213 items found zenichi yamamoto Institute of Space and Astronautical Science Professor Hiromasa Suzuki Department of Space Astronomy and Astrophysics, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science Project Assistant Professor Shugo Oguri Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Department of Space Astronomy and Astrophysics Assistant Professor Shino Suzuki 宇宙科学研究所学際科学研究系 准教授 Kimihide Odagiri Institute of Space and Astronautical Science 特任助教 Satoshi NAKAHIRA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science 主任研究開発員 Elizabeth Tasker Institute of Space and Astronautical Science Associate Professor Keiichi Hori Institute of Space and Astronautical Science Assistant professor Naoya Sakatani Institute of Space and Astronautical Science 特任助教 Ryota Fukai Institute of Space and Astronautical Science / Department of Solar System Sciences Assistant professor ‹1011121314› Please select the form format to download from below 「Education and research environment」format 「No. 4, the Ministry of Education document style ①Outline for Vitae」format 「No. 4, the Ministry of Education document style ②Education and research environment」format