
山崎 真之

ヤマザキ マサユキ  (Masayuki Yamazaki)


和洋女子大学 国際学部 助教
博士(人間科学)(2017年1月 早稲田大学)



  • 山崎真之
    和洋女子大学紀要 65 171-192 2024年3月  査読有り
  • 山崎真之
    和洋女子大学紀要 64 121-132 2023年3月  査読有り
  • 山崎 真之
    文化人類学 85(1) 56-72 2020年  査読有り
  • 山崎真之
    文化の遠近法―エコ・イマジネールⅡ 451-474 2017年3月  査読有り
  • 山崎 真之
    観光学評論 4(2) 107-119 2016年  査読有り
  • 山崎 真之
    生活学論叢 24 15-26 2014年  査読有り
    This paper aims to analyze the acculturation of new settlers in Chichi-jima island, Ogasawara village. This study mainly handles the cases of new subsistence held by the new settlers in Chichi-jima island. In Japan, many islands have a problem of decrease in population. But on the other hand, some islands have increase of population due to the I-turn phenomenon. These cases are estimated that it will still increase in Japan. So, I picked up Chichi-jima island, Ogasawara village because this island is consisted by many inhabitants who are not born and raised in this island. They are called "shintoumin". Shintoumin has a character of "Life-style emigrants" when they settled in this island. But, many shintoumin doesn't stay in the island more than 3 years. In this paper I called this Phenomenon "3 years wall". Shintoumin who stays in long period caused acculturation of local society, especially among shintoumin through subsistence which are new to the island. I found out that there is a social capital among shintoumin. For example, there is a tendency of not to interrupt people who are going to start a new subsistence in the island. Shintoumin's are using this social capital cleverly and they are "cultivating" this island, as a result new characters of the island are made.
  • 山崎 真之
    生活学論叢 22 3-16 2013年  査読有り
    This paper mainly handles the cases of traditional alcoholic beverage making in villages at east side of Bali. Making, circulation and drinking of these drinks are changing with the peoples living style. This research mainly aims to capture these changes with the social problems of today's Bali. Making of traditional drinking are now illegal. But this subsistence is important to the makers because, there is no other opportunity that they can take. Illegal drinks that are distilled in the villages at east side of Bali circulate to other places in the island, by using relative and local networks. Now this subsistence changed from what it used to be, and now it is able to get enough incomes from the increase of demands. A maker who uses modern style of machines to distill spirit and earn much income as they can under the strategy is less. Most makers distill spirit by cheep traditional equipment under the tactics that has limited incomes. In Bali Social changes are rapidly, so many makers take the tactics that are able to adopt changes quickly. This style of makers shows the flexibility of subsistence in the villages, and this also means the problems of tourism development, agriculture and also education.









