
Hiroki Wadati

  (和達 大樹)

Profile Information

Professor, Graduate School of Science, University of Hyogo
PhD(University of Tokyo)

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Committee Memberships



  • Souliman El Moussaoui, Toshihide Sumi, Tomoaki Senoo, Yasuyuki Hirata, Kohei Yamamoto, Hiroki Yoshikawa, Masafumi Horio, Yuya Kubota, Shigeki Owada, Hiroki Wadati, Makina Yabashi, Arata Tsukamoto, Iwao Matsuda
    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 63(9) 09SP25-09SP25, Sep 2, 2024  
    Abstract In the present study, we investigated the magnetization dynamics of a Gd23Fe67Co10 nanofilm. We subjected the nanofilm to a time-resolved experiment to examine its magneto-optical effect using an X-ray free electron laser. By tuning the energy of the photons to the core-level resonance of the Fe absorption edge, we selectively determined the magnetic behavior of the elements at the Fe site in the nanofilm. When triggered by an ultrashort pulse of infrared radiation, the materials underwent demagnetization and magnetic reversal, depending on fluence of the laser. The following relaxation process was found to be associated not only with the fast recursion but also with a long sustention of the reversed magnetization. The experimental observation consistently match with the recent prediction by the magnetic dynamic simulation. The ultrafast dynamics was triggered by the ultrafast thermal effect and it was recovered toward the initial state in the non-thermal manner.
  • Michinari Kohri, Sojiro Isomura, Kyoka Tachibana, Ryota Hikichi, Yuya Oaki, Hiroki Wadati, Hirofumi Kanoh, Keiki Kishikawa
    Polymer Journal, 56(8) 765-775, May 15, 2024  
    Abstract In this study, we show that doping lanthanides into lamellar crystals reorganizes the lamellar structure and dramatically changes the crystal morphology. Azo-DA, a compound with azobenzene derivatives and carboxylic acids at both ends of the diacetylene moiety, formed plate-like lamellar crystals. The doping of holmium (Ho), a lanthanide, into the film obtained by stacking Azo-DA lamellar crystals, promoted a dramatic change in crystal morphology, resulting in the formation of an Azo-DA/Ho film with a radial lamellar crystal structure. A detailed investigation of the crystal growth process revealed that Azo-DA/Ho, which is slightly formed in the solution phase during Ho doping, acts as a pseudonucleating agent and dramatically changes the morphology of the lamellar crystals. Additionally, the morphological changes in the lamellar crystal films significantly changed the surface properties of the films, such as their appearance and water repellency. Similar morphological changes in lamellar crystals were induced when other lanthanide elements were used instead of Ho, and the type of lanthanide dopant can affect the magnetic properties of the films.
  • S. Nakata, R. Takahashi, R. Matsumoto, L.-F. Zhang, H. Sumida, S. Suzuki, T. C. Fujita, M. Kawasaki, H. Wadati
    Applied Physics Letters, May 13, 2024  
  • Kohei Yamagami, Hiroki Ueda, Urs Staub, Yujun Zhang, Kohei Yamamoto, Sang Han Park, Soonnam Kwon, Akihiro Mitsuda, Hirofumi Wada, Takayuki Uozumi, Kojiro Mimura, Hiroki Wadati
    Physical Review Research, 6(2), Apr, 2024  
    Valence transitions in strongly correlated electron systems are caused by orbital hybridization and Coulomb interactions between localized and delocalized electrons. The transition can be triggered by changes in the electronic structure and is sensitive to temperature variations, applications of magnetic fields, and physical or chemical pressure. Launching the transition by photoelectric fields can directly excite the electronic states and thus provides an ideal platform to study the correlation among electrons on ultrafast timescales. The EuNi2(Si0.21Ge0.79)2 mixed-valence metal is an ideal material to investigate the valence transition of the Eu ions via the amplified orbital hybridization by the photoelectric field on subpicosecond timescales. A direct view on the 4f electron occupancy of the Eu ions is required to understand the microscopic origin of the transition. Here we probe the 4f electron states of EuNi2(Si0.21Ge0.79)2 at the sub-ps timescale after photoexcitation by x-ray absorption spectroscopy across the Eu M5-absorption edge. The observed spectral changes due to the excitation indicate a population change of total angular momentum multiplet states J = 0, 1, 2, and 3 of Eu3+ and the Eu2+ J = 7/2 multiplet state caused by an increase in 4f electron temperature that results in a 4f localization process. This electronic temperature increases combined with fluence-dependent screening accounts for the strongly nonlinear effective valence change. The data allow us to extract a time-dependent determination of an effective temperature of the 4f shell, which is also of great relevance in the understanding of metallic systems' properties, such as the ultrafast demagnetization of ferromagnetic rare-earth intermetallic and their all-optical magnetization switching. In addition, our results elucidate the energetics of charge fluctuations in valence-mixed electronic systems, which provide enriched knowledge regarding the role of valence transitions and orbital hybridization for quantum critical phenomena.
  • Nao Komiyama, Takahiro Ohkubo, Yoshiki Maeda, Yuya Saeki, Nobuyuki Ichikuni, Hyuma Masu, Hirofumi Kanoh, Koji Ohara, Ryunosuke Takahashi, Hiroki Wadati, Hideaki Takagi, Yohei Miwa, Shoichi Kutsumizu, Keiki Kishikawa, Michinari Kohri
    Advanced Science, Mar 13, 2024  


  • 鎌田知希, 森野喬, 下元直樹, 谷佳樹, 高橋龍之介, 和達大樹, 小阪田泰子, 藤塚守, 田原圭志朗, 小澤芳樹, 阿部正明
    錯体化学会討論会講演要旨集, 73rd, 2023  
  • Kou Takubo, Huiyuan Man, Satoru Nakatsuji, Kohei Yamamoto, Yujun Zhang, Yasuyuki Hirata, Hiroki Wadati, Akira Yasui, Takashi Mizokawa, Daniel I. Khomskii
    Physical Review Materials, 5(7), Jul 19, 2021  
    Both the Jahn-Teller distortion of Cu$^{2+}$O$_6$ octahedra and magnetic ordering are absent in hexagonal Ba$_3$CuSb$_2$O$_9$ suggesting a Cu 3$d$ spin-orbital liquid state. Here, by means of resonant x-ray scattering and absorption experiment, we show that oxygen 2$p$ holes play crucial role in stabilizing this spin-orbital liquid state. These oxygen holes appear due to the "reaction" Sb$^{5+}$$\rightarrow$Sb$^{3+}$ $+$ two oxygen holes, with these holes being able to attach to Cu ions. The hexagonal phase with oxygen 2$p$ holes exhibits also a novel charge-orbital dynamics which is absent in the orthorhombic phase of Ba$_3$CuSb$_2$O$_9$ with Jahn-Teller distortion and Cu 3$d$ orbital order. The present work opens up a new avenue towards spin-charge-orbital entangled liquid state in transition-metal oxides with small or negative charge transfer energy.
  • Hiroshi Fukui, Hirokazu Kadobayashi, Hirotaka Abe, Ryunosuke Takahashi, Hiroki Wadati, Naohisa Hirao
    Apr 22, 2021  
    We have measured the lattice volume of ice VIII in different pressure-temperature pathways and found isothermal compression at low-temperature conditions makes the volume larger. Ice VIII has become its high-pressure phase with the molar volume of 6.45 cm^3 at 10 K where the pressure can be estimated as 60.4 GPa based on the third-order Birch-Murnaghan equation with parameters determined in this study (K_0= 32.4 GPa, K'_0= 3.7, and V_0= 11.9 cm^3). The present results indicate that this high-pressure state is paraelectric with tetragonal symmetry.
  • Kohei Yamamoto, Tomoyuki Tsuyama, Suguru Ito, Kou Takubo, Iwao Matsuda, Niko Pontius, Christian Schüßler-Langeheine, Makoto Minohara, Hiroshi Kumigashira, Yuichi Yamasaki, Hironori Nakao, Youichi Murakami, Takayoshi Katase, Toshio Kamiya, Hiroki Wadati
    NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 24(4), Mar 30, 2021  
    The relationship between the magnetic interaction and photoinduced dynamics in antiferromagnetic perovskites is investigated in this study. In La${}_{1/3}$Sr${}_{2/3}$FeO${}_{3}$ thin films, commensurate spin ordering is accompanied by charge disproportionation, whereas SrFeO${}_{3}$ thin films show incommensurate helical antiferromagnetic spin ordering due to increased ferromagnetic coupling compared to La${}_{1/3}$Sr${}_{2/3}$FeO${}_{3}$. To understand the photoinduced spin dynamics in these materials, we investigate the spin ordering through time-resolved resonant soft X-ray scattering. In La${}_{1/3}$Sr${}_{2/3}$FeO${}_{3}$, ultrafast quenching of the magnetic ordering within 130 fs through a nonthermal process is observed, triggered by charge transfer between the Fe atoms. We compare this to the photoinduced dynamics of the helical magnetic ordering of SrFeO${}_{3}$. We find that the change in the magnetic coupling through optically induced charge transfer can offer an even more efficient channel for spin-order manipulation.
  • 村主圭佑, 和達大樹, 新船幸二, 吉田晴彦, 堀田育志
    応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 82nd, 2021  



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