
Hiroyuki Ogawa

  (小川 博之)

Profile Information

Professor, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Doctor of Engineering(Mar, 1996, Nagoya University)

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Research on advanced thermal control systems for future scientific satellites
 Based on the experience of scientific satellite projects, we analyze the current issues and future plans, and conduct research and development of advanced thermal control systems for future scientific satellites. The results of our research have been fed back to the thermal control system on board the X-ray astronomy satellite Hitomi, and are being considered for application to the next scientific satellite project.

Thermal control for scientific satellite projects
 In challenging projects that actively employ thermo-fluid devices, such as the Japan-Europe Mercury mission BepiColombo, which will be exposed to extreme environments that have never been experienced before, and the large X-ray telescope satellite Hitomi, new satellite development methods that have never been experienced before are required. In such challenging projects that actively employ thermo-fluid devices, conventional satellite development methods and their extensions cannot be applied. We are contributing to the success of the project from the viewpoint of heat by leading the new research and development with our academic knowledge of thermo-fluid mechanics, such as development of new materials that can withstand extreme environments, construction of thermal design and analysis methods, development of test facilities, and development of verification methods.

Application of thermo-fluid mechanics
 We are contributing to various space science project activities based on our academic knowledge of thermo-fluid and its related fields. In the research of reusable rockets, we are contributing to the solution of problems related to thermo-fluid such as engine flow, cryogenic tanks, and external flow. In the area of satellite propulsion, we have contributed to the improvement of thruster analysis technology by studying the chemical reaction flow inside hydrazine thrusters, and in the area of rocket propulsion, we have developed a method for analyzing the internal flow of solid rockets and contributed to the investigation of the causes of malfunctions in M-V rockets and SRB-A rockets. In the rocket propulsion system, he developed an internal flow analysis method for solid rockets and contributed to investigating the cause of the failure of the M-V rocket and SRB-A. He has also contributed to rocket research by working on rocket flight safety and radio frequency interference problems with rocket exhaust plumes. I have also conducted theoretical research on shock wave interference in high-speed electromagnetic fluids and propulsion systems using electromagnetic fluids.




  • Takeshi Yokouchi, Xinyu Chang, Kimihide Odagiri, Hiroyuki Ogawa, Hosei Nagano, Hiroki Nagai
    International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 231, Oct, 2024  
    This paper investigated the effect of filling pressure on the operating characteristics of a gravity-assisted cryogenic loop heat pipe(CLHP) for use in gravity environments such as terrestrial and lunar environments. The CLHP wick is made of sintered stainless-steel fibers with a pore radius of 1.56 μm and designed with a heat transport distance of 2.05 m. The experiments were conducted under gravity-assisted conditions (the condenser was placed 0.1 m higher than the evaporator). Notably, the filling pressure originated from the assumed vapor-liquid distribution in the CLHP under steady-state conditions. The filling pressure was varied from 2.9 MPa to 3.4 MPa in 0.1 MPa increments for six different conditions. Specifically, (1) 2.9 MPa and (2) 3.0 MPa are conditions where the heat leakage due to the vapor phase in the evaporator core is large, while (3) 3.1 MPa and (4) 3.2 MPa are conditions where there is no vapor phase in the evaporator core and the surplus vapor phase escapes to the CC. In general, this condition is considered to be the optimum amount of working fluid for room-temperature LHPs when designing. (5) 3.3 MPa and (6) 3.4 MPa are overfilling conditions that cause the CC to be filled with liquid. The results revealed that the higher the filling pressure, the more obvious the variation in operating temperature caused by the transition of drive modes. The maximum heat transfer capability reached 25 W in cases (1)-(4). In cases (5) and (6), the heat transfer capabilities increased to 30 W, although the operating temperature was higher. Furthermore, the hysteresis effect under different filling pressure conditions was newly confirmed. The power cycling experiments demonstrated that hysteresis in the operating temperature occurred at high heat loads and showed a similar trend to the room-temperature LHP.
  • Kimihide Odagiri, Xinyu Chang, Hiroki Nagai, Hiroyuki Ogawa
    Applied Thermal Engineering, 123878-123878, Jul, 2024  
  • Xinyu Chang, Takeshi Yokouchi, Kimihide Odagiri, Hiroyuki Ogawa, Hosei Nagano, Hiroki Nagai
    International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 221 125037-125037, Apr, 2024  
  • Kimihide Odagiri, Xinyu Chang, Hiroki Nagai, Hiroyuki Ogawa
    Applied Thermal Engineering, 121109-121109, Jul, 2023  
  • Hideyuki Fuke, Shun Okazaki, Akiko Kawachi, Manami Kondo, Hiroyuki Ogawa, Noboru Yamada
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1049 168102-168102, Apr, 2023  


  • 清水, 雄輝, 入江, 優花, 永井, 大洋, 鈴木, 俊介, 佐々木, 文哉, 和田, 拓也, 吉田, 篤正, 福家, 英之, 水越, 彗太, 小川, 博之, 岡崎, 峻, 高橋, 俊, 山谷, 昌大, 吉田, 哲也, 小財, 正義, 加藤, 千尋, 宗像, 一起, 平井, 克樹, 河内, 明子, 川本, 裕樹, 木間, 快, 奈良, 祥太朗, 清水, 望, HAILEY, C.J, BOEZIO, M.
    大気球シンポジウム: 2023年度, Oct 1, 2023  
    レポート番号: isas23-sbs-034
  • 小田切公秀, 小川博之, 小栗秀悟, 篠崎慶亮, 杉本諒, 鈴木仁研, 関本裕太郎, 堂谷忠靖, 楢崎勝弘, 松田フレドリック, 吉原圭介, 綿貫一也, 一色雅仁, 吉田誠至, PROUVE Thomas, DUVAL Jean-Marc, THOMPSON Keith L.
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM), 67th, 2023  
  • 秋月祐樹, 澤田健一郎, 金城富宏, 小川博之, 西山和孝, 豊田博之, 今村裕志, 高島健
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM), 67th, 2023  
  • 小田切公秀, 永井大樹, 小川博之, 常新雨, 横内岳史
    東北大学流体科学研究所共同利用・共同研究拠点流体科学国際研究教育拠点活動報告書(CD-ROM), 2022 141-143, 2023  
  • 清水, 雄輝, 入江, 優花, 橋本, 航征, 鈴木, 俊介, 和田, 拓也, 吉田, 篤正, 福家, 英之, 水越, 彗太, 小川, 博之, 岡崎, 峻, 白鳥, 弘英, 徳永, 翔, 山谷, 昌大, 吉田, 哲也, 小財, 正義, 加藤, 千尋, 宗像, 一起, 新垣, 翔太, 平井, 克樹, 河内, 明子, 川俣, 柊介, 川本, 裕樹, 奈良, 祥太朗, 高橋, 俊, HAILEY, Charles, BOEZIO, Mirko, SHIMIZU, Yuki, IRIE, Yuka, SUZUKI, Shunsuke, WADA, Takuya, YOSHIDA, Atsumasa, FUKE, Hideyuki, MIZUKOSHI, keita, OGAWA, Hiroyuki, OKAZAKI, Shun, SHIRATORI, Hirohide, TOKUNAGA, Kakeru, YAMATANI, Masahiro, YOSHIDA, Tetsuya, KOZAI, Masayoshi, KATO, Chihiro, MUNAKATA, Kazuoki, KAWACHI, Akiko, KAWAMATA, Syusuke, KAWAMOTO, Yuki, NARA, Shotaro, TAKAHASHI, Shun
    大気球シンポジウム: 2022年度 = Balloon Symposium: 2022, Nov, 2022  
    大気球シンポジウム 2022年度(2022年11月7-8日. ハイブリッド開催(JAXA相模原キャンパス& オンライン)) Balloon Symposium 2022 (November 7-8, 2022. Hybrid(in-person & online) Conference (Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)(ISAS)), Sagamihara, Kanagawa Japan 著者人数: 26名 資料番号: SA6000177012 レポート番号: isas22-sbs-012

Books and Other Publications




Research Projects


Industrial Property Rights


Academic Activities


● 指導学生等の数

  • Fiscal Year
    Doctoral program
  • Fiscal Year
    Doctoral program
    Master’s program
    JSPS Research Fellowship (Young Scientists)
  • Fiscal Year
    Doctoral program
    Master’s program
    JSPS Research Fellowship (Young Scientists)
  • Fiscal Year
    Doctoral program
  • Fiscal Year
    Doctoral program
    Master’s program
    JSPS Research Fellowship (Young Scientists)
  • Fiscal Year
    Doctoral program
    Master’s program
    JSPS Research Fellowship (Young Scientists)

● 専任大学名

  • Affiliation (university)
    東京大学(University of Tokyo)
  • Affiliation (university)
    東京大学(University of Tokyo)

● 所属する所内委員会

  • ISAS Committee
  • ISAS Committee
  • ISAS Committee
  • ISAS Committee
  • ISAS Committee
  • ISAS Committee