
Yuko Kawasaki

  (川崎 優子)

Profile Information

School of Nursing Art and Sience, University of Hyogo

Other name(s) (e.g. nickname)
University of Hyogo, College of Nursing
researchmap Member ID

Research Interests



  • 松本 綾奈, 川崎 優子
    兵庫県立大学看護学部・地域ケア開発研究所紀要, 31 13-27, Mar, 2024  Peer-reviewed
  • 永島 志, 川崎 優子
    兵庫県立大学看護学部・地域ケア開発研究所紀要, 31 1-12, Mar, 2024  Peer-reviewed
  • Yuko Kawasaki, Kei Hirai, Manabu Nii, Yoshiyuki Kizawa, Atsuko Uchinuno
    Cancer diagnosis & prognosis, 4(1) 57-65, 2024  
    BACKGROUND/AIM: Patients diagnosed with cancer are expected to choose one or more treatment modalities after receiving corresponding explanations of the options. When making these choices, patients consider the effects of treatment and aspects related to their quality of life. These concerns can cause confusion and conflict owing to the complicated information provided by medical caregivers. The objective of the study was to identify perceptions of cancer treatment in patients with cancer and the decision-making factors affecting their treatment choices. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In this observational (cross-sectional) study, an online questionnaire survey was administered to 194 Japanese cancer patients with treatment experience. Patient information, perceptions of explanations provided by healthcare professionals, treatment views, and reasons for treatment decisions were subjected to a simple tabulation. Content and factor analysis was conducted to determine important treatment selection elements. RESULTS: Regarding treatment perception, 60.3% of respondents (n=117) considered treatment a financial and family burden, 47.4% (n=92) had concerns about physical pain, and 40.2% (n=78) were worried about increased stress. Regarding decision-making quality, 95.9% determined their preferred treatment within one week, 49.0% reported difficulties in making their decisions, and 83.0% chose their treatment themselves. Major decisive factors were prolonging life, opinions of medical staff, and accepting treatment risks (68.0%, 68.6%, and 60.3% of patients, respectively). The main attitudes toward treatment were anxiety, expectations of benefit, and expectations of support and care. CONCLUSION: SDM should enable patients to visualize the changes that their bodies will experience and include discussions on prognosis. Psychological care should be prioritized to alleviate anxiety and improve readiness for decision-making; attention should be paid to the extent and timing of information provision.
  • Yuko Kawasaki, Kei Hirai, Manabu Nii, Yoshiyuki Kizawa, Atsuko Uchinuno
    Future oncology (London, England), Oct 31, 2023  
    Background: We investigated factors involved in decision-making support provided by physicians, nurses, pharmacists and medical and psychiatric social workers involved in cancer care. Materials & methods: A questionnaire survey on decision-making support was conducted. The level of clinician support was classified as 'supporting patients' 'decision-making process regarding cancer treatment', 'no support for patients' 'decision-making process regarding cancer treatment' or 'team-based support for patients' 'decision-making process regarding cancer treatment'. Results: Physicians estimated that 83.7% of patients made a cancer treatment decision within 1 week, but 45.4% of patients had difficulty making a decision. Conclusion: Medical personnel should support patients who have difficulty making decisions, establish a screening method to identify those needing support and develop a system providing decision-making support through interprofessional work.
  • 村上 好恵, 今井 芳枝, 武田 祐子, 川崎 優子, 浅海 くるみ, 森 裕香, 井上 勇太, 阪本 朋香
    四国医学雑誌, 79(3-4) 165-172, Sep, 2023  


  • 日下 咲, 須藤 保, 川崎 優子
    日本がん看護学会誌, 38, Mar, 2024  Last author
  • 林 直子, 沖村 愛子, 小笠 美春, 鈴木 久美, 雄西 智恵美, 入澤 裕子, 内田 恵, 田代 真理, 遠藤 久美, 川崎 優子, 藤田 佐和, 渡邉 眞理, 日本がん看護学会令和4年度将来構想推進委員会
    日本がん看護学会誌, 38 1-6, Jan, 2024  
  • 川崎 優子
    日本放射線看護学会誌, 11(1) 26-28, Jun, 2023  
  • 川崎 優子
    日本遺伝カウンセリング学会誌, 44(2) 69-69, Jun, 2023  
  • 今井 芳枝, 阿部 彰子, 村上 好恵, 武田 祐子, 川崎 優子, 板東 孝枝, 高橋 亜希, 井上 勇太, 阪本 朋香, 吉田 加奈子
    遺伝性腫瘍, 22(3) 68-74, Feb, 2023  
    本研究は,遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌症候群(hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome;HBOC)と診断された乳癌罹患患者のリスク低減卵管卵巣摘出術(risk reducing birateral salpingo-oophorectomy;RRSO)後の思いを明らかにすることを目的とした.対象者は,HBOCと診断された乳癌罹患患者でRRSO後の20歳以上の成人患者12名とし,半構造化面接方法でデータ収集をした.結果,HBOCと診断された乳癌罹患患者のRRSO後の思いとして【がんという恐怖から解き放たれて安らいでいる】【タイミングがよかったので、手術を決心できた】【後続の人のために自分の手術経験を役立てる】【RRSOが終わった今だからこそ身内のがんに向き合う】【手術をしても自分の状態を思い煩う】【手術で卵巣を取り除いたことに負い目がある】の6つのカテゴリーが導き出された.HBOCと診断された乳癌罹患患者はRRSOの意義を十分に理解しており、RRSOは自身のがんのリスク低減だけではなく身内のためでもあり,HBOCの家系が関わる遺伝の特徴が見出されていた.一方で、RRSO後にも自分の身体状態に対して不安や心配などネガティブな心情を持ち続けていたことが示された.(著者抄録)

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