of alcohol as a sleep aid was associated with "difficulty maintaining sleep," but no such problem was associated with the use of hypnotic medication. Conclusions: Alcohol is a more popular sleep aid than hypnotic medication. The factors associated with the use of alcohol and of hypnotic medication are different. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • 筒井 孝子
    厚生の指標 54(11) 23-30 2007年10月  査読有り
  • Takako Tsutsui, Naoko Muramatsu
    JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN GERIATRICS SOCIETY 55(9) 1458-1463 2007年9月  査読有り
    Japan implemented a mandatory social long-term care insurance (LTCI) system in 2000, making long-term care services a universal entitlement for every senior. Although this system has grown rapidly, reflecting its popularity among seniors and their families, it faces several challenges, including skyrocketing costs. This article describes the recent reform initiated by the Japanese government to simultaneously contain costs and realize a long-term vision of creating a community-based, prevention-oriented long-term care system. The reform involves introduction of two major elements: "hotel" and meal charges for nursing home residents and new preventive benefits. They were intended to reduce economic incentives for institutionalization, dampen provider-induced demand, and prevent seniors from being dependent by intervening while their need levels are still low. The ongoing LTCI reform should be critically evaluated against the government's policy intentions as well as its effect on seniors, their families, and society. The story of this reform is instructive for other countries striving to develop coherent, politically acceptable long-term care policies.
  • Yoshitaka Kaneita, Sone Tomofumi, Shinji Takemura, Kenshu Suzuki, Eise Yokoyama, Takeo Miyake, Satoru Harano, Eiji Ibuka, Akiyo Kaneko, Takako Tsutsui, Takashi Ohida
    PREVENTIVE MEDICINE 45(1) 15-20 2007年7月  査読有り
    Objective. This study was conducted to estimate the prevalence of smoking among pregnant women living in Japan and to analyze the factors associated with their smoking behavior. Method. Five hundred institutions with maternity services were randomly sampled from a list of the Japan Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Of these institutions, 260 participated in the survey which was conducted in February 2002. Using a self-reported anonymous questionnaire, a survey on smoking behavior, drinking behavior and sleep status was conducted on pregnant women. Chi-square tests and logistic regression analyses were used to examine the factors associated with their smoking behavior. Results. Data were obtained from a total of 16,414 pregnant women. The prevalence of smoking during pregnancy was 9.9% [95% confidence interval (CI) 9.4%, 10.4%]. The quit rate of smoking among pregnant woman was 61.9% [95% Cl 60.4%, 63.4%]. The odds ratios for smoking during pregnancy were significantly higher in women with relatively young age, less schooling, multiparous, exposure to passive smoking, short sleep duration and in women who drank. Conclusion. Smoking among pregnant women remains an important public health problem in Japan. It is necessary to promote antismoking measures based on the results of this study. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Yuki Yajima, Takako Tsutsui, Kazuo Nakajima, Hui Ying Li, Tomoko Takigawa, Da Hong Wang, Keiki Ogino
    Acta Medica Okayama 61(2) 71-80 2007年4月  査読有り
    The purpose of the study was to investigate the over-time effects of physical, psychological and social resources on the incidence of depression in family caregivers of the disabled elderly. Data were collected twice at a one-year interval from 1,141 primary caregivers of a disabled older person in an urban area of Japan using a self-reported questionnaire survey. The questionnaire included physical health as an indicator of physical resources, caregiving satisfaction and intention to care as indicators of psychological resources, and instrumental and emotional support network and formal home care service utilization as indicators of social resources. The mental health outcome measure was the General Health Questionnaire 12-item version (GHQ-12). Complete data on 235 non-depressed female caregivers were separated into 3 groups according to the relationship type (wife, daughter and daughter-in-law) and analyzed separately. Multivariate logistic regression models controlling for duration of caregiving, care-recipient's gender, ADL dependency and behavioral problems demonstrated that significant predictors of depression were caregiving satisfaction and intention to care in wives, caregiving satisfaction in daughters, and physical health and emotional support network in daughters-in-law. Noteworthy, intention to care increased the risk of depression in wives, while decreasing the risk of depression in daughters-in-law. The findings indicate that the effects of care-givers' resources on mental health may differ by relationship type. Copyright© 2007 by Okayama University Medical School.
  • 筒井孝子, 嶋森好子, 田中彰子, 山内豊明, 斎藤訓子, 東野定律, 秋山智弥
    平成18年度厚生労働省保健局医療課委託事業 急性期入院医療における看護職員配置と看護必要度に関する実態調査報告書 1-106 2007年3月  査読有り
  • 宮野 尚哉, 筒井 孝子
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. NLP, 非線形問題 106(573) 31-35 2007年2月26日  査読有り
  • Takaya Miyano, Takako Tsutsui
    We devised a method for data mining from multivariate data using a network of coupled phase oscillators subject to an analogue of the Kuramoto model for collective synchronization. In our method, the natural frequencies of the phase oscillators are extended to vector quantities to which multivaxiate data are assigned. The common frequency vectors of partially synchronized groups of phase oscillators are interpreted to be the template vectors representing the major features of the data set. We applied our method to care-needs-certification data in the Japanese public long-term care insurance program, and extracted major patterns in the health status of the elderly needing nursing care and their dependence on the model parameter representing the level of coarsegraining for data clustering.
  • 柳 漢守, 桐野 匡史, 金 貞淑, 尹 靖水, 筒井 孝子, 中嶋 和夫
    日本保健科学学会誌 10(1) 15-22 2007年  査読有り
  • Takaya Miyano, Takako Tsutsui
    PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 98(2) 024102 2007年1月  査読有り
    We devised a new method of data mining for a large-scale database. In the method, a network of locally coupled phase oscillators subject to Kuramoto's model substitutes for given multivariate data to generate major features through phase locking of the oscillators, i.e., phase transition of the data set. We applied the method to the national database of care needs certification for the Japanese public long-term care insurance program, and found three major patterns in the aging process of the frail elderly. This work revealed the latent utility of Kuramoto's model for data processing.
  • 筒井 孝子, 東野 定律
    日本公衆衛生雑誌 = JAPANESE JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 53(10) 762-776 2006年10月15日  査読有り
    目的&emsp;本研究では,保健師が連携業務を促進するための能力形成に関する方法論を検討するために,第 1 に,全国すべての市区町村保健師(以下,保健師と略す)を対象とし,彼らの連携実態を把握すること。第 2 に,連携をしている保健師と連携をしていない保健師の個人的要因や業務の特徴を明らかにすることを目的とした。<br/>方法&emsp;調査の実施に先立ち,全国3,190市区町村に対して所属する保健師の所属部署を把握するための事前調査を実施し,保健師人数および勤務場所等の実態を把握した。次に,事前調査で把握された全国の市区町村保健師21,631人に対する郵送法による質問紙調査を実施した。調査期間は2003年12月から2004年 8 月までであった。<br/>&emsp;なお調査項目の内容は,「保健師の性別,年齢,職位,最終学歴,総勤務年数,現在の所属機関での勤務年数,所属部署,業務の種類,実施の状況,連携および連携している機関,専門職等の状況,連携評価尺度における項目」とした。<br/>結果&emsp;全国の保健師の約 8 割にあたる13,024人保健師のデータが収集された。まず保健師の連携実態としては,保健師は,保健所等の行政および保健医療機関との連携はなされているが,精神や障害者福祉施設との連携は密ではなく,また他機関の保健師や行政職,医師との連携はしていたが薬剤師や精神保健福祉士との連携は少なかった。<br/>&emsp;また,専門機関ならびに専門職毎に分析した結果において,連携あり群は,無し群よりも連携得点は有意に高く,この得点は実態としての連携状況を反映していると考えられた。保健師は,業務経験が長い程,常勤である程,連携得点は高かった。また,学歴との有意な差は,20歳代以外はなかった。業務内容との関係においては,新規事業の展開やこのための予算獲得をしている群のほうが得点は有意に高かった。日常的な業務の実施状況からみると新たな知識を必要とする業務や高度な能力が要求される業務を行っている保健師の方がこの得点が高いことが明らかにされた。<br/>結論&emsp;保健師における連携は,実態として保健関連部署や専門職との連携はよく行っていたが障害者福祉および精神福祉関連の部署との連携は密ではなかった。また連携得点によって連携の実態だけでなく,事業展開といった業務の評価も可能であることから,これらの得点別の研修等が実施されることが考えられる。
  • 筒井 孝子, 東野 定律
    病院管理 43(2) 129-138 2006年4月1日  査読有り
  • 田中彰子, 嶋森好子, 筒井孝子, 東野定律, 山内豊明
    平成17年度厚生労働省保健局医療課による委託事業 看護必要度の普及に関する実態調査事業結果報告書 27-54 2006年3月  査読有り
  • 東野定律, 大夛賀政昭, 筒井孝子, 桐野匡史, 筒井澄栄, 中嶋和夫, 小山秀夫
    介護経営 1/2(1/2,1) 2-11 2006年3月  査読有り
  • 桐野匡史, 中嶋和夫, 筒井孝子, 小山秀夫
    介護経営 1/2(1/2,1) 92-100 2006年3月  査読有り
  • A Kaneko, Y Kaneita, E Yokoyama, T Miyake, S Harano, K Suzuki, E Ibuka, T Tsutsui, Y Yamamoto, T Ohida
    JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY 16(2) 57-63 2006年3月  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: Benefits of breast-feeding are not only limited to nutrition and sanitation in developing countries but also extend to cost-saving health care and alleviation of anxiety related to childrearing in developed countries. This study aims to elucidate factors associated with exclusive breast-feeding in Japan and use this information to achieve child-rearing support worldwide by promoting breast-feeding. METHODS: This cross-sectional study used data from a survey conducted by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of the Japanese government, the First Longitudinal Survey of Babies in 21st Century. All subjects were infants (n = 53,575) born in Japan in 2001 between January 10 and 17 and between July 10 and 17. According to the data, the exclusive breast-feeding rate in Japan during the first 6 months of life was 21.0%. We examined the factors associated with exclusive breast-feeding using univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses. RESULTS: Among the factors examined, the adjusted odds ratio (OR) for exclusive breast-feeding was low for late childbearing, low birth weight infants, multiple births, smoking parents, living with grandparents, and feeling burdened by childrearing. The adjusted OR was high for factors that included sufficient childcare leave and consultation about childrearing with the spouse, a birth attendant and/or nurse, and a peer in a child-rearing circle. CONCLUSIONS: Exclusive breast-feeding is associated not only with medical factors but also with social factors. This study clarifies the necessity of social support to reduce the child rearing burden and a political system to promote paternal participation in childrearing and to improve the childcare leave system.
  • Y Kaneita, E Yokoyama, T Miyake, S Harano, T Asai, T Tsutsui, E Ibuka, K Suzuki, A Kaneko, T Sone, S Takemura, K Kawahara, T Ohida
    PREVENTIVE MEDICINE 42(3) 210-217 2006年3月  査読有り
    Background. Passive smoking is a well-known health hazard for infants. This study was conducted to: (1) estimate the prevalence of passive smoking among Japanese infants and (2) clarify the prevalence of indoor smoking and associating factors among parents having infants. Methods. Subjects were all 53,575 infants born throughout Japan on January 10-17, 2001 or July 10-17, 2001. When the infants reached 6 months of age, the questionnaires were mailed to the homes. Family members answered questions that included information about the current smoking behavior of the parents. Results. A total of 44,562 questionnaires (83.2%) were analyzed. The prevalence of smoking among the mothers and the fathers were 17.1% and 63.5%. The percentages of mothers and fathers who smoked indoors were 12.1% and 36.2%. The percentage of households where mothers and/or fathers smoked indoors was 37.5%. Multivariate logistic analysis indicated that young age, having a spouse who was a smoker, infants having many siblings, the mother not breast-feeding, and lower annual incomes had significantly higher odds ratios for both the mother's and the father's indoor smoking. Conclusions. Passive smoking is common among Japanese infants. To protect Japanese infants from passive smoking, further public health measures must be taken. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Takami Asai, Yoshitaka Kaneita, Makoto Uchiyama, Shinji Takemura, Satoshi Asai, Eise Yokoyama, Takeo Miyake, Satoru Harano, Kenshu Suzuki, Eiji Ibuka, Akiyo Kaneko, Takako Tsutsui, Takashi Ohida
    Sleep and Biological Rhythms 4(1) 55-62 2006年2月  査読有り
    There have been only a few studies on the relationship between sleep disturbances and somatic and psychological complaints in Japanese people. In this study, we analyzed this relationship using the data of the health and welfare survey performed in 2000 by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between sleep disturbances and somatic and psychological complaints among the Japanese general population. The survey was performed in members of households in 300 areas extracted randomly from all over the country using a self-reported questionnaire. The questionnaire items included somatic and psychological complaints (headache, dizziness, palpitation/dyspnea, epigastric discomfort, constipation/diarrhea, stiff neck/shoulder, backache, easy fatigability, persistent fatigue, irritability, anxiety, and worrying about health) and sleep disturbances. Data obtained from 28 714 subjects, aged 20 years or more, were analyzed. The prevalences of almost all complaints were significantly higher in the females than in the males. In the subjects who had a larger number of somatic and psychological complaints, the prevalence of symptom concerning sleep disturbances, such as difficulty initiating sleep, difficulty maintaining sleep, early morning awakening, insomnia, short sleep duration, and subjective insufficient sleep, were higher. Multivariate analysis demonstrated that individual somatic and psychological complaints were independently associated with each symptom of sleep disturbance. It is important to apply the results of this study to the treatment of sleep disturbances and sleep hygiene. © 2006 The Author Journal compilation © 2006 Japanese Society of Sleep Research.
  • 東野定律, 筒井澄栄, 矢嶋裕樹, 桐野匡史, 筒井孝子, 中嶋和夫
    厚生の指標 53(1) 27-31 2006年1月15日  査読有り
    在宅で要援護高齢者を介護している主介護者1143名(うち,女性873名.26〜93歳,平均年齢60.2±11.7歳)の精神的健康度を,英国版GHQ12項目(以下,GHQ-12)を用いて測定した.GHQ-12の12項目で構成される1因子モデルを想定し,データへの適合度を検討した結果,統計的な許容水準をほぼ満たしており,GHQ-12は下位概念(因子)を想定せず,そのまま観測変数の合計点をもって精神的健康度の程度とみなせると考えた.また,主介護者の精神的健康に対する主介護者の性,年齢,介護期間がGHQ-12の調査項目に与える影響をMIMICモデリング(Multiple Indicators Multiple Causes)で検討した結果,主介護者の精神的健康と性別に有意な相関が認めれ,女性が男性に比べ精神的健康度が劣悪な状態にあることが分かった
  • 筒井 孝子
    老年社会科学 27(4) 445-452 2006年  
  • 筒井 孝子, 東野 定律, 種田 綾, 矢嶋 裕樹, 桐野 匡史, 中嶋 和夫
    日本保健科学学会誌 9(1) 5-15 2006年  査読有り
    本研究の目的は,居宅で介護を行っている家族介護者のデータを用いて,Zarit Caregiver Burden Interview (ZBI)日本版評価尺度の因子構造を明らかにし,日本におけるこの尺度の利用について検討することを目的とした。調査村象は,S県O市に在住し,平成14年4月1日現在,要介護認定を受けた第1号被保険者5,189人の要介護高齢者のうち,調査協力が得られたその主介護者1,143人であった。ZBI評価尺度の構造的妥当性を検討するため,探索的因子分析と確証的因子分析を用いてデータを分析した。分析の結果,以下の3つの因子,「個人的な制限感」,「情緒的負担感」と「介護を行う上での義務感」が確認された。さらに確証的因子分析を行った結果,これらの因子を含むと仮定した斜交モデルと2次因子モデルが成立した。しかし,1次因子モデルに関しては,データの適合度指標をみると,このモデルは成立しなかった。確証的因子分析の結果,3つ因子を含む斜交モデルにおいてその妥当性が検証された。このように痴呆性高齢者の家族介護者における介護負担感尺度であるZBIにおいて,その因子構造が明らかにされたことは重要であり,痴呆性高齢者と家族介護者の介護負担感に関する因果関係を明確にする可能性が見出せた。ただし,1次因子モデルは成立しなかったことから,示された3因子については,さらに検討が必要と考えられた。
  • T Miyano, T Tsutsui, Y Seki, S Higashino, H Taniguchi
    The public long-term care insurance program for the elderly in Japan set out in 2000 toward establishing a new system whereby citizens can be assured that they will receive care and be supported by the society as a whole. The insurance program includes computer-aided certification processes to estimate the needs for nursing care for clients. In this work, we show the applicability of an adaptive local nonlinear approximation method associated with the Japanese national database for automatic inference of the care class.


  • 坂田薫, 田辺和史, 齋藤実, 筒井孝子
    ジェネラリスト教育コンソーシアム 18 118-122 2023年3月  
  • 筒井孝子, 松田晋哉
    病院 82(3) 185-191 2023年3月  
  • 筒井孝子
    病院 82(3) 200-205 2023年3月  
    <文献概要>はじめに:「看護必要度」と「重症度,医療・看護必要度」 看護必要度は,患者へ提供されるべき看護量の推定と,提供されている看護サービスの量的・質的評価との連動を目指し,1996(平成8)年から研究が開始された.一方,看護必要度が診療報酬の算定要件として利用された際の呼称は,「一般病棟用の重症度・看護必要度」「特定集中治療室用の重症度」「ハイケアユニット用の重症度・看護必要度」,回復期リハビリテーション病棟入院料1では「重症度・看護必要度」,回復期リハビリテーション病棟入院料2および3では「日常生活機能評価」注1であった.このように看護必要度が20年近く,患者の重症度を評価し,看護要員数を規定する役割を担ってきたことは,歴史的事実として重要と考える.また,「看護必要度」の考え方を基盤とした評価や,算定における基準は,日本の臨床データの分析結果をエビデンスとして用いていることは,大きな特徴と言える.なお,本稿における「看護必要度」は,狭義には,筆者が1997年から研究し,開発してきた看護必要度を指すが,広義には,開発された看護必要度の項目を利用した「重症度基準」「重症度,看護必要度基準」「一般病棟用の重症度・看護必要度」も含むものとする.昨今の診療報酬改定の度に話題となり,項目や評価方法が2年ごとに変更されている「重症度,医療・看護必要度」は,前述した「重症度,看護必要度」という呼称に「医療」がついたものとして,2014(平成26)年度に導入され,さらに2016(平成28)年度に侵襲性の高い治療を評価するものとしてC項目が新設され追加された.これらのC項目は,手術,検査等を評価する項目であるが,各医療系学会や団体が意見を出し,厚生労働省(厚労省)が意見をとりまとめた評価項目群であり,臨床における看護量や医療サービス量との関連性についての検証はなされていない.このことは,「重症度,医療・看護必要度」と看護必要度とが,出自は同じであるが,似て非なるものであることを示している.本稿では,前述した広義の看護必要度の開発研究の概略とその背景を説明し,次に,変容してきた患者の疾病やその病態によって,断続化されている医療システムに看護必要度がいかなる役割を果たせるかについて述べることとした.
  • 筒井孝子, 東野定律, 木下隆志, 大夛賀政昭
    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集(CD-ROM) 82nd 2023年  











