
鈴木 敏和

スズキ トシカズ  (Toshikazu Suzuki)


和洋女子大学 家政学部健康栄養学科 教授
(兼任)大学院総合生活研究科 教授
博士(薬学)(1994年3月 千葉大学)








  • Toshikazu Suzuki
    Dietetics 3(3) 227-234 2024年7月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • 高野,栞, 金子,健彦, 鈴木,敏和
    和洋女子大学紀要 65 139-148 2024年3月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
    【目的】 ビタミンDはカルシウム代謝に関わる脂溶性ビタミンとして知られている。近年、ビタミンDの不足者と心の健康の関連や、ビタミンD結合タンパク質をコードするgroup-specific component(GC)遺伝子の一塩基多型(SNP)と血中25-ヒドロキシビタミンDレベルの関連が報告された。そこで、心身的な健康状態やビタミンDサプリメントの心身的な健康状態改善効果にビタミンDの栄養状態が関連するか、さらにGC 遺伝子の一塩基多型とビタミンDサプリメントの心身的な健康状態改善効果の関連について見出すことを本研究の目的とした。 【方法】 本試験に同意した若年女性健常者76名を対象に、食物摂取頻度調査票を用いた栄養調査、外出時間や日よけ対策に関するアンケート調査、2か所(rs7041、rs4588)のGC遺伝子SNP型の調査、および4種の心身的な健康状態に関するアンケート調査(ベックの抑うつ質問票-II:BDI-II、特性不安尺度:STAI、知覚されたストレス尺度:PSS、Cook-Medleyの敵意スケール:Ho)を行った。その後90日間ビタミンDサプリメント(ビタミンD3として25μg/日)摂取させ、90日後に再び精神的な健康状態に関するアンケート調査を行った。 【結果】 栄養調査および外出時間や日よけ対策調査から試験参加者をビタミンD充足群と不足群に分けると、不足群において、心身的な健康状態のうち、BDI-IIのスコアが充足群と比較して1.5倍高かった。90日間のビタミンDサプリメント摂取により、不足群でBDI-IIスコアが有意に低下した。2か所のSNP型を合わせ、白人に多いSNP型所有者をグループ1、その他の者をグループ2と2群に分け、心身的な健康状態に関するアンケート調査の結果を比較したところ、サプリメント摂取前ではグループ1の方がグループ2よりもBDI-IIスコアが有意に高かった。また、ビタミンDサプリメント摂取によるBDI-IIスコア低下はグループ1でのみ観察された。 【考察】 若年女性において、ビタミンDが不足している人では抑うつ度が高まること、ビタミンDサプリメントによるうつ症状改善効果は、特にビタミンDが不足している人に有効である可能性が示唆された。また、グループ1の若年女性は抑うつ度が高く、ビタミンDサプリメント摂取によるうつ症状改善効果は、グループ2の者よりも高いことが示唆された。
  • 鈴木,敏和, 高野,栞, 元山,礼奈, 金子,健彦
    和洋女子大学紀要 65 127-138 2024年3月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • 和洋女子大学紀要 64 77-85 2023年3月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • Michiyo Takahashi, Tetsu Kinoshita, Koutatsu Maruyama, Toshikazu Suzuki
    Nutrients 14(13) 2579-2579 2022年6月  査読有り責任著者
    The single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) rs3808607, rs2072183, rs2032582, and rs1761667 are associated with coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) bioavailability in women after long-term CoQ10 supplementation. However, the beneficial aspects of the association between these SNPs and CoQ10 supplementation remain unknown. We investigated their relationship using the subjective quality of life score SF-36 by reanalyzing previous data from 92 study participants who were receiving ubiquinol (a reduced form of CoQ10) supplementation for 1 year. Two-way repeated-measures analysis of variance revealed a significant interaction between rs1761667 and the SF-36 scores of role physical (p = 0.016) and mental health (p = 0.017) in women. Subgrouping of participants based on the above four SNPs revealed significant interactions between these SNPs and the SF-36 scores of general health (p = 0.045), role emotional (p = 0.008), and mental health (p = 0.019) and increased serum CoQ10 levels (p = 0.008), suggesting that the benefits of CoQ10 supplementation, especially in terms of psychological parameters, are genotype-dependent in women. However, significant interactions were not observed in men. Therefore, inclusion of SNP subgrouping information in clinical trials of CoQ10 supplementation may provide conclusive evidence supporting other beneficial health effects exerted by the association between these SNPs and CoQ10 on women.
  • Toshikazu Suzuki, Mayumi Nagata, Natsuko Kagawa, Shiori Takano, Nahrowi, Jun Nomura
    Molecules 2021年11月7日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • Michiyo Takahashi, Mayumi Nagata, Tetsu Kinoshita, Takehiko Kaneko, Toshikazu Suzuki
    Antioxidants 10(3) 431-431 2021年3月11日  査読有り責任著者
  • Toshikazu Suzuki
    Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism 2020 1-7 2020年1月7日  査読有り責任著者
  • 高橋 美知代, 木下 徹, 金子 健彦, 鈴木 敏和
    和洋女子大学紀要 = The journal of Wayo Women's University 58(58) 111-118 2018年3月31日  査読有り責任著者
  • 鈴木 敏和, 永田 真弓
    和洋女子大学紀要 58 175-183 2018年3月  招待有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • Nagata M, Suzuki T
    Mathews Journal of Nutrition & Dietetics 2(1) 013 2017年3月27日  査読有り責任著者
  • Takahashi M, Suzuki T, Takagi A, Matsumoto H, Hashizume N
    Mathews Journal of Nutrition & Dietetics 1(1) 005 2016年6月20日  査読有り責任著者
  • 川井琴未, 大谷美晴, 宇田川孝子, 高橋美知代, 鈴木敏和
    New Diet Therapy 32(1) 3-13-13 2016年6月1日  査読有り責任著者
  • 高橋美知代, 木下徹, 丸山広達, 谷川武, 鈴木敏和
    和洋女子大学紀要 56 123-132 2016年3月  査読有り責任著者
  • 柳澤 幸江, 鈴木 敏和, 藤澤 由美子, 金子 健彦, 後藤 政幸, 櫻井 洋一, 中島 肇, 古畑 公, 湊 久美子, 大河原 悦子, 杉浦 令子, 多賀 昌樹, 高橋 佳子, 登坂 三紀夫, 松井 幾子, 本 三保子, 難波 秀行
    和洋女子大学紀要 56 143-150 2016年3月  招待有り
    本報告は、平成26年度和洋女子大学教育振興支援助成を受けて実施したものであり、健康栄養学類での管理栄養士育成に関わる教育において、「クリッカーシステム」を用いて教育効果を向上させ、学生の自己学習意欲を高めることを目的とした。クリッカーシステムは現在、本学「ワヨラ」で運用が行われているが、学生の講義への参加状況や理解度をリアルタイムで知ることができる。さらに学生参加型の双方向型授業によって授業においての集中力が高まること、自身の理解度を学友たちと相対比較することにより学習意欲向上が期待できる等の効果が言われている。 本取り組みでは、健康栄養学類の4年生に開講している国家試験対策関連講義で、クリッカーシステムを使用した授業を実施した。クリッカー使用スクリーンを可動式の第2スクリーンで適用することによって、授業運営をスムースにすることができた。学生アンケートの結果、授業の理解度を高める効果は確認できなかったが、クリッカーを用いた回答によって即座に学生の理解状況を確認できることで、学生の理解にあわせた授業を実施することができたとの評価を得た。クリッカーを通常授業で活用することに関しては、学生からはまだ積極的利用の要望が挙げられていないが、今後も引き続き、学習効果を高めるクリッカーの利用方法の検討をしていく必要があると考える。
  • Hai-Sheng Liu, Yu-Huan Gao, Li-Hong Liu, Wei Liu, Qing-Wen Shi, Mei Dong, Toshikazu Suzuki, Hiromasa Kiyota
    BIOSCIENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 80(10) 1883-1886 2016年  査読有り責任著者
    The inhibitory effect of 13 taxanes isolated from the Chinese yew (Taxus chinensis var. mairei) on the proliferation of human cervical cancer HeLa cells were examined using an MTT assay. Four compounds having a hydrophobic cinnamate side chain showed antiproliferative activity, which may be due to increased cell permeability.
  • Toshikazu Suzuki
    Cancer & Metabolism 2(Suppl1) P71 2014年5月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • Toshikazu Suzuki
    Cancer & Metabolism 2(Suppl1) P72 2014年5月  査読有り
  • Tetsuo Sato, Kazuko Kita, Shigeru Sugaya, Toshikazu Suzuki, Nobuo Suzuki
    PANCREAS 41(8) 1247-1254 2012年11月  査読有り
    Objectives: Extracellular microenvironment plays crucial roles in the development of cancers and chemoresistance. Pancreatic carcinoma is resistant to almost all chemotherapeutic agents. In this study, we identified annexin II in the medium from pancreatic cancer cells as a protein released into the extracellular environment. Methods: Medium from 5-hour cultures of various cancer cells was collected. Proteins in the medium were detected by molecular mass analysis and immunoblotting. Anticancer drug sensitivity of cells preincubated with or without recombinant annexin II (rANX II) was measured using crystal violet assay and colony survival assay. Apoptosis- related molecules were analyzed by immunoblotting. Results: Recombinant ANX II supplementation in the medium confers resistance to anticancer drugs, including cisplatin, 5-fluorouracil, and gemcitabine, in MiaPaCa-2 and AsPC-1 cells. In MiaPaCa-2 cells, rANX II supplementation resulted in suppression of caspase-3 activation associated with increased Bcl-2/Bax ratios. Suppression of cisplatin-induced cell death by rANX II supplementation was canceled by inhibitors of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase signal pathways. Conclusions: The current study is the first report to demonstrate that supplementation of rANX II in the medium increased resistance to anticancer drugs in pancreatic cancer cells. Recombinant ANX II exerts cell deathYsuppressive function by antagonizing cisplatin-induced apoptosis.
  • Takahashi M, Takagi A, Suzuki T, Matsumoto H
    BMC Proceedings 6(Suppl3) P48 2012年5月  査読有り
  • Suzuki T, Takagi A, Takahashi M
    BMC Proceedings 6(Suppl3) P47 2012年5月  査読有り
  • Rusu-Udagawa K, Suzuki T, Yanagisawa Y
    BMC Proceedings 6(Suppl3) P50 2012年5月  査読有り
  • Kazuko Kita, Katsuo Sugita, Shi-Ping Chen, Toshikazu Suzuki, Shigeru Sugaya, Takeshi Tanaka, Yuan-Hu Jin, Tetsuo Satoh, Xiao-Bo Tong, Nobuo Suzuki
    RADIATION RESEARCH 176(6) 732-742 2011年12月  査読有り
    Kita, K., Sugita, K., Chen, S. P., Suzuki, T., Sugaya, S., Tanaka, T., Jin, Y. H., Satoh, T., Tong, X. B. and Suzuki, N. Extracellular Recombinant Annexin II Confers UVC-Radiation Resistance and Increases the Bcl-xL to Bax Protein Ratios in Human UVC-Radiation-Sensitive Cells. Radiat. Res. 176, 732-742 (2011). In this study, we found that refractoriness to ultraviolet (UVC) light-induced cell death was increased in UVC-radiation-sensitive cells derived from Cockayne syndrome patients when the cells were precultured in medium supplemented with recombinant annexin II (rANX II). In CS3BES cells, an immortal cell line derived from Cockayne syndrome patients, the rANX H supplementation-induced UVC-radiation resistance was suppressed by treatment with an anti-annexin II antibody and EGTA. The amount of biotinylated annexin II on the cell surface increased in the rANX II-supplemented cells but did not increase in the cells that were cotreated with rANX H and EGTA. The capacity to remove UVC-radiation-damaged DNA, (6-4) photoproducts and cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers, was the same in cells that were precultured with rANX II and in control cells that did not receive rANX II supplementation. The rANX II supplementation-induced UVC-radiation resistance was also observed in nucleotide excision repair-deficient cells and xeroderma pigmentosum group A-downregulated cells. The Bcl-xL to Bax protein ratios, an index of survival activity in cells exposed to lethal stresses, were increased in the cells that had been precultured in rANX II for 24 h prior to UVC irradiation. Treatment with a phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibitor suppressed the increased UVC-radiation resistance and Bcl-xL to Bax ratios in the cells with rANX II supplementation. Furthermore, downregulation of Bcl-xL by siRNA transfection also suppressed the UVC-radiation resistance that was induced by rANX II supplementation. These results suggest that the increase in the Bcl-xL to Bax ratios may be associated with enhanced resistance to UVC-radiation-induced cell death. (C) 2011 by Radiation Research Society
  • Ren Q, Jang X, Chen SP, Yoshida M, Tong X, Guo WZ, Suzuki T, Sugaya S, Tanaka T, Kita K, Suzuki N
    Chiba Medical Journal 87(5) 189-194-194 2011年10月  査読有り
    Water was collected from the taps of houses in cities and from first-class rivers in eastern Japan, and organic compounds in the water were extracted and concentrated using an Oasis HLB 3-cc extraction cartridge. Human RSa cells were examined for assessing the cytotoxic effects of the concentrated compounds present in water by MTT assay. The viability of cells treated with tap water samples was found to be about 80-100Pompared with 100 168822344n cells treated with MilliQ water samples. The viability of cells treated with 17 river water samples was over 80 3.251414e+161xcept for the sample from the Aganogawa river; water samples from Tamagawa and Arakawa rivers showed less than 70% viability in their middle and lower sections. The deterioration in water quality was particularly evident in April and July in Tamagawa river and in August and October in Edogawa river. Tests of the cytotoxic effects of water samples using human RSa cells may be a more comprehensive approach in evaluating biological effects of various factors in tap and river water and in unifying the criteria that apply to environmental water quality.
  • Ihara H, Suzuki T, Hashizume N
    Journal of Analytical Bio-Science 34(3) 218-222-222 2011年6月  査読有り
  • Zahed, M, Suzuki, T, Kita, K, Sugaya, S, Suzuki, N
    Chiba Medical Journal 87(2) 61-68-68 2011年4月  査読有り責任著者
    Zahed M and Suzuki T contributed equally to the work.
  • Toshikazu Suzuki, Jun Lu, Gaofeng Hu, Kazuko Kita, Nobuo Suzuki
    ONCOLOGY REPORTS 25(3) 879-885 2011年3月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Glucose-regulated protein 78 (GRP78) is expressed abundantly in various types of cancer cells and is believed to contribute to chemotherapeutic resistance. In this study, we investigated the effect of a continuous approach for the expression of a short hairpin RNA (shRNA) targeted to GRP78 with retrovirus transduction on the sensitivity to the anticancer drugs VP-16 and cisplatin. The reduction of GRP78 expression failed, and the expression of GRP94 and P5 chaperon mRNA increased; this increase was associated with a mild activation of the unfolded protein response in He La cells, which were stably transduced with GRP78 shRNA gene. The transduced cells exhibited similar sensitivity to VP-16-induced cell death when compared to control GFP shRNA gene-transduced cells. However, sensitivity to cisplatin-induced cell death was higher in GRP78 shRNA gene-transduced cells compared to control cells. These results demonstrate that the continuous or prolonged approach targeting GRP78 confers sensitization of He La cells to cisplatin independently of the down-regulation of GRP78 expression. The role of the unfolded protein response in sensitization to cisplatin is discussed.
  • Gaofeng Hu, Toshikazu Suzuki, Mei Dong, Qin-Wen Shi, Bing Cong, Nobuo Suzuki
    BIOSCIENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 73(10) 2341-2344 2009年10月  査読有り
    We found increased expression of GRP94, the 94-kDa glucose-regulated protein, in HeLa cells 24h after treatment with luteolin. Luteolin increased the levels of GRP94 mRNA and protein, but it did not increase the expression of unfolded protein response (UPR)-regulated genes. In addition, luteolin also enhanced GRP94 promoter activity, suggesting that it enhances the expression of GRP94 at the transcriptional level, not via the UPR signaling pathway.
  • Muhammed Zahed, Toshikazu Suzuki, Akiko Suganami, Hajime Sugiyama, Kazuo Harada, Masaki Takiguchi, Yutaka Tamura, Nobuo Suzuki
    PROTEIN AND PEPTIDE LETTERS 16(3) 301-305 2009年3月  査読有り
    We screened SMG7-binding peptides with phage display and docking simulation analysis. Although a consensus motif was absent in the phage display-derived candidates, we succeeded to find a peptide CDDRPPKSC, which can bind specifically to SMG7. We conclude that docking simulation helps to find high-affinity peptides efficiently, even if the phage display-screened candidates lack a consensus region.
  • Yuichiro Kanazawa, Jun Nomura, Shinya Yoshimoto, Toshikazu Suzuki, Kazuko Kita, Nobuo Suzuki, Masaharu Ichinose
    CONNECTIVE TISSUE RESEARCH 50(5) 323-329 2009年  査読有り
    Delayed healing of skin wounds can be caused by wound instability, whereas appropriate massage or exercise prevents sclerosis and scar contracture. However, the mechanism by which wound healing is related to mechanical stress has not been fully elucidated. The present study aimed to identify whether mechanical stretching of fibroblasts reduces their production of extracellular matrix. We transferred skin fibroblasts into collagen-coated elastic silicone chambers, cultured them on a stretching apparatus, and used RT-PCR to examine the effects of mechanical stretching on the expression levels of 17 genes related to extracellular matrix production and growth factor secretion. We found that connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) was downregulated after 24 hr of cell stretching. Specifically, the CTGF mRNA and protein levels were 50% and 48% of the control levels, respectively. These findings suggest that cyclic stretching of fibroblasts contributes to anti-fibrotic processes by reducing CTGF production.
  • Toshikazu Suzuki
    Epigenetics 3(5) 281-291 2008年10月  査読有り
    Corresponding Author
  • Jun Lu, Toshikazu Suzuki, Sa Lu, Nobuo Suzuki
    We investigated changes in the sub-cellular distribution of glycelaldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) after X-ray irradiation in HeLa cells. Twenty-four h after irradiation at 5Gy, nuclear GAPDH levels increased 2.6-fold, whereas total GAPDH levels increased only 1.2-fold. Knockdown of GAPDH using specific small interfering RNA (siRNA) led to sensitization to X-ray-induced cell death. These results suggest that GAPDH plays a role in the radioresponse.
  • Jun Lu, Toshikazu Suzuki, Mamoru Satoh, Shiping Chen, Takeshi Tomonaga, Fumio Nomura, Nobuo Suzuki
    To find novel proteins involved in radio-resistance of human cells, we searched for nuclear proteins, sional differential gel electrophoresis following mass spectrometry. We identified 6 proteins, whose levels were increased in nuclei 24 h after irradiation at 5 Gy, including aldolase A. Nuclear aldolase A levels increased twofold after the irradiation, however, total aldolase A levels did not change. When the expression of aldolase A was suppressed by its specific siRNA, sensitization of the suppressed cells to X-ray-induced cell death was observed. In addition, UVr-1 cells with higher aldolase A expression exhibited lower sensitivity to X-ray-induced cell death than the parental RSa cells with lower aldolase A expression. These results suggest that aldolase A may play a role in the radio-response of human cells, probably in nuclei, in addition to its glycolytic role in the cytosol. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Toshikazu Suzuki, Jun Lu, Muhainined Zahed, Kazuko Kita, Nobuo Suzuki
    ARCHIVES OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS 468(1) 1-14 2007年12月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    The 78-kDa glucose-regulated protein GRP78 is a central regulator of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) homeostasis, functioning in protein folding, ER calcium binding and modulation of transmembrane ER stress sensor activity. ER stress uncouples the interaction between GRP78 and ER stress sensors, leading to activation of the unfolded protein response (UPR), including upregulation of ER chaperone proteins. In the present study, we observed unexpected and remarkable induction of glucose-regulated protein 94 (GRP94) in HeLa cells following their transfection with 2'-O-methyl-modified siRNA specific to GRP78 mRNA. Additionally, we found that this siRNA also increased the expression of other UPR-induced genes, such as CHOP, ERdj4 and P5. Activation of UPR-dependent transcription and induction of apoptosis were also observed in cells transfected with GRP78 siRNA, Induction of apoptosis by GRP78 siRNA was also observed in PC-3 cells, which expressed high basal levels of GRP78 protein similar to that observed in HeLa cells. By contrast, five other human cell lines with lower basal expression of GRP78 protein did not undergo apoptosis when treated with GRP78 siRNA. Possible reasons for the strong activation of the UPR and apoptosis induced by GRP78 knockdown in HeLa cells, and the therapeutic utility of 2'-O-methyl-modified GRP78 siRNAs in anticancer treatment, are discussed. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Z Chen, J Nomura, T Suzuki, N Suzuki
    JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH 46(4) 443-451 2005年12月  査読有り
    One of the most intriguing biological subjects is cell-surface molecules that regulate the susceptibility of human cells to cell-killing effects after irradiation with far-ultraviolet light (UV, principally 254 nm wavelength). Human RSa cells have unusual sensitivity to UV-induced cell-killing. We searched for molecules on the cell-surface of RSa cells that were present in different amounts as compared to a variant of these cells, UVr-1 cells, which have increased resistance to UV cell-killing. Among the 21 molecules examined, the amount of transferrin receptor (TfR) protein was found to be 2-fold higher in UVr-1 cells compared with in RSa cells. The amounts of this protein were also higher in the UV-resistant hematopoietic cell lines, CEM6 and Daudi, as compared to the UV-sensitive cell lines, Molt4 and 697. Culturing of UVr-1 cells in a medium containing anti-transferrin antibodies resulted in sensitization of the cells to UV cell-killing as demonstrated by colony formation assay. Similar results were observed by treatment of the cells with TfR siRNA. In contrast, overexpression of TfR protein led to a resistance to UV cell-killing in RSa cells and monkey COS7 cells as demonstrated by both colony formation and apoptosis assay. In TfR-overexpressing cells, reduction of p53 and Bax protein was observed after UV-irradiation. Thus, TfR expression appears to be involved in the regulation of UV-resistance, possibly via modulation of the amount of p53 and Bax protein.
  • Y Yamaguchi, T Suzuki, S Arita, C Iwashita, K Sakamoto, E Hatakeyama, H Shimmura, K Tanabe, M Ichinose, N Suzuki, K Yamada
    TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS 37(10) 4276-4281 2005年12月  査読有り
    Background. Little is known of the fibrinolytic host immune mechanisms responsible for induction of chronic allograft nephropathy (CAN), defined as a loss in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) caused by tubular atrophy and interstitial fibrosis, often with fibrous intimal thickening in the small arteries. However, chronic rejection has been reported to be associated with decreased activity of the fibrinolytic system. In our previous study, [Deamino-Cys(1), D-Arg(8)]-vasopressin (dDAVP) induced urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) release from human peripheral T lymphocytes via arginine vasopressin (AVP) V-2-receptor-mediated reaction enhanced by an AVP V-1-receptor antagonist. Therefore, we examined the level of uPA released from peripheral T lymphocytes by AVP in transplant patients with CAN in comparison with control groups. Patients and Methods. In this study, we evaluated in vitro uPA releasing activity of lymphocytes obtained from renal allograft patients with well-functioning grafts (n = 9), CAN (n = 5), or acute rejection episodes (n = 5) compared with lymphocytes from healthy volunteers with normal renal function (n = 12) or patients with renal insufficiency (n = 5). Results. Lymphocytes prepared from patients with chronic allograft nephropathy showed a significantly lower increase in uPA release induced by the combination of the V-1-receptor antagonist and dDAVP compared with those from the other groups. Conclusion. This finding suggested that a decrease in uPA release from human peripheral blood lymphocytes by AVP-related peptides may be potentially involved in the pathophysiology of CAN.
  • Kanazawa Y, Nomura J, Suzuki T, Suzuki N, Yoshimoto S, Ichinose M
    Biological Sciences in space 19 86 2005年10月  
  • Sugaya S, Suzuki T, Guo WZ, Ji ZQ, Chang-Lin Z, Tong XB, Ichimura Y, Kita K, Suzuki N
    Biological Sciences in space 19 80-81 2005年10月  
  • Suzuki T, Jin YH, Lu J, Sugaya S, Kita K, Suzuki, N
    Biological Sciences in space 19 82-83 2005年10月  
  • H Kubota, T Suzuki, J Lu, S Takahashi, K Sugita, S Sekiya, N Suzuki
    Purpose: Radiation therapy is one of the standard treatments for cervical cancer. Glucose regulated protein 94 (GRP94) is a molecular chaperone, which increases in amount after X-ray irradiation. This study examined the involvement of GRP94 in radio-resistance in human cervical cancer cells. Materials and methods: Seven human cervical carcinoma cell lines (HeLa, SKG-I, SKG-IIIb, QG-U, Caski, SiHa and C33A) were examined for basal levels of GRP94 protein by western blotting analysis. Sensitivity to X-ray irradiation of these cell lines was determined with a colony survival assay. The suppression of GRP94 expression was performed using specific small-interfering RNA ( siRNA) in HeLa and Caski cells. Results: HeLa cells and QG-U cells, with higher basal levels of GRP94, exhibited a low sensitivity to X-ray cell killing. In HeLa cells, the sensitivity increased when protein GRP94 levels were reduced by specific siRNA transfection. However, a reduction in GRP94 protein had little effect on the X-ray sensitivity of Caski cells, which expressed low basal GRP94 protein levels but showed a low sensitivity to X-rays. Conclusions: High basal protein levels of GRP94 were correlated with a modest decrease in sensitivity to X-ray cell death in some cervical cancer cell lines. These results suggest that higher GRP94 protein expression is one of the molecular mechanisms causing resistance to radiation, and therefore GRP94 siRNA might be useful in tumor-specific gene therapy by reversing radio-resistance prior to radiation in cervical cancer.
  • HC Zhang, K Karata, K Matsushita, S Takahashi, XB Ton, J Lu, CJ Zhu, S Sugaya, T Suzuki, N Suzuki
    CELL BIOLOGY INTERNATIONAL 29(8) 662-668 2005年8月  査読有り
    Proteases have received attention as important cellular components responsible for stress response in human cells. However, little is known about the role of proteases in the early steps of cell response after X-ray irradiation. In the present study, we first searched for proteases whose activity levels are changed soon after X-ray irradiation in human RSa cells with a high sensitivity to X-ray cell-killing. RSa cells showed an increased level of fibrinolytic protease activity within 10 min after irradiation with X-ray (up to 3 Gy). The induced protease activity was proved to be inhibited by leupeptin. We next examined whether this protease inducibility is related to the X-ray susceptibility of cells. Treatment of RSa cells with leupeptin prior to X-ray irradiation resulted in lowered colony survival and an increased ratio of G(2)/M-arrested cells and apoptotic cells. These results suggest that leupeptin-sensitive proteases are involved in the resistance of human RSa cells to X-ray cell-killing. (c) 2005 International Federation for Cell Biology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Kanazawa Y, Nomura J, Himeta J, Suzuki T, Suzuki N, Yoshimoto S, Ichinose M
    Biological Sciences in space 18(3) 148-149-149 2004年11月  
  • Y Yamaguchi, K Yamada, T Suzuki, YP Wu, K Kita, S Takahashi, M Ichinose, N Suzuki
    [deamino-Cys(1), D-Arg(8)]-vasopressin (dDAVP), known to be an arginine vasopressin (AVP) V-2 receptor agonist, is an agent that increases fibrinolytic activity levels in plasma after its infusion into the human body. However, mechanisms underlying an increase and exact localization of the extrarenal dDAVP-responsiveV(2) receptor remain unclarified. Two AVP receptors, V-1a and V-2, and a related oxytocin (OT) receptor were found to be expressed in human lymphocytes. Furthermore, we found an increase of fibrinolytic activity in the medium of peripheral lymphocytes obtained from human volunteers less than 20 min after dDAVP infusion. The increased activity was also detected in the medium after incubating the lymphocytes in the presence of dDAVP in vitro, being highest at 20 min after the incubation. In accord with the increased fibrinolytic activity, the levels of urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) in the medium were also increased. However, there was no significant difference of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), pro-uPA, and tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) concentrations in the medium between dDAVP treatment and control. When lymphocytes were preincubated with a V-2 receptor antagonist [Adamantaneacetyl(1), O-Et-D-Tyr(2), Val(4), Aminobutyryl(6), Arg(8,9)]-vasopressin, the dDAVP-induced uPA increase was diminished. In contrast, preincubation with a V-1 receptor antagonist, [beta-Mercapto-beta,beta-cyclopentamethylenepropionyl(1),O-Me-Tyr(2), Arg(8)]vasopressin, prior to dDAVP treatment resulted in a greater increase of the uPA concentration in the medium than with the dDAVP treatment alone. Thus it was suggested that dDAVP may induce uPA release from human lymphocytes via V-2 receptor-mediated reaction, and also via cross-talk between V-1 and V-2 receptors.
  • Toshikazu Suzuki
    Photochemistry & Photobiology 80(2) 281-285 2004年10月  査読有り
  • M Fujii, Y Matsumoto, N Tanaka, K Miki, T Suzuki, N Ishii, D Ayusawa
    JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 279(19) 20277-20282 2004年5月  査読有り
    The relationship between oxidative stress and longevity is a matter of concern in various organisms. We isolated mutants resistant to paraquat from nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. One mutant named mev-4 was long-lived and showed cross-resistance to heat and Dyf phenotype (defective in dye filling). Genetic and sequence analysis revealed that mev-4 had a nonsense mutation on the che-11 gene, homologues of which are involved in formation of cilia and flagella in other organisms. The paraquat resistance was commonly observed in various Dyf mutants and did not depend on the daf-16 gene, whereas the extension of life span did depend on it. Expression of antioxidant enzyme genes seemed normal. These results suggest that chemosensory neurons are a target of oxidative stress and influence longevity dependent on the daf-16 signaling in C. elegans.
  • W Satou, T Suzuki, T Noguchi, H Ogino, M Fujii, D Ayusawa
    EXPERIMENTAL GERONTOLOGY 39(2) 173-179 2004年2月  査読有り
    5-Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) induces a phenomenon similar to cellular senescence in mammalian cells. To address an underlying molecular mechanism in this phenomenon, we assessed the role of AT-hook proteins that bind to the minor grooves of specific AT-rich sequences. We expressed DsRed-tagged HMGI, MATH2, and MATH20 proteins in HeLa cells in a doxycycline dependent manner. Modest expression of these proteins revealed no apparent effect on the cells although high levels of expression were toxic to the cells. In contrast, their modest expression in the presence of low concentrations of BrdU similarly and dose-dependently induced senescence markers examined, although the same concentrations of BrdU alone showed no obvious effect. In both cases, DsRed fluorescence was mainly observed as foci or intense dots on Hoechst 33342-staining regions. These distribution patterns were not changed by addition of BrdU. Since AT-hook domains can displace chromatin compacting proteins pre-bound on AT-rich sequences, these results suggest that chromatin unpacking is one of the factors stimulating expression of the senescence markers in human cells. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • H Ogino, W Satou, M Fujii, T Suzuki, YA He, E Michishita, D Ayusawa, Y He, E Michishita, D Ayusawa
    JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY 132(6) 953-959 2002年12月  査読有り
    5-Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) immediately and clearly suppresses expression of the mouse Myod1 and human MYOD1 genes in myoblastic cells. Despite various studies, its molecular mechanism remains unknown. We failed to identify a BrdU-responsive element of the genes in experiments in which reporter constructs containing known regulatory sequences were transferred to mouse C2C12 myoblasts. Therefore, we transferred human chromosome 11 containing the MYOD1 gene to the cells by microcell-mediated chromosome transfer. In the resulting microcell hybrids, BrdU suppressed expression of the transgene, as determined by quantitative real-time RT-PCR analysis. We then transfected human PAC clones containing the MYOD1 gene to the cells. In the resulting transfectants, BrdU suppressed the transgene similarly. Deletion analysis suggested that a BrdU-responsive element or chromatin structure exists between 24 and 47 kb upstream of the gene. These results are the first demonstrating BrdU-responsiveness of a transgene for the known BrdU-responsive genes and facilitating determination of its precise responsible structure.
  • Toshikazu Suzuki
    Experimental Gerontology 37(8-9) 1005-1014 2002年9月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • E Michishita, T Kurahashi, T Suzuki, M Fukuda, M Fujii, H Hirano, D Ayusawa
    EXPERIMENTAL GERONTOLOGY 37(7) 885-890 2002年7月  査読有り
    5-Chlorodeoxyuridine (CldU) immediately induces a senescence-like phenomenon in any type of mammalian cells probably due to a change in nuclear matrix structure. We thus examined nuclear matrix proteins in HeLa cells cultured with CIdU by high-resolution two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and peptide mass spectrometry. Three proteins were found to be down-regulated and one protein up-regulated by addition of CIdU. In addition, one acidic protein accumulated in the nuclear matrix, although not quantitatively changed in the nuclei. Since these alterations were observed within 24 It after addition of CIdU, these proteins may be involved in an early step of the senescence-like phenomenon. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.




  • 鈴木, 敏和 (生化学), 杉浦, 千佳子, 高野, 栞 (担当:分担執筆)
    羊土社 2022年10月 (ISBN: 9784758113687)
  • 川上浩, 太田正人, 青井啓悟, 内田浩二, 川上文貴, 坂井孝, 坂上茂, 柴田貴広, 鈴木敏和, 田渕正樹, 八村敏志, 細山田康恵 (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:11-12章)
    株式会社 アイ・ケイコーポレーション 2016年9月30日 (ISBN: 9784874923320)
  • 足立典隆, 荒谷康昭, 鮎沢大, 小山秀機, 鈴木敏和, 藤井道彦 (担当:分担執筆)
    シュプリンガー・フェアラーク東京 1999年6月







