Associate for Education and Public Outreach

Tatsuaki Okada

  (岡田 達明)

Profile Information

Associate Professor, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Graduate School of Science, Department of Chemistry, The University of Tokyo
Ph.D.(Mar, 1996, University of Tokyo)

Researcher number
researchmap Member ID

External link




・月探査「Lunar-A」 光学カメラLIC(Co-I)1993-2005 

・火星探査「のぞみ」 HFレーダ高度計PWS/ALT(Co-I)1994-2003、可視カメラMIC(Co-I)1995-2003

・小惑星探査「はやぶさ」 蛍光エックス線分光計XRS担当(PI)1995-2010

・月周回探査「かぐや(SELENE)」 蛍光X線分光計XRS担当(PI)1998-2009

・小惑星探査「はやぶさ2」 中間赤外カメラTIR担当(PI)2010-present.、

・小惑星探査「はやぶさ2」 小型ランダーMASCOT担当(JAXAリエゾン)2010-2019

・小惑星探査「はやぶさ2」 デジタルエレキDE担当(PI)2010-present

・小惑星探査「はやぶさ2」 ハイパースペクトル顕微鏡MicrOmega担当(Co-PI)2019-present

・二重小惑星探査計画Hera 熱赤外カメラTIRI担当(PI)2020-present

・二重小惑星探査計画Hera Hera Investigation Team メンバ(招聘)2020-present






・SMART-1 D-CIXS(Co-I)2000-2005

・Chandrayaan-1 C1XS(Co-I)2006-2009

・BepiColombo MIXS(Co-I)2003-present、SIXS (Co-I)2003-present

・Hera (-JP) Proejct Manager & TIRI(PI)2020-present、Investigation Team 2020-present


・ESA MarcoPolo(=Hayabusa-MkII)においてX線分光、熱積外カメラ、着陸機




・OKEANOS (科学システム検討担当、質量分析計HRMSの開発)



Committee Memberships





  • Fridolin Spitzer, Thorsten Kleine, Christoph Burkhardt, Timo Hopp, Tetsuya Yokoyama, Yoshinari Abe, Jérôme Aléon, Conel M. O’D Alexander, Sachiko Amari, Yuri Amelin, Ken-ichi Bajo, Martin Bizzarro, Audrey Bouvier, Richard W. Carlson, Marc Chaussidon, Byeon-Gak Choi, Nicolas Dauphas, Andrew M. Davis, Tommaso Di Rocco, Wataru Fujiya, Ryota Fukai, Ikshu Gautam, Makiko K. Haba, Yuki Hibiya, Hiroshi Hidaka, Hisashi Homma, Peter Hoppe, Gary R. Huss, Kiyohiro Ichida, Tsuyoshi Iizuka, Trevor R. Ireland, Akira Ishikawa, Shoichi Itoh, Noriyuki Kawasaki, Noriko T. Kita, Kouki Kitajima, Shintaro Komatani, Alexander N. Krot, Ming-Chang Liu, Yuki Masuda, Mayu Morita, Fréderic Moynier, Kazuko Motomura, Izumi Nakai, Kazuhide Nagashima, Ann Nguyen, Larry Nittler, Morihiko Onose, Andreas Pack, Changkun Park, Laurette Piani, Liping Qin, Sara S. Russell, Naoya Sakamoto, Maria Schönbächler, Lauren Tafla, Haolan Tang, Kentaro Terada, Yasuko Terada, Tomohiro Usui, Sohei Wada, Meenakshi Wadhwa, Richard J. Walker, Katsuyuki Yamashita, Qing-Zhu Yin, Shigekazu Yoneda, Edward D. Young, Hiroharu Yui, Ai-Cheng Zhang, Tomoki Nakamura, Hiroshi Naraoka, Takaaki Noguchi, Ryuji Okazaki, Kanako Sakamoto, Hikaru Yabuta, Masanao Abe, Akiko Miyazaki, Aiko Nakato, Masahiro Nishimura, Tatsuaki Okada, Toru Yada, Kasumi Yogata, Satoru Nakazawa, Takanao Saiki, Satoshi Tanaka, Fuyuto Terui, Yuichi Tsuda, Sei-ichiro Watanabe, Makoto Yoshikawa, Shogo Tachibana, Hisayoshi Yurimoto
    Science Advances, 10(39), Sep 27, 2024  
    The isotopic compositions of samples returned from Cb-type asteroid Ryugu and Ivuna-type (CI) chondrites are distinct from other carbonaceous chondrites, which has led to the suggestion that Ryugu/CI chondrites formed in a different region of the accretion disk, possibly around the orbits of Uranus and Neptune. We show that, like for Fe, Ryugu and CI chondrites also have indistinguishable Ni isotope anomalies, which differ from those of other carbonaceous chondrites. We propose that this unique Fe and Ni isotopic composition reflects different accretion efficiencies of small FeNi metal grains among the carbonaceous chondrite parent bodies. The CI chondrites incorporated these grains more efficiently, possibly because they formed at the end of the disk’s lifetime, when planetesimal formation was also triggered by photoevaporation of the disk. Isotopic variations among carbonaceous chondrites may thus reflect fractionation of distinct dust components from a common reservoir, implying CI chondrites/Ryugu may have formed in the same region of the accretion disk as other carbonaceous chondrites.
  • Hiroharu Yui, Shu-hei Urashima, Morihiko Onose, Mayu Morita, Shintaro Komatani, Izumi Nakai, Yoshinari Abe, Yasuko Terada, Hisashi Homma, Kazuko Motomura, Kiyohiro Ichida, Tetsuya Yokoyama, Kazuhide Nagashima, Jérôme Aléon, Conel M. O’D. Alexander, Sachiko Amari, Yuri Amelin, Ken-ichi Bajo, Martin Bizzarro, Audrey Bouvier, Richard W. Carlson, Marc Chaussidon, Byeon-Gak Choi, Nicolas Dauphas, Andrew M. Davis, Wataru Fujiya, Ryota Fukai, Ikshu Gautam, Makiko K. Haba, Yuki Hibiya, Hiroshi Hidaka, Peter Hoppe, Gary R. Huss, Tsuyoshi Iizuka, Trevor R. Ireland, Akira Ishikawa, Shoichi Itoh, Noriyuki Kawasaki, Noriko T. Kita, Kouki Kitajima, Thorsten Kleine, Sasha Krot, Ming-Chang Liu, Yuki Masuda, Frédéric Moynier, Ann Nguyen, Larry Nittler, Andreas Pack, Changkun Park, Laurette Piani, Liping Qin, Tommaso Di Rocco, Sara S. Russell, Naoya Sakamoto, Maria Schönbächler, Lauren Tafla, Haolan Tang, Kentaro Terada, Tomohiro Usui, Sohei Wada, Meenakshi Wadhwa, Richard J. Walker, Katsuyuki Yamashita, Qing-Zhu Yin, Shigekazu Yoneda, Edward D. Young, Ai-Cheng Zhang, Tomoki Nakamura, Hiroshi Naraoka, Takaaki Noguchi, Ryuji Okazaki, Kanako Sakamoto, Hikaru Yabuta, Masanao Abe, Akiko Miyazaki, Aiko Nakato, Masahiro Nishimura, Tatsuaki Okada, Toru Yada, Kasumi Yogata, Satoru Nakazawa, Takanao Saiki, Satoshi Tanaka, Fuyuto Terui, Yuichi Tsuda, Sei-ichiro Watanabe, Makoto Yoshikawa, Shogo Tachibana, Hisayoshi Yurimoto
    Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 379 172-183, Aug, 2024  
  • Larry R Nittler, Jens Barosch, Katherine Burgess, Rhonda M Stroud, Jianhua Wang, Hikaru Yabuta, Yuma Enokido, Megumi Matsumoto, Tomoki Nakamura, Yoko Kebukawa, Shohei Yamashita, Yoshio Takahashi, Laure Bejach, Lydie Bonal, George D Cody, Emmanuel Dartois, Alexandre Dazzi, Bradley De Gregorio, Ariane Deniset-Besseau, Jean Duprat, Cécile Engrand, Minako Hashiguchi, A.L. David Kilcoyne, Mutsumi Komatsu, Zita Martins, Jérémie Mathurin, Gilles Montagnac, Smail Mostefaoui, Taiga Okumura, Eric Quirico, Laurent Remusat, Scott Sandford, Miho Shigenaka, Hiroki Suga, Yasuo Takeichi, Yusuke Tamenori, Maximilien Verdier-Paoletti, Daisuke Wakabayashi, Masanao Abe, Kanami Kamide, Akiko Miyazaki, Aiko Nakato, Satoru Nakazawa, Masahiro Nishimura, Tatsuaki Okada, Takanao Saiki, Satoshi Tanaka, Fuyuto Terui, Tomohiro Usui, Toru Yada, Kasumi Yogata, Makoto Yoshikawa, Hisayoshi Yurimoto, Takaaki Noguchi, Ryuji Okazaki, Hiroshi Naraoka, Kanako Sakamoto, Shogo Tachibana, Sei-ichiro Watanabe, Yuichi Tsuda
    Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 637 118719-118719, Jul, 2024  
  • Tatsuaki Okada, Satoshi Tanaka, Naoya Sakatani, Yuri Shimaki, Takehiko Arai, Hiroki Senshu, Hirohide Demura, Tomohiko Sekiguchi, Masanori Kanamaru, Toru Kouyama, Joris Blommaert, Özgür Karatekin
    May 2, 2024  
  • Thomas Müller, Víctor Alí-Lagoa, Martin Burgdorf, Tomohiko Sekiguchi, Yuri Shimaki, Naoya Sakatani, Tatsu Okada
    May 2, 2024  


  • Tatsuaki Okada, Satoshi Tanaka, Yuri Shimaki, Naoya Sakatani, Takehiko Arai, Hiroki Senshu, Hirohide Demura, Toru Kouyama, Tomohiko Sekiguchi, Tetsuya Fukuhara
    Europlanet Science Congress 2020, EPSC2020-12, May 2, 2024  InvitedLead authorCorresponding author
    <p>Thermal imaging, or thermography, has revealed the surface physical state of the C-type near-Earth asteroid 162173 Ryugu (Okada et al., 2020). The asteroid is the target body of JAXA Hayabsua2 asteroid sample return mission, and it has been characterized through remote sensing and surface experiments, and will be deeply and accurately investigated by analysis of returned sample. Thermal observations are among such multi-scale observations, providing a new insight into understanding planetary evolution process.</p> <p>Thermal infrared imager TIR (Okada et al., 2017; 2020) was used to take one-rotation global thermal images of Ryugu at every 6° step, from the home position (20 km altitude) or from the Mid-Altitude (5 km altitude). There were two big surprises contrary to the predictions before arrival at Ryugu: i) flat diurnal temperature profiles compared to the case of non-rough surface, and ii) non-cold spots identified for most of boulders. The flat diurnal temperature profiles and its maximum temperature in a day indicate that Ryugu must have very rough surfaces made of highly porous materials, derived from the thermal inertia of 300 ± 100 J K<sup>-1</sup>s<sup>-0.5</sup>m<sup>-2</sup> (hereafter, tiu). Non-cold boulders indicate that boulders are less consolidated or compacted than typical carbonaceous chondrite meteorites, and shows the same thermophysical properties as the surroundings. TIR was also used to take close-up thermal images during the descent operations, and to have proven that the surface of asteroid is covered with fragments of porous rocks, larger than several centimeters in diameter. The typical size of fragments larger than thermal skin depth (~35 mm) results in similar thermal properties between the boulders and their surroundings. We also consider the surface roughness effect (Shimaki et al., 2020) to obtain the maps of thermal inertia ( 225 ± 45 tiu) and the roughness (0.41 ± 0.05) at the same time, corresponding to very rough surfaces made of highly-porous materials. This thermal inertia is basically consistent with the value (282 +93/-35 tiu) by in situ measurement using a thermal radiometer MARA on MASCOT lander (Grott et al., 2019). Furthermore, in the close-up thermal images, there were found boulders colder by 20 °C or more, indicating the thermal inertia of typical carbonaceous chondrite meteorites.</p> <p>Considering these results, we proposed a formation scenario of Ryugu: fluffy cosmic dusts gathered to form porous planetesimals, and then much larger sized but still porous bodies. A low degree of consolidation and alteration has occurred at most of the body, while a higher degree of consolidation or alteration proceeded at the deep interior. Huge meteoritic impacts destroyed and fragmented the bodies, and part of those fragments were re-accreted to form the next generation, rubble-pile bodies (asteroids). Boulders found on Ryugu might have originated from the deep interior of parent bodies, so that most of them are very porous and less consolidated but some of them are relatively dense materials similar to carbonaceous chondrites, which might have originated from the interior. Due to YORP effect, the rotation rate decreased to current one, and the current shape of a spinning top-shape were formed. Analysis of returned sample will make progress in our knowledge of the planetary formation process.</p>
  • 金丸 礼, 矢田 達, 田原 瑠衣, 中山 悠, 深井 稜汰, 畠田 健太朗, 石崎 拓也, 榎戸 祐馬, 小野寺 圭祐, 保田 慶直, 西村 征洋, 坂本 佳奈子, 人見 勇矢, 副島 広道, 熊谷 和也, 小嶋 智子, 安部 正真, 岡田 達明, 臼井 寛裕
    遊・星・人 = Planetary people : 日本惑星科学会誌, 33(1) 78-86, Mar, 2024  
  • B. E. Clark, A. Sen, X. D. Zou, D. N. DellaGiustina, S. Sugita, N. Sakatani, M. Thompson, D. Trang, E. Tatsumi, M. A. Barucci, M. Barker, H. Campins, T. Morota, C. Lantz, A. R. Hendrix, F. Vilas, L. Keller, V. E. Hamilton, K. Kitazato, S. Sasaki, M. Matsuoka, T. Nakamura, A. Praet, S. M. Ferrone, T. Hiroi, H. H. Kaplan, W. F. Bottke, J. Y. Li, L. Le Corre, J. L. Molaro, R. L. Ballouz, C. W. Hergenrother, B. Rizk, K. N. Burke, C. A. Bennett, D. R. Golish, E. S. Howell, K. Becker, A. J. Ryan, J. P. Emery, S. Fornasier, A. A. Simon, D. C. Reuter, L. F. Lim, G. Poggiali, P. Michel, M. Delbo, O. S. Barnouin, E. R. Jawin, M. Pajola, L. Riu, T. Okada, J. D.P. Deshapriya, J. R. Brucato, R. P. Binzel, D. S. Lauretta
    Icarus, 400, Aug, 2023  
    This paper summarizes the evidence for the optical effects of space weathering, as well as the properties of the surface that control optical changes, on asteroid (101955) Bennu. First, we set the stage by briefly reviewing what was known about space weathering of low-albedo materials from telescopic surveys, laboratory simulations, and sample return analysis. We then look at the evidence for the nature of space weathering on Bennu from recent spacecraft imaging and spectroscopy observations, including the visible to near-infrared and thermal infrared wavelengths, followed by other measurements such as normal albedo measurements from LIDAR scans. We synthesize these different lines of evidence in an effort to describe a general model of space weathering processes and resulting color effects on dark C-complex asteroids, with hypotheses that can be tested by analyzing samples returned by the mission. A working hypothesis that synthesizes findings thus far is that the optical effects of maturation in the space environment depend on the level of hydration of the silicate/phyllosilicate substrate. Subsequent variations in color depend on surface processes and exposure age. On strongly hydrated Bennu, in color imaging data, very young craters are darker and redder than their surroundings (more positive spectral slope in the wavelength range 0.4–0.7μm) as a result of their smaller particle sizes and/or fresh exposures of organics by impacts. Solar wind, dehydration, or migration of fines may cause intermediate-age surfaces to appear bluer than the very young craters. Exposed surfaces evolve toward Bennu's moderately blue global average spectral slope. However, in spectroscopic and LIDAR data, the equator, the oldest surface on Bennu, is darker and redder (wavelength range 0.55–2.0μm) than average and has shallower absorption bands, possibly due to dehydration and/or nanophase and/or microphase opaque production. Bennu is a rubble pile with an active surface, making age relationships, which are critical for determining space weathering signals, difficult to locate and quantify. Hence, the full story ultimately awaits analyses of the Bennu samples that will soon be delivered to Earth.
  • 岡田達明, Hera チーム
    2022 年度プラネタリーディフェンス・シンポジウム, 1-4, Feb, 2023  Invited
  • 岡田達明, 岡田達明, 田中智, 坂谷尚哉, 嶌生有理, 石崎拓也, 吉川真, 竹内央, 山本幸生, 荒井武彦, 千秋博紀, 出村裕英, 関口朋彦, 神山徹, 金丸仁明
    日本地球惑星科学連合大会予稿集(Web), 2023, 2023  


  • 岡田達明, Hera チーム
    2022 年度プラネタリーディフェンス・シンポジウム, Feb, 2023  Invited
  • 岡田達明, 田中智, 嶌生有理, 坂谷尚哉, 荒井武彦, 千秋博紀, 出村裕英, 関口朋彦, 金丸仁明, 石崎拓也, 神山徹, 和田武彦, 竹内央, 山本幸生, 荒川政彦, 中村昭子, 杉田精司, 宮本英昭, 吉川真, 阿部新助, 安部正真, 池永敏憲, 浦川聖太郎, 菊地翔太, 北里宏平, 小松吾郎, 佐々木晶, 巽瑛理, 津田雄一, 野口高明, 三桝裕也, 薮田ひかる, 渡邊誠一郎, 斎藤啓仁, 金野龍史, 李正林, 古川聡一朗, Hera-JP, TIRIチーム
    第23回宇宙科学シンポジウム, Jan, 2023
  • 坂谷尚哉, 岡田達明, 千秋博紀, 荒井武彦, 出村裕英, 嶌生有理, 関口朋彦, 石崎拓也, 金丸仁明, 神山徹, 田中智
    第23回宇宙科学シンポジウム, Jan, 2023
  • 嶌生有理, 黒川宏之, 坂谷尚哉, 深井稜汰, 癸生川陽子, 青木順, 巽瑛理, 田中智, 渡邊誠一郎, 岡田達明, 浦川聖太郎, 脇田茂, 薮田ひかる, 兵頭龍樹, 藤谷渉, 牛久保孝行, 奥住聡
    第23回宇宙科学シンポジウム, Jan, 2023
  • 吉川真, 柳沢俊史, 安部正真, 池永敏憲, 岩城陽大, 岡田達明, 菊地耕一, 黒崎裕久, 黒田信介, 佐伯孝尚, 嶌生有理, 津田雄一, 西山和孝, 三桝裕也, 浦川聖太郎, 奥村真一郎
    第23回宇宙科学シンポジウム, Jan, 2023

Teaching Experience


Research Projects


● 専任大学名

  • Affiliation (university)
    東京大学(University of Tokyo)

● 所属する所内委員会

  • ISAS Committee