Associate for Education and Public Outreach

Minesugi Kenji

  (峯杉 賢治)

Profile Information

Professor, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Ph.D. in Engineering(Mar, 1991, The University of Tokyo)

researchmap Member ID


  • Junjiro Onoda, Kenji Minesugi, Seong-Cheol Kwon, Hyun-Ung Oh
    Smart Materials and Structures, 30(6) 065014-065014, Jun 1, 2021  
    Abstract We propose and demonstrate a novel method to enhance vibration harvesting based on surge-induced synchronized switch harvesting on inductor (S3HI). S3HI allows harvesting of a large amount of energy even from low-amplitude vibrations by inducing a surge voltage during the voltage inversion of a synchronized switch harvesting on inductor (SSHI). The surge voltage and the voltage amplification from the conventional voltage inversion improve energy harvesting. S3HI modifies SSHI by both rewiring the circuit without adding components and using a novel switching pattern for voltage inversion, thus maintaining the simplicity of SSHI. We propose a novel switching strategy and circuit topology and analyze six methods that constitute the S3HI family, which includes traditional S3HI and high-frequency S3HI. We demonstrate that the six methods suitably harvest energy even from low-amplitude vibrations. Nevertheless, the harvestable energy per vibration cycle depends on the switching pattern and storage-capacitor voltage. The use of the proposed switching strategy, which allows energy harvesting before energy-dissipative voltage inversion, substantially increases the harvestable energy per vibration cycle. In the typical case considered in this study, the said increase is on the order of 11%–31% and 15%–450% compared to the traditional and existing high-frequency S3HI methods, respectively, depending on the storage-capacitor voltage. Additionally, the proposed circuit can be used as a traditional circuit. It could be considered a promising alternative to S3HI methods owing to its potential auto-reboot capability, which is not found in traditional S3HI circuit.
  • Kosei Ishimura, Kenji Minesugi, Taro Kawano, Manabu Ishida, Kazunori Shoji, Kazuhiro Abe
    AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, 2019  
    Hitomi (ASTRO-H) was an X-ray astronomical satellite launched on Feb. 17, 2016. The Hitomi satellite had both two soft X-ray telescopes with a focal length of 5.6 m and two hard X-ray telescopes with a focal length of 12 m for observation with a wide energy range. In this paper, the structural performance of Hitomi satellite on orbit was reported. On Feb.28, 2016, a 6m Extensible Optical Bench (EOB) was successfully deployed. During the deployment, the induced vibration of EOB was observed. One of the major causes was estimated to be periodic constraint changes of the EOB’s root. After the deployment, the established stiffness and alignment performance of the EOB agreed well with the predicted values. Furthermore, high shape stability of the structure could be obtained on orbit.
  • ISHIMURA Kosei, ISHIDA Manabu, KAWANO Taro, MINESUGI Kenji, ABE Kazuhisa, SASAKI Takashi, IIZUKA Ryo, BANDO Nobutaka
    <p>An Extensible Optical Bench (EOB) for a X-ray satellite (ASTRO-H) had a length of 6.4m in extended configuration. Although the same type of extensible mast was used in Space Radio Telescope (Halca) in 1997, the tip mass was quite different in the case of ASTRO-H. Due to the tip mass of 150 kg, the natural frequency of EOB was less than 1Hz in the extended configuration. ASTRO-H was launched on Feb. 17, 2016, and the EOB was extended on Feb. 28, 2016, successfully. However, because the vibration of EOB occurred during the extension, the extension operation was carried out over four passes intermittently. When the amplitude of induced vibration excessed the predefined threshold, we stopped the extension, then stayed until the vibration was damped. In this paper, the induced vibration during extension and its mechanism are reported. Through simulations, it is confirmed that one of the major causes of the vibration is a periodic change of gap between mast and canister at the root of EOB.</p>
  • Yoh Takei, Susumu Yasuda, Kosei Ishimura, Naoko Iwata, Atsushi Okamoto, Yoichi Sato, Mina Ogawa, Makoto Sawada, Taro Kawano, Shingo Obara, Chikara Natsukari, Atsushi Wada, Shinya Yamada, Ryuichi Fujimoto, Motohide Kokubun, Noriko Y. Yamasaki, Hiroyuki Sugita, Kenji Minesugi, Yasuo Nakamura, Kazuhisa Mitsuda, Tadayuki Takahashi, Seiji Yoshida, Shoji Tsunematsu, Kenichi Kanao, Katsuhiro Narasaki, Kiyomi Otsuka, F. Scott Porter, Caroline A. Kilbourne, Meng P. Chiao, Megan E. Eckart, Gary A. Sneiderman, James T. Pontius, Dan McCammon, Paul Wilke, John Basile
    Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems, 4(1), Jan 1, 2018  Peer-reviewed
    © The Authors 2018. Published by SPIE under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Distribution or reproduction of this work in whole or in part requires full attribution of the original publication, including its DOI. The soft x-ray spectrometer (SXS) onboard ASTRO-H (named Hitomi after launch) is a microcalorimeter-type spectrometer, installed in a dewar to be cooled at 50 mK. The energy resolution of the SXS engineering model suffered from microvibration from cryocoolers mounted on the dewar. This is mitigated for the flight model (FM) by introducing vibration isolation systems between the cryocoolers and the dewar. The detector performance of the FM was verified before launch of the spacecraft in both ambient condition and thermal-vacuum condition, showing no detectable degradation in energy resolution. The in-orbit detector spectral performance and cryocooler cooling performance were also consistent with that on ground, indicating that the cryocoolers were not damaged by launch environment. The design and performance of the vibration isolation system along with the mechanism of how the microvibration could degrade the cryogenic detector is shown. Lessons learned from the development to mitigate unexpected issues are also described.
  • Junjiro Onoda, Shigeru Shimose, Kenji Minesugi
    This article describes the optimal configuration and combination of piezoelectric transducers and inductors for the synchronized-switch-damping-on-an-inductor technique. The technique suppresses structural vibrations by inverting the polarity of the electric voltage in a piezoelectric transducer using a switched inductive shunt circuit at each displacement extremum. The energy dissipation rate of synchronized switch damping on an inductor depends on the impedances of the transducer and the inductor in the circuit, especially the resistive component, in this inversion. For this study, mathematical models of the equivalent resistances of transducers and inductors for this inversion phenomenon were formulated based on experiments with various transducers and inductors. Using these models, the optimal ratio of the thickness-area of patch-type piezoelectric transducers and that of the length-cross-sectional area of the lead of the inductors were analytically obtained. The optimization of series-parallel connections of multiple transducers and inductors was also shown to be equivalent to this one. The optimal mass budget allocation for the transducers and inductors was also formulated. Two examples of optimization, involving an increase in energy dissipation rates by a factor of 4, were presented. The examples showed that the time taken to suppress free vibrations in a clamped beam was reduced to half through the optimization.


  • GOTO Ken, MARU Yusuke, YAMADA Kazuhiko, SHIDA Maki, FUKUSHIMA Yosuke, YAMAMOTO Takayuki, TOKUDOME Shinichiro, NONAKA Satoshi, MINESUGI Kenji, TAKEUCHI Shinzuke, SATO Yasutaka, SAWAI Shujiro, HABU Hiroto, ABE Takumi
    観測ロケットシンポジウム2020 講演集 = Proceedings of Sounding Rocket Symposium 2020, Mar, 2021  
    3rd Sounding Rocket Symposium (March 24-25, 2021. Online Meeting)
  • 原弘久, 末松芳法, 勝川行雄, 納富良文, 篠田一也, 清水敏文, 備後博生, 峯杉賢治, 後藤健, 太刀川純孝, 小川博之, 木本雄吾, 川手朋子, 今田晋亮, 一本潔, 永田伸一
    日本天文学会年会講演予稿集, 2021, 2021  
  • Tashiro Makoto, Maejima Hironori, Toda Kenichi, Kelley Richard, Reichenthal Lillian, Hartz Leslie, Petre Robert, Williams Brian, Guainazzi Matteo, Costantini Elisa, Fujimoto Ryuichi, Hayashida Kiyoshi, Henegar-Leon Joy, Holland Matt, Ishisaki Yoshitaka, Kilbourne Caroline, Loewenstein Mike, Matsushita Kyoko, Mori Koji, Okajima Takashi, Porter F. Scott, Sneiderman Gary, Takei Yoh, Terada Yukikatsu, Tomida Hiroshi, Yamaguchi Hiroya, Watanabe Shin, Akamatsu Hiroki, Arai Yoshitaka, Audard Marc, Awaki Hisamitsu, Babyk Iurii, Bamba Aya, Bando Nobutaka, Behar Ehud, Bialas Thomas, Boissay-Malaquin Rozenn, Brenneman Laura, Brown Greg, Canavan Edgar, Chiao Meng, Comber Brian, Corrales Lia, Cumbee Renata, de Vries Cor, den Herder Jan-Willem, Dercksen Johannes, Diaz-Trigo Maria, DiPirro Michael, Done Chris, Dotani Tadayasu, Ebisawa Ken, Eckart Megan, Eckert Dominique, Eguchi Satoshi, Enoto Teruaki, Ezoe Yuichiro, Ferrigno Carlo, Fujita Yutaka, Fukazawa Yasushi, Furuzawa Akihiro, Gallo Luigi, Gorter Nathalie, Grim Martin, Gu Liyi, Hagino Kouichi, Hamaguchi Kenji, Hatsukade Isamu, Hawthorn David, Hayashi Katsuhiro, Hell Natalie, Hiraga Junko, Hodges-Kluck Edmund, Horiuchi Takafumi, Hornschemeier Ann, Hoshino Akio, Ichinohe Yuto, Iga Sayuri, Iizuka Ryo, Ishida Manabu, Ishihama Naoki, Ishikawa Kumi, Ishimura Kosei, Jaffe Tess, Kaastra Jelle, Kallman Timothy, Kara Erin, Katsuda Satoru, Kenyon Steven, Kimball Mark, Kitaguchi Takao, Kitamoto Shunji, Kobayashi Shogo, Kobayashi Akihide, Kohmura Takayoshi, Kubota Aya, Leutenegger Maurice, Li Muzi, Lockard Tom, Maeda Yoshitomo, Markevitch Maxim, Martz Connor, Matsumoto Hironori, Matsuzaki Keiichi, McCammon Dan, McLaughlin Brian, McNamara Brian, Miko Joseph, Miller Eric, Miller Jon, Minesugi Kenji, Mitani Shinji, Mitsuishi Ikuyuki, Mizumoto Misaki, Mizuno Tsunefumi, Mukai Koji, Murakami Hiroshi, Mushotzky Richard, Nakajima Hiroshi, Nakamura Hideto
    Proceedings of SPIE, 11444, 2020  
  • 峯杉賢治, 岩渕頌太, 荒川聡, 下瀬滋, 佐野成寿, 荒船国之, 三上晃, 北井保夫, 武内文男, 穴井隆祐
    日本航空宇宙学会誌, 68(5), 2020  
  • 小野田淳次郎, 峯杉賢治, KWON Seong-Cheol, OH Hyun-Ung
    構造強度に関する講演会講演集, 61st, 2019  



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