
Keiichi Matsuzaki

  (松崎 恵一)

Profile Information

Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

researchmap Member ID


  • MIURA Akira, MATSUZAKI Keiichi, ISHIDA Takayuki, TANAKA Masamitsu, INOUE Koji
    JAXA Research and Development Report: Journal of Space Science Informatics Japan, JAXA-RR-22-009(12) 31-40, Feb 28, 2023  Peer-reviewed
    This paper describes a method of interactive visualization for explaining the behavior of Single Flux Quantum (SFQ) circuits, a kind of logic circuit based on the principle of superconductivity. For the space exploration in the future, there has been an idea to develop devices based on SFQ circuits onboard spacecraft. SFQ circuits are expected to have extremely low power consumption and high computational speed during operation. On the other hand, since the principle of SFQ circuits is greatly different from that of logic circuits of semiconductor devices such as CPUs and memories, visualization tools for understanding such type of circuits are expected to be useful. In this paper we developed an interactive visualization application for SFQ circuits using JavaScript libraries including WebGL-based APIs and discussed issues as well as prospects.
  • Nishimura Kayoko, Matsuzaki Keiichi, Shimokawa Yuki, Yatagai Hiroshi, Miyano Yoshikazu
    JAXA Research and Development Report: Journal of Space Science Informatics Japan, JAXA-RR-14-009(4) 1-13, Mar 31, 2015  Peer-reviewedCorresponding author
  • Yoshino Akira, Inada Kuriko, Matsuzaki Keiichi, Yamauchi Chisato
    JAXA Research and Development Report: Journal of Space Science Informatics Japan, JAXA-RR-14-009(4) 105-125, Mar 31, 2015  Peer-reviewed
    DARTS (http://darts.jaxa.jp/) is a scientific data archive system which provides data of scientific satellites launched by JAXA, and is developed and maintained by Center for Science-satellite Operation and Data Archive (C-SODA) in ISAS/JAXA. We have developed a web interface with search function to provide 2 dimensional image data (all-sky map) obtained from all sky survey observation of infrared astronomy satellite “AKARI”. The all-sky map is composed of many image files which are arranged like as tiles to cover whole celestial sphere and each image occupies a region about several square degrees. This search function is intended to return all image files in the region designated by a user, if they are overlapped with the region. To realize such a search, we adopt a method that each image is divided into a large number of small rectangular areas and then the center of each area is represented by an orthogonal coordinate system to register in the database. This method has the advantages that other external libraries to divide the celestial area such as HEALPix are not needed, and that both celestial poles is not treated as a singular point, and that high-speed search for arbitrary coordinate system can be obtained. To reduce the costs of development and maintenance, we apply the mechanism of AKARI catalogue search to this search function using PHP and PostgreSQL.
  • Nishimura Kayoko, Matsuzaki Keiichi, Miyazawa Hideyuki, Takaki Ryoji, Yamashita Miwako, Miyano Yoshikazu, Fukuda Seisuke, Baba Hajime, Nagamatsu Hiroyuki, Yamada Takahiro
    JAXA Research and Development Report: Journal of Space Science Informatics Japan, JAXA-RR-13-010(3) 17-26, Mar 31, 2014  Peer-reviewedCorresponding author
    GSTOS is Generic Spacecraft Test and Operations Software applied for test and operation system of future ISAS (Institute of Space and Aeronautical Science) spacecraft based on database SIB2 (Spacecraft Information Base version 2). SIB2/GSTOS-1 is a project to provide SIB2/GSTOS for SPRINT-A, ASTRO-H, Bepi/MMO. This paper describes goal, achievement relative to typical test and operation system for former ISAS spacecraft, development status and tasks for the future of SIB2/GSTOS-1.
  • Y. Katsukawa, K. Ichimoto, Y. Suematsu, H. Hara, R. Kano, T. Shimizu, K. Matsuzaki
    We present a design progress of the Solar UV-Vis-IR Telescope (SUVIT) aboard the next Japanese solar mission SOLAR-C. SUVIT has an aperture diameter of similar to 1.4 m for achieving spectro-polarimetric observations with spatial and temporal resolution exceeding the Hinode Solar Optical Telescope (SOT). We have studied structural and thermal designs of the optical telescope as well as the optical interface between the telescope and the focal plane instruments. The focal plane instruments are installed into two packages, filtergraph and spectrograph packages. The spectropolarimeter is the instrument dedicated to accurate polarimetry in the three spectrum windows at 525 nm, 854 nm, and 1083 nm for observing magnetic fields at both the photospheric and chromospheric layers. We made optical design of the spectrograph accommodating the conventional slit spectrograph and the integral field unit (IFU) for two-dimensional coverage. We are running feasibility study of the IFU using fiber arrays consisting of rectangular cores.



Major Presentations

  • Naoko Ogawa, Shintaro Nakajima, Takanobu Shimada, Masanobu Ozaki, Keiichi Matsuzaki, Miyuki Arai, Takahiro Owaki, Takamitsu Oyama, Takane Imada
    Oct 19, 2023, The Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences
    This paper shows the system design and development status of the data handling system, ISC(DH), for the Martian Moons eXploration (MMX) mission. ISC(DH) consists of SMU (Spacecraft Management Unit), MDP (Mission Data Processor) and PDCU (Power Distribution Control Unit). System overviews and configuration are described.

Research Projects
