
Akira Takeuchi

  (竹内 章)

Profile Information

Institute for Innovation and Social Value Creation, University of Hyogo
博士(工学)(Nagoya Institute of Technology)

researchmap Member ID

Committee Memberships



  • Takeuchi A., Wada T.
    Materials Transactions, 66(1), Jan, 2025  Lead authorCorresponding author
  • Takeuchi A, Wada T
    Materials Transactions, 65(3) 253-261, Mar, 2024  Peer-reviewedLead authorCorresponding author
  • Takeuchi A, Wada T, Amya K, Kato H, Nagase T
    Materials Transactions, 64(4) 841-848, Apr, 2023  Peer-reviewedLead authorCorresponding author
    M o 3 5 N i 1 5 R h 1 5 R u 3 5 , F e 1 4 M o 3 5 N i 1 5 R h1 5 R u 2 1 , M o2 5N i2 5R h2 5R u2 5, and F e 2 0 M o 2 0 N i 2 0 R h 2 0 R u 2 0 ( a t. % ) alloys were designed b y referring t o hexagonal close-packed ( h c p ) N b - M o - R u - R h - P d high-entropy alloys ( H E A s ) reported b y Liu e t a l., with the help o f Pearson ' s Crystal Data. X-ray diffraction profiles o f the F e 2 0 M o 2 0 N i 2 0Rh2 0 R u 2 0 and F e 1 4 M o 3 5 N i 1 5 R h 1 5 R u 2 1 alloys prepared via the conventional arc-melting and subsequent annealing a t 1700 K for 1 h show a n h c p structure. Further scanning electron microscopy observations combined with elemental mapping via energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy confirmed the single h c p structure. The F e 2 0 M o 2 0 N i 2 0 R h 2 0 R u 2 0 H E A annealed a t 1700 K for 1 h exhibited a mixing entropy (Sm i x) normalized b y the gas constant (R ) o f 1.846, 14% higher than the configuration entropy (Sc o n f i g) normalized b y R (Sc o n f i g/R = l n 5 ) . This study reveals two new ultrahigh-mixing-entropy alloys ( U H M i x E A s ) that satisfy Sm i x > Sc o n f i g, the F e 2 0 M o 2 0 N i 2 0 R h 2 0 R u 2 0 and F e 1 4 M o 3 5 N i 1 5 R h 1 5 R u 2 1 alloys. The evaluation o f Sm i x/Sc o n f i g for the present U H M i x E A s and referential Co-containing H E A s from early studies revealed that Sm i x/Sc o n f i g of the former are constant whereas those o f the latter increase a t the magnetic transition (Curie) temperature o r below.
  • Takeuchi A, Wada T
    Materials Transactions, 63(1) 7-15, Jan, 2022  Peer-reviewedLead authorCorresponding author
    Os-free alloys with compositions of Fe12Ir20Re20Rh20Ru28 and Ir25Re25Rh25Ru25 (at%) from an Ir-Re-Rh-Ru system with and without Fe are prepared via conventional arc-melting and subsequent annealing to examine their formation into a single hexagonal close-packed (hcp) structure as high-entropy alloys (HEAs). These alloys are derived by referring to Yunseko et al., who reported the formation of HEAs with a single hcp structure in a near-equiatomic composition (similar to Ir20Re20Rh20Ru20) achieved via a chemical reaction. The aim of the present study is to exclude Os from the prototypical HEA (the quinary exact equiatomic Ir20Re20Rh20Ru20 alloy) to prevent hazardous osmium tetroxide (OsO4) from volatilizing in a bulk sample. Fe12Ir20Re20Rh20Ru28 alloy is set as the target alloy by replacing Os with Fe0.6Ru0.4 in the prototypical HEA. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) profile of the Fe12Ir20Re20Rh20Ru28 alloy annealed at 2273 K for 1 h shows an hcp structure, and further scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations combined with elemental mapping via energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) confirmed a single hcp structure. The XRD profiles of the other samples (the Fe12Ir20Re20Rh20Ru28 alloy in both as-prepared and annealed at 2000 K for 1 h states, and the Ir25Re25Rh25Ru25 alloy in both as-prepared and annealed at 2273 K for 1 h states) exhibit a combination of hcp structures, based on XRD, SEM, and EDX observations. The Fe12Ir20Re20Rh20Ru28 HEA yielded by the conventional solidification method reflects a significant development, as it is an Os-free alloy and the first single-phase hcp-HEA that includes an element from the 3d late transition metal.


  • Takeshi NAGASE, Tatsuhiko IMAKI, Akira TAKEUCHI, Akihiko YANAGITANI, Atsushi YAMAGUCHI, Tohru YAMASAKI
    JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN WELDING SOCIETY, 93(7) 418-422, 2024  Peer-reviewed
  • Nishijima M, Takenaka K, Takeuchi A, Konno T.J, Makino A
    Materia, 55(12) 598-598, Dec 1, 2016  
  • Akira Takeuchi
    Funtai Oyobi Fummatsu Yakin/Journal of the Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy, 63(4) 209-216, Apr 1, 2016  
    This paper provides general overviews for the recent progress in alloy designs for high-entropy crystalline and glassy alloys in the following aspects. First, the alloy designs for bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) are briefly reviewed by focusing on atomic size differences, mixing enthalpy and valence electron concentration as well, followed by their extension to the other related alloys including high-entropy alloys (HEAs). Then, the historic backgrounds of the high-entropy bulk metallic glasses (HE-BMGs) are dealt with by pointing out the features of the HE-BMGs. Subsequently, the recently-developed HEAs with hcp structure, which are the new ones to the conventional HEAs with bcc, fcc and their mixture structures, are discussed for their future development. Finally, recent alloy designs utilizing crystallographic data acquired from Pettifor map, Pearson's Crystal Data and binary phase diagrams are discussed in order to use them for the development of new alloys in near future.
  • Y. Wang, A. Takeuchi, A. Makino, Y. Liang, Y. Kawazoe
  • Akira Takeuchi
    This paper describes high-entropy alloys (HEAs), bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) and high-entropy bulk metallic glasses (HE-BMGs) for their alloy design based on the quantities corresponding to the difference in atomic size and heat of mixing. The contents started with describing the differences between HEAs and BMGs, followed by the features of HE. BMGs by focusing on the universalities underlying these three alloys. The significance of thermodynamics with ability to describe the necessary quantities for designing these alloys as a function of alloy composition was argued by referring to the early studies. Furthermore, future prospects of these alloys in terms of alloy design are described for their further progress in researches.

Books and Other Publications




Teaching Experience


Professional Memberships


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Social Activities


Media Coverage

  • 神戸新聞 姫路, Dec 7, 2023 Newspaper, magazine
  • 姫路市経済情報誌, ファイル NO.195 秋号, Sep 30, 2023 Promotional material
    2019年4月、兵庫県立大学内に設立された「水素エネルギー共同研究センター」。国内外の大学、研究機関および地元企業と連携し、水素に関する幅広い研究、水素エネルギー社会の実現に向けて取り組む同センターについて紹介します。水素エネルギー共同研究センター センター長 嶺重 温さん 同センター 対外発信マネジメントグループ長 竹内 章さん
  • 日刊工業新聞, 17面, Mar 31, 2023 Newspaper, magazine
    インタビュー ひょうごメタルベルトコンソーシアムは2019年9月に設立。現状の活動状況や今後について、22年4月に就任した竹内章金属新素材研究センター長に聞いた。
  • 科学新聞, Jul 11, 2014 Newspaper, magazine

