
古川 恵美

フルカワ エミ  (Emi Furukawa)


兵庫県立大学 看護学部 教授





  • 子どもの心とからだ 33(3) 307-312 2024年11月  査読有り責任著者
  • 岩﨑 美奈子, 山崎 知克, 古川 恵美, 星野 寛美, 石﨑 優子
    チャイルドヘルス 26(10) 784-791 2023年10月  査読有り
  • Satoshi Nobusako, Wen Wen, Yusuke Nagakura, Mitsuyo Tatsumi, Shin Kataoka, Taeko Tsujimoto, Ayami Sakai, Teruyuki Yokomoto, Emiko Takata, Emi Furukawa, Daiki Asano, Michihiro Osumi, Akio Nakai, Shu Morioka
    Scientific reports 12(1) 17606-17606 2022年10月20日  
    Along with the comparator model, the perception of action-outcome regularity is involved in the generation of sense of agency. In addition, the perception of action-outcome regularity is related to motor performance. However, no studies have examined the developmental changes in the perception of action-outcome regularity. The current study measured perceptual sensitivity to action-outcome regularity and manual dexterity in 200 children aged between 5 and 16 years. The results showed that perceptual sensitivity to action-outcome regularity was significantly lower in 5-6-year-old children than in 9-16-year-old children, and that it was significantly lower in children with low manual dexterity than in children with medium to high manual dexterity. Correlation analyses revealed significant correlations of age and perceptual sensitivity to action-outcome regularity, but no significant correlation of manual dexterity and perceptual sensitivity to action-outcome regularity, either overall or in any age band. The present study suggests that perceptual sensitivity to action-outcome regularity is immature at 5-6 years of age and that it may be impaired in 5-16-year-old children with poor manual dexterity.
  • 古藤 雄大, 波田野 希美, 太田 泰子, 永井 利三郎, 岡本 啓子, 古川 恵美
    学校保健研究 64(1) 4-10 2022年4月  責任著者
  • 池田 友美, 鰺坂 誠之, 古川 恵美, 石﨑 優子, 田邊 敦子, 山上 有紀, 岩坂 英巳
    摂南大学看護学研究 = Setsunan University Nursing Research 9(1) 1-10 2021年3月31日  
    里親制度の推進において小児医療機関が行うべきことを明らかにするために里親・養親を経験する特別養子縁組の養親を対象に医療機関で困った経験を調査した。公益社団法人家庭養護促進協会大阪事務所を通じて、20歳までの子どもをもつ養親265組に質問紙を郵送し、無記名で記入を求めた。有効回答数は99通(37.4%)であり、自由記述に対し計量テキスト分析を行った。困りごとは、①養子縁組前から縁組後も「養子の病歴や家族も含めた遺伝疾患について答えられない」といったことが継続してある、②「養子である事情や病歴など」を説明できない状況は変わりないが縁組後はそれを「うまく医師に伝えられない」など内容が変化する、③縁組後に「母子健康手帳に書かれている名前で呼ばれるときに困る」などの新たな困りごとがあることがわかった。小児医療機関は多様な子どもたちの育ちを支えるために、里親制度、特別養子縁組についての理解を深める必要が示唆された。Adoptive parents who have experienced foster care and adoption were surveyed about their experiences with medical institutions in order to identify how pediatric medical institutions can better support foster and adoptive parents.A total of 265 adoptive parents with children aged up to 20 years were asked to complete an anonymous questionnaire mailed by the Association for the Promotion of Family Care( Osaka Office).The number of valid responses was 99( 37.4%), and a quantitative text analysis was conducted on the free answers.The following problems were encountered: (1) Respondents were unable to answer questions about their child's medical history and genetic diseases, including family members, before and after adoption; (2) Respondents were unable to explain their child's circumstances and medical history, both before and after adoption, but after adoption, they were unable to explain this to the doctor; and (3)New problems occurred after adoption, such as "I have trouble when I am called by the name written in the mother and child health handbook".These results suggest that pediatric medical institutions need to deepen their understanding of the foster care system and special adoptions to support the upbringing of diverse children.











