Curriculum Vitaes

Junichi Teruyama

  (照山 順一)

Profile Information

Associate Professor, Graduate School of Information Science / School of Social Information Science, University of Hyogo

researchmap Member ID




  • 瀧田愼, 照山順一
    情報理論とその応用シンポジウム予稿集(CD-ROM), 46th, 2023  
  • 戸國友貴, 加藤直樹, 照山順一, 東川雄哉
    日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会秋季研究発表会アブストラクト集, 2023, 2023  
  • 伊藤健洋, 川原純, 中畑裕, 宋剛秀, 鈴木顕, 照山順一, 戸田貴久
    日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会秋季研究発表会アブストラクト集, 2022, 2022  
  • 西井彩乃, 照山順一, 戸國友貴, 東川雄哉
    情報処理学会研究報告(Web), 2022(AL-190), 2022  
  • 戸國友貴, 加藤直樹, 照山順一, 東川雄哉
    日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会秋季研究発表会アブストラクト集, 2022, 2022  
  • 戸國友貴, 加藤直樹, 照山順一, 東川雄哉
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告(Web), 122(229(COMP2022 13-20)), 2022  
  • 戸國友貴, 加藤直樹, 照山順一, 東川雄哉, 藤江哲也
    日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会春季研究発表会アブストラクト集, 2020, 2020  
  • 照山順一
    電気関係学会関西連合大会(Web), 2020, 2020  
  • 平田峻介, LE GALL Francois, 玉置卓, 照山順一
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 118(216(COMP2018 9-20)(Web)), 2018  
  • 大勝章平, 加藤直樹, 照山順一, 東川雄哉, 巳波弘佳
    コンピュテーション研究会(電子情報通信学会), 福岡, 2018  
  • Teruyama, Junichi, Iwama, Kazuo
    RIMS Kokyuroku, 2040 35-42, Jul, 2017  
  • 脊戸 和寿, 玉置 卓, 照山 順一
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報, 116(262) 29-34, Oct 21, 2016  
  • 矢野洋祐, 照山順一, 吉田悠一
    日本データベース学会和文論文誌(Web), 14-J ROMBUNNO.5 (WEB ONLY), Mar, 2016  
    情報処理学会研究報告(Web), 2015(AL-152) VOL.2015-AL-152,NO.1 (WEB ONLY)-7, Feb 24, 2015  
  • 脊戸和寿, 照山順一, 長尾篤樹
    情報処理学会研究報告. AL, アルゴリズム研究会報告, 2014(9) 1-6, Sep 5, 2014  
    k-IBDD は,k 段のレイヤーを持つ分岐プログラムであり,各レイヤーが OBDD (順序付き二分決定図) となっている.本稿では,k-IBDD 充足可能性問題 (以下,k-IBDD SAT) を考える.k-IBDD SAT とは,入力として k-IBDD が与えられ,シンク 1 に到達する変数への割当が存在するかどうかを判定する問題である.本稿では,n 変数,poly(n) ノードの 2-IBDD SAT を高々 poly(n)・2n-√n 時間で解く多項式領域アルゴリズムを与える.poly(n) は n の多項式を表す.さらに,このアルゴリズムを拡張することにより,n 変数,poly(n) ノードの k-IBDD SAT を高々,poly(n)・2n-n1/2k-1 時間で解く多項式領域アルゴリズムを与える.
  • SETO Kazuhisa, TERUYAMA Junichi, NAGAO Atsuki
    IEICE technical report. Theoretical foundations of Computing, 113(371) 81-85, Dec 13, 2013  
    We give efficient algorithms for Sorting k-Sets in Bins. The Sorting k-Sets in Bins problem can be described as follows: We are given numbered n bins with k balls in each bin. Balls in the i-th bin are numbered n-i+1. We can only swap balls between adjacent bins. How many swaps are needed to move all balls to the same numbered bins. For this problem, we design an efficient greedy algorithm with (k+1)/4n^2+O(kn) swaps. As k and n increase, this approaches the lower bound of [numerical formula]. In addition, we design a more efficient recursive algorithm using (15)/(16)n^2+O(n) swaps for the k=3 case.
  • CLEVE Richard, IWAMA Kazuo, LE GALL Francois, NISHIMURA Harumichi, TANI Seiichiro, TERUYAMA JUNICHI, YAMASHITA Shigeru
    IEICE technical report. Theoretical foundations of Computing, 112(21) 7-14, Apr 20, 2012  
    This paper investigates the number of quantum queries made to solve the problem of reconstructing an unknown string from its substrings in a certain query model. More concretely, the goal of the problem is to identify an unknown string S by making queries of the following form: "Is s a substring of S?", where s is a query string over the given alphabet. The number of queries required to identify the string S is the query complexity of this problem. First we show a quantum algorithm that exactly identifies the string S with at most 3/4 N + o(N) queries, where N is the length of S. This contrasts sharply with the classical query complexity N. Our algorithm uses Skiena and Sundaram's classical algorithm and the Grover search as subroutines. To make them effectively work, we develop another subroutine that finds a string appearing only once in S, which may have an independent interest. We also prove that any bounded-error quantum algorithm needs Ω(N/log^2N ) queries. For this, we introduce another query model and obtain a lower bound for this model with the adversary method, from which bound we get the desired lower bound in the original query model.
  • Cleve Richard, Iwama Kazuo, Le Gal Francois, Nishimura Harumichi, Tani Seiichiro, Teruyama Junichi, Yamashita Shigeru
    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2011(1) "S-21"-"S-22", Feb 28, 2011  
    IEICE technical report, 109(391) 45-49, Jan 18, 2010  
    We investigate the following sorting puzzle: We are given n bins with two balls in each bin. Balls in the ith bin are numbered n-i+1. We can swap two balls from adjacent bins. How many number of swaps are needed in order to sort balls, i.e., move every ball to the bin with the same number. For this puzzle the best known solution requires almost (4n^2)/5 swaps. In this paper, we show an algorithm which solves this puzzle using less than (2n^2)/3 swaps. Since it is known that the lower bound of the number of swaps is [numerical formula],our result is almost tight. Futhermore, we show that for n=2^k+1(k〓0) the algorithm is optimal.

Teaching Experience


Research Projects
