

  (林 佑)

Profile Information

プロジェクト研究員, 宇宙科学研究所, 国立研究開発法人宇宙航空研究開発機構

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Major Papers

  • Tasuku Hayashi, Haruka Muramatsu, Ryohei Konno, Noriko Y. Yamasaki, Kazuhisa Mitsuda, Akira Takano, Keisuke Maehata, Toru Hara
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 199(3-4) 908-915, May 5, 2020  Peer-reviewedLead author
    We herein report a concept study of a transition edge sensor (TES) X-ray microcalorimeter array with two different thickness absorbers. We developed an energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscope (EDS) with a 64-pixel TES array and installed it on a scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) for material analysis. One of the key applications of the proposed system is the microanalysis of astromaterials, for which the relative abundance of light elements such as boron, carbon, and oxygen against silicon are crucial. However, the line sensitivity below similar to 500 eV for the our STEM TES EDS system was not enough to detect the X-ray from light elements because of the relatively high continuum emission and low detection efficiency, which occurs due to the X-ray window and the optical blocking filters. A simple solution to increase line sensitivity at low energy is the adoption of thin X-ray absorbers that leads to an improvement in the energy resolution. However, doing so causes the sensitivity to decrease for high energy lines. Utilizing the spot-size dependence of the polycapillary X-ray optics on energy, which are used in the STEM TES EDS system, we studied a design in which thin absorbers are distributed on the outer area of detector. We optimized the design using the raytracing analysis of optics. A thin (300 nm) absorber is placed on the 52 outer pixels, while a thick (3.5 mu absorber is placed on the central 12 pixels. The thin pixels detect approximately 50-60% of the total counts in 0.1-2 keV, while the central thick pixels detect approximately 50-80% of the total counts in 2-10 keV. We also demonstrated the fabrication process of two-thickness absorber arrays.
  • Tasuku Hayashi, Haruka Muramatsu, Keisei Maehisa, Noriko Y. Yamasaki, Kazuhisa Mitsuda, Keisuke Maehata, Toru Hara
    IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 29(5) 1-4, Aug, 2019  Peer-reviewedLead author
    A quantitative microanalysis of astromaterials (e.g., meteorite, returned samples from asteroids) is a key technology to understand the history of our solar system formation. To fulfill this, we developed an energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) using a transition-edge sensor (TES) microcalorimeterarray on a scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) for material analysis. To reduce the systematic errors of a spectral analysis, we investigated and constructed the response function of the STEM-EDS system, which consists of detection efficiency and a two-dimensional response matrix. The latter represents the pulse-height redistribution functions of the incident photons of different energies. Using the constructed response function, we demonstrated the quantitative determination of SiO2 film and confirmed that the number-density ratio of oxygen to silicon (=2.29(-0.29)(+0.32)) is consistent with the expected value of 2 within the statistical errors. We further study the systematic errors of the concentration determination with simulations. We analyze the simulated spectra of TES-EDS and SDD (silicon drift detector)-EDS without a priori knowledge about the continuum spectra and find that the systematic deviations of parameters from the model values are smaller than 1% for TES-EDS and larger than 10% for SDD-EDS.
  • Tasuku Hayashi, Haruka Muramatsu, Keisei Maehisa, Noriko Y. Yamasaki, Kazuhisa Mitsuda, Akira Takano, Shota Yoshimoto, Keisuke Maehata, Mutsuo Hidaka, Hirotake Yamamori, Toru Hara
    JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, 193(5-6) 1282-1286, Dec, 2018  Peer-reviewedLead author
    A detector head for an energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) for a scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) was designed, fabricated, and tested. A 64-pixel TES X-ray microcalorimeter and 64 SQUID array amplifiers (SAAs) are mounted on a detector head which is cooled to about 100 mK. The body of the detector head is a copper rod of about 1 cm(2) cross section and 10 cm length with 3 cm cubic structure at the bottom. The TES microcalorimeter is mounted at the top of the rod while the SAAs are mounted on the four side surfaces of the cubic structure. In order to reduce the number of wire bondings, we adopted a flip-chip bonding for the SAAs. In order to reduce the stress imposed on the flip-chip bondings due to the difference in the linear thermal expansion of the SAA chip and the mounting surfaces, we mounted the SAAs and connectors to the room-temperature electronics on sapphire circuit board and mounted the SAAs and connectors using a superconducting flip-chip bonding technology. Then, both the TES and the sapphire circuit board were mounted on the rod and are connected to the print circuit like superconducting wires, which are created on the multiple surfaces of the rod, with A1 wire bondings. We reduced the number of wire bondings from 768 to 256. The yield of the flip-chip bonding was not perfect but relatively high. We installed the detector head in the STEM EDS system, confirmed that the energy resolution and counting requirements, Delta E < 10 eV with 5 kcps were fulfilled.
  • T. Hayashi, K. Nagayoshi, H. Muramatsu, N. Y. Yamasaki, K. Mitsuda, M. Saito, T. Homma, T. Hara, H. Noda
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 184(1-2) 257-262, Jul, 2016  Peer-reviewedLead author


  • YADA Toru, KUMAGAI Kazuya, TACHIBANA Shogo, ABE Masanao, OKADA Tatsuaki, NISHIMURA Masahiro, YOGATA Kasumi, SAKAMOTO Kanako, NAKATO Aiko, MIYAZAKI Akiko, NAGASHIMA Kana, KANEMARU Rei, YAMAMOTO Daiki, HAYASHI Tasuku, FUKAI Ryota, ISHIZAKI Takuya, HATAKEDA Kentaro, HITOMI Yuya, SOEJIMA Hiromichi, SUGAHARA Haruna, SUZUKI Shino, USUI Tomohiro
    宇宙航空研究開発機構特別資料 JAXA-SP-(Web), (21-007E), 2022  
  • YADA Toru, KUMAGAI Kazuya, TACHIBANA Shogo, ABE Masanao, OKADA Tatsuaki, NISHIMURA Masahiro, YOGATA Kasumi, SAKAMOTO Kanako, NAKATO Aiko, MIYAZAKI Akiko, NAGASHIMA Kana, KANEMARU Rei, YAMAMOTO Daiki, HAYASHI Tasuku, FUKAI Ryota, ISHIZAKI Takuya, HATAKEDA Kentaro, HITOMI Yuya, SOEJIMA Hiromichi, SUGAHARA Haruna, SUZUKI Shino, USUI Tomohiro
    宇宙航空研究開発機構特別資料 JAXA-SP-(Web), (21-006E), 2022  
  • 矢田達, 安部正真, 安部正真, 岡田達明, 岡田達明, 中藤亜衣子, 与賀田佳澄, 宮崎明子, 熊谷和也, 畠田健太朗, 西村征洋, 人見勇矢, 副島広道, 吉武美和, 吉武美和, 岩前絢子, 岩前絢子, 古屋静萌, 古屋静萌, 臼井寛裕, 林佑, 山本大貴, 深井稜汰, 杉田精司, 長勇一郎, 湯本航生, 矢部佑奈, BIBRING Jean-Pierre, PILORGET Cedric, HAMM Vincent, BRUNETTO Rosario, RIU Lucie, RIU Lucie, 橘省吾, 橘省吾, 澤田弘崇, 岡崎隆司, 高野淑識, 坂本佳奈子, 三浦弥生, 矢野創, IRELAND Trevor, 山田哲哉, 藤本正樹, 中澤暁, 田中智, 佐伯孝尚, 吉川真, 渡邊誠一郎, 津田雄一
    日本惑星科学会秋季講演会予稿集(Web), 2021, 2021  
  • 須田博貴, 早川亮大, 石崎欣尚, 大橋隆哉, 竜野秀行, 山田真也, 一戸悠人, 岡田信二, 橋本直, 奥村拓馬, 東俊行, 玉川徹, 宇留賀朋哉, 関澤央輝, 新田清文, 神代暁, 高橋嘉夫, 板井啓明, 田中雅人, 蓬田匠, 山口瑛子, 川島彰吾, 長澤真, 栗栖美菜子, 柏原輝彦, 坂田昴平, 菅大暉, 野田博文, 林佑, 今井悠喜, 田中桂悟, 田口昂宙, DROIESE W.B., ULLOM J.N., SWETZ D.S.
    日本天文学会年会講演予稿集, 2020, 2020  
  • 板井啓明, 高橋嘉夫, 山田真也, 関澤央輝, 早川亮大, 大井かなえ, 須田博貴, 竜野秀行, 岡田信二, 奥村拓馬, 橋本直, 一戸悠人, 林佑, 今井悠喜, 野田博文, 神代暁, 宇留賀朋哉
    日本地球化学会年会要旨集(Web), 66th, 2019  



Research Projects
