Associate for Education and Public Outreach

Toshifumi Shimizu

  (清水 敏文)

Profile Information

Professor, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
(Concurrent)SOLAR-C Pre-Project Team Manager
School of Science, The University of Tokyo
PhD (Science)(Mar, 1995, The University of Tokyo)

researchmap Member ID

太陽活動やコロナ加熱問題など、私たちの母なる星「太陽」およびその関連テーマに関して、人工衛星等の飛翔体による観測手段を用いて研究を行っています。2006年から軌道上で運用を続ける「ひので」(SOLAR-B)、観測ロケットや大気球、そして2020年代中盤に飛翔させる公募型小型4号機 SOLAR-Cによる先進的観測実現を可能にする搭載機器や衛星システムの開発にも取り組んでいます。SOLAR-Cには、世界初となる高分解能・高感度のEUV分光望遠鏡EUVSTを搭載します。


Major Papers

  • Mayu Koyama, Toshifumi Shimizu
    The Astrophysical Journal, 965(2) 136-11page, Apr, 2024  Peer-reviewedLast authorCorresponding author
  • Minami Yoshida, Toshifumi Shimizu, Shin Toriumi
    The Astrophysical Journal, Jun 1, 2023  
  • Takahiro Hasegawa, Toshifumi Shimizu
    The Astrophysical Journal, 943(2) 96-96, Jan 27, 2023  Peer-reviewed
    Abstract Magnetic helicity is a physical parameter used to quantify the complexity of magnetic fields, providing an indication of the energy state in the coronal magnetic structure. We investigate the temporal evolution of magnetic helicity and its relationship to the occurrence of a variety of flares in the solar active region NOAA 12297, which was well observed using the Solar Dynamics Observatory/Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager in 2015 March. The active region produced many M-class flares and an X-class flare in two distinctive areas, both of which had a similar magnetic evolution, i.e., the opposite polarity of an emerging flux developed beside a preexisting sunspot, but exhibited flares with different magnitudes and frequencies. We derived the spatiotemporal evolution of the magnetic helicity injections and evaluated how spinning and braiding helicity injections evolved with time in the two areas. In one area, we observed a remarkable evolution, in which a negative spinning helicity injection in the preexisting sunspot increased in a positive helicity system, followed by the occurrence of the X-class flare. The negative helicity injection was clearly caused by the flux emergence that developed along the outer edge of the preexisting sunspot. The other area showed positive braiding helicity injections, with spinning helicity injections fluctuating concurrently with flux emergence, changing their signs several times, i.e., variable energy, and helicity input. The observed temporal behaviors of the helicity injections may explain different types of flare occurrences in the regions.
  • Takayoshi Oba, Toshifumi Shimizu, Yukio Katsukawa, Masahito Kubo, Yusuke Kawabata, Hirohisa Hara, Fumihiro Uraguchi, Toshihiro Tsuzuki, Tomonori Tamura, Kazuya Shinoda, Kazuhide Kodeki, Kazuhiko Fukushima, José Miguel Morales Fernández, Antonio Sánchez Gómez, María Balaguer Jimenéz, David Hernández Expósito, Achim Gandorfer
    Solar Physics, 297(9), Sep, 2022  Peer-reviewed
    We developed a scan mirror mechanism (SMM) that enable a slit-based spectrometer or spectropolarimeter to precisely and quickly map an astronomical object. The SMM, designed to be installed in the optical path preceding the entrance slit, tilts a folding mirror and then moves the reflected image laterally on the slit plane, thereby feeding a different one-dimensional image to be dispersed by the spectroscopic equipment. In general, the SMM is required to scan quickly and broadly while precisely placing the slit position across the field-of-view (FOV). These performances are in high demand for near-future observations, such as studies on the magnetohydrodynamics of the photosphere and the chromosphere. Our SMM implements a closed-loop control system by installing electromagnetic actuators and gap-based capacitance sensors. Our optical test measurements confirmed that the SMM fulfills the following performance criteria: i) supreme scan-step uniformity (linearity of 0.08%) across the wide scan range (± 1005 ″), ii) high stability (3 σ= 0.1 ″), where the angles are expressed in mechanical angle, and iii) fast stepping speed (26 ms). The excellent capability of the SMM will be demonstrated soon in actual use by installing the mechanism for a near-infrared spectropolarimeter onboard the balloon-borne solar observatory for the third launch, Sunrise III.
  • Masashi Abe, Toshifumi Shimizu, Masumi Shimojo
    Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 9 908249, Jun 13, 2022  Peer-reviewed
    Nanoflares and the shock formation of magnetohydrodynamic waves in the solar chromosphere have been considered as key physical mechanisms of the heating of the chromosphere and corona. To investigate candidates of their signature in the mm-wavelength, a tiny active region located on the solar disk was observed with the Atacama Large millimeter and sub-millimeter Array (ALMA) at 3 mm, coordinated with observatories on orbit including Hinode SOT spectro-polarimeter in the Cycle 4 solar campaign (19 March 2017). ALMA’s spatial resolution was moderate, far from the best performance, but it provided stable conditions that are suitable to investigate temporal variations in the mm-wavelength. We determined that the noise level is less than 20 K (σ) over 1 hour in the 20-s cadence time series of synthesized ALMA images. The time variations with amplitudes above the noise level were observed throughout the field of view, but variations exceeding 200 K, corresponding to energy input to the chromosphere on the order of 1020-22 erg, were localized in two locations. One location was on the polarity inversion line, where tiny concentrated magnetic patches exist in weak field and a tiny magnetic flux may be emergent. The other location was at the outer edge of a bipolar magnetic region, which was under development with a successive series of magnetic flux emergence. This observation suggests that nanoflare-class energy inputs in the chromosphere can occur associated with emerging flux activities.
  • Toshifumi Shimizu, Masumi Shimojo, Masashi Abe
    The Astrophysical Journal, Dec 1, 2021  Peer-reviewedLead authorCorresponding author
  • 大場崇義, 清水敏文, 勝川行雄, 久保雅仁, 田村友範, 篠田一也, 納富良文, 浦口史寛, 都築俊宏, 原弘久, 小出来一秀, SOLANKI Sami K., DEL TORO INIESTA J. C.
    宇宙航空研究開発機構研究開発報告 JAXA-RR-(Web), (20-009) 83-89, Feb 26, 2021  Peer-reviewed
  • Toshifumi Shimizu, Shinsuke Imada, Tomoko Kawate, Yoshinori Suematsu, Hirohisa Hara, Toshihiro Tsuzuki, Yukio Katsukawa, Masahito Kubo, Ryoko Ishikawa, Tetsuya Watanabe, Shin Toriumi, Kiyoshi Ichimoto, Shin'ichi Nagata, Takahiro Hasegawa, Takaaki Yokoyama, Kyoko Watanabe, Katsuhiko Tsuno, Clarence M. Korendyke, Harry P. Warren, Bart De Pontieu, Paul Boerner, Sami K. Solanki, Luca Teriaca, Udo Schühle, Sarah Matthews, David Long, William Thomas, Barry Hancock, Hamish Reid, Andrzej Fludra, Frederic Auchere, Vincenzo Andretta, Giampiero Naletto, Luca Poletto, Louise Harra
    Proc. SPIE "Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2020: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray", 11444 114440N, Dec 13, 2020  Lead authorCorresponding author
  • Takahiro Hasegawa, Carlos Quintero Noda, Toshifumi Shimizu, Mats Carlsson
    The Astrophysical Journal, 900(1) 34-34, Aug 28, 2020  Peer-reviewed
  • Yusuke Kawabata, Andrés Asensio Ramos, Satoshi Inoue, Toshifumi Shimizu
    The Astrophysical Journal, 898(1) 32-32, Jul 20, 2020  Peer-reviewedLast author
  • Y. Kawabata, S. Inoue, T. Shimizu
    The Astrophysical Journal, 895(2) 105-105, Jun 2, 2020  Peer-reviewedLast author
  • T. Oba, Y. Iida, T. Shimizu
    The Astrophysical Journal, 890(2) 141-141, Feb 21, 2020  Peer-reviewedLast author
  • Hinode Review Team, Al-Janabi, Khalid, Antolin, Patrick, Baker, Deborah, Bellot Rubio, Luis R, Bradley, Louisa, Brooks, David H, Centeno, Rebecca, Culhane, J. Leonard, Del Zanna, Giulio, Doschek, George A, Fletcher, Lyndsay, Hara, Hirohisa, Harra, Louise K, Hillier, Andrew S, Imada, Shinsuke, Klimchuk, James A, Mariska, John T, Pereira, Tiago M. D, Reeves, Katharine K, Sakao, Taro, Sakurai, Takashi, Shimizu, Toshifumi, Shimojo, Masumi, Shiota, Daikou, Solanki, Sami K, Sterling, Alphonse C, Su, Yingna, Suematsu, Yoshinori, Tarbell, Theodore D, Tiwari, Sanjiv K, Toriumi, Shin, Ugarte-Urra, Ignacio, Warren, Harry P, Watanabe, Tetsuya, Young, Peter R
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 71(5) R1, Oct, 2019  Peer-reviewed
    Hinode is Japan's third solar mission following Hinotori (1981-1982) and Yohkoh (1991-2001): it was launched on 2006 September 22 and is in operation currently. Hinode carries three instruments: the Solar Optical Telescope, the X-Ray Telescope, and the EUV Imaging Spectrometer. These instruments were built under international collaboration with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the UK Science and Technology Facilities Council, and its operation has been contributed to by the European Space Agency and the Norwegian Space Center. After describing the satellite operations and giving a performance evaluation of the three instruments, reviews are presented on major scientific discoveries by Hinode in the first eleven years (one solar cycle long) of its operation. This review article concludes with future prospects for solar physics research based on the achievements of Hinode.
  • Toshifumi Shimizu, Shinsuke Imada, Tomoko Kawate, Kiyoshi Ichimoto, Yoshinori Suematsu, Hirohisa Hara, Yukio Katsukawa, Masahito Kubo, Shin Toriumi, Tetsuya Watanabe, Takaaki Yokoyama, Clarence M. Korendyke, Harry P. Warren, Ted D. Tarbell, Bart De Pontieu, Luca Teriaca, Udo H. Schühle, Sami K. Solanki, Louise K. Harra, Sarah A. Matthews, Andrzej Fludra, Frédéric Auchère, Vincenzo Andretta, Giampiero Naletto, Andrei N. Zhukov
    Proc. SPIE: UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XXI, 11118 1111807, Sep 9, 2019  Lead authorCorresponding author


  • ⽯川, 遼⼦, SONG, Donguk, 岡本, 丈典, ⿅野, 良平, 吉⽥, 正樹, 浦⼝, 史寛, 都築, 俊宏, 久保, 雅仁, 篠⽥, ⼀也, 末松, 芳法, 納富, 良⽂, 原, 弘久, 成影, 典之, 坂尾, 太郎, 清⽔, 敏⽂, MCKENZIE, David, TRUJILLO, Bueno Javier, AUCHERE, Frédéric, KOBAYASHI, Ken, RACHMELER, Laurel, ISHIKAWA, Ryoko, OKAMOTO, Takenori J., KANO, Ryouhei, YOSHIDA, Masaki, URAGUCHI, Fumihiro, TSUZUKI, Toshihiro, KUBO, Masahito, SHINODA, Kazuya, SUEMATSU, Yoshinori, NODOMI, Yoshifumi, HARA, Hirohisa, NARUKAGE, Noriyuki, SAKAO, Taro, SHIMIZU, toshifumi
    観測ロケットシンポジウム2021 講演集 = Proceedings of Sounding Rocket Symposium 2021, Mar, 2022  
    第4回観測ロケットシンポジウム(2022年3月14-15日. ハイブリッド開催(JAXA相模原キャンパス& オンライン)) 4th Sounding Rocket Symposium(March 14-15, 2022. Hybrid(in-person & online) Conference (Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)(ISAS)), Sagamihara, Kanagawa Japan 著者人数: 20名 資料番号: SA6000175014 レポート番号: Ⅲ-1
  • 久保雅仁, 勝川行雄, 川畑佑典, 大場崇義, 原弘久, 清水敏文, 都築俊宏, 浦口史寛, 松本琢磨, 納富良文, 篠田一也, 田村友範, 末松芳法, 石川遼子, 鹿野良平, NODA C.Quintero, 永田伸一, 一本潔, INIESTA J.C.del Toro, SOLANKI S.K., LAGG A., GANDORFER A., FELLER A., SMITHA H.N.
    日本天文学会年会講演予稿集, 2022, 2022  
  • 原弘久, 石川遼子, 浦口史寛, 大場崇義, 岡本丈典, 勝川行雄, 久保雅仁, 篠田一也, 末松芳法, 都築俊宏, 成影典之, 納富良文, 清水敏文, 内山瑞穂, 鄭祥子, 鳥海森, 備後博生, 松崎恵一, 木本雄吾, 川手朋子, 今田晋亮, 渡邉恭子, 一本潔, 永田伸一, 横山央明
    日本天文学会年会講演予稿集, 2022, 2022  
  • 久保雅仁, 勝川行雄, 川畑佑典, 大場崇義, 原弘久, 石川遼太郎, 清水敏文, 松本琢磨, 都築俊宏, 浦口史寛, 納富良文, 篠田一也, 田村友範, 末松芳法, 石川遼子, 鹿野良平, NODA C. Quintero, 永田伸一, 一本潔, DEL TORO INIESTA J. C., SOLANKI S. K., LAGG A., GANDORFER A., FELLER A.
    日本天文学会年会講演予稿集, 2022, 2022  
  • 勝川, 行雄, DEL TORO INIESTA, J. C., SOLANKI, S., 久保, 雅仁, 原, 弘久, 清水, 敏文, 大場, 崇義, 川畑, 佑典, 末松, 芳法, 浦口, 史寛, 都築, 俊宏, 納富, 良文, 田村, 友範, 篠田, 一也, 松本, 琢磨, 石川, 遼子, 鹿野, 良平, QUINTERO NODA, C., 永田, 伸一, 一本, 潔, KATSUKAWA, Yukio, KUBO, Masahito, HARA, Hirohisa, SHIMIZU, Toshifumi, OBA, Takayoshi, KAWABATA, Yusuke, SUEMATSU, Yoshinori, URAGUCHI, Fumihiro, TSUZUKI, Toshihiro, NODOMI, Yoshifumi, TAMURA, Tomonori, SHINODA, Kazuya, MATSUMOTO, Takuma, ISHIKAWA, Ryoko, KANO, Ryohei, NAGATA, Shinichi, ICHIMOTO, Kiyoshi
    大気球シンポジウム: 2021年度 = Balloon Symposium: 2021, Nov, 2021  
    大気球シンポジウム 2021年度(2021年11月1-2日. オンライン開催) Balloon Symposium 2021 (November 1-2, 2021. Online Meeting) 資料番号: SA6000166018 レポート番号: isas21-sbs-018

Books and Other Publications


Major Presentations

  • 清水敏文, 原弘久, 今田晋亮, 他国際 SOLAR-C チーム
    日本天文学会2023年春季年会, Mar 15, 2023
  • 清水敏文, 原弘久, 今田晋亮, 他国際 Solar-C(EUVST) チーム
  • 清水敏文, 今田晋亮, 原弘久, 末松芳法, 都築俊宏, 勝川行雄, 久保雅仁, 石川遼子, 渡邊鉄哉, 川手朋子, 鳥海森, 鄭祥子, 松崎恵一, 横山央明, 一本潔, 永田伸一, 浅井歩, 草野完也, 渡邉恭子, 飯田佑輔, 他国際 Solar-C(EUVST)チーム
  • 清水 敏文, 鳥海 森, 鄭 祥子, 備後 博生, 原 弘久, 末松 芳法, 勝川 行雄, 久保 雅仁, 石川 遼子, 都築 俊宏, 納富 良文, 篠田 一也, 渡邊 鉄哉, 今田 晋亮, 草野完也, 増 田智, 川手 朋子, 横山 央明, 長谷川 隆祥, 一本 潔, 永田 伸一, 浅井 歩, 渡邉 恭子, 飯田 佑輔, 峯杉 賢治, 後藤 健, 太刀川 純孝, 小川 博之, 松崎恵一, 福田 盛介, 伊藤 琢博, 岡田 則夫, 中坪 俊一, 西野 徹雄, 山崎 敦, 村上 豪, 橋本 樹明, 坂井 真一郎, 小原 新吾, 木本 雄吾, 島﨑 一紀, 山中 理代, 宮崎 英治, 津野 克彦, ほかSolar-C(EUVST)プリプロ準備チーム
    第21回宇宙科学シンポジウム  Invited

Teaching Experience


Research Projects


Academic Activities

  • Planning, Management, etc., Panel moderator, Session chair, etc.
    Hinode-13/IPELS 2019 LOC, Sep 2, 2019 - Sep 6, 2019

Social Activities


Media Coverage

  • ニュートンプレス, Newton 2024年5月号,, May, 2024 Newspaper, magazine
  • 信濃毎日新聞, MGプレス, Jun 30, 2023 Newspaper, magazine
  • 信濃毎日新聞社, MGプレス, Dec 21, 2019 Newspaper, magazine