Profile Information
- Affiliation
- School of Nursing Art and Sience, University of Hyogo
- Researcher number
- 10843013
- 202001001463689558
- researchmap Member ID
- R000009576
Research Interests
5Research Areas
3Research History
Apr, 2022 - Present
Apr, 2019 - Present
Jul, 2012 - Jan, 2019
Apr, 2010 - Jun, 2012
Apr, 2016 - Mar, 2019
An Official Journal of the Japan Primary Care Association, 46(4) 132-141, Dec 20, 2023 Peer-reviewedIntroduction: The purpose of this study was to clarify the relationship between the available service information on small-scale multifunctional in-home nursing care (KANTAKI) and its operational status via text mining. Methods: We obtained nationwide textual information on KANTAKI from the Nursing Care Service Information Disclosure System and the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare, and analyzed the characteristics of the word usage using KH Coder. The number of users and employees and the implementation of services were compared among the facilities that used terms relating to medical dependency and end-of-life care, which are KANTAKI characteristics, and with other facilities. Results: The facilities that used terms relating to medical dependency and end-of-life care showed significantly more users requiring nursing care level 5 and more full-time nursing staff than those not using such terms. Moreover, regarding service provision, the rate of procedures was significantly higher in 11 of 12 items, except for stoma. Conclusion: The facilities that use terms relating to medical dependency and end-of-life care in their information have more users and provide a greater variety of services. In the future, educational support is required to enable facility managers to understand the services and translate them into their work.
40(2) 150-165, Oct 15, 2023 Peer-reviewed
Asian/Pacific Island Nursing Journal, 7 e45779-e45779, May 9, 2023 Peer-reviewed<jats:sec> <jats:title>Background</jats:title> <jats:p>Japan is a superaging society unparalleled in the world. Elderly people who need medical care do not receive adequate support in the community. As a new service to address this issue, a small-scale multifunctional in-home care nursing service called Kantaki was created in 2012. Kantaki, in collaboration with a primary physician, operates 24 hours a day and provides various nursing services (home visits, home care, day care, and overnight stays) to older people living in the community. The Japanese Nursing Association is working hard to promote this system; however, its low utilization rate is an issue.</jats:p> </jats:sec> <jats:sec> <jats:title>Objective</jats:title> <jats:p>This study aimed to determine factors influencing the utilization rate of Kantaki facilities.</jats:p> </jats:sec> <jats:sec> <jats:title>Methods</jats:title> <jats:p>This was a cross-sectional study. A questionnaire on the operation of Kantaki was sent to all administrators of Kantaki facilities operating in Japan from October 1 to December 31, 2020. A multiple regression analysis was used to determine factors associated with a high utilization rate.</jats:p> </jats:sec> <jats:sec> <jats:title>Results</jats:title> <jats:p>Responses from 154 of the 593 facilities were analyzed. The average utilization rate for all valid responding facilities was 79.4%. The average number of actual users and the break-even point were almost equal, resulting in little surplus profit from facility operations. A multiple regression analysis showed that factors that had a significant impact on the utilization rate included the break-even point, a surplus of users relative to the break-even point (ie, the margin of revenues), the number of months in office of the administrator, the type of corporation (ie, nonprofit), and Kantaki’s profit from operating home-visit nursing offices. The break-even point, a surplus of users relative to the break-even point, and the number of months in office of the administrator were robust. In addition, support for reducing the burden on family helpers, a service sought by the system, significantly and negatively affected the utilization rate. In the analysis that removed the most influential factors, the cooperation of the home-visit nursing office, Kantaki’s profit from operating the home-visit nursing office, and the number of full-time care workers were significantly related.</jats:p> </jats:sec> <jats:sec> <jats:title>Conclusions</jats:title> <jats:p>To improve the utilization rate, managers need to stabilize their organization and increase profitability. However, a positive relationship was found between the break-even point and utilization rate, suggesting that simply increasing users did not contribute to cost reduction. Moreover, providing services that meet the needs of individual clients may result in lower utilization rates. These results, which are inconsistent with common sense, reflect the divergence between the assumptions underlying the system’s design and actual conditions. To solve these issues, institutional reforms, such as an increase in nursing care fee points, may be necessary.</jats:p> </jats:sec>
Japan journal of medical informatics, 42(6) 249-262, Apr, 2023 Peer-reviewedLead author
7(1) R20-R29, 2023 Peer-reviewed
Health Emergency and Disaster Nursing, 10(1) 46-48, Mar 31, 2023 Peer-reviewedLead author
【看護ケアの質評価と改善 看護実践の質を可視化するしくみと組織での活用】「看護ケアの質評価・改善システム」が創出する質改善運動 システムの特徴と,分析から見えてくる「構造」「過程」「アウトカム」の関連看護管理, 32(4) 276-282, Apr, 2022<文献概要>本稿では,日本看護質評価改善機構が提供する「看護ケアの質評価・改善システム」の特徴について解説する。その上で,このシステムおける得点分布がどうなっているか,項目ごとの関連性を解説し,この評価ツールを用いることで,どのように自主的な質改善運動が創出されるかを紹介する。
看護研究, 55(1) 58-68, Feb, 2022<文献概要>はじめに 本稿においては,私たちが状況特定理論構築にチャレンジした過程を示したい。本稿のねらいは,誰でも気軽に理論構築に取り組めるように,その道筋を示すことである。本理論の素材は,2012年より日本学術振興会科学研究費の助成を受けた「食からはじめる高齢者福祉施設における生活の再構築」の研究において,介入モデルを展開したときから形づくられてきた。しかし,理論という形にしようと考えたのは,2019年にDr. Imから状況特定理論の本を出版するので執筆しないかと,お声をかけていただいたのが契機だ。それまで,上記の介入モデルは理論に近いものと考えていたが,実際に理論に仕立てる過程でこれまで不足していた多くのことを学び,違う地平線をみることができた。特に,理論の前提,哲学的な背景を明確にすること,理論の要素をひとつずつ吟味し見直すことで,どのような看護介入を実践しようとしたかがより明確になった。本理論は英文で出版するために構築したので,英文のタイトル「Dining supports for life enhancement at welfare facilities for seniors in Japan(DLWS理論)」が先につけられた。日本語では,「高齢者福祉施設での活き活きとした暮らしを支えるための食支援理論」という意味である。なお,本理論の詳細は,前述の成書(Sakashita, Ono, & Nakanishi, 2021)を参照してほしい。
Phenomena in Nursing, 6(1) S5-S11, 2022本学(県立大学)看護学部のプロジェクト「ビッグデータを活用した健康リスク予測と高度看護介入による新たなデータヘルス・システムの開発」の一環として実施した、糖尿病の悪化を予測するためのアルゴリズムの開発と特定保健指導で活用可能なアプリケーションの開発について報告した。糖尿病悪化予測アルゴリズムの開発は、A市の平成12年(2000年)から平成31年(2019年)までの健診データ19750人分をもとに、過去2回分のデータから3回目の糖尿病の総合判定の予測を行った。1回目のデータを「過去データ」、2回目のデータを「現在データ」、3回目のデータを「未来データ」とし、検査項目を「基本データ」「診断データ」「アンケートデータ」と区分し、区分ごとに「過去データ」「現在データ」「未来データ」「過去→現在への変化データ」「現在→未来への変化データ」に分け、3回目である「未来データ」が悪化するかしないかを機械学習などを用いた。上記のアルゴリズムを用いて糖尿病の悪化および発症のリスク変化を提示し、生活習慣の改善の動機づけとすることを目的に、保健指導アプリを構築した。その結果、糖尿病悪化予測アルゴリズムでは、「判定の悪化」を予測対象としてしまったため、判定が一段階悪化したばかりの者は次回に悪化しにくく、良いスコアが表示されてしまう結果となり、これだけでは生活習慣改善の動機づけにつながらないことが分かった。
Health Emergency and Disaster Nursing, 2021
Books and Other Publications
Springer, 2021 (ISBN: 9783030632229)
27Professional Memberships
6Research Projects
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Apr, 2022 - Mar, 2025
科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C), 日本学術振興会, Apr, 2020 - Mar, 2024
科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B), 日本学術振興会, Apr, 2018 - Mar, 2023
部局提案プロジェクト:ビッグデータ分析班, 兵庫県立大学, Apr, 2019 - Mar, 2022
令和元年度兵庫県立大学特別研究助成金若手研究者支援, Aug, 2019 - Mar, 2020