Curriculum Vitaes

Hajime Yano

  (矢野 創)

Profile Information

Assistant Professor, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute for Advanced Studies, Space and Astronautical Science Program, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
Guest Associate Professor, Graduate School of System Design Management, Keio University
(Concurrent)Visiting Associate Professor, Institute of Advanced Biosciences
Affiliate Associate Professor, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Hosei University
Adjunct Lecturer, School of Engineering Department of Space Systems Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology
Visiting Scientist, Institute of Soldier Nanotechnologies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ph.D. in Space Sciences(Oct, 1995, University of Kent at Canterbury, United Kingdom)

Researcher number
researchmap Member ID

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Prof. Hajime Yano is a space scientist, professor, and project manager of JAXA/ISAS, Japan, who specializes in solar system exploration science and astrobiology, with an emphasis on sample return missions and space experiments. 


As an expert in cosmic dust studies and impact physics for over a quarter of the century, his expertise extends to observational, experimental, analytical, and theoretical works of cosmic dust and space debris, as well as planetary protection and planetary defense.  In particular, he has specialized in in-situ detection and collection of cosmic dust and ultimately sample return missions from their parent bodies such as Stardust, Hayabusa, and Hayabusa-2.


Hajime has contributed more than 250 refereed papers as a researcher, a co-investigator, or the principal investigator of about 20 past or ongoing space projects from Japan, Europe, and the United States including LDEF, EuReCa, HST, SFU, Nozomi, Stardust, Hayabusa, Leonid-MAC, SSSAT, IKAROS, Tanpopo, BepiColombo, Hayabusa-2, Tanpopo-2, SpaceSkin, EQUULEUS, DESTINY+, Comet Interceptor, and Gateway.   Through these projects, he has accomplished a number of pioneering works that led to major scientific discoveries and “game-changing” movements in solar system exploration.   Since 2007, Hajime holds and maintains a Project Management Professional (PMP) certification and served as Tanpopo-2 project manager.


In the space shuttle era, Hajime established post-flight analysis procedures of micrometeoroid and orbital debris impact signatures on retrieved spacecraft surfaces.  Microscopic analyses of several hundred impacts per spacecraft such as LDEF, EuReCa, and HST revealed their origins and formed a fundamental database for dust environment modeling in near-Earth space. The SFU post-flight analysis formed Japan’s first in-situ measurement database of meteoroids and debris.


In 1998-2002, Hajime and his team became the world’s first to use high-definition video imagery for astronomical research and their airborne observation onboard the Leonid MAC mission, which yielded both the faintest influx and organic and volatile spectroscopy of the Leonid meteor storm.  The Leonid MAC mission resulted in a quantum leap of meteor science as a “human mission to comets without going to space, by using the atmosphere as a large dust detector”.


Hajime developed and operated a number of new instruments for cosmic dust detection and collection.  The detectors include the Nozomi-MDC and DESTINY+ DDA impact-induced plasma detector/analyzer, the BepiColombo-MDM and Gateway ERSA/LVDM acoustic sensors, and the ALADDIN PVDF detectors onboard SSSAT and IKAROS as well as the CLOTH PVDF integrated within MLI thermal blankets onboard EQUULEUS.  All of them are involved in hypervelocity impact calibration experiments and simulations so Hajime has developed stable shotgun techniques for microparticle impacts with two-stage light gas guns at the University of Kent in the U.K., NASA Johnson Space Center in the U.S.A., and ISAS in Japan.    ALADDIN onboard the world’s first interplanetary solar sail IKAROS deployed a 0.54 m2 detection area of cosmic dust impacts; it is the largest dedicated dust detector in the history of solar system exploration and has yielded the finest structure of dust distribution ever between the Earth and Venus.  Hajime has also collaborated with MIT ISN to upgrade the LIPIT dust accelerator for impact calibrations of space instrumentation.  He is now the science lead of the dust impact bumper for JAXA's B1 spacecraft in the Comet Interceptor mission.


Intact capture of meteoroids was attempted by foil stuck or aerogel modules used on LDEF, EuReCa, Stardust, Tanpopo, and Tanpopo-2. Hajime was also involved in the development of an ice-melting dust collection device for Japan’s first Antarctic micrometeorite expedition in 1999.  He is now advancing these experiences for future mission concepts like a sample return from Saturn's ring dust and Enceladus’ icy plume as well as impact ejecta from interstellar objects.


Also noted is Hayabusa-1&2’s asteroid surface sampling device that resulted in the world’s first asteroid sample return from Itokawa in 2010 and the second of its kind from Ryugu in 2020.  This impact sampling technique that Hajime and his team developed is a robust system suitable for almost any unknown surface conditions of an airless solid body.  Upon the sampling attempt on Itokawa by the Hayabusa-1, Hajime and his colleagues discovered evidence of granular migration on such a small body, which revolutionized ideas of their surface activities and created a new research field of “microgravity geology”.  As future sample return missions are more inclined to organic and volatile-rich small bodies, he is also contributing in the fields of astrobiology, planetary protection, and microgravity experiments.


As an educator, Hajime has given a number of classes and lectures for planetary science, astronautical engineering, and project management in universities and institutes worldwide.  He has supervised dozens of Masters and Ph.D. students as well as domestic interns and international students in the field of solar system science and exploration at ISAS.


In the international academic community, Hajime has served leading positions in organizing numerous scientific meetings in the collaboration with COSPAR, IAA, IAU, ISTS, and space agencies.  He was the chair of the inaugural meeting of the International Primitive Body Exploration Working Group (IPEWG) in 2008 and the first Asian vice chair of the COSPAR Planetary Protection Panel (PPP) in 2014-2018.  At present, he is the IAA Academician as well as the secretary of the IAA Space Physical Science Commission.  Since 2022, he has been serving as the Chair of the COSPAR Scientific Commission-B on "Space Studies of the Earth-Moon System, Planets, and Small Bodies of the Solar System".

The main belt carbonaceous (B/Cb) asteroid 1995 WF2 is named 8906 Yano.




  • Abdellaoui, G., Abe, S., Acheli, A., Adams, J.H., Ahmad, S., Ahriche, A., Albert, J.-N., Allard, D., Alonso, G., Anchordoqui, L., Andreev, V., Anzalone, A., Aouimeur, W., Arai, Y., Arsene, N., Asano, K., Attallah, R., Attoui, H., Ave Pernas, M., Bacholle, S., Bakiri, M., Baragatti, P., Barrillon, P., Bartocci, S., Batsch, T., Bayer, J., Bechini, R., Belenguer, T., Bellotti, R., Belov, A., Belov, K., Benadda, B., Benmessai, K., Berlind, A.A., Bertaina, M., Biermann, P.L., Biktemerova, S., Bisconti, F., Blanc, N., Błȩcki, J., Blin-Bondil, S., Bobik, P., Bogomilov, M., Bonamente, M., Boudaoud, R., Bozzo, E., Briggs, M.S., Bruno, A., Caballero, K.S., Cafagna, F., Campana, D., Capdevielle, J.-N., Capel, F., Caramete, A., Caramete, L., Carlson, P., Caruso, R., Casolino, M., Cassardo, C., Castellina, A., Castellini, G., Catalano, C., Catalano, O., Cellino, A., Chikawa, M., Chiritoi, G., Christl, M.J., Connaughton, V., Conti, L., Contino, G., Cordero, G., Cotto, G., Crawford, H.J., Cremonini, R., Csorna, S., Dagoret-Campagne, S., De Donato, C., de la Taille, C., De Santis, C., del Peral, L., Di Martino, M., Djemil, T., Djenas, S.A., Dulucq, F., Dupieux, M., Dutan, I., Ebersoldt, A., Ebisuzaki, T., Engel, R., Eser, J., Fang, K., Fenu, F., Fernández-González, S., Fernández-Soriano, J., Ferrarese, S., Finco, D., Flamini, M., Fornaro, C., Forza, R., Fouka, M., Franceschi, A., Franchini, S., Fuglesang, C., Fujimoto, J., Fukushima, M., Galeotti, P., García-Ortega, E., Garipov, G., Gascón, E., Geary, J., Gelmini, G., Genci, J., Giraudo, G., Gonchar, M., González Alvarado, C., Gorodetzky, P., Guardone, N., Guarino, F., Guehaz, R., Guzmán, A., Hachisu, Y., Haiduc, M., Harlov, B., Haungs, A., Hernández Carretero, J., Hidber, W., Higashide, K., Ikeda, D., Ikeda, H., Inoue, N., Inoue, S., Insolia, A., Isgrò, F., Itow, Y., Jammer, T., Joven, E., Judd, E.G., Jung, A., Jochum, J., Kajino, F., Kajino, T., Kalli, S., Kaneko, I., Kang, D., Kanouni, F., Karadzhov, Y., Karczmarczyk, J., Karus, M., Katahira, K., Kawai, K., Kawasaki, Y., Kedadra, A., Khales, H., Khrenov, B.A., Kim, J.-S., Kim, S.-W., Kim, S.-W., Kleifges, M., Klimov, P.A., Kolev, D., Kreykenbohm, I., Kudela, K., Kurihara, Y., Kusenko, A., Kuznetsov, E., Lacombe, M., Lachaud, C., Lahmar, H., Lakhdari, F., Larsson, O., Lee, J., Licandro, J., Lim, H., López Campano, L., Maccarone, M.C., Mackovjak, S., Mahdi, M., Manfrin, M., Maravilla, D., Marcelli, L., Marcos, J.L., Marini, A., Martens, K., Martín, Y., Martinez, O., Masciantonio, G., Mase, K., Matev, R., Matthews, J.N., Mebarki, N., Medina-Tanco, G., Mehrad, L., Mendoza, M.A., Merino, A., Mernik, T., Meseguer, J., Messaoud, S., Micu, O., Mignone, M., Mimouni, J., Miyamoto, H., Miyazaki, Y., Mizumoto, Y., Modestino, G., Monaco, A., Monnier-Ragaigne, D., Morales de los Ríos, J.A., Moretto, C., Morozenko, V.S., Mot, B., Murakami, T., Nadji, B., Nagano, M., Nagata, M., Nagataki, S., Nakamura, T., Napolitano, T., Naumov, D., Nava, R., Neronov, A., Nomoto, K., Nonaka, T., Ogawa, T., Ogio, S., Ohmori, H., Olinto, A.V., Orleański, P., Osteria, G., Painter, W., Panasyuk, M.I., Panico, B., Parizot, E., Park, I.H., Park, H.W., Pastircak, B., Patzak, T., Paul, T., Pennypacker, C., Pérez-Grande, I., Perfetto, F., Peter, T., Picozza, P., Pierog, T., Pindado, S., Piotrowski, L.W., Piraino, S., Placidi, L., Plebaniak, Z., Pliego, S., Pollini, A., Popescu, E.M., Prat, P., Prévôt, G., Prieto, H., Putis, M., Rabanal, J., Radu, A.A., Rahmani, M., Reardon, P., Reyes, M., Rezazadeh, M., Ricci, M., Rodríguez Frías, M.D., Ronga, F., Roth, M., Rothkaehl, H., Roudil, G., Rusinov, I., Rybczyński, M., Sabau, M.D., Sáez Cano, G., Sagawa, H., Sahnoune, Z., Saito, A., Sakaki, N., Sakata, M., Salazar, H., Sanchez, J.C., Sánchez, J.L., Santangelo, A., Santiago Crúz, L., Sanz-Andrés, A., Sanz Palomino, M., Saprykin, O., Sarazin, F., Sato, H., Sato, M., Schanz, T., Schieler, H., Scotti, V., Segreto, A., Selmane, S., Semikoz, D., Serra, M., Sharakin, S., Shibata, T., Shimizu, H.M., Shinozaki, K., Shirahama, T., Siemieniec-Oziȩbło, G., Sledd, J., Słomińska, K., Sobey, A., Stan, I., Sugiyama, T., Supanitsky, D., Suzuki, M., Szabelska, B., Szabelski, J., Tahi, H., Tajima, F., Tajima, N., Tajima, T., Takahashi, Y., Takami, H., Takeda, M., Takizawa, Y., Talai, M.C., Tenzer, C., Tibolla, O., Tkachev, L., Tokuno, H., Tomida, T., Tone, N., Toscano, S., Traïche, M., Tsenov, R., Tsunesada, Y., Tsuno, K., Tymieniecka, T., Uchihori, Y., Unger, M., Vaduvescu, O., Valdés-Galicia, J.F., Vallania, P., Vankova, G., Vigorito, C., Villaseñor, L., Vlcek, B., von Ballmoos, P., Vrabel, M., Wada, S., Watanabe, J., Watanabe, S., Watts, J., Weber, M., Weigand Muñoz, R., Weindl, A., Weiler, T.J., Wibig, T., Wiencke, L., Wille, M., Wilms, J., Włodarczyk, Z., Yamamoto, T., Yamamoto, Y., Yang, J., Yano, H., Yashin, I.V., Yonetoku, D., Yoshida, S., Young, R., Zgura, I.S., Zotov, M.Y., Zuccaro Marchi, A.
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 866 150-163, 2017  Peer-reviewed
    JEM-EUSO is a space mission designed to investigate Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays and Neutrinos (E > 5.10(19) eV) from the International Space Station (ISS). Looking down from above its wide angle telescope is able to observe their air showers and collect such data from a very wide area. Highly specific trigger algorithms are needed to drastically reduce the data load in the presence of both atmospheric and human activity related background light, yet retain the rare cosmic ray events recorded in the telescope. We report the performance in offline testing of the first level trigger algorithm on data from JEM-EUSO prototypes and laboratory measurements observing different light sources: data taken during a high altitude balloon flight over Canada, laser pulses observed from the ground traversing the real atmosphere, and model landscapes reproducing realistic aspect ratios and light conditions as would be seen from the ISS itself. The first level trigger logic successfully kept the trigger rate within the permissible bounds when challenged with artificially produced as well as naturally encountered night sky background fluctuations and while retaining events with general air-shower characteristics. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Osamu MORI, Takanao SAIKI, Hideki KATO, Yuichi TSUDA, Yuya MIMASU, Yoji SHIRASAWA, Ralf BODEN, Jun MATSUMOTO, Toshihiro CHUJO, Shota KIKUCHI, Junji KIKUCHI, Yusuke OKI, Kosuke AKATSUKA, Takahiro IWATA, Tatsuaki OKADA, Hajime YANO, Shuji MATSUURA, Ryosuke NAKAMURA, Yoko KEBUKAWA, Jun AOKI, Junichiro KAWAGUCHI
  • Bruno Victorino Sarli, Kaito Ariu, Hajime Yano
    ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH, 57(9) 2003-2012, May, 2016  Peer-reviewedLast authorCorresponding author
    Launched on December 3, 2014 as the secondary payload with Hayabusa 2 mission, the "Proximate Object Close flYby with Optical Navigation" mission or PROCYON is the world's first 50 kg-class micro-spacecraft developed by the University of Tokyo and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. Its mission objective is to demonstrate a micro-spacecraft bus technology for deep space exploration and proximity flyby to asteroids performing optical measurements. As a deep-space mission with enough energy to reach the orbit of Mars, PROCYON needs to demonstrate impact probability on Mars compliance with the COSPAR Planetary Protection Policy. In this paper, we demonstrated the method of impact probability analysis for PROCYON with both a high-level assessment as B-plane based phase-free and a low-level assessment as high fidelity model propagation. As a conclusion both assessment levels have proven that the probability of the impact on Mars is below the 10(-2) margin required by COSPAR. (C) 2015 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Toshihiro Chujo, Yuichi Tsuda, Yukio Shimizu, Makoto Yoshikawa, Hajime Yano
    ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH, 57(9) 1991-2002, May, 2016  Peer-reviewedLast author
    This paper reports the results of an analysis of the Mars impact probability for the Hayabusa-2 spacecraft to comply with the COSPAR planetary protection requirements. Since Hayabusa-2 is equipped with an ion engine system and its trajectory accommodates the non-ballistic trajectory, effective analysis methods are introduced. The results show that the Mars impact probability is sufficiently low for the Hayabusa-2 mission to fully comply with the COSPAR planetary protection requirements. (C) 2015 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Yuko Kawaguchi, Shin-ichi Yokobori, Hirofumi Hashimoto, Hajime Yano, Makoto Tabata, Hideyuki Kawai, Akihiko Yamagishi
    ASTROBIOLOGY, 16(5) 363-376, May, 2016  Peer-reviewed
    The Tanpopo mission will address fundamental questions on the origin of terrestrial life. The main goal is to test the panspermia hypothesis. Panspermia is a long-standing hypothesis suggesting the interplanetary transport of microbes. Another goal is to test the possible origin of organic compounds carried from space by micrometeorites before the terrestrial origin of life. To investigate the panspermia hypothesis and the possible space origin of organic compounds, we performed space experiments at the Exposed Facility (EF) of the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) of the International Space Station (ISS). The mission was named Tanpopo, which in Japanese means dandelion. We capture any orbiting microparticles, such as micrometeorites, space debris, and terrestrial particles carrying microbes as bioaerosols, by using blocks of silica aerogel. We also test the survival of microbial species and organic compounds in the space environment for up to 3 years. The goal of this review is to introduce an overview of the Tanpopo mission with particular emphasis on the investigation of the interplanetary transfer of microbes. The Exposed Experiment Handrail Attachment Mechanism with aluminum Capture Panels (CPs) and Exposure Panels (EPs) was exposed on the EF-JEM on May 26, 2015. The first CPs and EPs will be returned to the ground in mid-2016. Possible escape of terrestrial microbes from Earth to space will be evaluated by investigating the upper limit of terrestrial microbes by the capture experiment. Possible mechanisms for transfer of microbes over the stratosphere and an investigation of the effect of the microbial cell-aggregate size on survivability in space will also be discussed.
  • Kminek, G, Hipkin, V.J, Anesio, A.M, Barengoltz, J, Boston, P.J, Clark, B.C, Conley, C.A, Coustenis, A, Detsis, E, Doran, P, Grasset, O, Hand, K, Yano, H, Hauber, E, Kolmasova, I, Lindberg, R.E, Meyer, M, Raulin, F, Reitz, G, Renno, N.O, Rettberg, P, Rummel, J.D, Sauynders, M.P, Schwehm, G, Sheerwood, B, Smith, D.H, Stabekis, P.E, Vago, J
    Space Research Today, 195, 2016  
  • 矢野創, 佐々木聰, 今仁順也, 河口優子, 石橋之宏, 今井栄一, 奥平恭子, 小澤宇志, 田端誠, 矢口勇一, r
    title 第 16 回宇宙科学シンポジウム 講演集 Proceedings of the 16th Space Science Symposium, 2016  Peer-reviewed
  • YANO Hajime, TANAKA Makoto, HIRAI Takayuki, OKAMOTO Chisato
    Aeronautical and Space Sciences Japan, 64(2) 52-57, 2016  Peer-reviewedInvitedLead author
  • 小林 憲正, 三田 肇, 癸生川 陽子, 藪田 ひかる, 奥平 恭子, 中川 和道, 別所 義隆, 今井 栄一, 佐々木 聡, 矢野 創, 橋本 博文, 横堀 伸一, 山岸 明彦
    宇宙航空環境医学, 62nd(4) 137-137, 2016  Peer-reviewed
  • 橋本博文, 橋本博文, 今井栄一, 矢野創, 矢野創, 渡辺英幸, 横堀伸一, 山岸明彦
    日本機械学会論文集(Web), 82(835) 15-00538-15-00538, 2016  Peer-reviewed
    The mechanical thermometer using a bimetallic strip coil was developed for the Tanpopo mission. The Tanpopo mission is a multi-year passive exposure experiment for astrobiology exposure and micrometeoroid capture onboard the Exposed Experiment Handrail Attachment Mechanism (ExHAM) at the Japanese Experiment Module 'Kibo' (JEM) Exposed Facility (EF) on the International Space Station (ISS). The Tanpopo mission apparatuses were launched by the SpaceX-6 Dragon CRS-6 on April 14 2015, from the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in the U.S.A. Since its microbial exposure experiment requires recording the maximum temperature that the Tanpopo exposure panel experiences, we have developed a mechanical thermometer with no electric power supplied from the ExHAM. At a given time and orbital position of the ISS, the thermometer indicator was video-imaged by the extravehicular video camera attached to the Kibo-EF and controlled from the ground. With these images analyzed, we were able to derive the maximum temperature of the Tanpopo exposure panels on the space pointing face of the ExHAM as 23.9±5 °C. Now this passive and mechanical thermometer is available to other space missions with no electric supplies required and thus highly expands the possibility of new extravehicular experiments and explorations for both human and robotic missions.
  • Makoto Tabata, Hideyuki Kawai, Hajime Yano, Eiichi Imai, Hirofumi Hashimoto, Shin-ichi Yokobori, Akihiko Yamagishi
    Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 77(2) 325-334, Dec 13, 2015  Peer-reviewed
    The fabrication of an ultralow-density hydrophobic silica aerogel for the intact capture cosmic dust during the Tanpopo mission is described. The Tanpopo experiment performed on the International Space Station orbiting the Earth includes the collection of terrestrial and interplanetary dust samples on a silica aerogel capture medium exposed to space for later ground-based biological and chemical analyses. The key to the mission's success is the development of high-performance capture media, and the major challenge is to satisfy the mechanical requirements as a spacecraft payload while maximizing the performance for intact capture. To this end, an ultralow-density (0.01 g cm$^{-3}$) soft aerogel was employed in combination with a relatively robust 0.03 g cm$^{-3}$ aerogel. A procedure was also established for the mass production of double-layer aerogel tiles formed with a 0.01 g cm$^{-3}$ surface layer and a 0.03 g cm$^{-3}$ open-topped, box-shaped base layer, and 60 aerogel tiles were manufactured. The fabricated aerogel tiles have been demonstrated to be suitable as flight hardware with respect to both scientific and safety requirements.
  • Makoto Tabata, Hajime Yano, Hideyuki Kawai, Eiichi Imai, Yuko Kawaguchi, Hirofumi Hashimoto, Akihiko Yamagishi
    ORIGINS OF LIFE AND EVOLUTION OF BIOSPHERES, 45(1-2) 225-229, Jun 7, 2015  Peer-reviewed
    In this paper, we report the progress in developing a silica-aerogel-based cosmic dust capture panel for use in the Tanpopo experiment on the International Space Station (ISS). Previous studies revealed that ultralow-density silica aerogel tiles comprising two layers with densities of 0.01 and 0.03 g/cm$^3$ developed using our production technique were suitable for achieving the scientific objectives of the astrobiological mission. A special density configuration (i.e., box framing) aerogel with a holder was designed to construct the capture panels. Qualification tests for an engineering model of the capture panel as an instrument aboard the ISS were successful. Sixty box-framing aerogel tiles were manufactured in a contamination-controlled environment.
  • Adams, J.H., Ahmad, S., Albert, J.-N., Allard, D., Anchordoqui, L., Andreev, V., Anzalone, A., Arai, Y., Asano, K., Ave Pernas, M., Baragatti, P., Barrillon, P., Batsch, T., Bayer, J., Bechini, R., Belenguer, T., Bellotti, R., Belov, K., Berlind, A.A., Bertaina, M., Biermann, P.L., Biktemerova, S., Blaksley, C., Blanc, N., Błȩcki, J., Blin-Bondil, S., Blümer, J., Bobik, P., Bogomilov, M., Bonamente, M., Briggs, M.S., Briz, S., Bruno, A., Cafagna, F., Campana, D., Capdevielle, J.-N., Caruso, R., Casolino, M., Cassardo, C., Castellinic, G., Catalano, C., Catalano, G., Cellino, A., Chikawa, M., Christl, M.J., Cline, D., Connaughton, V., Conti, L., Cordero, G., Crawford, H.J., Cremonini, R., Csorna, S., Dagoret-Campagne, S., de Castro, A.J., De Donato, C., de la Taille, C., De Santis, C., del Peral, L., Dell’Oro, A., De Simone, N., Di Martino, M., Distratis, G., Dulucq, F., Dupieux, M., Ebersoldt, A., Ebisuzaki, T., Engel, R., Falk, S., Fang, K., Fenu, F., Fernández-Gómez, I., Ferrarese, S., Finco, D., Flamini, M., Fornaro, C., Franceschi, A., Fujimoto, J., Fukushima, M., Galeotti, P., Garipov, G., Geary, J., Gelmini, G., Giraudo, G., Gonchar, M., González Alvarado, C., Gorodetzky, P., Guarino, F., Guzmán, A., Hachisu, Y., Harlov, B., Haungs, A., Hernández Carretero, J., Higashide, K., Ikeda, D., Ikeda, H., Inoue, N., Inoue, S., Insolia, A., Isgrò, F., Itow, Y., Joven, E., Judd, E.G., Jung, A., Kajino, F., Kajino, T., Kaneko, I., Karadzhov, Y., Karczmarczyk, J., Karus, M., Katahira, K., Kawai, K., Kawasaki, Y., Keilhauer, B., Khrenov, B.A., Kim, J.-S., Kim, S.-W., Kim, S.-W., Kleifges, M., Klimov, P.A., Kolev, D., Kreykenbohm, I., Kudela, K., Kurihara, Y., Kusenko, A., Kuznetsov, E., Lacombe, M., Lachaud, C., Lee, J., Licandro, J., Lim, H., López, F., Maccarone, M.C., Mannheim, K., Maravilla, D., Marcelli, L., Marini, A., Martinez, O., Masciantonio, G., Mase, K., Matev, R., Medina-Tanco, G., Mernik, T., Miyamoto, H., Miyazaki, Y., Mizumoto, Y., Modestino, G., Monaco, A., Monnier-Ragaigne, D., Morales de los Ríos, J.A., Moretto, C., Morozenko, V.S., Mot, B., Murakami, T., Murakami, M.N., Nagata, M., Nagataki, S., Nakamura, T., Napolitano, T., Naumov, D., Nava, R., Neronov, A., Nomoto, K., Nonaka, T., Ogawa, T., Ogio, S., Ohmori, H., Olinto, A.V., Orleański, P., Osteria, G., Panasyuk, M.I., Parizot, E., Park, I.H., Park, H.W., Pastircak, B., Patzak, T., Paul, T., Pennypacker, C., Perez Cano, S., Peter, T., Picozza, P., Pierog, T., Piotrowski, L.W., Piraino, S., Plebaniak, Z., Pollini, A., Prat, P., Prévôt, G., Prieto, H., Putis, M., Reardon, P., Reyes, M., Ricci, M., Rodríguez, I., Rodríguez Frías, M.D., Ronga, F., Roth, M., Rothkaehl, H., Roudil, G., Rusinov, I., Rybczyński, M., Sabau, M.D., Sáez-Cano, G., Sagawa, H., Saito, A., Sakaki, N., Sakata, M., Salazar, H., Sánchez, S., Santangelo, A., Santiago Crúz, L., Sanz Palomino, M., Saprykin, O., Sarazin, F., Sato, H., Sato, M., Schanz, T., Schieler, H., Scotti, V., Segreto, A., Selmane, S., Semikoz, D., Serra, M., Sharakin, S., Shibata, T., Shimizu, H.M., Shinozaki, K., Shirahama, T., Siemieniec-Oziȩbło, G., Silva López, H.H., Sledd, J., Słomińska, K., Sobey, A., Sugiyama, T., Supanitsky, D., Suzuki, M., Szabelska, B., Szabelski, J., Tajima, F., Tajima, N., Tajima, T., Takahashi, Y., Takami, H., Takeda, M., Takizawa, Y., Tenzer, C., Tibolla, O., Tkachev, L., Tokuno, H., Tomida, T., Tone, N., Toscano, S., Trillaud, F., Tsenov, R., Tsunesada, Y., Tsuno, K., Tymieniecka, T., Uchihori, Y., Unger, M., Vaduvescu, O., Valdés-Galicia, J.F., Vallania, P., Valore, L., Vankova, G., Vigorito, C., Villaseñor, L., von Ballmoos, P., Wada, S., Watanabe, J., Watanabe, S., Watts, J., Weber, M., Weiler, T.J., Wibig, T., Wiencke, L., Wille, M., Wilms, J., Włodarczyk, Z., Yamamoto, T., Yamamoto, Y., Yang, J., Yano, H., Yashin, I.V., Yonetoku, D., Yoshida, K., Yoshida, S., Young, R., Zotov, M.Y., Zuccaro Marchi, A.
    Experimental Astronomy, 40(1) 301-314, 2015  Peer-reviewed
    We are conducting tests of optical and electronics components of JEMEUSO at the Telescope Array site in Utah with a ground-based “EUSO-TA” detector. The tests will include an engineering validation of the detector, cross-calibration of EUSO-TA with the TA fluorescence detector and observations of air shower events. Also, the proximity of the TA’s Electron Light Source will allow for convenient use of this calibration device. In this paper, we report initial results obtained with the EUSO-TA telescope.
  • Adams, J.H., Ahmad, S., Albert, J.-N., Allard, D., Anchordoqui, L., Andreev, V., Anzalone, A., Arai, Y., Asano, K., Ave Pernas, M., Baragatti, P., Barrillon, P., Batsch, T., Bayer, J., Bechini, R., Belenguer, T., Bellotti, R., Belov, K., Berlind, A.A., Bertaina, M., Biermann, P.L., Biktemerova, S., Blaksley, C., Blanc, N., Błȩcki, J., Blin-Bondil, S., Blümer, J., Bobik, P., Bogomilov, M., Bonamente, M., Briggs, M.S., Briz, S., Bruno, A., Cafagna, F., Campana, D., Capdevielle, J.-N., Caruso, R., Casolino, M., Cassardo, C., Castellinic, G., Catalano, C., Catalano, G., Cellino, A., Chikawa, M., Christl, M.J., Cline, D., Connaughton, V., Conti, L., Cordero, G., Crawford, H.J., Cremonini, R., Csorna, S., Dagoret-Campagne, S., de Castro, A.J., De Donato, C., de la Taille, C., De Santis, C., del Peral, L., Dell’Oro, A., De Simone, N., Di Martino, M., Distratis, G., Dulucq, F., Dupieux, M., Ebersoldt, A., Ebisuzaki, T., Engel, R., Falk, S., Fang, K., Fenu, F., Fernández-Gómez, I., Ferrarese, S., Finco, D., Flamini, M., Fornaro, C., Franceschi, A., Fujimoto, J., Fukushima, M., Galeotti, P., Garipov, G., Geary, J., Gelmini, G., Giraudo, G., Gonchar, M., González Alvarado, C., Gorodetzky, P., Guarino, F., Guzmán, A., Hachisu, Y., Harlov, B., Haungs, A., Hernández Carretero, J., Higashide, K., Ikeda, D., Ikeda, H., Inoue, N., Inoue, S., Insolia, A., Isgrò, F., Itow, Y., Joven, E., Judd, E.G., Jung, A., Kajino, F., Kajino, T., Kaneko, I., Karadzhov, Y., Karczmarczyk, J., Karus, M., Katahira, K., Kawai, K., Kawasaki, Y., Keilhauer, B., Khrenov, B.A., Kim, J.-S., Kim, S.-W., Kim, S.-W., Kleifges, M., Klimov, P.A., Kolev, D., Kreykenbohm, I., Kudela, K., Kurihara, Y., Kusenko, A., Kuznetsov, E., Lacombe, M., Lachaud, C., Lee, J., Licandro, J., Lim, H., López, F., Maccarone, M.C., Mannheim, K., Maravilla, D., Marcelli, L., Marini, A., Martinez, O., Masciantonio, G., Mase, K., Matev, R., Medina-Tanco, G., Mernik, T., Miyamoto, H., Miyazaki, Y., Mizumoto, Y., Modestino, G., Monaco, A., Monnier-Ragaigne, D., Morales de los Ríos, J.A., Moretto, C., Morozenko, V.S., Mot, B., Murakami, T., Murakami, M.N., Nagata, M., Nagataki, S., Nakamura, T., Napolitano, T., Naumov, D., Nava, R., Neronov, A., Nomoto, K., Nonaka, T., Ogawa, T., Ogio, S., Ohmori, H., Olinto, A.V., Orleański, P., Osteria, G., Panasyuk, M.I., Parizot, E., Park, I.H., Park, H.W., Pastircak, B., Patzak, T., Paul, T., Pennypacker, C., Perez Cano, S., Peter, T., Picozza, P., Pierog, T., Piotrowski, L.W., Piraino, S., Plebaniak, Z., Pollini, A., Prat, P., Prévôt, G., Prieto, H., Putis, M., Reardon, P., Reyes, M., Ricci, M., Rodríguez, I., Rodríguez Frías, M.D., Ronga, F., Roth, M., Rothkaehl, H., Roudil, G., Rusinov, I., Rybczyński, M., Sabau, M.D., Sáez-Cano, G., Sagawa, H., Saito, A., Sakaki, N., Sakata, M., Salazar, H., Sánchez, S., Santangelo, A., Santiago Crúz, L., Sanz Palomino, M., Saprykin, O., Sarazin, F., Sato, H., Sato, M., Schanz, T., Schieler, H., Scotti, V., Segreto, A., Selmane, S., Semikoz, D., Serra, M., Sharakin, S., Shibata, T., Shimizu, H.M., Shinozaki, K., Shirahama, T., Siemieniec-Oziȩbło, G., Silva López, H.H., Sledd, J., Słomińska, K., Sobey, A., Sugiyama, T., Supanitsky, D., Suzuki, M., Szabelska, B., Szabelski, J., Tajima, F., Tajima, N., Tajima, T., Takahashi, Y., Takami, H., Takeda, M., Takizawa, Y., Tenzer, C., Tibolla, O., Tkachev, L., Tokuno, H., Tomida, T., Tone, N., Toscano, S., Trillaud, F., Tsenov, R., Tsunesada, Y., Tsuno, K., Tymieniecka, T., Uchihori, Y., Unger, M., Vaduvescu, O., Valdés-Galicia, J.F., Vallania, P., Valore, L., Vankova, G., Vigorito, C., Villaseñor, L., von Ballmoos, P., Wada, S., Watanabe, J., Watanabe, S., Watts, J., Weber, M., Weiler, T.J., Wibig, T., Wiencke, L., Wille, M., Wilms, J., Włodarczyk, Z., Yamamoto, T., Yamamoto, Y., Yang, J., Yano, H., Yashin, I.V., Yonetoku, D., Yoshida, K., Yoshida, S., Young, R., Zotov, M.Y., Zuccaro Marchi, A.
    Experimental Astronomy, 40(1) 153-177, 2015  Peer-reviewed
    Mounted on the International Space Station(ISS), the Extreme Universe Space Observatory, on-board the Japanese Experimental Module (JEM-EUSO), relies on the well established fluorescence technique to observe Extensive Air Showers (EAS) developing in the earth’s atmosphere. Focusing on the detection of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR) in the decade of 1020eV, JEM-EUSO will face new challenges by applying this technique from space. The EUSO Simulation and Analysis Framework (ESAF) has been developed in this context to provide a full end-to-end simulation frame, and assess the overall performance of the detector. Within ESAF, angular reconstruction can be separated into two conceptually different steps. The first step is pattern recognition, or filtering, of the signal to separate it from the background. The second step is to perform different types of fitting in order to search for the relevant geometrical parameters that best describe the previously selected signal. In this paper, we discuss some of the techniques we have implemented in ESAF to perform the geometrical reconstruction of EAS seen by JEM-EUSO. We also conduct thorough tests to assess the performances of these techniques in conditions which are relevant to the scope of the JEM-EUSO mission. We conclude by showing the expected angular resolution in the energy range that JEM-EUSO is expected to observe.
  • K. Kobayashi, Y. Kebukawa, T. Kaneko, H. Mita, Y. Bessho, K. Nakagawa, H. Shibata, E. Imai, J. Takanashi, Y. Ishibashi, K. Okudaira, H. Yano, H. Hashimoto, S. Yokobori, A. Yamagishi
    Space Util. Res., 29 in press, 2015  
  • Bockelée-Morvan, D., Gil-Hutton, R., Cellino, A., Hestroffer, D., Belskaya, I.N., Davidsson, B.J.R., Dotto, E., Fitzsimmons, A., Kawakita, H., Mothe-Diniz, T., Licandro, J., Wooden, D.H., Yano, H., Montmerle, T.
    Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 10(T28B) 115-119, 2015  Peer-reviewed
    Copyright © 2015 International Astronomical Union. The business meeting of IAU Commission 15 (C15) took place in Beijing on 29 August 2012, from 14:00 to 18:00, in room 405 of the China National Convention Center. This report of the business meeting of Commission 15 at the 2012 IAU GA is based on the report provided by Alberto Cellino, past president, and on the minutes taken by Daniel Hestroffer, secretary of Commission 15 in the triennium 2009 to 2012, and current secretary.
  • Adams, J.H., Ahmad, S., Albert, J.-N., Allard, D., Anchordoqui, L., Andreev, V., Anzalone, A., Arai, Y., Asano, K., Ave Pernas, M., Baragatti, P., Barrillon, P., Batsch, T., Bayer, J., Bechini, R., Belenguer, T., Bellotti, R., Belov, K., Berlind, A.A., Bertaina, M., Biermann, P.L., Biktemerova, S., Blaksley, C., Blanc, N., Błȩcki, J., Blin-Bondil, S., Blümer, J., Bobik, P., Bogomilov, M., Bonamente, M., Briggs, M.S., Briz, S., Bruno, A., Cafagna, F., Campana, D., Capdevielle, J.-N., Caruso, R., Casolino, M., Cassardo, C., Castellini, G., Catalano, C., Catalano, O., Cellino, A., Chikawa, M., Christl, M.J., Cline, D., Connaughton, V., Conti, L., Cordero, G., Crawford, H.J., Cremonini, R., Csorna, S., Dagoret-Campagne, S., de Castro, A.J., De Donato, C., de la Taille, C., De Santis, C., del Peral, L., Dell’Oro, A., De Simone, N., Di Martino, M., Distratis, G., Dulucq, F., Dupieux, M., Ebersoldt, A., Ebisuzaki, T., Engel, R., Falk, S., Fang, K., Fenu, F., Fernández-Gómez, I., Ferrarese, S., Finco, D., Flamini, M., Fornaro, C., Franceschi, A., Fujimoto, J., Fukushima, M., Galeotti, P., Garipov, G., Geary, J., Gelmini, G., Giraudo, G., Gonchar, M., González Alvarado, C., Gorodetzky, P., Guarino, F., Guzmán, A., Hachisu, Y., Harlov, B., Haungs, A., Hernández Carretero, J., Higashide, K., Ikeda, D., Ikeda, H., Inoue, N., Inoue, S., Insolia, A., Isgrò, F., Itow, Y., Joven, E., Judd, E.G., Jung, A., Kajino, F., Kajino, T., Kaneko, I., Karadzhov, Y., Karczmarczyk, J., Karus, M., Katahira, K., Kawai, K., Kawasaki, Y., Keilhauer, B., Khrenov, B.A., Kim, J.-S., Kim, S.-W., Kim, S.-W., Kleifges, M., Klimov, P.A., Kolev, D., Kreykenbohm, I., Kudela, K., Kurihara, Y., Kusenko, A., Kuznetsov, E., Lacombe, M., Lachaud, C., Lee, J., Licandro, J., Lim, H., López, F., Maccarone, M.C., Mannheim, K., Maravilla, D., Marcelli, L., Marini, A., Martinez, O., Masciantonio, G., Mase, K., Matev, R., Medina-Tanco, G., Mernik, T., Miyamoto, H., Miyazaki, Y., Mizumoto, Y., Modestino, G., Monaco, A., Monnier-Ragaigne, D., Morales de los Ríos, J.A., Moretto, C., Morozenko, V.S., Mot, B., Murakami, T., Nagano, M., Nagata, M., Nagataki, S., Nakamura, T., Napolitano, T., Naumov, D., Nava, R., Neronov, A., Nomoto, K., Nonaka, T., Ogawa, T., Ogio, S., Ohmori, H., Olinto, A.V., Orleański, P., Osteria, G., Panasyuk, M.I., Parizot, E., Park, I.H., Park, H.W., Pastircak, B., Patzak, T., Paul, T., Pennypacker, C., Perez Cano, S., Peter, T., Picozza, P., Pierog, T., Piotrowski, L.W., Piraino, S., Plebaniak, Z., Pollini, A., Prat, P., Prévôt, G., Prieto, H., Putis, M., Reardon, P., Reyes, M., Ricci, M., Rodríguez, I., Frías, M.D.R., Ronga, F., Roth, M., Rothkaehl, H., Roudil, G., Rusinov, I., Rybczyński, M., Sabau, M.D., Sáez Cano, G., Sagawa, H., Saito, A., Sakaki, N., Sakata, M., Salazar, H., Sánchez, S., Santangelo, A., Santiago Crúz, L., Sanz Palomino, M., Saprykin, O., Sarazin, F., Sato, H., Sato, M., Schanz, T., Schieler, H., Scotti, V., Segreto, A., Selmane, S., Semikoz, D., Serra, M., Sharakin, S., Shibata, T., Shimizu, H.M., Shinozaki, K., Shirahama, T., Siemieniec-Oziȩbło, G., Silva López, H.H., Sledd, J., Słomińska, K., Sobey, A., Sugiyama, T., Supanitsky, D., Suzuki, M., Szabelska, B., Szabelski, J., Tajima, F., Tajima, N., Tajima, T., Takahashi, Y., Takami, H., Takeda, M., Takizawa, Y., Tenzer, C., Tibolla, O., Tkachev, L., Tokuno, H., Tomida, T., Tone, N., Toscano, S., Trillaud, F., Tsenov, R., Tsunesada, Y., Tsuno, K., Tymieniecka, T., Uchihori, Y., Unger, M., Vaduvescu, O., Valdés-Galicia, J.F., Vallania, P., Valore, L., Vankova, G., Vigorito, C., Villaseñor, L., von Ballmoos, P., Wada, S., Watanabe, J., Watanabe, S., Watts, J., Weber, M., Weiler, T.J., Wibig, T., Wiencke, L., Wille, M., Wilms, J., Włodarczyk, Z., Yamamoto, T., Yamamoto, Y., Yang, J., Yano, H., Yashin, I.V., Yonetoku, D., Yoshida, K., Yoshida, S., Young, R., Zotov, M.Y., Zuccaro Marchi, A.
    Experimental Astronomy, 40(1) 3-17, 2015  Peer-reviewed
    The Extreme Universe Space Observatory on board the Japanese Experiment Module of the International Space Station, JEM-EUSO, is being designed to search from space ultra-high energy cosmic rays. These are charged particles with energies from a few 10(19) eV to beyond 10(20) eV, at the very end of the known cosmic ray energy spectrum. JEM-EUSO will also search for extreme energy neutrinos, photons, and exotic particles, providing a unique opportunity to explore largely unknown phenomena in our Universe. The mission, principally based on a wide field of view (60 degrees) near-UV telescope with a diameter of similar to 2.5 m, will monitor the earth's atmosphere at night, pioneering the observation from space of the ultraviolet tracks (290-430 nm) associated with giant extensive air showers produced by ultra-high energy primaries propagating in the earth's atmosphere. Observing from an orbital altitude of similar to 400 km, the mission is expected to reach an instantaneous geometrical aperture of A (g e o) a parts per thousand yen 2 x 10(5) km(2) sr with an estimated duty cycle of similar to 20 %. Such a geometrical aperture allows unprecedented exposures, significantly larger than can be obtained with ground-based experiments. In this paper we briefly review the history of space-based search for ultra-high energy cosmic rays. We then introduce the special issue of Experimental Astronomy devoted to the various aspects of such a challenging enterprise. We also summarise the activities of the on-going JEM-EUSO program.
  • Adams, J.H., Ahmad, S., Albert, J.-N., Allard, D., Anchordoqui, L., Andreev, V., Anzalone, A., Arai, Y., Asano, K., Ave Pernas, M., Baragatti, P., Barrillon, P., Batsch, T., Bayer, J., Bechini, R., Belenguer, T., Bellotti, R., Belov, K., Berlind, A.A., Bertaina, M., Biermann, P.L., Biktemerova, S., Blaksley, C., Blanc, N., Błȩcki, J., Blin-Bondil, S., Blümer, J., Bobik, P., Bogomilov, M., Bonamente, M., Briggs, M.S., Briz, S., Bruno, A., Cafagna, F., Campana, D., Capdevielle, J.-N., Caruso, R., Casolino, M., Cassardo, C., Castellinic, G., Catalano, C., Catalano, G., Cellino, A., Chikawa, M., Christl, M.J., Cline, D., Connaughton, V., Conti, L., Cordero, G., Crawford, H.J., Cremonini, R., Csorna, S., Dagoret-Campagne, S., de Castro, A.J., De Donato, C., de la Taille, C., De Santis, C., del Peral, L., Dell’Oro, A., De Simone, N., Di Martino, M., Distratis, G., Dulucq, F., Dupieux, M., Ebersoldt, A., Ebisuzaki, T., Engel, R., Falk, S., Fang, K., Fenu, F., Fernández-Gómez, I., Ferrarese, S., Finco, D., Flamini, M., Fornaro, C., Franceschi, A., Fujimoto, J., Fukushima, M., Galeotti, P., Garipov, G., Geary, J., Gelmini, G., Giraudo, G., Gonchar, M., González Alvarado, C., Gorodetzky, P., Guarino, F., Guzmán, A., Hachisu, Y., Harlov, B., Haungs, A., Hernández Carretero, J., Higashide, K., Ikeda, D., Ikeda, H., Inoue, N., Inoue, S., Insolia, A., Isgrò, F., Itow, Y., Joven, E., Judd, E.G., Jung, A., Kajino, F., Kajino, T., Kaneko, I., Karadzhov, Y., Karczmarczyk, J., Karus, M., Katahira, K., Kawai, K., Kawasaki, Y., Keilhauer, B., Khrenov, B.A., Kim, J.-S., Kim, S.-W., Kim, S.-W., Kleifges, M., Klimov, P.A., Kolev, D., Kreykenbohm, I., Kudela, K., Kurihara, Y., Kusenko, A., Kuznetsov, E., Lacombe, M., Lachaud, C., Lee, J., Licandro, J., Lim, H., López, F., Maccarone, M.C., Mannheim, K., Maravilla, D., Marcelli, L., Marini, A., Martinez, O., Masciantonio, G., Mase, K., Matev, R., Medina-Tanco, G., Mernik, T., Miyamoto, H., Miyazaki, Y., Mizumoto, Y., Modestino, G., Monaco, A., Monnier-Ragaigne, D., Morales de los Ríos, J.A., Moretto, C., Morozenko, V.S., Mot, B., Murakami, T., Murakami, M.N., Nagata, M., Nagataki, S., Nakamura, T., Napolitano, T., Naumov, D., Nava, R., Neronov, A., Nomoto, K., Nonaka, T., Ogawa, T., Ogio, S., Ohmori, H., Olinto, A.V., Orleański, P., Osteria, G., Panasyuk, M.I., Parizot, E., Park, I.H., Park, H.W., Pastircak, B., Patzak, T., Paul, T., Pennypacker, C., Perez Cano, S., Peter, T., Picozza, P., Pierog, T., Piotrowski, L.W., Piraino, S., Plebaniak, Z., Pollini, A., Prat, P., Prévôt, G., Prieto, H., Putis, M., Reardon, P., Reyes, M., Ricci, M., Rodríguez, I., Rodríguez Frías, M.D., Ronga, F., Roth, M., Rothkaehl, H., Roudil, G., Rusinov, I., Rybczyński, M., Sabau, M.D., Sáez-Cano, G., Sagawa, H., Saito, A., Sakaki, N., Sakata, M., Salazar, H., Sánchez, S., Santangelo, A., Santiago Crúz, L., Sanz Palomino, M., Saprykin, O., Sarazin, F., Sato, H., Sato, M., Schanz, T., Schieler, H., Scotti, V., Segreto, A., Selmane, S., Semikoz, D., Serra, M., Sharakin, S., Shibata, T., Shimizu, H.M., Shinozaki, K., Shirahama, T., Siemieniec-Oziȩbło, G., Silva López, H.H., Sledd, J., Słomińska, K., Sobey, A., Sugiyama, T., Supanitsky, D., Suzuki, M., Szabelska, B., Szabelski, J., Tajima, F., Tajima, N., Tajima, T., Takahashi, Y., Takami, H., Takeda, M., Takizawa, Y., Tenzer, C., Tibolla, O., Tkachev, L., Tokuno, H., Tomida, T., Tone, N., Toscano, S., Trillaud, F., Tsenov, R., Tsunesada, Y., Tsuno, K., Tymieniecka, T., Uchihori, Y., Unger, M., Vaduvescu, O., Valdés-Galicia, J.F., Vallania, P., Valore, L., Vankova, G., Vigorito, C., Villaseñor, L., von Ballmoos, P., Wada, S., Watanabe, J., Watanabe, S., Watts, J., Weber, M., Weiler, T.J., Wibig, T., Wiencke, L., Wille, M., Wilms, J., Włodarczyk, Z., Yamamoto, T., Yamamoto, Y., Yang, J., Yano, H., Yashin, I.V., Yonetoku, D., Yoshida, K., Yoshida, S., Young, R., Zotov, M.Y., Zuccaro Marchi, A.
    Experimental Astronomy, 40(1) 215-233, 2015  Peer-reviewed
    Ultra high energy photons and neutrinos are carriers of very important astrophysical information. They may be produced at the sites of cosmic ray acceleration or during the propagation of the cosmic rays in the intergalactic medium. In contrast to charged cosmic rays, photon and neutrino arrival directions point to the production site because they are not deflected by the magnetic fields of the Galaxy or the intergalactic medium. In this work we study the characteristics of the longitudinal development of showers initiated by photons and neutrinos at the highest energies. These studies are relevant for development of techniques for neutrino and photon identification by the JEM-EUSO telescope. In particular, we study the possibility of observing the multi-peak structure of very deep horizontal neutrino showers with JEM-EUSO. We also discuss the possibility to determine the flavor content of the incident neutrino flux by taking advantage of the different characteristics of the longitudinal profiles generated by different type of neutrinos. This is of grate importance for the study of the fundamental properties of neutrinos at the highest energies. Regarding photons, we discuss the detectability of the cosmogenic component by JEM-EUSO and also estimate the expected upper limits on the photon fraction which can be obtained from the future JEM-EUSO data for the case in which there are no photons in the samples.
  • Adams, J.H., Ahmad, S., Albert, J.-N., Allard, D., Anchordoqui, L., Andreev, V., Anzalone, A., Arai, Y., Asano, K., Ave Pernas, M., Baragatti, P., Barrillon, P., Batsch, T., Bayer, J., Bechini, R., Belenguer, T., Bellotti, R., Belov, K., Berlind, A.A., Bertaina, M., Biermann, P.L., Biktemerova, S., Blaksley, C., Blanc, N., Błȩcki, J., Blin-Bondil, S., Blümer, J., Bobik, P., Bogomilov, M., Bonamente, M., Briggs, M.S., Briz, S., Bruno, A., Cafagna, F., Campana, D., Capdevielle, J.-N., Caruso, R., Casolino, M., Cassardo, C., Castellinic, G., Catalano, C., Catalano, G., Cellino, A., Chikawa, M., Christl, M.J., Cline, D., Connaughton, V., Conti, L., Cordero, G., Crawford, H.J., Cremonini, R., Csorna, S., Dagoret-Campagne, S., de Castro, A.J., De Donato, C., de la Taille, C., De Santis, C., del Peral, L., Dell’Oro, A., De Simone, N., Di Martino, M., Distratis, G., Dulucq, F., Dupieux, M., Ebersoldt, A., Ebisuzaki, T., Engel, R., Falk, S., Fang, K., Fenu, F., Fernández-Gómez, I., Ferrarese, S., Finco, D., Flamini, M., Fornaro, C., Franceschi, A., Fujimoto, J., Fukushima, M., Galeotti, P., Garipov, G., Geary, J., Gelmini, G., Giraudo, G., Gonchar, M., González Alvarado, C., Gorodetzky, P., Guarino, F., Guzmán, A., Hachisu, Y., Harlov, B., Haungs, A., Hernández Carretero, J., Higashide, K., Ikeda, D., Ikeda, H., Inoue, N., Inoue, S., Insolia, A., Isgrò, F., Itow, Y., Joven, E., Judd, E.G., Jung, A., Kajino, F., Kajino, T., Kaneko, I., Karadzhov, Y., Karczmarczyk, J., Karus, M., Katahira, K., Kawai, K., Kawasaki, Y., Keilhauer, B., Khrenov, B.A., Kim, J.-S., Kim, S.-W., Kim, S.-W., Kleifges, M., Klimov, P.A., Kolev, D., Kreykenbohm, I., Kudela, K., Kurihara, Y., Kusenko, A., Kuznetsov, E., Lacombe, M., Lachaud, C., Lee, J., Licandro, J., Lim, H., López, F., Maccarone, M.C., Mannheim, K., Maravilla, D., Marcelli, L., Marini, A., Martinez, O., Masciantonio, G., Mase, K., Matev, R., Medina-Tanco, G., Mernik, T., Miyamoto, H., Miyazaki, Y., Mizumoto, Y., Modestino, G., Monaco, A., Monnier-Ragaigne, D., Morales de los Ríos, J.A., Moretto, C., Morozenko, V.S., Mot, B., Murakami, T., Murakami, M.N., Nagata, M., Nagataki, S., Nakamura, T., Napolitano, T., Naumov, D., Nava, R., Neronov, A., Nomoto, K., Nonaka, T., Ogawa, T., Ogio, S., Ohmori, H., Olinto, A.V., Orleański, P., Osteria, G., Panasyuk, M.I., Parizot, E., Park, I.H., Park, H.W., Pastircak, B., Patzak, T., Paul, T., Pennypacker, C., Perez Cano, S., Peter, T., Picozza, P., Pierog, T., Piotrowski, L.W., Piraino, S., Plebaniak, Z., Pollini, A., Prat, P., Prévôt, G., Prieto, H., Putis, M., Reardon, P., Reyes, M., Ricci, M., Rodríguez, I., Rodríguez Frías, M.D., Ronga, F., Roth, M., Rothkaehl, H., Roudil, G., Rusinov, I., Rybczyński, M., Sabau, M.D., Sáez-Cano, G., Sagawa, H., Saito, A., Sakaki, N., Sakata, M., Salazar, H., Sánchez, S., Santangelo, A., Santiago Crúz, L., Sanz Palomino, M., Saprykin, O., Sarazin, F., Sato, H., Sato, M., Schanz, T., Schieler, H., Scotti, V., Segreto, A., Selmane, S., Semikoz, D., Serra, M., Sharakin, S., Shibata, T., Shimizu, H.M., Shinozaki, K., Shirahama, T., Siemieniec-Oziȩbło, G., Silva López, H.H., Sledd, J., Słomińska, K., Sobey, A., Sugiyama, T., Supanitsky, D., Suzuki, M., Szabelska, B., Szabelski, J., Tajima, F., Tajima, N., Tajima, T., Takahashi, Y., Takami, H., Takeda, M., Takizawa, Y., Tenzer, C., Tibolla, O., Tkachev, L., Tokuno, H., Tomida, T., Tone, N., Toscano, S., Trillaud, F., Tsenov, R., Tsunesada, Y., Tsuno, K., Tymieniecka, T., Uchihori, Y., Unger, M., Vaduvescu, O., Valdés-Galicia, J.F., Vallania, P., Valore, L., Vankova, G., Vigorito, C., Villaseñor, L., von Ballmoos, P., Wada, S., Watanabe, J., Watanabe, S., Watts, J., Weber, M., Weiler, T.J., Wibig, T., Wiencke, L., Wille, M., Wilms, J., Włodarczyk, Z., Yamamoto, T., Yamamoto, Y., Yang, J., Yano, H., Yashin, I.V., Yonetoku, D., Yoshida, K., Yoshida, S., Young, R., Zotov, M.Y., Zuccaro Marchi, A.
    Experimental Astronomy, 40(1) 315-326, 2015  Peer-reviewed
    Space-based detectors for the study of extreme energy cosmic rays (EECR) are being prepared as a promising new method for detecting highest energy cosmic rays. A pioneering space device - the "tracking ultraviolet set-up" (TUS) - is in the last stage of its construction and testing. The TUS detector will collect preliminary data on EECR in the conditions of a space environment, which will be extremely useful for planning the major JEM-EUSO detector operation.
  • Adams, J.H., Ahmad, S., Albert, J.-N., Allard, D., Anchordoqui, L., Andreev, V., Anzalone, A., Arai, Y., Asano, K., Ave Pernas, M., Baragatti, P., Barrillon, P., Batsch, T., Bayer, J., Bechini, R., Belenguer, T., Bellotti, R., Belov, K., Berlind, A.A., Bertaina, M., Biermann, P.L., Biktemerova, S., Blaksley, C., Blanc, N., Błȩcki, J., Blin-Bondil, S., Blümer, J., Bobik, P., Bogomilov, M., Bonamente, M., Briggs, M.S., Briz, S., Bruno, A., Cafagna, F., Campana, D., Capdevielle, J.-N., Caruso, R., Casolino, M., Cassardo, C., Castellinic, G., Catalano, C., Catalano, G., Cellino, A., Chikawa, M., Christl, M.J., Cline, D., Connaughton, V., Conti, L., Cordero, G., Crawford, H.J., Cremonini, R., Csorna, S., Dagoret-Campagne, S., de Castro, A.J., De Donato, C., de la Taille, C., De Santis, C., del Peral, L., Dell’Oro, A., De Simone, N., Di Martino, M., Distratis, G., Dulucq, F., Dupieux, M., Ebersoldt, A., Ebisuzaki, T., Engel, R., Falk, S., Fang, K., Fenu, F., Fernández-Gómez, I., Ferrarese, S., Finco, D., Flamini, M., Fornaro, C., Franceschi, A., Fujimoto, J., Fukushima, M., Galeotti, P., Garipov, G., Geary, J., Gelmini, G., Giraudo, G., Gonchar, M., González Alvarado, C., Gorodetzky, P., Guarino, F., Guzmán, A., Hachisu, Y., Harlov, B., Haungs, A., Hernández Carretero, J., Higashide, K., Ikeda, D., Ikeda, H., Inoue, N., Inoue, S., Insolia, A., Isgrò, F., Itow, Y., Joven, E., Judd, E.G., Jung, A., Kajino, F., Kajino, T., Kaneko, I., Karadzhov, Y., Karczmarczyk, J., Karus, M., Katahira, K., Kawai, K., Kawasaki, Y., Keilhauer, B., Khrenov, B.A., Kim, J.-S., Kim, S.-W., Kim, S.-W., Kleifges, M., Klimov, P.A., Kolev, D., Kreykenbohm, I., Kudela, K., Kurihara, Y., Kusenko, A., Kuznetsov, E., Lacombe, M., Lachaud, C., Lee, J., Licandro, J., Lim, H., López, F., Maccarone, M.C., Mannheim, K., Maravilla, D., Marcelli, L., Marini, A., Martinez, O., Masciantonio, G., Mase, K., Matev, R., Medina-Tanco, G., Mernik, T., Miyamoto, H., Miyazaki, Y., Mizumoto, Y., Modestino, G., Monaco, A., Monnier-Ragaigne, D., Morales de los Ríos, J.A., Moretto, C., Morozenko, V.S., Mot, B., Murakami, T., Murakami, M.N., Nagata, M., Nagataki, S., Nakamura, T., Napolitano, T., Naumov, D., Nava, R., Neronov, A., Nomoto, K., Nonaka, T., Ogawa, T., Ogio, S., Ohmori, H., Olinto, A.V., Orleański, P., Osteria, G., Panasyuk, M.I., Parizot, E., Park, I.H., Park, H.W., Pastircak, B., Patzak, T., Paul, T., Pennypacker, C., Perez Cano, S., Peter, T., Picozza, P., Pierog, T., Piotrowski, L.W., Piraino, S., Plebaniak, Z., Pollini, A., Prat, P., Prévôt, G., Prieto, H., Putis, M., Reardon, P., Reyes, M., Ricci, M., Rodríguez, I., Rodríguez Frías, M.D., Ronga, F., Roth, M., Rothkaehl, H., Roudil, G., Rusinov, I., Rybczyński, M., Sabau, M.D., Sáez-Cano, G., Sagawa, H., Saito, A., Sakaki, N., Sakata, M., Salazar, H., Sánchez, S., Santangelo, A., Santiago Crúz, L., Sanz Palomino, M., Saprykin, O., Sarazin, F., Sato, H., Sato, M., Schanz, T., Schieler, H., Scotti, V., Segreto, A., Selmane, S., Semikoz, D., Serra, M., Sharakin, S., Shibata, T., Shimizu, H.M., Shinozaki, K., Shirahama, T., Siemieniec-Oziȩbło, G., Silva López, H.H., Sledd, J., Słomińska, K., Sobey, A., Sugiyama, T., Supanitsky, D., Suzuki, M., Szabelska, B., Szabelski, J., Tajima, F., Tajima, N., Tajima, T., Takahashi, Y., Takami, H., Takeda, M., Takizawa, Y., Tenzer, C., Tibolla, O., Tkachev, L., Tokuno, H., Tomida, T., Tone, N., Toscano, S., Trillaud, F., Tsenov, R., Tsunesada, Y., Tsuno, K., Tymieniecka, T., Uchihori, Y., Unger, M., Vaduvescu, O., Valdés-Galicia, J.F., Vallania, P., Valore, L., Vankova, G., Vigorito, C., Villaseñor, L., von Ballmoos, P., Wada, S., Watanabe, J., Watanabe, S., Watts, J., Weber, M., Weiler, T.J., Wibig, T., Wiencke, L., Wille, M., Wilms, J., Włodarczyk, Z., Yamamoto, T., Yamamoto, Y., Yang, J., Yano, H., Yashin, I.V., Yonetoku, D., Yoshida, K., Yoshida, S., Young, R., Zotov, M.Y., Zuccaro Marchi, A.
    Experimental Astronomy, 40(1) 91-116, 2015  Peer-reviewed
    The JEM-EUSO telescope will be, after calibration, a very accurate instrument which yields the number of received photons from the number of measured photo-electrons. The project is in phase A (demonstration of the concept) including already operating prototype instruments, i.e. many parts of the instrument have been constructed and tested. Calibration is a crucial part of the instrument and its use. The focal surface (FS) of the JEM-EUSO telescope will consist of about 5000 photo-multiplier tubes (PMTs), which have to be well calibrated to reach the required accuracy in reconstructing the air-shower parameters. The optics system consists of 3 plastic Fresnel (double-sided) lenses of 2.5 m diameter. The aim of the calibration system is to measure the efficiencies (transmittances) of the optics and absolute efficiencies of the entire focal surface detector. The system consists of 3 main components: (i) Pre-flight calibration devices on ground, where the efficiency and gain of the PMTs will be measured absolutely and also the transmittance of the optics will be. (ii) On-board relative calibration system applying two methods: a) operating during the day when the JEM-EUSO lid will be closed with small light sources on board. b) operating during the night, together with data taking: the monitoring of the background rate over identical sites. (iii) Absolute in-flight calibration, again, applying two methods: a) measurement of the moon light, reflected on high altitude, high albedo clouds. b) measurements of calibrated flashes and tracks produced by the Global Light System (GLS). Some details of each calibration method will be described in this paper.
  • Adams, J.H., Ahmad, S., Albert, J.-N., Allard, D., Anchordoqui, L., Andreev, V., Anzalone, A., Arai, Y., Asano, K., Ave Pernas, M., Baragatti, P., Barrillon, P., Batsch, T., Bayer, J., Bechini, R., Belenguer, T., Bellotti, R., Belov, K., Berlind, A.A., Bertaina, M., Biermann, P.L., Biktemerova, S., Blaksley, C., Blanc, N., Błȩcki, J., Blin-Bondil, S., Blümer, J., Bobik, P., Bogomilov, M., Bonamente, M., Briggs, M.S., Briz, S., Bruno, A., Cafagna, F., Campana, D., Capdevielle, J.-N., Caruso, R., Casolino, M., Cassardo, C., Castellinic, G., Catalano, C., Catalano, G., Cellino, A., Chikawa, M., Christl, M.J., Cline, D., Connaughton, V., Conti, L., Cordero, G., Crawford, H.J., Cremonini, R., Csorna, S., Dagoret-Campagne, S., de Castro, A.J., De Donato, C., de la Taille, C., De Santis, C., del Peral, L., Dell’Oro, A., De Simone, N., Di Martino, M., Distratis, G., Dulucq, F., Dupieux, M., Ebersoldt, A., Ebisuzaki, T., Engel, R., Falk, S., Fang, K., Fenu, F., Fernández-Gómez, I., Ferrarese, S., Finco, D., Flamini, M., Fornaro, C., Franceschi, A., Fujimoto, J., Fukushima, M., Galeotti, P., Garipov, G., Geary, J., Gelmini, G., Giraudo, G., Gonchar, M., González Alvarado, C., Gorodetzky, P., Guarino, F., Guzmán, A., Hachisu, Y., Harlov, B., Haungs, A., Hernández Carretero, J., Higashide, K., Ikeda, D., Ikeda, H., Inoue, N., Inoue, S., Insolia, A., Isgrò, F., Itow, Y., Joven, E., Judd, E.G., Jung, A., Kajino, F., Kajino, T., Kaneko, I., Karadzhov, Y., Karczmarczyk, J., Karus, M., Katahira, K., Kawai, K., Kawasaki, Y., Keilhauer, B., Khrenov, B.A., Kim, J.-S., Kim, S.-W., Kim, S.-W., Kleifges, M., Klimov, P.A., Kolev, D., Kreykenbohm, I., Kudela, K., Kurihara, Y., Kusenko, A., Kuznetsov, E., Lacombe, M., Lachaud, C., Lee, J., Licandro, J., Lim, H., López, F., Maccarone, M.C., Mannheim, K., Maravilla, D., Marcelli, L., Marini, A., Martinez, O., Masciantonio, G., Mase, K., Matev, R., Medina-Tanco, G., Mernik, T., Miyamoto, H., Miyazaki, Y., Mizumoto, Y., Modestino, G., Monaco, A., Monnier-Ragaigne, D., Morales de los Ríos, J.A., Moretto, C., Morozenko, V.S., Mot, B., Murakami, T., Murakami, M.N., Nagata, M., Nagataki, S., Nakamura, T., Napolitano, T., Naumov, D., Nava, R., Neronov, A., Nomoto, K., Nonaka, T., Ogawa, T., Ogio, S., Ohmori, H., Olinto, A.V., Orleański, P., Osteria, G., Panasyuk, M.I., Parizot, E., Park, I.H., Park, H.W., Pastircak, B., Patzak, T., Paul, T., Pennypacker, C., Perez Cano, S., Peter, T., Picozza, P., Pierog, T., Piotrowski, L.W., Piraino, S., Plebaniak, Z., Pollini, A., Prat, P., Prévôt, G., Prieto, H., Putis, M., Reardon, P., Reyes, M., Ricci, M., Rodríguez, I., Rodríguez Frías, M.D., Ronga, F., Roth, M., Rothkaehl, H., Roudil, G., Rusinov, I., Rybczyński, M., Sabau, M.D., Sáez-Cano, G., Sagawa, H., Saito, A., Sakaki, N., Sakata, M., Salazar, H., Sánchez, S., Santangelo, A., Santiago Crúz, L., Sanz Palomino, M., Saprykin, O., Sarazin, F., Sato, H., Sato, M., Schanz, T., Schieler, H., Scotti, V., Segreto, A., Selmane, S., Semikoz, D., Serra, M., Sharakin, S., Shibata, T., Shimizu, H.M., Shinozaki, K., Shirahama, T., Siemieniec-Oziȩbło, G., Silva López, H.H., Sledd, J., Słomińska, K., Sobey, A., Sugiyama, T., Supanitsky, D., Suzuki, M., Szabelska, B., Szabelski, J., Tajima, F., Tajima, N., Tajima, T., Takahashi, Y., Takami, H., Takeda, M., Takizawa, Y., Tenzer, C., Tibolla, O., Tkachev, L., Tokuno, H., Tomida, T., Tone, N., Toscano, S., Trillaud, F., Tsenov, R., Tsunesada, Y., Tsuno, K., Tymieniecka, T., Uchihori, Y., Unger, M., Vaduvescu, O., Valdés-Galicia, J.F., Vallania, P., Valore, L., Vankova, G., Vigorito, C., Villaseñor, L., von Ballmoos, P., Wada, S., Watanabe, J., Watanabe, S., Watts, J., Weber, M., Weiler, T.J., Wibig, T., Wiencke, L., Wille, M., Wilms, J., Włodarczyk, Z., Yamamoto, T., Yamamoto, Y., Yang, J., Yano, H., Yashin, I.V., Yonetoku, D., Yoshida, K., Yoshida, S., Young, R., Zotov, M.Y., Zuccaro Marchi, A.
    Experimental Astronomy, 40(1) 235-237, 2015  Peer-reviewed
  • Manami Kurihara, Masumi Higashide, Yuu Takayanagi, Kazuyoshi Arai, Hajime Yano, Makoto Tabata, Sunao Hasegawa, Akihiko Yamagishi
    PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2015 HYPERVELOCITY IMPACT SYMPOSIUM (HVIS 2015), 103(14-013) 334-340, 2015  Peer-reviewed
    This study is a part of 'Tanpopo' mission, which is to be mounted on the Exposure Facility of the Japanese "Kibo" Module of the International Space Station. The purpose of this study is to comparing the impact frequency that is predicted from the debris environment model and the impact craters on the exposed instrument. There are two approaches to achieve this plan. The first is to predict the impact frequency of the micron-sized debris onto the Tanpopo capture panels which is exposed to space. The second is to establish methods for calculating key parameters in relation to impacting debris particles from excavated craters on the capture panel material. The debris impact frequency on the capture panels was predicted using the impact-risk analysis tool. It was found that impact of particles of 10 mu m or less in diameter was expected on the panels. Additionally, the relationship between the debris impact energy and crater was also derived by hypervelocity impact experiments. It was found that regardless of the projectile materials and impact speed, the relationship between the impact energy and the crater volume is nearly proportional. (C) 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
  • Adams, J.H., Ahmad, S., Albert, J.-N., Allard, D., Anchordoqui, L., Andreev, V., Anzalone, A., Arai, Y., Asano, K., Ave Pernas, M., Baragatti, P., Barrillon, P., Batsch, T., Bayer, J., Bechini, R., Belenguer, T., Bellotti, R., Belov, K., Berlind, A.A., Bertaina, M., Biermann, P.L., Biktemerova, S., Blaksley, C., Blanc, N., Błȩcki, J., Blin-Bondil, S., Blümer, J., Bobik, P., Bogomilov, M., Bonamente, M., Briggs, M.S., Briz, S., Bruno, A., Cafagna, F., Campana, D., Capdevielle, J.-N., Caruso, R., Casolino, M., Cassardo, C., Castellinic, G., Catalano, C., Catalano, G., Cellino, A., Chikawa, M., Christl, M.J., Cline, D., Connaughton, V., Conti, L., Cordero, G., Crawford, H.J., Cremonini, R., Csorna, S., Dagoret-Campagne, S., de Castro, A.J., De Donato, C., de la Taille, C., De Santis, C., del Peral, L., Dell’Oro, A., De Simone, N., Di Martino, M., Distratis, G., Dulucq, F., Dupieux, M., Ebersoldt, A., Ebisuzaki, T., Engel, R., Falk, S., Fang, K., Fenu, F., Fernández-Gómez, I., Ferrarese, S., Finco, D., Flamini, M., Fornaro, C., Franceschi, A., Fujimoto, J., Fukushima, M., Galeotti, P., Garipov, G., Geary, J., Gelmini, G., Giraudo, G., Gonchar, M., González Alvarado, C., Gorodetzky, P., Guarino, F., Guzmán, A., Hachisu, Y., Harlov, B., Haungs, A., Hernández Carretero, J., Higashide, K., Ikeda, D., Ikeda, H., Inoue, N., Inoue, S., Insolia, A., Isgrò, F., Itow, Y., Joven, E., Judd, E.G., Jung, A., Kajino, F., Kajino, T., Kaneko, I., Karadzhov, Y., Karczmarczyk, J., Karus, M., Katahira, K., Kawai, K., Kawasaki, Y., Keilhauer, B., Khrenov, B.A., Kim, J.-S., Kim, S.-W., Kim, S.-W., Kleifges, M., Klimov, P.A., Kolev, D., Kreykenbohm, I., Kudela, K., Kurihara, Y., Kusenko, A., Kuznetsov, E., Lacombe, M., Lachaud, C., Lee, J., Licandro, J., Lim, H., López, F., Maccarone, M.C., Mannheim, K., Maravilla, D., Marcelli, L., Marini, A., Martinez, O., Masciantonio, G., Mase, K., Matev, R., Medina-Tanco, G., Mernik, T., Miyamoto, H., Miyazaki, Y., Mizumoto, Y., Modestino, G., Monaco, A., Monnier-Ragaigne, D., Morales de los Ríos, J.A., Moretto, C., Morozenko, V.S., Mot, B., Murakami, T., Murakami, M.N., Nagata, M., Nagataki, S., Nakamura, T., Napolitano, T., Naumov, D., Nava, R., Neronov, A., Nomoto, K., Nonaka, T., Ogawa, T., Ogio, S., Ohmori, H., Olinto, A.V., Orleański, P., Osteria, G., Panasyuk, M.I., Parizot, E., Park, I.H., Park, H.W., Pastircak, B., Patzak, T., Paul, T., Pennypacker, C., Perez Cano, S., Peter, T., Picozza, P., Pierog, T., Piotrowski, L.W., Piraino, S., Plebaniak, Z., Pollini, A., Prat, P., Prévôt, G., Prieto, H., Putis, M., Reardon, P., Reyes, M., Ricci, M., Rodríguez, I., Rodríguez Frías, M.D., Ronga, F., Roth, M., Rothkaehl, H., Roudil, G., Rusinov, I., Rybczyński, M., Sabau, M.D., Sáez-Cano, G., Sagawa, H., Saito, A., Sakaki, N., Sakata, M., Salazar, H., Sánchez, S., Santangelo, A., Santiago Crúz, L., Sanz Palomino, M., Saprykin, O., Sarazin, F., Sato, H., Sato, M., Schanz, T., Schieler, H., Scotti, V., Segreto, A., Selmane, S., Semikoz, D., Serra, M., Sharakin, S., Shibata, T., Shimizu, H.M., Shinozaki, K., Shirahama, T., Siemieniec-Oziȩbło, G., Silva López, H.H., Sledd, J., Słomińska, K., Sobey, A., Sugiyama, T., Supanitsky, D., Suzuki, M., Szabelska, B., Szabelski, J., Tajima, F., Tajima, N., Tajima, T., Takahashi, Y., Takami, H., Takeda, M., Takizawa, Y., Tenzer, C., Tibolla, O., Tkachev, L., Tokuno, H., Tomida, T., Tone, N., Toscano, S., Trillaud, F., Tsenov, R., Tsunesada, Y., Tsuno, K., Tymieniecka, T., Uchihori, Y., Unger, M., Vaduvescu, O., Valdés-Galicia, J.F., Vallania, P., Valore, L., Vankova, G., Vigorito, C., Villaseñor, L., von Ballmoos, P., Wada, S., Watanabe, J., Watanabe, S., Watts, J., Weber, M., Weiler, T.J., Wibig, T., Wiencke, L., Wille, M., Wilms, J., Włodarczyk, Z., Yamamoto, T., Yamamoto, Y., Yang, J., Yano, H., Yashin, I.V., Yonetoku, D., Yoshida, K., Yoshida, S., Young, R., Zotov, M.Y., Zuccaro Marchi, A.
    Experimental Astronomy, 40(1) 183-214, 2015  Peer-reviewed
    The Extreme Universe Space Observatory (EUSO) on-board the Japanese Experimental Module (JEM) of the International Space Station aims at the detection of ultra high energy cosmic rays from space. The mission consists of a UV telescope which will detect the fluorescence light emitted by cosmic ray showers in the atmosphere. The mission, currently developed by a large international collaboration, is designed to be launched within this decade. In this article, we present the reconstruction of the energy of the observed events and we also address the X (max) reconstruction. After discussing the algorithms developed for the energy and X (max) reconstruction, we present several estimates of the energy resolution, as a function of the incident angle, and energy of the event. Similarly, estimates of the X (max) resolution for various conditions are presented.
  • Adams, J.H., Ahmad, S., Albert, J.-N., Allard, D., Anchordoqui, L., Andreev, V., Anzalone, A., Arai, Y., Asano, K., Ave Pernas, M., Baragatti, P., Barrillon, P., Batsch, T., Bayer, J., Bechini, R., Belenguer, T., Bellotti, R., Belov, K., Berlind, A.A., Bertaina, M., Biermann, P.L., Biktemerova, S., Blaksley, C., Blanc, N., Błȩcki, J., Blin-Bondil, S., Blümer, J., Bobik, P., Bogomilov, M., Bonamente, M., Briggs, M.S., Briz, S., Bruno, A., Cafagna, F., Campana, D., Capdevielle, J.-N., Caruso, R., Casolino, M., Cassardo, C., Castellinic, G., Catalano, C., Catalano, G., Cellino, A., Chikawa, M., Christl, M.J., Cline, D., Connaughton, V., Conti, L., Cordero, G., Crawford, H.J., Cremonini, R., Csorna, S., Dagoret-Campagne, S., de Castro, A.J., De Donato, C., de la Taille, C., De Santis, C., del Peral, L., Dell’Oro, A., De Simone, N., Di Martino, M., Distratis, G., Dulucq, F., Dupieux, M., Ebersoldt, A., Ebisuzaki, T., Engel, R., Falk, S., Fang, K., Fenu, F., Fernández-Gómez, I., Ferrarese, S., Finco, D., Flamini, M., Fornaro, C., Franceschi, A., Fujimoto, J., Fukushima, M., Galeotti, P., Garipov, G., Geary, J., Gelmini, G., Giraudo, G., Gonchar, M., González Alvarado, C., Gorodetzky, P., Guarino, F., Guzmán, A., Hachisu, Y., Harlov, B., Haungs, A., Hernández Carretero, J., Higashide, K., Ikeda, D., Ikeda, H., Inoue, N., Inoue, S., Insolia, A., Isgrò, F., Itow, Y., Joven, E., Judd, E.G., Jung, A., Kajino, F., Kajino, T., Kaneko, I., Karadzhov, Y., Karczmarczyk, J., Karus, M., Katahira, K., Kawai, K., Kawasaki, Y., Keilhauer, B., Khrenov, B.A., Kim, J.-S., Kim, S.-W., Kim, S.-W., Kleifges, M., Klimov, P.A., Kolev, D., Kreykenbohm, I., Kudela, K., Kurihara, Y., Kusenko, A., Kuznetsov, E., Lacombe, M., Lachaud, C., Lee, J., Licandro, J., Lim, H., López, F., Maccarone, M.C., Mannheim, K., Maravilla, D., Marcelli, L., Marini, A., Martinez, O., Masciantonio, G., Mase, K., Matev, R., Medina-Tanco, G., Mernik, T., Miyamoto, H., Miyazaki, Y., Mizumoto, Y., Modestino, G., Monaco, A., Monnier-Ragaigne, D., Morales de los Ríos, J.A., Moretto, C., Morozenko, V.S., Mot, B., Murakami, T., Murakami, M.N., Nagata, M., Nagataki, S., Nakamura, T., Napolitano, T., Naumov, D., Nava, R., Neronov, A., Nomoto, K., Nonaka, T., Ogawa, T., Ogio, S., Ohmori, H., Olinto, A.V., Orleański, P., Osteria, G., Panasyuk, M.I., Parizot, E., Park, I.H., Park, H.W., Pastircak, B., Patzak, T., Paul, T., Pennypacker, C., Perez Cano, S., Peter, T., Picozza, P., Pierog, T., Piotrowski, L.W., Piraino, S., Plebaniak, Z., Pollini, A., Prat, P., Prévôt, G., Prieto, H., Putis, M., Reardon, P., Reyes, M., Ricci, M., Rodríguez, I., Rodríguez Frías, M.D., Ronga, F., Roth, M., Rothkaehl, H., Roudil, G., Rusinov, I., Rybczyński, M., Sabau, M.D., Sáez-Cano, G., Sagawa, H., Saito, A., Sakaki, N., Sakata, M., Salazar, H., Sánchez, S., Santangelo, A., Santiago Crúz, L., Sanz Palomino, M., Saprykin, O., Sarazin, F., Sato, H., Sato, M., Schanz, T., Schieler, H., Scotti, V., Segreto, A., Selmane, S., Semikoz, D., Serra, M., Sharakin, S., Shibata, T., Shimizu, H.M., Shinozaki, K., Shirahama, T., Siemieniec-Oziȩbło, G., Silva López, H.H., Sledd, J., Słomińska, K., Sobey, A., Sugiyama, T., Supanitsky, D., Suzuki, M., Szabelska, B., Szabelski, J., Tajima, F., Tajima, N., Tajima, T., Takahashi, Y., Takami, H., Takeda, M., Takizawa, Y., Tenzer, C., Tibolla, O., Tkachev, L., Tokuno, H., Tomida, T., Tone, N., Toscano, S., Trillaud, F., Tsenov, R., Tsunesada, Y., Tsuno, K., Tymieniecka, T., Uchihori, Y., Unger, M., Vaduvescu, O., Valdés-Galicia, J.F., Vallania, P., Valore, L., Vankova, G., Vigorito, C., Villaseñor, L., von Ballmoos, P., Wada, S., Watanabe, J., Watanabe, S., Watts, J., Weber, M., Weiler, T.J., Wibig, T., Wiencke, L., Wille, M., Wilms, J., Włodarczyk, Z., Yamamoto, T., Yamamoto, Y., Yang, J., Yano, H., Yashin, I.V., Yonetoku, D., Yoshida, K., Yoshida, S., Young, R., Zotov, M.Y., Zuccaro Marchi, A., Słomiński, J.
    Experimental Astronomy, 40(1) 239-251, 2015  Peer-reviewed
    The main goal of the JEM-EUSO experiment is the study of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR, 10(19)-10(21) e V), but the method which will be used (detection of the secondary light emissions induced by cosmic rays in the atmosphere) allows to study other luminous phenomena. The UHECRs will be detected through the measurement of the emission in the range between 290 and 430 m, where some part of Transient Luminous Events (TLEs) emission also appears. This work discusses the possibility of using the JEM-EUSO Telescope to get new scientific results on TLEs. The high time resolution of this instrument allows to observe the evolution of TLEs with great precision just at the moment of their origin. The paper consists of four parts: review of the present knowledge on the TLE, presentation of the results of the simulations of the TLE images in the JEM-EUSO telescope, results of the Russian experiment Tatiana-2 and discussion of the possible progress achievable in this field with JEM-EUSO as well as possible cooperation with other space projects devoted to the study of TLE - TARANIS and ASIM. In atmospheric physics, the study of TLEs became one of the main physical subjects of interest after their discovery in 1989. In the years 1992 - 1994 detection was performed from satellite, aircraft and space shuttle and recently from the International Space Station. These events have short duration (milliseconds) and small scales (km to tens of km) and appear at altitudes 50 - 100 km. Their nature is still not clear and each new experimental data can be useful for a better understanding of these mysterious phenomena.
  • Adams, J.H., Ahmad, S., Albert, J.-N., Allard, D., Anchordoqui, L., Andreev, V., Anzalone, A., Arai, Y., Asano, K., Ave Pernas, M., Baragatti, P., Barrillon, P., Batsch, T., Bayer, J., Bechini, R., Belenguer, T., Bellotti, R., Belov, K., Berlind, A.A., Bertaina, M., Biermann, P.L., Biktemerova, S., Blaksley, C., Blanc, N., Błȩcki, J., Blin-Bondil, S., Blümer, J., Bobik, P., Bogomilov, M., Bonamente, M., Briggs, M.S., Briz, S., Bruno, A., Cafagna, F., Campana, D., Capdevielle, J.-N., Caruso, R., Casolino, M., Cassardo, C., Castellinic, G., Catalano, C., Catalano, G., Cellino, A., Chikawa, M., Christl, M.J., Cline, D., Connaughton, V., Conti, L., Cordero, G., Crawford, H.J., Cremonini, R., Csorna, S., Dagoret-Campagne, S., de Castro, A.J., De Donato, C., de la Taille, C., De Santis, C., del Peral, L., Dell’Oro, A., De Simone, N., Di Martino, M., Distratis, G., Dulucq, F., Dupieux, M., Ebersoldt, A., Ebisuzaki, T., Engel, R., Falk, S., Fang, K., Fenu, F., Fernández-Gómez, I., Ferrarese, S., Finco, D., Flamini, M., Fornaro, C., Franceschi, A., Fujimoto, J., Fukushima, M., Galeotti, P., Garipov, G., Geary, J., Gelmini, G., Giraudo, G., Gonchar, M., González Alvarado, C., Gorodetzky, P., Guarino, F., Guzmán, A., Hachisu, Y., Harlov, B., Haungs, A., Hernández Carretero, J., Higashide, K., Ikeda, D., Ikeda, H., Inoue, N., Inoue, S., Insolia, A., Isgrò, F., Itow, Y., Joven, E., Judd, E.G., Jung, A., Kajino, F., Kajino, T., Kaneko, I., Karadzhov, Y., Karczmarczyk, J., Karus, M., Katahira, K., Kawai, K., Kawasaki, Y., Keilhauer, B., Khrenov, B.A., Kim, J.-S., Kim, S.-W., Kim, S.-W., Kleifges, M., Klimov, P.A., Kolev, D., Kreykenbohm, I., Kudela, K., Kurihara, Y., Kusenko, A., Kuznetsov, E., Lacombe, M., Lachaud, C., Lee, J., Licandro, J., Lim, H., López, F., Maccarone, M.C., Mannheim, K., Maravilla, D., Marcelli, L., Marini, A., Martinez, O., Masciantonio, G., Mase, K., Matev, R., Medina-Tanco, G., Mernik, T., Miyamoto, H., Miyazaki, Y., Mizumoto, Y., Modestino, G., Monaco, A., Monnier-Ragaigne, D., Morales de los Ríos, J.A., Moretto, C., Morozenko, V.S., Mot, B., Murakami, T., Murakami, M.N., Nagata, M., Nagataki, S., Nakamura, T., Napolitano, T., Naumov, D., Nava, R., Neronov, A., Nomoto, K., Nonaka, T., Ogawa, T., Ogio, S., Ohmori, H., Olinto, A.V., Orleański, P., Osteria, G., Panasyuk, M.I., Parizot, E., Park, I.H., Park, H.W., Pastircak, B., Patzak, T., Paul, T., Pennypacker, C., Perez Cano, S., Peter, T., Picozza, P., Pierog, T., Piotrowski, L.W., Piraino, S., Plebaniak, Z., Pollini, A., Prat, P., Prévôt, G., Prieto, H., Putis, M., Reardon, P., Reyes, M., Ricci, M., Rodríguez, I., Rodríguez Frías, M.D., Ronga, F., Roth, M., Rothkaehl, H., Roudil, G., Rusinov, I., Rybczyński, M., Sabau, M.D., Sáez-Cano, G., Sagawa, H., Saito, A., Sakaki, N., Sakata, M., Salazar, H., Sánchez, S., Santangelo, A., Santiago Crúz, L., Sanz Palomino, M., Saprykin, O., Sarazin, F., Sato, H., Sato, M., Schanz, T., Schieler, H., Scotti, V., Segreto, A., Selmane, S., Semikoz, D., Serra, M., Sharakin, S., Shibata, T., Shimizu, H.M., Shinozaki, K., Shirahama, T., Siemieniec-Oziȩbło, G., Silva López, H.H., Sledd, J., Słomińska, K., Sobey, A., Sugiyama, T., Supanitsky, D., Suzuki, M., Szabelska, B., Szabelski, J., Tajima, F., Tajima, N., Tajima, T., Takahashi, Y., Takami, H., Takeda, M., Takizawa, Y., Tenzer, C., Tibolla, O., Tkachev, L., Tokuno, H., Tomida, T., Tone, N., Toscano, S., Trillaud, F., Tsenov, R., Tsunesada, Y., Tsuno, K., Tymieniecka, T., Uchihori, Y., Unger, M., Vaduvescu, O., Valdés-Galicia, J.F., Vallania, P., Valore, L., Vankova, G., Vigorito, C., Villaseñor, L., von Ballmoos, P., Wada, S., Watanabe, J., Watanabe, S., Watts, J., Weber, M., Weiler, T.J., Wibig, T., Wiencke, L., Wille, M., Wilms, J., Włodarczyk, Z., Yamamoto, T., Yamamoto, Y., Yang, J., Yano, H., Yashin, I.V., Yonetoku, D., Yoshida, K., Yoshida, S., Young, R., Zotov, M.Y., Zuccaro Marchi, A.
    Experimental Astronomy, 40(1) 281-299, 2015  Peer-reviewed
    EUSO-Balloon is a pathfinder for JEM-EUSO, the Extreme Universe Space Observatory which is to be hosted on-board the International Space Station. As JEM-EUSO is designed to observe Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR)-induced Extensive Air Showers (EAS) by detecting their ultraviolet light tracks "from above", EUSO-Balloon is a nadir-pointing UV telescope too. With its Fresnel Optics and Photo-Detector Module, the instrument monitors a 50 km(2) ground surface area in a wavelength band of 290-430 nm, collecting series of images at a rate of 400,000 frames/sec. The objectives of the balloon demonstrator are threefold: a) perform a full end-to-end test of a JEM-EUSO prototype consisting of all the main subsystems of the space experiment, b) measure the effective terrestrial UV background, with a spatial and temporal resolution relevant for JEM-EUSO. c) detect tracks of ultraviolet light from near space for the first time. The latter is a milestone in the development of UHECR science, paving the way for any future space-based UHECR observatory. On August 25, 2014, EUSO-Balloon was launched from Timmins Stratospheric Balloon Base (Ontario, Canada) by the balloon division of the French Space Agency CNES. From a float altitude of 38 km, the instrument operated during the entire astronomical night, observing UV-light from a variety of ground-covers and from hundreds of simulated EASs, produced by flashers and a laser during a two-hour helicopter under-flight.
  • Adams, J.H., Ahmad, S., Albert, J.-N., Allard, D., Anchordoqui, L., Andreev, V., Anzalone, A., Arai, Y., Asano, K., Ave Pernas, M., Baragatti, P., Barrillon, P., Batsch, T., Bayer, J., Bechini, R., Belenguer, T., Bellotti, R., Belov, K., Berlind, A.A., Bertaina, M., Biermann, P.L., Biktemerova, S., Blaksley, C., Blanc, N., Błȩcki, J., Blin-Bondil, S., Blümer, J., Bobik, P., Bogomilov, M., Bonamente, M., Briggs, M.S., Briz, S., Bruno, A., Cafagna, F., Campana, D., Capdevielle, J.-N., Caruso, R., Casolino, M., Cassardo, C., Castellinic, G., Catalano, C., Catalano, G., Cellino, A., Chikawa, M., Christl, M.J., Cline, D., Connaughton, V., Conti, L., Cordero, G., Crawford, H.J., Cremonini, R., Csorna, S., Dagoret-Campagne, S., de Castro, A.J., De Donato, C., de la Taille, C., De Santis, C., del Peral, L., Dell’Oro, A., De Simone, N., Di Martino, M., Distratis, G., Dulucq, F., Dupieux, M., Ebersoldt, A., Ebisuzaki, T., Engel, R., Falk, S., Fang, K., Fenu, F., Fernández-Gómez, I., Ferrarese, S., Finco, D., Flamini, M., Fornaro, C., Franceschi, A., Fujimoto, J., Fukushima, M., Galeotti, P., Garipov, G., Geary, J., Gelmini, G., Giraudo, G., Gonchar, M., González Alvarado, C., Gorodetzky, P., Guarino, F., Guzmán, A., Hachisu, Y., Harlov, B., Haungs, A., Hernández Carretero, J., Higashide, K., Ikeda, D., Ikeda, H., Inoue, N., Inoue, S., Insolia, A., Isgrò, F., Itow, Y., Joven, E., Judd, E.G., Jung, A., Kajino, F., Kajino, T., Kaneko, I., Karadzhov, Y., Karczmarczyk, J., Karus, M., Katahira, K., Kawai, K., Kawasaki, Y., Keilhauer, B., Khrenov, B.A., Kim, J.-S., Kim, S.-W., Kim, S.-W., Kleifges, M., Klimov, P.A., Kolev, D., Kreykenbohm, I., Kudela, K., Kurihara, Y., Kusenko, A., Kuznetsov, E., Lacombe, M., Lachaud, C., Lee, J., Licandro, J., Lim, H., López, F., Maccarone, M.C., Mannheim, K., Maravilla, D., Marcelli, L., Marini, A., Martinez, O., Masciantonio, G., Mase, K., Matev, R., Medina-Tanco, G., Mernik, T., Miyamoto, H., Miyazaki, Y., Mizumoto, Y., Modestino, G., Monaco, A., Monnier-Ragaigne, D., Morales de los Ríos, J.A., Moretto, C., Morozenko, V.S., Mot, B., Murakami, T., Murakami, M.N., Nagata, M., Nagataki, S., Nakamura, T., Napolitano, T., Naumov, D., Nava, R., Neronov, A., Nomoto, K., Nonaka, T., Ogawa, T., Ogio, S., Ohmori, H., Olinto, A.V., Orleański, P., Osteria, G., Panasyuk, M.I., Parizot, E., Park, I.H., Park, H.W., Pastircak, B., Patzak, T., Paul, T., Pennypacker, C., Perez Cano, S., Peter, T., Picozza, P., Pierog, T., Piotrowski, L.W., Piraino, S., Plebaniak, Z., Pollini, A., Prat, P., Prévôt, G., Prieto, H., Putis, M., Reardon, P., Reyes, M., Ricci, M., Rodríguez, I., Rodríguez Frías, M.D., Ronga, F., Roth, M., Rothkaehl, H., Roudil, G., Rusinov, I., Rybczyński, M., Sabau, M.D., Sáez-Cano, G., Sagawa, H., Saito, A., Sakaki, N., Sakata, M., Salazar, H., Sánchez, S., Santangelo, A., Santiago Crúz, L., Sanz Palomino, M., Saprykin, O., Sarazin, F., Sato, H., Sato, M., Schanz, T., Schieler, H., Scotti, V., Segreto, A., Selmane, S., Semikoz, D., Serra, M., Sharakin, S., Shibata, T., Shimizu, H.M., Shinozaki, K., Shirahama, T., Siemieniec-Oziȩbło, G., Silva López, H.H., Sledd, J., Słomińska, K., Sobey, A., Sugiyama, T., Supanitsky, D., Suzuki, M., Szabelska, B., Szabelski, J., Tajima, F., Tajima, N., Tajima, T., Takahashi, Y., Takami, H., Takeda, M., Takizawa, Y., Tenzer, C., Tibolla, O., Tkachev, L., Tokuno, H., Tomida, T., Tone, N., Toscano, S., Trillaud, F., Tsenov, R., Tsunesada, Y., Tsuno, K., Tymieniecka, T., Uchihori, Y., Unger, M., Vaduvescu, O., Valdés-Galicia, J.F., Vallania, P., Valore, L., Vankova, G., Vigorito, C., Villaseñor, L., von Ballmoos, P., Wada, S., Watanabe, J., Watanabe, S., Watts, J., Weber, M., Weiler, T.J., Wibig, T., Wiencke, L., Wille, M., Wilms, J., Włodarczyk, Z., Yamamoto, T., Yamamoto, Y., Yang, J., Yano, H., Yashin, I.V., Yonetoku, D., Yoshida, K., Yoshida, S., Young, R., Zotov, M.Y., Zuccaro Marchi, A.
    Experimental Astronomy, 40(1) 117-134, 2015  Peer-reviewed
    Designed as the first mission to explore the ultra-high energy universe from space, JEM-EUSO observes the Earth’s atmosphere at night to record the ultraviolet tracks generated by the extensive air showers. We present the expected geometrical aperture and annual exposure in the nadir and tilt modes for ultra-high energy cosmic rays observation as a function of the altitude of the International Space Station.
  • Adams, J.H., Ahmad, S., Albert, J.-N., Allard, D., Anchordoqui, L., Andreev, V., Anzalone, A., Arai, Y., Asano, K., Ave Pernas, M., Baragatti, P., Barrillon, P., Batsch, T., Bayer, J., Bechini, R., Belenguer, T., Bellotti, R., Belov, K., Berlind, A.A., Bertaina, M., Biermann, P.L., Biktemerova, S., Blaksley, C., Blanc, N., Błȩcki, J., Blin-Bondil, S., Blümer, J., Bobik, P., Bogomilov, M., Bonamente, M., Briggs, M.S., Briz, S., Bruno, A., Cafagna, F., Campana, D., Capdevielle, J.-N., Caruso, R., Casolino, M., Cassardo, C., Castellinic, G., Catalano, C., Catalano, G., Cellino, A., Chikawa, M., Christl, M.J., Cline, D., Connaughton, V., Conti, L., Cordero, G., Crawford, H.J., Cremonini, R., Csorna, S., Dagoret-Campagne, S., de Castro, A.J., De Donato, C., de la Taille, C., De Santis, C., del Peral, L., Dell’Oro, A., De Simone, N., Di Martino, M., Distratis, G., Dulucq, F., Dupieux, M., Ebersoldt, A., Ebisuzaki, T., Engel, R., Falk, S., Fang, K., Fenu, F., Fernández-Gómez, I., Ferrarese, S., Finco, D., Flamini, M., Fornaro, C., Franceschi, A., Fujimoto, J., Fukushima, M., Galeotti, P., Garipov, G., Geary, J., Gelmini, G., Giraudo, G., Gonchar, M., González Alvarado, C., Gorodetzky, P., Guarino, F., Guzmán, A., Hachisu, Y., Harlov, B., Haungs, A., Hernández Carretero, J., Higashide, K., Ikeda, D., Ikeda, H., Inoue, N., Inoue, S., Insolia, A., Isgrò, F., Itow, Y., Joven, E., Judd, E.G., Jung, A., Kajino, F., Kajino, T., Kaneko, I., Karadzhov, Y., Karczmarczyk, J., Karus, M., Katahira, K., Kawai, K., Kawasaki, Y., Keilhauer, B., Khrenov, B.A., Kim, J.-S., Kim, S.-W., Kim, S.-W., Kleifges, M., Klimov, P.A., Kolev, D., Kreykenbohm, I., Kudela, K., Kurihara, Y., Kusenko, A., Kuznetsov, E., Lacombe, M., Lachaud, C., Lee, J., Licandro, J., Lim, H., López, F., Maccarone, M.C., Mannheim, K., Maravilla, D., Marcelli, L., Marini, A., Martinez, O., Masciantonio, G., Mase, K., Matev, R., Medina-Tanco, G., Mernik, T., Miyamoto, H., Miyazaki, Y., Mizumoto, Y., Modestino, G., Monaco, A., Monnier-Ragaigne, D., Morales de los Ríos, J.A., Moretto, C., Morozenko, V.S., Mot, B., Murakami, T., Murakami, M.N., Nagata, M., Nagataki, S., Nakamura, T., Napolitano, T., Naumov, D., Nava, R., Neronov, A., Nomoto, K., Nonaka, T., Ogawa, T., Ogio, S., Ohmori, H., Olinto, A.V., Orleański, P., Osteria, G., Panasyuk, M.I., Parizot, E., Park, I.H., Park, H.W., Pastircak, B., Patzak, T., Paul, T., Pennypacker, C., Perez Cano, S., Peter, T., Picozza, P., Pierog, T., Piotrowski, L.W., Piraino, S., Plebaniak, Z., Pollini, A., Prat, P., Prévôt, G., Prieto, H., Putis, M., Reardon, P., Reyes, M., Ricci, M., Rodríguez, I., Rodríguez Frías, M.D., Ronga, F., Roth, M., Rothkaehl, H., Roudil, G., Rusinov, I., Rybczyński, M., Sabau, M.D., Sáez-Cano, G., Sagawa, H., Saito, A., Sakaki, N., Sakata, M., Salazar, H., Sánchez, S., Santangelo, A., Santiago Crúz, L., Sanz Palomino, M., Saprykin, O., Sarazin, F., Sato, H., Sato, M., Schanz, T., Schieler, H., Scotti, V., Segreto, A., Selmane, S., Semikoz, D., Serra, M., Sharakin, S., Shibata, T., Shimizu, H.M., Shinozaki, K., Shirahama, T., Siemieniec-Oziȩbło, G., Silva López, H.H., Sledd, J., Słomińska, K., Sobey, A., Sugiyama, T., Supanitsky, D., Suzuki, M., Szabelska, B., Szabelski, J., Tajima, F., Tajima, N., Tajima, T., Takahashi, Y., Takami, H., Takeda, M., Takizawa, Y., Tenzer, C., Tibolla, O., Tkachev, L., Tokuno, H., Tomida, T., Tone, N., Toscano, S., Trillaud, F., Tsenov, R., Tsunesada, Y., Tsuno, K., Tymieniecka, T., Uchihori, Y., Unger, M., Vaduvescu, O., Valdés-Galicia, J.F., Vallania, P., Valore, L., Vankova, G., Vigorito, C., Villaseñor, L., von Ballmoos, P., Wada, S., Watanabe, J., Watanabe, S., Watts, J., Weber, M., Weiler, T.J., Wibig, T., Wiencke, L., Wille, M., Wilms, J., Włodarczyk, Z., Yamamoto, T., Yamamoto, Y., Yang, J., Yano, H., Yashin, I.V., Yonetoku, D., Yoshida, K., Yoshida, S., Young, R., Zotov, M.Y., Zuccaro Marchi, A.
    Experimental Astronomy, 40(1) 253-279, 2015  Peer-reviewed
    Meteor and fireball observations are key to the derivation of both the inventory and physical characterization of small solar system bodies orbiting in the vicinity of the Earth. For several decades, observation of these phenomena has only been possible via ground-based instruments. The proposed JEM-EUSO mission has the potential to become the first operational space-based platform to share this capability. In comparison to the observation of extremely energetic cosmic ray events, which is the primary objective of JEM-EUSO, meteor phenomena are very slow, since their typical speeds are of the order of a few tens of km/sec (whereas cosmic rays travel at light speed). The observing strategy developed to detect meteors may also be applied to the detection of nuclearites, which have higher velocities, a wider range of possible trajectories, but move well below the speed of light and can therefore be considered as slow events for JEM-EUSO. The possible detection of nuclearites greatly enhances the scientific rationale behind the JEM-EUSO mission.
  • Adams, J.H., Ahmad, S., Albert, J.-N., Allard, D., Anchordoqui, L., Andreev, V., Anzalone, A., Arai, Y., Asano, K., Ave Pernas, M., Baragatti, P., Barrillon, P., Batsch, T., Bayer, J., Bechini, R., Belenguer, T., Bellotti, R., Belov, K., Berlind, A.A., Bertaina, M., Biermann, P.L., Biktemerova, S., Blaksley, C., Blanc, N., Błȩcki, J., Blin-Bondil, S., Blümer, J., Bobik, P., Bogomilov, M., Bonamente, M., Briggs, M.S., Briz, S., Bruno, A., Cafagna, F., Campana, D., Capdevielle, J.-N., Caruso, R., Casolino, M., Cassardo, C., Castellinic, G., Catalano, C., Catalano, G., Cellino, A., Chikawa, M., Christl, M.J., Cline, D., Connaughton, V., Conti, L., Cordero, G., Crawford, H.J., Cremonini, R., Csorna, S., Dagoret-Campagne, S., de Castro, A.J., De Donato, C., de la Taille, C., De Santis, C., del Peral, L., Dell’Oro, A., De Simone, N., Di Martino, M., Distratis, G., Dulucq, F., Dupieux, M., Ebersoldt, A., Ebisuzaki, T., Engel, R., Falk, S., Fang, K., Fenu, F., Fernández-Gómez, I., Ferrarese, S., Finco, D., Flamini, M., Fornaro, C., Franceschi, A., Fujimoto, J., Fukushima, M., Galeotti, P., Garipov, G., Geary, J., Gelmini, G., Giraudo, G., Gonchar, M., González Alvarado, C., Gorodetzky, P., Guarino, F., Guzmán, A., Hachisu, Y., Harlov, B., Haungs, A., Hernández Carretero, J., Higashide, K., Ikeda, D., Ikeda, H., Inoue, N., Inoue, S., Insolia, A., Isgrò, F., Itow, Y., Joven, E., Judd, E.G., Jung, A., Kajino, F., Kajino, T., Kaneko, I., Karadzhov, Y., Karczmarczyk, J., Karus, M., Katahira, K., Kawai, K., Kawasaki, Y., Keilhauer, B., Khrenov, B.A., Kim, J.-S., Kim, S.-W., Kim, S.-W., Kleifges, M., Klimov, P.A., Kolev, D., Kreykenbohm, I., Kudela, K., Kurihara, Y., Kusenko, A., Kuznetsov, E., Lacombe, M., Lachaud, C., Lee, J., Licandro, J., Lim, H., López, F., Maccarone, M.C., Mannheim, K., Maravilla, D., Marcelli, L., Marini, A., Martinez, O., Masciantonio, G., Mase, K., Matev, R., Medina-Tanco, G., Mernik, T., Miyamoto, H., Miyazaki, Y., Mizumoto, Y., Modestino, G., Monaco, A., Monnier-Ragaigne, D., Morales de los Ríos, J.A., Moretto, C., Morozenko, V.S., Mot, B., Murakami, T., Murakami, M.N., Nagata, M., Nagataki, S., Nakamura, T., Napolitano, T., Naumov, D., Nava, R., Neronov, A., Nomoto, K., Nonaka, T., Ogawa, T., Ogio, S., Ohmori, H., Olinto, A.V., Orleański, P., Osteria, G., Panasyuk, M.I., Parizot, E., Park, I.H., Park, H.W., Pastircak, B., Patzak, T., Paul, T., Pennypacker, C., Perez Cano, S., Peter, T., Picozza, P., Pierog, T., Piotrowski, L.W., Piraino, S., Plebaniak, Z., Pollini, A., Prat, P., Prévôt, G., Prieto, H., Putis, M., Reardon, P., Reyes, M., Ricci, M., Rodríguez, I., Rodríguez Frías, M.D., Ronga, F., Roth, M., Rothkaehl, H., Roudil, G., Rusinov, I., Rybczyński, M., Sabau, M.D., Sáez-Cano, G., Sagawa, H., Saito, A., Sakaki, N., Sakata, M., Salazar, H., Sánchez, S., Santangelo, A., Santiago Crúz, L., Sanz Palomino, M., Saprykin, O., Sarazin, F., Sato, H., Sato, M., Schanz, T., Schieler, H., Scotti, V., Segreto, A., Selmane, S., Semikoz, D., Serra, M., Sharakin, S., Shibata, T., Shimizu, H.M., Shinozaki, K., Shirahama, T., Siemieniec-Oziȩbło, G., Silva López, H.H., Sledd, J., Słomińska, K., Sobey, A., Sugiyama, T., Supanitsky, D., Suzuki, M., Szabelska, B., Szabelski, J., Tajima, F., Tajima, N., Tajima, T., Takahashi, Y., Takami, H., Takeda, M., Takizawa, Y., Tenzer, C., Tibolla, O., Tkachev, L., Tokuno, H., Tomida, T., Tone, N., Toscano, S., Trillaud, F., Tsenov, R., Tsunesada, Y., Tsuno, K., Tymieniecka, T., Uchihori, Y., Unger, M., Vaduvescu, O., Valdés-Galicia, J.F., Vallania, P., Valore, L., Vankova, G., Vigorito, C., Villaseñor, L., von Ballmoos, P., Wada, S., Watanabe, J., Watanabe, S., Watts, J., Weber, M., Weiler, T.J., Wibig, T., Wiencke, L., Wille, M., Wilms, J., Włodarczyk, Z., Yamamoto, T., Yamamoto, Y., Yang, J., Yano, H., Yashin, I.V., Yonetoku, D., Yoshida, K., Yoshida, S., Young, R., Zotov, M.Y., Zuccaro Marchi, A.
    Experimental Astronomy, 40(1) 45-60, 2015  Peer-reviewed
    The JEM-EUSO telescope will detect Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) from space, detecting the UV Fluorescence Light produced by Extensive Air Showers (EAS) induced by the interaction of the cosmic rays with the earth's atmosphere. The capability to reconstruct the properties of the primary cosmic ray depends on the accurate measurement of the atmospheric conditions in the region of EAS development. The Atmospheric Monitoring (AM) system of JEM-EUSO will host a LIDAR, operating in the UV band, and an Infrared camera to monitor the cloud cover in the JEM-EUSO Field of View, in order to be sensitive to clouds with an optical depth tau a parts per thousand yen 0.15 and to measure the cloud top altitude with an accuracy of 500 m and an altitude resolution of 500 m.
  • Adams, J.H., Ahmad, S., Albert, J.-N., Allard, D., Anchordoqui, L., Andreev, V., Anzalone, A., Arai, Y., Asano, K., Ave Pernas, M., Baragatti, P., Barrillon, P., Batsch, T., Bayer, J., Bechini, R., Belenguer, T., Bellotti, R., Belov, K., Berlind, A.A., Bertaina, M., Biermann, P.L., Biktemerova, S., Blaksley, C., Blanc, N., Błȩcki, J., Blin-Bondil, S., Blümer, J., Bobik, P., Bogomilov, M., Bonamente, M., Briggs, M.S., Briz, S., Bruno, A., Cafagna, F., Campana, D., Capdevielle, J.-N., Caruso, R., Casolino, M., Cassardo, C., Castellinic, G., Catalano, C., Catalano, G., Cellino, A., Chikawa, M., Christl, M.J., Cline, D., Connaughton, V., Conti, L., Cordero, G., Crawford, H.J., Cremonini, R., Csorna, S., Dagoret-Campagne, S., de Castro, A.J., De Donato, C., de la Taille, C., De Santis, C., del Peral, L., Dell’Oro, A., De Simone, N., Di Martino, M., Distratis, G., Dulucq, F., Dupieux, M., Ebersoldt, A., Ebisuzaki, T., Engel, R., Falk, S., Fang, K., Fenu, F., Fernández-Gómez, I., Ferrarese, S., Finco, D., Flamini, M., Fornaro, C., Franceschi, A., Fujimoto, J., Fukushima, M., Galeotti, P., Garipov, G., Geary, J., Gelmini, G., Giraudo, G., Gonchar, M., González Alvarado, C., Gorodetzky, P., Guarino, F., Guzmán, A., Hachisu, Y., Harlov, B., Haungs, A., Hernández Carretero, J., Higashide, K., Ikeda, D., Ikeda, H., Inoue, N., Inoue, S., Insolia, A., Isgrò, F., Itow, Y., Joven, E., Judd, E.G., Jung, A., Kajino, F., Kajino, T., Kaneko, I., Karadzhov, Y., Karczmarczyk, J., Karus, M., Katahira, K., Kawai, K., Kawasaki, Y., Keilhauer, B., Khrenov, B.A., Kim, J.-S., Kim, S.-W., Kim, S.-W., Kleifges, M., Klimov, P.A., Kolev, D., Kreykenbohm, I., Kudela, K., Kurihara, Y., Kusenko, A., Kuznetsov, E., Lacombe, M., Lachaud, C., Lee, J., Licandro, J., Lim, H., López, F., Maccarone, M.C., Mannheim, K., Maravilla, D., Marcelli, L., Marini, A., Martinez, O., Masciantonio, G., Mase, K., Matev, R., Medina-Tanco, G., Mernik, T., Miyamoto, H., Miyazaki, Y., Mizumoto, Y., Modestino, G., Monaco, A., Monnier-Ragaigne, D., Morales de los Ríos, J.A., Moretto, C., Morozenko, V.S., Mot, B., Murakami, T., Murakami, M.N., Nagata, M., Nagataki, S., Nakamura, T., Napolitano, T., Naumov, D., Nava, R., Neronov, A., Nomoto, K., Nonaka, T., Ogawa, T., Ogio, S., Ohmori, H., Olinto, A.V., Orleański, P., Osteria, G., Panasyuk, M.I., Parizot, E., Park, I.H., Park, H.W., Pastircak, B., Patzak, T., Paul, T., Pennypacker, C., Perez Cano, S., Peter, T., Picozza, P., Pierog, T., Piotrowski, L.W., Piraino, S., Plebaniak, Z., Pollini, A., Prat, P., Prévôt, G., Prieto, H., Putis, M., Reardon, P., Reyes, M., Ricci, M., Rodríguez, I., Rodríguez Frías, M.D., Ronga, F., Roth, M., Rothkaehl, H., Roudil, G., Rusinov, I., Rybczyński, M., Sabau, M.D., Sáez-Cano, G., Sagawa, H., Saito, A., Sakaki, N., Sakata, M., Salazar, H., Sánchez, S., Santangelo, A., Santiago Crúz, L., Sanz Palomino, M., Saprykin, O., Sarazin, F., Sato, H., Sato, M., Schanz, T., Schieler, H., Scotti, V., Segreto, A., Selmane, S., Semikoz, D., Serra, M., Sharakin, S., Shibata, T., Shimizu, H.M., Shinozaki, K., Shirahama, T., Siemieniec-Oziȩbło, G., Silva López, H.H., Sledd, J., Słomińska, K., Sobey, A., Sugiyama, T., Supanitsky, D., Suzuki, M., Szabelska, B., Szabelski, J., Tajima, F., Tajima, N., Tajima, T., Takahashi, Y., Takami, H., Takeda, M., Takizawa, Y., Tenzer, C., Tibolla, O., Tkachev, L., Tokuno, H., Tomida, T., Tone, N., Toscano, S., Trillaud, F., Tsenov, R., Tsunesada, Y., Tsuno, K., Tymieniecka, T., Uchihori, Y., Unger, M., Vaduvescu, O., Valdés-Galicia, J.F., Vallania, P., Valore, L., Vankova, G., Vigorito, C., Villaseñor, L., von Ballmoos, P., Wada, S., Watanabe, J., Watanabe, S., Watts, J., Weber, M., Weiler, T.J., Wibig, T., Wiencke, L., Wille, M., Wilms, J., Włodarczyk, Z., Yamamoto, T., Yamamoto, Y., Yang, J., Yano, H., Yashin, I.V., Yonetoku, D., Yoshida, K., Yoshida, S., Young, R., Zotov, M.Y., Zuccaro Marchi, A.
    Experimental Astronomy, 40(1) 135-152, 2015  Peer-reviewed
    The JEM-EUSO (Extreme Universe Space Observatory on-board the Japanese Experiment Module) mission will conduct extensive air shower (EAS) observations on the International Space Station (ISS). Following the ISS orbit, JEM-EUSO will experience continuous changes in the atmospheric conditions, including cloud presence. The influence of clouds on space-based observation is, therefore, an important topic to investigate from both EAS property and cloud climatology points of view. In the present work, the impact of clouds on the apparent profile of EAS is demonstrated through the simulation studies, taking into account the JEM-EUSO instrument and properties of the clouds. These results show a dependence on the cloud-top altitude and optical depth of the cloud. The analyses of satellite measurements on the cloud distribution indicate that more than 60 % of the cases allow for conventional EAS observation, and an additional similar to 20 % with reduced quality. The combination of the relevant factors results in an effective trigger aperture of EAS observation similar to 72 %, compared to the one in the clear atmosphere condition.
  • Adams, J.H., Ahmad, S., Albert, J.-N., Allard, D., Anchordoqui, L., Andreev, V., Anzalone, A., Arai, Y., Asano, K., Ave Pernas, M., Baragatti, P., Barrillon, P., Batsch, T., Bayer, J., Bechini, R., Belenguer, T., Bellotti, R., Belov, K., Berlind, A.A., Bertaina, M., Biermann, P.L., Biktemerova, S., Blaksley, C., Blanc, N., Błȩcki, J., Blin-Bondil, S., Blümer, J., Bobik, P., Bogomilov, M., Bonamente, M., Briggs, M.S., Briz, S., Bruno, A., Cafagna, F., Campana, D., Capdevielle, J.-N., Caruso, R., Casolino, M., Cassardo, C., Castellinic, G., Catalano, C., Catalano, G., Cellino, A., Chikawa, M., Christl, M.J., Cline, D., Connaughton, V., Conti, L., Cordero, G., Crawford, H.J., Cremonini, R., Csorna, S., Dagoret-Campagne, S., de Castro, A.J., De Donato, C., de la Taille, C., De Santis, C., del Peral, L., Dell’Oro, A., De Simone, N., Di Martino, M., Distratis, G., Dulucq, F., Dupieux, M., Ebersoldt, A., Ebisuzaki, T., Engel, R., Falk, S., Fang, K., Fenu, F., Fernández-Gómez, I., Ferrarese, S., Finco, D., Flamini, M., Fornaro, C., Franceschi, A., Fujimoto, J., Fukushima, M., Galeotti, P., Garipov, G., Geary, J., Gelmini, G., Giraudo, G., Gonchar, M., González Alvarado, C., Gorodetzky, P., Guarino, F., Guzmán, A., Hachisu, Y., Harlov, B., Haungs, A., Hernández Carretero, J., Higashide, K., Ikeda, D., Ikeda, H., Inoue, N., Inoue, S., Insolia, A., Isgrò, F., Itow, Y., Joven, E., Judd, E.G., Jung, A., Kajino, F., Kajino, T., Kaneko, I., Karadzhov, Y., Karczmarczyk, J., Karus, M., Katahira, K., Kawai, K., Kawasaki, Y., Keilhauer, B., Khrenov, B.A., Kim, J.-S., Kim, S.-W., Kim, S.-W., Kleifges, M., Klimov, P.A., Kolev, D., Kreykenbohm, I., Kudela, K., Kurihara, Y., Kusenko, A., Kuznetsov, E., Lacombe, M., Lachaud, C., Lee, J., Licandro, J., Lim, H., López, F., Maccarone, M.C., Mannheim, K., Maravilla, D., Marcelli, L., Marini, A., Martinez, O., Masciantonio, G., Mase, K., Matev, R., Medina-Tanco, G., Mernik, T., Miyamoto, H., Miyazaki, Y., Mizumoto, Y., Modestino, G., Monaco, A., Monnier-Ragaigne, D., Morales de los Ríos, J.A., Moretto, C., Morozenko, V.S., Mot, B., Murakami, T., Murakami, M.N., Nagata, M., Nagataki, S., Nakamura, T., Napolitano, T., Naumov, D., Nava, R., Neronov, A., Nomoto, K., Nonaka, T., Ogawa, T., Ogio, S., Ohmori, H., Olinto, A.V., Orleański, P., Osteria, G., Panasyuk, M.I., Parizot, E., Park, I.H., Park, H.W., Pastircak, B., Patzak, T., Paul, T., Pennypacker, C., Perez Cano, S., Peter, T., Picozza, P., Pierog, T., Piotrowski, L.W., Piraino, S., Plebaniak, Z., Pollini, A., Prat, P., Prévôt, G., Prieto, H., Putis, M., Reardon, P., Reyes, M., Ricci, M., Rodríguez, I., Rodríguez Frías, M.D., Ronga, F., Roth, M., Rothkaehl, H., Roudil, G., Rusinov, I., Rybczyński, M., Sabau, M.D., Sáez-Cano, G., Sagawa, H., Saito, A., Sakaki, N., Sakata, M., Salazar, H., Sánchez, S., Santangelo, A., Santiago Crúz, L., Sanz Palomino, M., Saprykin, O., Sarazin, F., Sato, H., Sato, M., Schanz, T., Schieler, H., Scotti, V., Segreto, A., Selmane, S., Semikoz, D., Serra, M., Sharakin, S., Shibata, T., Shimizu, H.M., Shinozaki, K., Shirahama, T., Siemieniec-Oziȩbło, G., Silva López, H.H., Sledd, J., Słomińska, K., Sobey, A., Sugiyama, T., Supanitsky, D., Suzuki, M., Szabelska, B., Szabelski, J., Tajima, F., Tajima, N., Tajima, T., Takahashi, Y., Takami, H., Takeda, M., Takizawa, Y., Tenzer, C., Tibolla, O., Tkachev, L., Tokuno, H., Tomida, T., Tone, N., Toscano, S., Trillaud, F., Tsenov, R., Tsunesada, Y., Tsuno, K., Tymieniecka, T., Uchihori, Y., Unger, M., Vaduvescu, O., Valdés-Galicia, J.F., Vallania, P., Valore, L., Vankova, G., Vigorito, C., Villaseñor, L., von Ballmoos, P., Wada, S., Watanabe, J., Watanabe, S., Watts, J., Weber, M., Weiler, T.J., Wibig, T., Wiencke, L., Wille, M., Wilms, J., Włodarczyk, Z., Yamamoto, T., Yamamoto, Y., Yang, J., Yano, H., Yashin, I.V., Yonetoku, D., Yoshida, K., Yoshida, S., Young, R., Zotov, M.Y., Zuccaro Marchi, A.
    Experimental Astronomy, 40(1) 19-44, 2015  Peer-reviewed
    In this paper we describe the main characteristics of the JEM-EUSO instrument. The Extreme Universe Space Observatory on the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM-EUSO) of the International Space Station (ISS) will observe Ultra High-Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR) from space. It will detect UV-light of Extensive Air Showers (EAS) produced by UHECRs traversing the Earth's atmosphere. For each event, the detector will determine the energy, arrival direction and the type of the primary particle. The advantage of a space-borne detector resides in the large field of view, using a target volume of about 10(12) tons of atmosphere, far greater than what is achievable from ground. Another advantage is a nearly uniform sampling of the whole celestial sphere. The corresponding increase in statistics will help to clarify the origin and sources of UHECRs and characterize the environment traversed during their production and propagation. JEM-EUSO is a 1.1 ton refractor telescope using an optics of 2.5 m diameter Fresnel lenses to focus the UV-light from EAS on a focal surface composed of about 5,000 multi-anode photomultipliers, for a total of a parts per thousand integral 3a <...10(5) channels. A multi-layer parallel architecture handles front-end acquisition, selecting and storing valid triggers. Each processing level filters the events with increasingly complex algorithms using FPGAs and DSPs to reject spurious events and reduce the data rate to a value compatible with downlink constraints.
  • Adams, J.H., Ahmad, S., Albert, J.-N., Allard, D., Anchordoqui, L., Andreev, V., Anzalone, A., Arai, Y., Asano, K., Ave Pernas, M., Baragatti, P., Barrillon, P., Batsch, T., Bayer, J., Bechini, R., Belenguer, T., Bellotti, R., Belov, K., Berlind, A.A., Bertaina, M., Biermann, P.L., Biktemerova, S., Blaksley, C., Blanc, N., Błȩcki, J., Blin-Bondil, S., Blümer, J., Bobik, P., Bogomilov, M., Bonamente, M., Briggs, M.S., Briz, S., Bruno, A., Cafagna, F., Campana, D., Capdevielle, J.-N., Caruso, R., Casolino, M., Cassardo, C., Castellinic, G., Catalano, C., Catalano, G., Cellino, A., Chikawa, M., Christl, M.J., Cline, D., Connaughton, V., Conti, L., Cordero, G., Crawford, H.J., Cremonini, R., Csorna, S., Dagoret-Campagne, S., de Castro, A.J., De Donato, C., de la Taille, C., De Santis, C., del Peral, L., Dell’Oro, A., De Simone, N., Di Martino, M., Distratis, G., Dulucq, F., Dupieux, M., Ebersoldt, A., Ebisuzaki, T., Engel, R., Falk, S., Fang, K., Fenu, F., Fernández-Gómez, I., Ferrarese, S., Finco, D., Flamini, M., Fornaro, C., Franceschi, A., Fujimoto, J., Fukushima, M., Galeotti, P., Garipov, G., Geary, J., Gelmini, G., Giraudo, G., Gonchar, M., González Alvarado, C., Gorodetzky, P., Guarino, F., Guzmán, A., Hachisu, Y., Harlov, B., Haungs, A., Hernández Carretero, J., Higashide, K., Ikeda, D., Ikeda, H., Inoue, N., Inoue, S., Insolia, A., Isgrò, F., Itow, Y., Joven, E., Judd, E.G., Jung, A., Kajino, F., Kajino, T., Kaneko, I., Karadzhov, Y., Karczmarczyk, J., Karus, M., Katahira, K., Kawai, K., Kawasaki, Y., Keilhauer, B., Khrenov, B.A., Kim, J.-S., Kim, S.-W., Kim, S.-W., Kleifges, M., Klimov, P.A., Kolev, D., Kreykenbohm, I., Kudela, K., Kurihara, Y., Kusenko, A., Kuznetsov, E., Lacombe, M., Lachaud, C., Lee, J., Licandro, J., Lim, H., López, F., Maccarone, M.C., Mannheim, K., Maravilla, D., Marcelli, L., Marini, A., Martinez, O., Masciantonio, G., Mase, K., Matev, R., Medina-Tanco, G., Mernik, T., Miyamoto, H., Miyazaki, Y., Mizumoto, Y., Modestino, G., Monaco, A., Monnier-Ragaigne, D., Morales de los Ríos, J.A., Moretto, C., Morozenko, V.S., Mot, B., Murakami, T., Murakami, M.N., Nagata, M., Nagataki, S., Nakamura, T., Napolitano, T., Naumov, D., Nava, R., Neronov, A., Nomoto, K., Nonaka, T., Ogawa, T., Ogio, S., Ohmori, H., Olinto, A.V., Orleański, P., Osteria, G., Panasyuk, M.I., Parizot, E., Park, I.H., Park, H.W., Pastircak, B., Patzak, T., Paul, T., Pennypacker, C., Perez Cano, S., Peter, T., Picozza, P., Pierog, T., Piotrowski, L.W., Piraino, S., Plebaniak, Z., Pollini, A., Prat, P., Prévôt, G., Prieto, H., Putis, M., Reardon, P., Reyes, M., Ricci, M., Rodríguez, I., Rodríguez Frías, M.D., Ronga, F., Roth, M., Rothkaehl, H., Roudil, G., Rusinov, I., Rybczyński, M., Sabau, M.D., Sáez-Cano, G., Sagawa, H., Saito, A., Sakaki, N., Sakata, M., Salazar, H., Sánchez, S., Santangelo, A., Santiago Crúz, L., Sanz Palomino, M., Saprykin, O., Sarazin, F., Sato, H., Sato, M., Schanz, T., Schieler, H., Scotti, V., Segreto, A., Selmane, S., Semikoz, D., Serra, M., Sharakin, S., Shibata, T., Shimizu, H.M., Shinozaki, K., Shirahama, T., Siemieniec-Oziȩbło, G., Silva López, H.H., Sledd, J., Słomińska, K., Sobey, A., Sugiyama, T., Supanitsky, D., Suzuki, M., Szabelska, B., Szabelski, J., Tajima, F., Tajima, N., Tajima, T., Takahashi, Y., Takami, H., Takeda, M., Takizawa, Y., Tenzer, C., Tibolla, O., Tkachev, L., Tokuno, H., Tomida, T., Tone, N., Toscano, S., Trillaud, F., Tsenov, R., Tsunesada, Y., Tsuno, K., Tymieniecka, T., Uchihori, Y., Unger, M., Vaduvescu, O., Valdés-Galicia, J.F., Vallania, P., Valore, L., Vankova, G., Vigorito, C., Villaseñor, L., von Ballmoos, P., Wada, S., Watanabe, J., Watanabe, S., Watts, J., Weber, M., Weiler, T.J., Wibig, T., Wiencke, L., Wille, M., Wilms, J., Włodarczyk, Z., Yamamoto, T., Yamamoto, Y., Yang, J., Yano, H., Yashin, I.V., Yonetoku, D., Yoshida, K., Yoshida, S., Young, R., Zotov, M.Y., Zuccaro Marchi, A.
    Experimental Astronomy, 40(1) 179-181, 2015  Peer-reviewed
  • Adams, J.H., Ahmad, S., Albert, J.-N., Allard, D., Anchordoqui, L., Andreev, V., Anzalone, A., Arai, Y., Asano, K., Ave Pernas, M., Baragatti, P., Barrillon, P., Batsch, T., Bayer, J., Bechini, R., Belenguer, T., Bellotti, R., Belov, K., Berlind, A.A., Bertaina, M., Biermann, P.L., Biktemerova, S., Blaksley, C., Blanc, N., Błȩcki, J., Blin-Bondil, S., Blümer, J., Bobik, P., Bogomilov, M., Bonamente, M., Briggs, M.S., Briz, S., Bruno, A., Cafagna, F., Campana, D., Capdevielle, J.-N., Caruso, R., Casolino, M., Cassardo, C., Castellinic, G., Catalano, C., Catalano, G., Cellino, A., Chikawa, M., Christl, M.J., Cline, D., Connaughton, V., Conti, L., Cordero, G., Crawford, H.J., Cremonini, R., Csorna, S., Dagoret-Campagne, S., de Castro, A.J., De Donato, C., de la Taille, C., De Santis, C., del Peral, L., Dell’Oro, A., De Simone, N., Di Martino, M., Distratis, G., Dulucq, F., Dupieux, M., Ebersoldt, A., Ebisuzaki, T., Engel, R., Falk, S., Fang, K., Fenu, F., Fernández-Gómez, I., Ferrarese, S., Finco, D., Flamini, M., Fornaro, C., Franceschi, A., Fujimoto, J., Fukushima, M., Galeotti, P., Garipov, G., Geary, J., Gelmini, G., Giraudo, G., Gonchar, M., González Alvarado, C., Gorodetzky, P., Guarino, F., Guzmán, A., Hachisu, Y., Harlov, B., Haungs, A., Hernández Carretero, J., Higashide, K., Ikeda, D., Ikeda, H., Inoue, N., Inoue, S., Insolia, A., Isgrò, F., Itow, Y., Joven, E., Judd, E.G., Jung, A., Kajino, F., Kajino, T., Kaneko, I., Karadzhov, Y., Karczmarczyk, J., Karus, M., Katahira, K., Kawai, K., Kawasaki, Y., Keilhauer, B., Khrenov, B.A., Kim, J.-S., Kim, S.-W., Kim, S.-W., Kleifges, M., Klimov, P.A., Kolev, D., Kreykenbohm, I., Kudela, K., Kurihara, Y., Kusenko, A., Kuznetsov, E., Lacombe, M., Lachaud, C., Lee, J., Licandro, J., Lim, H., López, F., Maccarone, M.C., Mannheim, K., Maravilla, D., Marcelli, L., Marini, A., Martinez, O., Masciantonio, G., Mase, K., Matev, R., Medina-Tanco, G., Mernik, T., Miyamoto, H., Miyazaki, Y., Mizumoto, Y., Modestino, G., Monaco, A., Monnier-Ragaigne, D., Morales de los Ríos, J.A., Moretto, C., Morozenko, V.S., Mot, B., Murakami, T., Murakami, M.N., Nagata, M., Nagataki, S., Nakamura, T., Napolitano, T., Naumov, D., Nava, R., Neronov, A., Nomoto, K., Nonaka, T., Ogawa, T., Ogio, S., Ohmori, H., Olinto, A.V., Orleański, P., Osteria, G., Panasyuk, M.I., Parizot, E., Park, I.H., Park, H.W., Pastircak, B., Patzak, T., Paul, T., Pennypacker, C., Perez Cano, S., Peter, T., Picozza, P., Pierog, T., Piotrowski, L.W., Piraino, S., Plebaniak, Z., Pollini, A., Prat, P., Prévôt, G., Prieto, H., Putis, M., Reardon, P., Reyes, M., Ricci, M., Rodríguez, I., Rodríguez Frías, M.D., Ronga, F., Roth, M., Rothkaehl, H., Roudil, G., Rusinov, I., Rybczyński, M., Sabau, M.D., Sáez-Cano, G., Sagawa, H., Saito, A., Sakaki, N., Sakata, M., Salazar, H., Sánchez, S., Santangelo, A., Santiago Crúz, L., Sanz Palomino, M., Saprykin, O., Sarazin, F., Sato, H., Sato, M., Schanz, T., Schieler, H., Scotti, V., Segreto, A., Selmane, S., Semikoz, D., Serra, M., Sharakin, S., Shibata, T., Shimizu, H.M., Shinozaki, K., Shirahama, T., Siemieniec-Oziȩbło, G., Silva López, H.H., Sledd, J., Słomińska, K., Sobey, A., Sugiyama, T., Supanitsky, D., Suzuki, M., Szabelska, B., Szabelski, J., Tajima, F., Tajima, N., Tajima, T., Takahashi, Y., Takami, H., Takeda, M., Takizawa, Y., Tenzer, C., Tibolla, O., Tkachev, L., Tokuno, H., Tomida, T., Tone, N., Toscano, S., Trillaud, F., Tsenov, R., Tsunesada, Y., Tsuno, K., Tymieniecka, T., Uchihori, Y., Unger, M., Vaduvescu, O., Valdés-Galicia, J.F., Vallania, P., Valore, L., Vankova, G., Vigorito, C., Villaseñor, L., von Ballmoos, P., Wada, S., Watanabe, J., Watanabe, S., Watts, J., Weber, M., Weiler, T.J., Wibig, T., Wiencke, L., Wille, M., Wilms, J., Włodarczyk, Z., Yamamoto, T., Yamamoto, Y., Yang, J., Yano, H., Yashin, I.V., Yonetoku, D., Yoshida, K., Yoshida, S., Young, R., Zotov, M.Y., Zuccaro Marchi, A.
    Experimental Astronomy, 40(1) 61-89, 2015  Peer-reviewed
    The Extreme Universe Space Observatory on the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM-EUSO) on board the International Space Station (ISS) is the first space-based mission worldwide in the field of Ultra High-Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR). For UHECR experiments, the atmosphere is not only the showering calorimeter for the primary cosmic rays, it is an essential part of the readout system, as well. Moreover, the atmosphere must be calibrated and has to be considered as input for the analysis of the fluorescence signals. Therefore, the JEM-EUSO Space Observatory is implementing an Atmospheric Monitoring System (AMS) that will include an IR-Camera and a LIDAR. The AMS Infrared Camera is an infrared, wide FoV, imaging system designed to provide the cloud coverage along the JEM-EUSO track and the cloud top height to properly achieve the UHECR reconstruction in cloudy conditions. In this paper, an updated preliminary design status, the results from the calibration tests of the first prototype, the simulation of the instrument, and preliminary cloud top height retrieval algorithms are presented.
  • MORI Osamu, TERAMOTO Yuki, YANO Hajime, NAKAMURA Ryosuke, MATSUURA Shuji, KAWAGUCHI Junichiro, SAIKI Takanao, SHIRASAWA Yoji, KATO Hideki, FUNASE Ryu, ONO Go, MATSUMOTO Jun, CHUJO Toshihiro, KIKUCHI Shota
    Aeronautical and Space Sciences Japan, 63(4) 117-122, 2015  Peer-reviewed
  • Takayuki Hirai, Michael J. Cole, Masayuki Fujii, Sunao Hasegawa, Takeo Iwai, Masanori Kobayashi, Ralf Srama, Hajime Yano
    PLANETARY AND SPACE SCIENCE, 100 87-97, Oct, 2014  Peer-reviewedLast author
    The Arrayed Large-Area Dust Detectors in INterplanetary space (ALADDIN) is an array of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) based dust detectors aboard the solar power sail demonstrator named IKAROS (Interplanetary Kite-craft Accelerated by Radiation Of the Sun). The total sensor area of ALADDIN (0.54 m(2)) is the world's largest among the past PVDF-based dust detectors. IKAROS was launched in May 2010 and then ALADDIN measured cosmic dust impacts for 16 months while orbiting around between 0.7 and 1.1 AU. The main scientific objective of ALADDIN is to reveal number density of >= 10-mu m-sized dust in the zodiacal cloud with much higher time-space resolution than that achieved by any past in-situ measurements. The distribution of >= 10-mu m-sized dust can be also observed mainly with the light scattering by optical instruments. This paper gives the scientific objectives, the instrumental description, and the results of microparticle impact calibration of ALADDIN conducted in ground laboratories. For the calibration tests we used Van de Graaf accelerators (VdG), two-stage light gas guns (LGG), and a nanosecond pulsed Nd:YAG laser (nsPL). Through these experiments, we obtained depolarization charge signal caused by hypervelocity impacts or laser irradiation using the flight spare of 20-mu m-thick PVDF sensor and the electronics box of ALADDIN. In the VdG experiment we accelerated iron, carbon, and silver microparticles at 1-30 km/s, while in the LGG experiment we performed to shoot 100's-mu m-sized particles of soda-lime glass and stainless steel at 3-7 km/s as single projectile. For interpolation to >= 10-mu m size, we irradiated infrared laser at the energy of 15-20 mJ directly onto the PVDF sensor. From the signal analysis, we developed a calibration law for estimation of masses of impacted dust particles. The dynamic range of ALADDIN corresponds from 9 x 10(-14) kg to 2 x 10(-10) kg (4-56 mu m in diameter at density of 2.0 g/cm(3)) at the expected impact velocity of 10 km/s at 1 AU on the IKAROS inbound orbit. It was found that ALADDIN has ability to measure spatial densities of interplanetary dust particles larger than 10 gm in size by setting the sensor threshold to an output voltage of 1 V. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Stephen R. Schwartz, Patrick Michel, Derek C. Richardson, Hajime Yano
    PLANETARY AND SPACE SCIENCE, 103 174-183, Aug 8, 2014  Peer-reviewedLast author
    This study is carried out in the framework of sample-return missions to asteroids that use a low-speed projectile as the primary component of its sampling mechanism (e.g., JAXA's Hayabusa and Hayabusa2 missions). We perform numerical simulations of such impacts into granular materials using different projectile shapes under Earth's gravity. We then compare the amounts of ejected mass obtained in our simulations against what was found in experiments that used similar setups, which allows us to validate our numerical approach. For the targets, we consider 2 different monodisperse grain-diameter sizes: 5 mm and 3 mm. The impact speed of the projectile is 11 m s$^{-1}$ directed downward, perpendicular to the surface of the targets. Using an implementation of the soft-sphere discrete element method (SSDEM) in the $N$-Body gravity tree code PKDGRAV, previously validated in the context of low-speed impacts into sintered glass bead agglomerates, we find a noticeable dependence of the amount of ejected mass on the projectile shape. As found in experiments, in the case of the larger target grain size (5 mm), a conically shaped projectile ejects a greater amount of mass than do projectiles of other shapes, including disks and spheres. We then find that numerically the results are sensitive to the normal coefficient of restitution of the grains, especially for impacts into targets comprised of smaller grains (3 mm). We also find that static friction plays a more important role for impacts into targets comprised of the larger grains. As a preliminary demonstration, one of these considered setups is simulated in a microgravity environment. As expected, a reduction in gravity increases both the amount of ejected mass and the timescale of the impact process. Our methodology is also adaptable to the conditions of sampling mechanisms included in specific mission designs.
  • Yano, H, Matsuura, S, Mori, O, Yonetoku, D, Nakamura, R, Sekine, Y, Abe, S
    40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, B0.4-2 14, Aug, 2014  Lead author
  • Makoto Tabata, Eiichi Imai, Hajime Yano, Hirofumi Hashimoto, Hideyuki Kawai, Yuko Kawaguchi, Kensei Kobayashi, Hajime Mita, Kyoko Okudaira, Satoshi Sasaki, Hikaru Yabuta, Shin-ichi Yokobori, Akihiko Yamagishi
    Trans. JSASS Aerospace Tech. Japan 12(ists29) (2014) Pk_29, Jun 12, 2014  Peer-reviewed
    We are developing a silica-aerogel-based cosmic dust collector for use in the Tanpopo experiment to be conducted on the International Space Station. The mass production of simple two-layer hydrophobic aerogels was undertaken in a contamination-controlled environment, yielding more than 100 undamaged products. The collector, comprising an aerogel tile and holder panel, was designed to resist launch vibration and to conform to an exposure attachment. To this end, a box-framing aerogel with inner and outer densities of 0.01 and 0.03 g/cm$^3$, respectively, was fabricated. The aerogel mounted in the panel passed random vibration tests at the levels of the acceptance and qualification tests for launch. It also withstood the pressure changes expected in the airlock on the International Space Station.
  • Yoshinori Takano, Hajime Yano, Yasuhito Sekine, Ryu Funase, Ken Takai
    ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH, 53(7) 1135-1142, Apr, 2014  Peer-reviewed
    Planetary protection has been recognized as one of the most important issues in sample return missions that may host certain living forms and biotic signatures in a returned sample. This paper proposes an initiative of sample capsule retrieval and onboard biosafety protocol in international waters for future biological and organic constituent missions to bring samples from possible habitable bodies in the solar system. We suggest the advantages of international waters being outside of national jurisdiction and active regions of human and traffic affairs on the condition that we accept the Outer Space Treaty. The scheme of onboard biological quarantine definitely reduces the potential risk of back-contamination of extraterrestrial materials to the Earth. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
  • K. Wada, M. Arakawa, T. Saiki, H. Imamura, M. Hayakawa, C. Okamoto, K. Shirai, Y. Takagi, T. Kadono, Y. Tsuda, H. Yano, S. Nakazawa, N. Hirata, K. Ogawa, Y. Iijima, P. Michel, M. Jutzi
    Proceedings of Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 45 1768, Mar, 2014  
  • Yuko Kawaguchi, Tomohiro Sugino, Makoto Tabata, Kyoko Okudaira, Eichi Imai, Hajime Yano, Sunao Hasegawa, Hirofumi Hashimoto, Hikaru Yabuta, Kensei Kobayashi, Hideyuki Kawai, Hajime Mita, Shin-ichi Yokobori, Akihiko Yamagishi
    ORIGINS OF LIFE AND EVOLUTION OF BIOSPHERES, 44(1) 43-60, Feb, 2014  Peer-reviewed
    We have proposed an experiment (the Tanpopo mission) to capture microbes on the Japan Experimental Module of the International Space Station. An ultra low-density silica aerogel will be exposed to space for more than 1 year. After retrieving the aerogel, particle tracks and particles found in it will be visualized by fluorescence microscopy after staining it with a DNA-specific fluorescence dye. In preparation for this study, we simulated particle trapping in an aerogel so that methods could be developed to visualize the particles and their tracks. During the Tanpopo mission, particles that have an orbital velocity of similar to 8 km/s are expected to collide with the aerogel. To simulate these collisions, we shot Deinococcus radiodurans-containing Lucentite particles into the aerogel from a two-stage light-gas gun (acceleration 4.2 km/s). The shapes of the captured particles, and their tracks and entrance holes were recorded with a microscope/camera system for further analysis. The size distribution of the captured particles was smaller than the original distribution, suggesting that the particles had fragmented. We were able to distinguish between microbial DNA and inorganic compounds after staining the aerogel with the DNA-specific fluorescence dye SYBR green I as the fluorescence of the stained DNA and the autofluorescence of the inorganic particles decay at different rates. The developed methods are suitable to determine if microbes exist at the International Space Station altitude.
  • Shuji MATUURA, Hajime YANO, Daisuke YONETOKU, Ryu FUNASE, Osamu MORI, Yoji SHIRASAWA
  • Ryu FUNASE, Osamu MORI, Yoji SHIRASAWA, Hajime YANO
  • Osamu MORI, Ryu FUNASE, Yoji SHIRASAWA, Yuya MIMASU, Yuichi TSUDA, Takanao SAIKI, Hajime YANO, Shuji MATSUURA, Daisuke YONETOKU, Junichiro KAWAGUCHI
  • Sekine, Yasuhito, Takano, Yoshinori, Yano, Hajime, Funase, Ryu, Takai, Ken, Ishihara, Morio, Shibuya, Takazo, Tachibana, Shogo, Kuramoto, Kiyoshi, Yabuta, Hikaru, Kimura, Jun, Furukawa, Yoshihiro
  • 古川天, 河口優子, 奥平恭子, 三田肇, 藪田ひかる, 田端誠, 今井栄一, 長谷川直, 河合秀幸, 矢野創, 橋本博文, 横堀伸一, 山岸明彦, 大林由美子, 金子竹男, 小林憲正
    Viva Origino, 42(Supplement) 30-30, 2014  Peer-reviewed
  • Akihiko YAMAGISHI, Shin-ichi YOKOBORI, Hirofumi HASHIMOTO, Hajime YANO, Masumi HIGASHIDE, Makoto TABATA, Eiichi IMAI, Hikaru YABUTA, Kensei KOBAYASHI, Hideyuki KAWAI
    Trans. JSASS Aerospace Tech. Japan, 12(ists29) Tk_49-Tk_55, 2014  Peer-reviewed
  • Kaznki Honda, Minora Iwata, Meugn Cho, Chisato Okamoto, Hajime Yano
    European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP, 705 SP, Dec 1, 2013  Peer-reviewedLast authorCorresponding author
    The asteroid probe "Hayabusa (MUSES-C)" was launched 011 May 9. 2003. JAXA has been examining the sample return mechanism for a next-generation asteroid probe, by using adhesive. A next generation asteroid probe requires long period of time from launch to return. Moreover, it is a deep concern whether the functioning of an adhesive continues under the space harsh environment. Therefore, the evaluation of the space environment that resistant adhesive should be done by simulating the space environment before launch. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the life of adhesive going to be used for the sample collection and return from an asteroid simulating the space environment in ground test. Copyright © 2013 European Space Agency.
  • Takayuki Hirai, Masayuki Fujii, Makoto Tanaka, Chisato Okamoto, Naoko Ogawa, Sunao Hasegawa, Makoto Tabata, Takeo Iwai, Kyoko Okudaira, Hajime Yano
    Proceedings of 29th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science (29th ISTS), 2013-k-64p, Jun, 2013  Peer-reviewedLast authorCorresponding author
  • J. H. Adams, S. Ahmad, J. -N. Albert, D. Allard, M. Ambrosio, L. Anchordoqui, A. Anzalone, Y. Arai, C. Aramo, K. Asano, M. Ave, P. Barrillon, T. Batsch, J. Bayer, T. Belenguer, R. Bellotti, A. A. Berlind, M. Bertaina, P. L. Biermann, S. Biktemerova, C. Blaksley, J. Biccki, S. Blin-Bondil, J. Bluemer, P. Bobik, M. Bogomilov, M. Bonamente, M. S. Briggs, S. Briz, A. Bruno, F. Cafagna, D. Campana, J. -N. Capdevielle, R. Caruso, M. Casolino, C. Cassardo, G. Castellini, O. Catalano, A. Cellino, M. Chikawa, M. J. Christi, V. Connaughton, J. F. Cortes, H. J. Crawford, R. Cremonini, S. Csorna, J. C. D'Olivo, S. Dagoret-Campagne, A. J. de Castro, C. De Donato, C. de la Taille, L. del Peral, A. Dell'Oro, M. P. De Pascale, M. Di Martino, G. Distratis, M. Dupieux, A. Ebersoldt, T. Ebisuzaki, R. Engel, S. Falk, K. Fang, F. Fenu, I. Fernandez-Gomez, S. Ferrarese, A. Franceschi, J. Fujimoto, P. Galeotti, G. Garipov, J. Geary, U. G. Giaccari, G. Giraudo, M. Gonchar, C. Gonzalez Alvarado, P. Gorodetzky, F. Guarino, A. Guzman, Y. Hachisu, B. Harlov, A. Haungs, J. Hernandez Carretero, K. Higashide, T. Iguchi, H. Ikeda, N. Inoue, S. Inoue, A. Insolia, F. Isgro, Y. Itow, E. Joven, E. G. Judd, A. Jung, F. Kajino, T. Kajino, I. Kaneko, Y. Karadzhov, J. Karczmarczyk, K. Katahira, K. Kawai, Y. Kawasaki, B. Keilhauer, B. A. Khrenov, Jeong-Sook Kim, Soon-Wook Kim, Sug-Whan Kim, M. Kleifges, P. A. Klimov, S. H. Ko, D. Kolev, I. Kreykenbohm, K. Kudela, Y. Kurihara, E. Kuznetsov, G. La Rosa, J. Lee, J. Licandro, H. Lim, F. Lopez, M. C. Maccarone, K. Mannheim, L. Marcelli, A. Marini, G. Martin-Chassard, O. Martinez, G. Masciantonio, K. Mase, R. Matev, A. Maurissen, G. Medina-Tanco, T. Mernik, H. Miyamoto, Y. Miyazaki, Y. Mizumoto, G. Modestino, D. Monnier-Ragaigne, J. A. Morales de los Rios, B. Mot, T. Murakami, M. Nagano, M. Nagata, S. Nagataki, T. Nakamura, J. W. Nam, S. Nam, K. Nam, T. Napolitano, D. Naumov, A. Neronov, K. Nomoto, T. Ogawa, H. Ohmori, A. V. Olinto, P. Orleanski, G. Osteria, N. Pacheco, M. I. Panasyuk, E. Parizot, I. H. Park, B. Pastircak, T. Patzak, T. Paul, C. Pennypacker, T. Peter, P. Picozza, A. Pollini, H. Prieto, P. Reardon, M. Reinabi, M. Reyes, M. Ricci, I. Rodriguez, M. D. Rodriguez Frias, F. Ronga, H. Rothkaehl, G. Roudil, I. Rusinov, M. Rybczynski, M. D. Sabau, G. Saez Cano, A. Saito, N. Sakaki, M. Sakata, H. Salazar, S. Sanchez, A. Santangelo, L. Santiago Cruz, M. Sanz Palomino, O. Saprykin, F. Sarazin, H. Sato, M. Sato, T. Schanz, H. Schieler, V. Scotti, M. Scuderi, A. Segreto, S. Selmane, D. Semikoz, M. Serra, S. Sharakin, T. Shibata, H. M. Shimizu, K. Shinozaki, T. Shirahama, G. Siemieniec-Ozigbio, H. H. Silva Lopez, J. Sledd, K. Slomiriska, A. Sobey, T. Sugiyama, D. Supanitsky, M. Suzuki, B. Szabelska, J. Szabelski, F. Tajima, N. Tajima, T. Tajima, Y. Takahashi, H. Takami, M. Takeda, Y. Takizawa, C. Tenzer, O. Tibolla, L. Tkachev, T. Tomida, N. Tone, F. Trillaud, R. Tsenov, K. Tsuno, T. Tymieniecka, Y. Uchihori, O. Vaduvescu, J. F. Valdes-Galicia, P. Vallania, L. Valore, G. Vankova, C. Vigorito, L. Villasenor, P. von Ballmoos, S. Wada, J. Watanabe, S. Watanabe, J. Watts, M. Weber, T. J. Weiler, T. Wibig, L. Wiencke, M. Wille, J. Wilms, Z. Wlodarczyk, T. Yamamoto, Y. Yamamoto, J. Yang, H. Yano, I. V. Yashin, D. Yonetoku, K. Yoshida, S. Yoshida, R. Young, A. Zamora, A. Zuccaro Marchi
    ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS, 44 76-90, Apr, 2013  Peer-reviewed
    We evaluate the exposure during nadir observations with JEM-EUSO, the Extreme Universe Space Observatory, on-board the Japanese Experiment Module of the International Space Station. Designed as a mission to explore the extreme energy Universe from space, JEM-EUSO will monitor the Earth's nighttime atmosphere to record the ultraviolet light from tracks generated by extensive air showers initiated by ultra-high energy cosmic rays. In the present work, we discuss the particularities of space-based observation and we compute the annual exposure in nadir observation. The results are based on studies of the expected trigger aperture and observational duty cycle, as well as, on the investigations of the effects of clouds and different types of background light. We show that the annual exposure is about one order of magnitude higher than those of the presently operating ground-based observatories. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Takanao Saiki, Hirotaka Sawada, Chisato Okamoto, Hajime Yano, Yasuhiko Takagi, Yasuhiro Akahoshi, Makoto Yoshikawa
    ACTA ASTRONAUTICA, 84 227-236, Mar, 2013  Peer-reviewed
    A Japanese spacecraft, Hayabusa2, the successor of Hayabusa, which came back from the Asteroid Itokawa with sample materials after its 7-year-interplanetary journeys, is a current mission of Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and scheduled to be launched in 2014. Although its design basically follows Hayabusa, some new components are planned to be equipped in Hayabusa2 mission. A Small Carry-on Impactor (SCI), a small explosive device, is one of the challenges that were not seen with Hayabusa. An important scientific objective of Hayabusa2 is to investigate chemical and physical properties of the internal materials and structures. SCI creates an artificial crater on the surface of the asteroid and the mother spacecraft observes the crater and tries to get sample materials. High kinetic energy is required to creating a meaningful crater. The SCI would become complicated and heavy if the traditional acceleration devices like thrusters and rocket motors are used to hit the asteroid because the acceleration distance is quite large and guidance system is necessary. In order to make the system simpler, a technology of special type of shaped charge is used for the acceleration of the impact head. By using this technology, it becomes possible to accelerate the impact head very quickly and to hit the asteroid without guidance system. However, the impact operation should be complicated because SCI uses powerful explosive and it scatters high speed debris at the detonation. This paper presents the overview of our new small carry-on impact system and the impact operation of Hayabusa2 mission. (C) 2012 IAA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



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    日本学術振興会, Jul 1, 2021 - Jun 30, 2023
  • Review, evaluation
    日本学術振興会, Jul 1, 2021 - Jun 30, 2023
  • Review, evaluation
    日本学術振興会, Jul 1, 2021 - Jun 30, 2023
  • Planning/Implementing academic research
    Keck Institute for Space Studies, California Institute of Technology, USA (Keck Institute for Space Studies, California Institute of Technology, USA), Oct 24, 2022 - Apr, 2023
    Long-period comets (LPCs) and interstellar objects (ISOs) are under-explored yet fascinating targets for planetary science, planetary defense, and astrophysics. LPCs contain volatiles preserved from the formation of the solar system and sampling those pristine ices would provide key data points to constrain the temperature and chemistry of the protoplanetary disk and early solar system dynamics. ISOs are mysterious targets of which we have only identified two so far, but are predicted to be numerous. ISOs are samples of exoplanetary systems and their in-situ exploration would bring additional perspective to our understanding of the solar system formation. While fascinating, these targets also are extremely challenging to explore closely, often arriving with little lead times, with extremely high energies, and on poorly constrained trajectories. To date, no dedicated spacecraft has been sent to explore an ISO or LPC. The short detection times before solar system departure associated with ISOs are incompatible with traditional spacecraft development schedules and funding timelines. Near Earth Object (NEO) exploration and, especially, potentially hazardous asteroid (PHA) mitigation and planetary defense share similar characteristics. The short-notice of a PHA would necessitate similar technical strategies to rapidly mitigate a potential impact. This one-week KISS workshop will unite experts in small bodies science, relevant instruments, ISO and LPC design, and mission implementation to tackle some of the most challenging aspects of developing and executing a mission to an LPC, ISO, or NEO. While the community has been unable to obtain key measurement requirements for the past LPCs and ISOs that have flown near Earth, through focused study, community building, and concept development, we can work to ensure that there are no more missed opportunities in the future!
  • Review, evaluation
    日本学術振興会, Dec, 2019 - Jan, 2020

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    LABAM: Laboratory for Astrobiology and Astromaterial
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    慶応義塾大学大学院 システムデザインマネジメント研究科(兼任)
    特別招聘准教授: 矢野創
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    法政大学大学院 理工学研究科(併任)
    連携准教授: 矢野創
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    訪問准教授: 矢野創
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    九州工業大学 工学部宇宙システム工学科 (兼任)
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    東京大学大学院 工学系研究科航空宇宙工学専攻(兼任)
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    Students under Cooperative Graduate School System
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    留学生: 1

● 指導学生の表彰・受賞

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    COSPAR Student Travel Grant Award、COSPAR, 彗星サンプルリターンを目指したCNT微粒子捕集材の実験的研究と数値解析による形状設計
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    Student affiliation
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    Student affiliation

● 指導学生の顕著な論文

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    Shoya IWATA
    Student affiliation
    Author(s), journal, volume number, pagination (year of publication)
    Smart MLI宇宙実証機の地上校正による有効性検証と地球―月圏ダスト分布計測
  • Student name
    Francesc TINTO
    Student affiliation
    Author(s), journal, volume number, pagination (year of publication)
    ISUーMSS修士論文 Individual Project Report (2002)
    Evaluation of Effects of Regolith Size Distribution on Visible Near IR Asteroid Spectroscopy
  • Student name
    Serina DINIEGA
    Student affiliation
    Author(s), journal, volume number, pagination (year of publication)
    ISUーMSS修士論文 Individual Project Report (2004)
    Regolith Distribution Model for Sub-kilometer Ellipsoidal Asteroids
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    Keisuke TERAMOTO
    Student affiliation
    Author(s), journal, volume number, pagination (year of publication)
    Measurements of Sound Speed in Granular Materials Simulated Regolith
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    Kyoko OKUDAIRA
    Student affiliation
    Author(s), journal, volume number, pagination (year of publication)
    Evaluation of Micrometeoroid Analogs Alteration on Capturing by Aerogel
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    Teruo MAKABE
    Student affiliation
    Author(s), journal, volume number, pagination (year of publication)
    The Determination of Projectile Shape for Asteroid Impact Sampling System
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    Takayuki HIRAI
    Student affiliation
    Author(s), journal, volume number, pagination (year of publication)
    A New Cosmic Dust Distribution Model inside the Earth’s Orbit Based on IKAROS-ALADDIN Results
  • Student name
    Hiroyuki MOCHIZUKI
    Student affiliation
    Author(s), journal, volume number, pagination (year of publication)
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    Maximilian SOMMER
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    Modelling Resonant Features in the Zodiacal Cloud
  • Student name
    Ritsuko JITSUKAWA
    Student affiliation
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  • Student name
    Student affiliation
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  • Student name
    Maximilian EITEL
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    Tanpopo Particle Impact Analysis
  • Student name
    Keita YAMAMOTO
    Student affiliation
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    Shuto OIZUMI
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    Haruki NAKANO
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    Kosuke KANDO
    Student affiliation
    Author(s), journal, volume number, pagination (year of publication)
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    Erika MINAKAMI
    Student affiliation
    Author(s), journal, volume number, pagination (year of publication)
    微粒子環境モデルの更新に向けたたんぽぽ捕集パネル 構造部上の衝突痕分析
  • Student name
    Ryota SERIZAWA
    Student affiliation
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  • Student name
    Yuki TAKEDA
    Student affiliation
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    Kota ISAWA
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● 専任大学名

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● 所属する所内委員会

  • ISAS Committee
    2006年4月 - 2019年3月 大学共同利用スペースプラズマ(現・超高速衝突実験)専門委員会・委員
  • ISAS Committee
    2016年12月 - 2018年12月 宇宙理工学合同委員会下・宇宙科学の今後20年の構想を検討する委員会・委員
  • ISAS Committee
    2023年6月ー現在 科学データ利用委員会・委員