
Hiroto HABU

  (羽生 宏人)

Profile Information

Professor, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Professor, The Graduate School of Engineering Department of Chemical System Engineering, The University of Tokyo
Yokohama National University
Sagami Women's University

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Major Papers

  • HABU Hiroto, OKADA Minoru, ITO Masanori, NOZOE Katsuhiko, KAWANO Tatsuya, MATSUMOTO Shinji, YOSHIDA Yuji
    Science and technology of energetic materials : Journal of the Japan Explosives Society, 73(5) 147-152, Dec 31, 2012  Peer-reviewedLead author
    The neutral wind in ionosphere region has been the target on the earth environmental research. Chemical tracer releases represent the most widely used technique for in situ neutral wind measurements. The wind velocity is measured optically from the ground and lithium vapor is generally employed as the tracer. The science payload for the research is required that lithium is converted from a solid phase into vapor which is injected into the space throughout the sounding rocket experiment The payload therefore should be loaded with thermite as the heat source for vaporizing lithium. Thermite is known as a powder mixture of a metal and a metal oxide without binder that undergoes the redox reaction with high heat energy release. That is why thermite is selected as the chemical heat source for the payload. The rocket-borne Lithium Ejection System (LES) is a chemical release device that has been developed for the Japanese space research program.The ignition and combustion characteristics of thermite were studied to develop the device. Thermite usually consists of iron oxide and aluminum and burns comparable to explosives. Therefore the combustion properties for the device should be improved. This paper will discuss the composition and the reaction properties of thermite. Finally, the design of the device was confirmed by the full scale ground test
  • HABU Hiroto, NAKAMICHI Tatsuya, UEMICHI Akane, TANAKA Naruaki, KOBAYASHI Naoki, KASAHARA Jiro, MORITA Yasuhiro, WADA Eiichi, NIWA Takahiro, KONDO Yasuo, KAWAMURA Takafumi, MARUYAMA Shinya, OKAMURA Ayano, YAMASHINA Saera, NAGAI Yasuhito
    The educational hybrid-rocket was successfully launched and it also landed within the predicted area. Aerodynamic characteristics of the rocket designed by students of Tsukuba University were evaluated by the wind tunnel testing with the support of Tokai University. The flight path affected by the environmental condition, especially wind direction and velocity, was simulated with the original calculation program. The altitude of the rocket was measured with the optical equipment and the apex was 123 m although the calculation indicated 198 m. We expected that the insufficient filling or the volatilization of Nitrous oxide as an oxidizer led to this result. And then, the apex was verified with a function of the oxidizer filling ratio. The results showed that 81.2 % of the oxidizer volume in comparison with the firing test condition was accumulated in the tank at the launch.
  • HABU Hiroto, HORI Keiichi
    Science and technology of energetic materials, 67(6) 187-192, Dec 31, 2006  Peer-reviewedLead author
  • HABU Hiroto, NOZOE Katsuhiko, YAMAYA Toshio, SHIMODA Masataka, HORI Keiichi, SAITO Takeo
    Journal of the Japan Explosives Society, 60(2) 83-90, Apr 30, 1999  Peer-reviewedLead author




  • 中尾達郎, 山田和彦, 秋元雄希, 羽森仁志, 森みなみ, 満野真里絵, 平田耕志郎, 高澤秀人, 永田靖典, 石丸貴博, 今井駿, 前田佳穂, 前原健次, 羽生宏人, 鈴木宏二郎
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM), 2021
  • 松永浩貴, 羽生宏人, 羽生宏人, 野田賢, 三宅淳巳
    火薬学会春季研究発表会講演要旨集, 2021
  • K. Wakamatsu, D. Hagiwara, H. Adachi, K. Ashigaki, A. Iwasaki, Y. Yamada, H. Habu, T. Nakamura
    Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, SII 2020, Jan, 2020
    © 2020 IEEE. In recent years, expectations for low-cost and high-frequency rocket launches for space exploration have increased. Solid fuel rockets are small, inexpensive, and easy to handle. However, in the production of solid fuel, the mixing process and the transportation process are separate batch processes, leading to an increase in maintenance costs and disposal costs. In addition, being a manual process, it is difficult to manufacture large amounts simultaneously in a safe method. The authors have developed a mixing and transportation device that simulates the movement of the intestinal tract by using an elastic duct and a low pneumatic drive. In addition, actual fuel production has been carried out in a mixing and transporting experiment using this device. The effectiveness of this device has been exhibited from the combustion test of the produced fuel. In this paper, we present a high-quality and efficient method of mixing and transporting solid propellant material. This is a mixing of solid and liquid achieved by peristaltic movement done in real-time by adjusting the mixing degree of the mixture inside the device. The degree of mixing is determined by the solid propellant's volume and viscosity change. Therefore, we first investigate whether the content volume can be detected when the rigid bodies with different volumes are inserted. Next, we focus on the change in the viscosity of the mixture that occurs during the mixing process. We also examine the viscosity of the contents when fluids having different viscosities are inserted.
  • Asato Wada, Hiroto Habu
    AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, 2020
    © 2020, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc, AIAA. All rights reserved. Low toxicity ionic liquid monopropellant thrusters, such as hydroxylammonium-nitrate-based and ammonium-dinitramide-based monopropellant thruster, have been continuously developed and researched as replacement for conventional hydrazine thrusters. In this study, for the attitude and orbit control thruster of spacecraft, a chemical plasma space propulsion with ammonium dinitramide based ionic liquid has been proposed. The ignition systems have been used the discharge plasma of arc or non-equilibrium, and the generation methods of discharge plasma have been researched for decomposition and combustion of ionic liquid monopropellant. This paper presents the results of open-cup firing tests with discharge plasma for an ionic liquid monopropellant. This liquid monopropellant is a eutectic mixture of ammonium dinitramide, monomethylamine nitrate, and urea. In addition, the effects of ambient pressure on the characteristics of electric and ignition were evaluated. As a result, the breakdown and ignition of the ionic liquid were confirmed under sea-level condition and vacuum condition. After breakdown and ignition, exhaust flame was observed from downstream of reaction system at sea-level condition. In a range of ambient pressure from 10 Pa to 30 Pa, the plasma plume of decomposition gas was observed. In addition, at the each condition, the pulse discharge of unsteady state was observed from discharge waveforms after breakdown of the ionic liquid.
  • 若松康太, 足立遼, 松井大育, 萩原大輝, 岩崎祥大, 山田泰之, 羽生宏人, 中村太郎
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2020

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