HISAKI Project Team

Keita Mizukoshi

  (水越 彗太)

Profile Information

Aerospace Project Research Associate, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
PhD(Mar, 2022, Kobe University)
Master(Mar, 2019, Osaka University)
Bachelor(Mar, 2017, Kobe University)

researchmap Member ID

Major Research Interests


Committee Memberships


Major Papers

  • S. Ajimura, W. M. Chan, K. Ichimura, T. Ishikawa, K. Kanagawa, B. T. Khai, T. Kishimoto, H. Kino, T. Maeda, K. Matsuoka, N. Nakatani, M. Nomachi, M. Saka, K. Seki, Y. Takemoto, Y. Takihira, D. Tanaka, M. Tanaka, K. Tetsuno, V. T. T. Trang, M. Tsuzuki, S. Umehara, K. Akutagawa, T. Batpurev, M. Doihara, S. Katagiri, E. Kinoshita, Y. Hirano, T. Iga, M. Ishikawa, G. Ito, H. Kakubata, K. K. Lee, X. Li, K. Mizukoshi, M. Moser, T. Ohata, M. Shokati, M. S. Soberi, T. Uehara, W. Wang, K. Yamamoto, K. Yasuda, S. Yoshida, N. Yotsunaga, T. Harada, H. Hiraoka, T. Hiyama, A. Hirota, Y. Ikeyama, A. Kawamura, Y. Kawashima, S. Maeda, K. Matsuoka, K. Nakajima, I. Ogawa, K. Ozawa, K. Shamoto, K. Shimizu, Y. Shinki, Y. Tamagawa, M. Tozawa, M. Yoshizawa, K. Fushimi, R. Hazama, P. Noithong, A. Rittirong, K. Suzuki, T. Iida
    Physical Review D, 103(9), May 26, 2021  Peer-reviewed
    We developed a CANDLES-III system to study the neutrinoless double beta (0νββ) decay of Ca48. The proposed system employs 96 CaF2 scintillation crystals (305 kg) with natural Ca (Canat) isotope which corresponds 350 g of Ca48. External backgrounds were rejected using a 4π active shield of a liquid scintillator surrounding the CaF2 crystals. The internal backgrounds caused by the radioactive impurities within the CaF2 crystals can be reduced effectively through analysis of the signal pulse shape. We analyzed the data obtained in the Kamioka underground for a live-time of 130.4 days to evaluate the feasibility of the low background measurement with the CANDLES-III detector. Using Monte Carlo simulations, we estimated the background rate from the radioactive impurities in the CaF2 crystals and the rate of high energy γ-rays caused by the (n,γ) reactions induced by environmental neutrons. The expected background rate was in a good agreement with the measured rate, i.e., approximately 10-3 events/keV/yr/(kg of Canat), in the 0νββ window. In conclusion, the background candidates were estimated properly by comparing the measured energy spectrum with the background simulations. With this measurement method, we performed the first search for 0νββ decay in a low background condition using a detector on the scale of hundreds of kg of nonenriched Ca. Deploying scintillators enriched in Ca48 will increase the sensitivity strongly. Ca48 has a high potential for use in 0νββ decay search, and is expected to be useful for the development of a next-generation detector for highly sensitive measurements.
  • E. Aprile, J. Aalbers, F. Agostini, M. Alfonsi, L. Althueser, F.D. Amaro, V.C. Antochi, E. Angelino, J.R. Angevaare, F. Arneodo, D. Barge, L. Baudis, B. Bauermeister, L. Bellagamba, M.L. Benabderrahmane, T. Berger, A. Brown, E. Brown, S. Bruenner, G. Bruno, R. Budnik, C. Capelli, J.M.R. Cardoso, D. Cichon, B. Cimmino, M. Clark, D. Coderre, A.P. Colijn, J. Conrad, J.P. Cussonneau, M.P. Decowski, A. Depoian, P. Di Gangi, A. Di Giovanni, R. Di Stefano, S. Diglio, A. Elykov, G. Eurin, A.D. Ferella, W. Fulgione, P. Gaemers, R. Gaior, M. Galloway, F. Gao, L. Grandi, C. Hasterok, C. Hils, K. Hiraide, L. Hoetzsch, J. Howlett, M. Iacovacci, Y. Itow, F. Joerg, N. Kato, S. Kazama, M. Kobayashi, G. Koltman, A. Kopec, H. Landsman, R.F. Lang, L. Levinson, Q. Lin, S. Lindemann, M. Lindner, F. Lombardi, J. Long, J.A.M. Lopes, E. López Fune, C. Macolino, J. Mahlstedt, A. Mancuso, L. Manenti, A. Manfredini, F. Marignetti, T. Marrodán Undagoitia, K. Martens, J. Masbou, D. Masson, S. Mastroianni, M. Messina, K. Miuchi, K. Mizukoshi, A. Molinario, K. Morå, S. Moriyama, Y. Mosbacher, M. Murra, J. Naganoma, K. Ni, U. Oberlack, K. Odgers, J. Palacio, B. Pelssers, R. Peres, J. Pienaar, V. Pizzella, G. Plante, J. Qin, H. Qiu, D. Ramírez García, S. Reichard, A. Rocchetti, N. Rupp, J.M.F. dos Santos, G. Sartorelli, N. Šarčević, M. Scheibelhut, J. Schreiner, D. Schulte, M. Schumann, L. Scotto Lavina, M. Selvi, F. Semeria, P. Shagin, E. Shockley, M. Silva, H. Simgen, A. Takeda, C. Therreau, D. Thers, F. Toschi, G. Trinchero, C. Tunnell, K. Valerius, M. Vargas, G. Volta, H. Wang, Y. Wei, C. Weinheimer, M. Weiss, D. Wenz, C. Wittweg, Z. Xu, M. Yamashita, J. Ye, G. Zavattini, Y. Zhang, T. Zhu, J.P. Zopounidis
    Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2020(11) 031-031, Nov 16, 2020  Peer-reviewed
    XENONnT is a dark matter direct detection experiment, utilizing 5.9 t of instrumented liquid xenon, located at the INFN Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso. In this work, we predict the experimental background and project the sensitivity of XENONnT to the detection of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs). The expected average differential background rate in the energy region of interest, corresponding to (1, 13) keV and (4, 50) keV for electronic and nuclear recoils, amounts to 12.3 ± 0.6 (keV t y)-1 and (2.2± 0.5)× 10-3 (keV t y)-1, respectively, in a 4 t fiducial mass. We compute unified confidence intervals using the profile construction method, in order to ensure proper coverage. With the exposure goal of 20 t y, the expected sensitivity to spin-independent WIMP-nucleon interactions reaches a cross-section of 1.4×10-48 cm2 for a 50 GeV/c2 mass WIMP at 90% confidence level, more than one order of magnitude beyond the current best limit, set by XENON1T . In addition, we show that for a 50 GeV/c2 WIMP with cross-sections above 2.6×10-48 cm2 (5.0×10-48 cm2) the median XENONnT discovery significance exceeds 3σ (5σ). The expected sensitivity to the spin-dependent WIMP coupling to neutrons (protons) reaches 2.2×10-43 cm2 (6.0×10-42 cm2).
  • Keita Mizukoshi, Ryosuke Taishaku, Keishi Hosokawa, Kazuyoshi Kobayashi, Kentaro Miuchi, Tatsuhiro Naka, Atsushi Takeda, Masashi Tanaka, Yoshiki Wada, Kohei Yorita, Sei Yoshida
    Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, 2018(12), Dec 1, 2018  Peer-reviewedLead authorCorresponding author
    Abstract Ambient neutrons are one of the most serious backgrounds for underground experiments searching for rare events. The ambient neutron flux in an underground laboratory at the Kamioka Observatory was measured using a $\mathrm{^3He}$ proportional counter with various moderator setups. Since the detector response largely depends on the spectral shape, the energy spectra of the neutrons transported from the rock to the laboratory were estimated by Monte Carlo simulations. The ratio of the thermal neutron flux to the total neutron flux was found to depend on the thermalizing efficiency of the rock. Therefore, the ratio of the count rate without a moderator to that with a moderator was used to determine this parameter. Consequently, the most likely neutron spectrum predicted by the simulations for the parameters determined by the experimental results was obtained. The result suggests an interesting spectral shape, which has not been indicated in previous studies. The total ambient neutron flux is $(23.5 \pm 0.7 \ \mathrm{_{stat. } } ^{+1.9}_{-2.1} \ \mathrm{_{sys. } }) \times 10^{-6}$ cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$. This result, especially the energy spectrum information, could be a new and important input for estimating the background in current and future experiments in the underground laboratory at the Kamioka Observatory.


  • 飯田崇史, 細川佳志, 吉野将生, 吉野将生, 鎌田圭, 鎌田圭, 伏見賢一, 中島恭平, 水越彗太, 日野原伸生, 高橋光太郎, 大森匠
    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM), 78(1), 2023  
  • 大森匠, 飯田崇史, 吉野将生, 吉野将生, 鎌田圭, 鎌田圭, 鎌田圭, 庄子育宏, 丸藤(寺島)亜寿沙, 細川佳志, 伏見賢一, 中島恭平, 水越彗太, 日野原伸生
    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM), 78(2), 2023  
  • 吉野将生, 吉野将生, 鎌田圭, 鎌田圭, KIM Kyoung Jin, KIM Kyoung Jin, 飯田崇史, 水越彗太, 宮崎智, 吉川彰, 吉川彰, 吉川彰
    応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 82nd, 2021  
  • 吉野将生, 吉野将生, 鎌田圭, 鎌田圭, 瀧澤優威, KIM Kyoung Jin, KIM Kyoung Jin, 飯田崇史, 水越彗太, 吉川彰, 吉川彰, 吉川彰
    応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 82nd, 2021  
  • Keita Mizukoshi, Ryosuke Taishaku, Keishi Hosokawa, Kazuyoshi Kobayashi, Kentaro Miuchi, Tatsuhiro Naka, Atsushi Takeda, Masashi Tanaka, Yoshiki Wada, Kohei Yorita
    Ambient neutrons are one of the most serious backgrounds for underground<br /> experiments in search of rare events. The ambient neutron flux in an<br /> underground laboratory of Kamioka Observatory was measured using a<br /> $\mathrm{^3He}$ proportional counter with various moderator setups. Since the<br /> detector response largely depends on the spectral shape, the energy spectra of<br /> the neutrons transported from the rock to the laboratory were estimated by<br /> Monte-Carlo simulations. The ratio of the thermal neutron flux to the total<br /> neutron flux was found to depend on the thermalizing efficiency of the rock.<br /> Thus, the ratio of the count rate without a moderator to that with a moderator<br /> was used to determine this parameter. Consequently, the most-likely neutron<br /> spectrum predicted by the simulations for the parameters determined by the<br /> experimental results was obtained. The result suggests an interesting spectral<br /> shape, which has not been indicated in previous studies. The total ambient<br /> neutron flux is $(23.5 \pm 0.7 \ \mathrm{_{stat. } } ^{+1.9}_{-2.1} \<br /> \mathrm{_{sys. } }) \times 10^{-6}$ cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$. In this paper, we explain<br /> our method of the result and discuss our future plan.

Major Presentations


Teaching Experience

  • Apr, 2024 - Jun, 2024
    ROOT講習会  (宇宙素粒子若手の会)
  • Apr, 2023 - Jun, 2023
    ROOT講習会  (宇宙素粒子若手の会 (YMAP))
  • Apr, 2022 - Jun, 2022
    ROOT lecture  (YMAP)
  • Apr, 2021 - Jun, 2021
    ROOT 講習会  (宇宙素粒子若手の会)
  • Apr, 2020 - Jun, 2020
    ROOT講習会  (宇宙素粒子若手の会)

Professional Memberships


Research Projects
