Curriculum Vitaes


  (冨木 淳史)

Profile Information

Associate professor, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Department of Spacecraft Engineering, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Dr. Eng.(Mar, 2007, Tokyo Denki University)

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  • Tatsuaki Hashimoto, Junji Kikuchi, Ryo Hirasawa, Kota Miyoshi, Wataru Torii, Naoki Morishita, Nobutaka Bando, Atsushi Tomiki, Shintaro Nakajima, Masatsugu Otsuki, Hiroyuki Toyota, Kakeru Tokunaga, Chikako Hirose, Tetsuo Yoshimitsu, Hiroshi Takeuchi
    Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC, 2023-October, 2023  
    A 6U CubeSat “OMOTENASHI” was developed to be the world's smallest moon lander. It was launched by NASA's SLS Artemis-1 on November 16, 2022. However, because of the spacecraft anomaly, the battery was depleted and the communication with the spacecraft had been lost. After we gave up the moon landing experiment, we have been conducting a search and rescue operation till September 2023. But it was unsuccessful, unfortunately. In this article, the mission objective, the spacecraft design, the planed mission scenario, and the in-orbit operation results are presented. Additionally, lessons learned from the development and the in-orbit operation are presented.
  • Timothy Pham, Hiroshi Takeuchi, Atsushi Tomiki, Kathleen Harmon, Sami Asmar, Yoshihide Sugimoto, Taniguchi Sho, Tsutomu Ichikawa
    Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC, 2023-October, 2023  
    This paper presents a collaborative effort between NASA and JAXA to make 3-way Doppler data from JAXA tracking stations available to the Artemis 1 navigation team to improve orbit determination. The paper describes the system configuration and concept of operation of this capability. Testing effort at the three JAXA's ground stations - the Uchinoura's 20-m and 34-m antennas and Usuda's 64-m antenna - are discussed. Both aspects of system testing are highlighted, first on the use of Artemis 1 recorded signal to ensure compatibility between ground and flight systems, and second on the tracking with the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, as a substitute for Artemis before launch, to validate other key operational functions such as ephemeris processing, spacecraft tracking capability, data delivery, and interactions among multiple operational teams in different organizations. Results from actual support to Artemis 1's Orion spacecraft in November-December 2022 are also presented.
  • Timothy Pham, Hiroshi Takeuchi, Atsushi Tomiki
    This chapter presents an ongoing effort in preparing JAXA Uchinoura station support to the Artemis 1 mission, scheduled for launch in late 2020. The system involves three key participants: JAXA ground station at Uchinoura, the Deep Space Network (DSN) components at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California, and the Artemis 1 mission navigation at the NASA Johnson Space Center, Texas.Demonstration of Uchinoura station support to the future Artemis signal relies on the use of a low-cost, highly-portable software-defined radio (SDR) test equipment as well as the tracking of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) spacecraft. Using the SDR equipment, we validated the compatibility of signal format between the Artemis flight radio and the Uchinoura ground station without having to send the flight equipment to the station. By tracking an ongoing operational spacecraft such as LRO, we were able to calibrate the performance of the system in real operational conditions. The measured Doppler noise of 0.03 Hz (1-sigma), or 0.002 m/s range rate at S-band, for Uchinoura station is deemed suitable to the Artemis 1 mission navigation needs.This chapter also discusses the test equipment capability and its performance. In addition to being low cost, the equipment offers many advantages compared to the traditional full-scaled test signal simulator. Chief among them is portability making system easy to set up and transport, and the fidelity of the test signal that it captures from spacecraft flight equipment. Some of the lessons learned, such as internal frequency stability of the test signal, are also reflected.
  • Tatsuaki Hashimoto, Junji Kikuchi, Ryo Hirasawa, Naoki Morishita, Nobutaka Bando, Atsushi Tomiki, Wataru Torii, Yuta Kobayashi, Shintaro Nakajima, Masatsugu Otsuki, Tetsuo Yoshimitsu, Tetsuya Yamada, Kota Miyoshi, Hiroyuki Toyota, Kakeru Tokunaga, Chikako Hirose, Toshinori Ikenaga, Aiko Nagamatsu, Hitoshi Morimoto
    Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC, 2020-October, 2020  
    Copyright © 2020 by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF). All rights reserved. A 6U CubeSat “OMOTENASHI” will be the world's smallest moon lander which is launched by NASA SLS Artemis-1. Because of its severe mass and size limitation, it will adopt semi-hard landing scheme. That is, OMOTENASHI is decelerated from orbital velocity to less than 50 m/s by a small solid rocket motor and shock absorption mechanism has been developed to withstand the high-speed impact. Ultra small communication system (X-band and P-band) is also developed. It observes radiation environment of Earth and moon region with portable dosimeters. This paper shows the mission outline, the design, and the development results of OMOTENASHI.
  • Ikari Satoshi, Ito Takahiro, Oguri Kenshiro, Inamori Takaya, Sakai Shinichiro, Kawakatsu Yasuhiro, Tomiki Atsushi, Funase Ryu
    <p>A Fault Detection, Isolation, and Recovery (FDIR) algorithm for attitude control systems is a key technology to increasing the reliability and survivability of spacecraft. Micro/nano interplanetary spacecraft, which are rapidly evolving in recent years, also require robust FDIR algorithms. However, the implementation of FDIR algorithms to these micro/nano spacecraft is difficult because of the limitations of their resources (power, mass, cost, and so on). This paper shows a strategy of how to construct a FDIR algorithm in the limited resources, taking examples from micro deep space probe PROCYON. The strategy focuses on function redundancies and multi-layer FDIR. These ideas are integrated to suit the situation of micro/nano interplanetary spacecraft and demonstrated in orbit by the PROCYON mission. The in-orbit results are discussed in detail to emphasize the effectiveness of the FDIR algorithm. </p>


  • Matsubara Akihisa, Tomiki Atsushi, Toda Tomoaki, Kobayashi Takehiko
    Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE, 2010(1) 247-247, Aug 31, 2010  
  • Iwakiri Naohiko, Tomiki Atsushi, Toda Tomoaki, Kobayashi Takehiko
    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2010(1) 253-253, Mar 2, 2010  
  • Tomiki Atsushi, Ichikawa Tatsuya, Hirahara Daichi, Toda Tomoaki, Kobayashi Takehiko
    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2010(1) 252-252, Mar 2, 2010  
  • Akihisa Matsubara, Tatsuya Ichikawa, Atsushi Tomiki, Tomoaki Toda, Takehiko Kobayashi
    FBW10 - CANEUS Fly-by-Wireless Workshop 2010, Proceedings, 24-25, 2010  
    Ultra wideband (UWB) transmission was evaluated within a small scientific spacecraft, with a view to partly replacing onboard data buses with wireless connections. Spatial distributions of UWB link throughput were derived from measurements. The results revealed that commercially-available UWB devices were capable of accommodating up to around 90-Mb/s data buses within spacecrafts. © 2010 IEEE.
  • Matsubara Akihisa, Tomiki Atsushi, Toda Tomoaki, Kobayashi Takehiko
    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 255-255, 2010  
  • 安藤 紘基, 今村 剛, 岩田 隆浩, 戸田 知朗, 冨木 淳史, 望月 奈々子, 山本 善一, 林山 朋子, 阿部 珠美, 野田 寛大, 二穴 喜文, Hausler Bernd, Patzold Martin, Nabatov Alexander
    大会講演予講集, 98 148-148, 2010  
  • 平原大地, 小林雄太, 冨木淳史, 戸田知朗, 川崎繁男, 齋藤宏文
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM), 54th ROMBUNNO.1E11, 2010  
  • 小林雄太, 平原大地, 冨木淳史, 戸田知朗, 竹内央, 鎌田幸男, 澤田弘祟
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM), 54th ROMBUNNO.1I08, 2010  
  • IWAKIRI Naohiko, TOMIKI Atsushi, TODA Tomoaki, KOBAYASHI Takehiko
    IEICE technical report, 109(265) 153-158, Oct 26, 2009  
    A deep space communication testbed for Ka-band and X-band has developed at Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). High-quality communication technologies are required to combat severe conditions including a deep space radio channel, a low SNR, a power limitation, and a long time synchronization. For this requirements, a phase noise significantly affect a specific quality-of-service. We therefore measured the phase noise using the testbed to understand the behavior in terms of a temperature variation, and then found two types of phase difference, a slow variation during the constant temperature and a fast variation during the temperature variation more than one degree. The two types of phase noise are modeled using a stochastic method. The characteristics of jitter and BER performance affected by the phase noise were obtained by several QPSK system simulations.
  • YOKOKAWA Akio, TOMIKI Atsushi, KOBAYASHI Takehiko
    IEICE technical report, 109(233) 25-30, Oct 9, 2009  
    Spectrum analyzers (SAs) are usually used to measure average and peak power spectra of ultra wideband (UWB) signals. Whereas the average power is measured in a 1-MHz resolution bandwidth (RBW), the UWB peak power is defined in a 50-MHz RBW. Most of the SAs, however, are not equipped with the 50-MHz RBW. Hence the power spectrum measured in a narrower RBW must be converted into the peak power spectrum in the 50-MHz RBW, but the conversion formula has not been well established. The RBW is defined with an impulse bandwidth (IBW) for peak power measurement in CISPR Publication 16-1-1, but most SAs do not strictly follow the CISPR definition. In this report, the IBWs of seven different SAs were measured by using an impulse signal. Then the three different UWB signals were measured in a 1-MHz RBW with the seven SAs, and the power spectra were converted into 50-MHz peak power spectra using conventional and new formulas. These UWB signals were also measured with a digital storage oscilloscope and then Fourier-transformed into 50-MHz-RBW spectra. The new formula using IBW instead of RBW yielded the consistent peak power spectra, which were found to be independent of SAs and to agree with the oscilloscope measurements.
  • Yokokawa Akio, Tomiki Atsushi, Kobayashi Takehiko
    Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE, 2009 114-114, Sep 1, 2009  
  • Hirahara Daichi, Tomiki Atushi, Toda Tomoaki, Itikawa Tatsuya, Kobayashi Takehiko
    Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE, 2009(1) 245-245, Sep 1, 2009  
  • Iwakiri Naohiko, Tomiki Atsushi, Toda Tomoaki, Kobayashi Takehiko
    Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE, 2009(1) 244-244, Sep 1, 2009  
  • Matsubara Akihisa, Tomiki Atsushi, Toda Tomoaki, Kobayashi Takehiko
    Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE, 2009(1) 251-251, Sep 1, 2009  
  • Ichikawa Tatsuya, Tomiki Atsushi, Hirahara Daichi, Toda Tomoaki, Kobayashi Takehiko
    Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE, 2009(1) 246-246, Sep 1, 2009  
  • HIRAHARA Daichi, TOMIKI Atushi, TODA Tomoaki, ICHIKAWA Tatsuya, KOBAYASHI Takehiko
    IEICE technical report, 109(181) 15-20, Aug 21, 2009  
    A Ka-band coherent transmission function has been prototyped to be added to an existing X-band deep space digital transponder. An onboard ultra stable oscillator (USO) has been also developed to enhance the performance in communication and ranging. The coherence is guaranteed at direct digital synthesizers by multiplying a reference frequency by the numbers corresponding to the frequency ratios: 3328/749, 3344/749, and 3360/749, respectively. This paper describes experimental evaluation of high speed modulation and phase noise characteristics of the Ka-band transmission function. Distortion was found low enough to attain the high-rate transmission up to 500M symbols/s.
  • Tomiki Atsushi, Toda Tomoaki, Nagae Tomoko, Saito Hirobumi, Tomita Hideho, Kobayashi Takehiko
    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2009(1) 314-314, Mar 4, 2009  
  • TODA Tomoaki, BABA Hiroshi, TOMIKI Atsushi, TOMITA Hideho, KOBAYASHI Takehiko
    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2009(1) 310-310, Mar 4, 2009  
  • 竹内央, 加藤隆二, 吉川真, 市川勉, 市川隆一, 関戸衛, 菊池冬彦, 鎌田幸男, 冨木淳史, 澤田弘崇
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM), 53rd, 2009  
  • IUCHI Yosuke, TOMIKI Atsushi, KOBAYASHI Takehiko
    IEICE technical report, 108(339) 37-42, Dec 4, 2008  
    This paper presents the simulated interference effects from multiband orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MB-OFDM) and direct sequence ultra wideband (DS-UWB) systems to a quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) narrowband digital wireless transmission system in flat Rayleigh and Nakagami-Rice fading channels. The simulation utilized modified equivalent baseband system, embracing the fading channel models. Average bit error rate (BER) and error vector magnitude (EVM) performances were estimated. The interference effects of MB-OFDM and DS-UWB signals were almost the same as the that of additive white gassing noise. When the interference of UWB signal had lower power than receiver noise, the effect of fading channel dominated the BER and the EVM performances.
  • BABA Hiroshi, TODA Tomoaki, TOMIKI Atsushi, TOMITA Hideho, KOBAYASHI Takehiko
    IEICE technical report, 108(318) 13-18, Nov 17, 2008  
    Scale COupling in the Plasma universE (SCOPE) is a formation flight mission ongoing in Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). This has been studied for realizing its upcoming magnetospheric exploration with advanced instruments. In this mission, a ranging function between the spacecraft is crucial along with data communications. The distances the between spacecrafts will vary from 1 to 100km; and the required accuracy is its 1/100. To meet these requirements, a time division multiplex and time division multiple access (TDM/TDMA) inter-spacecraft link system has been proposed. A breadboard model (BBM) comprising a mother and two daughter spacecrafts was constructed. The experimental result of ranging performances met the requirements for various transmission rates of data links.
  • ICHIKAWA Tatsuya, TOMIKI Atsushi, TODA Tomoaki, SAITO Hirobumi, KOBAYASHI Takehiko
    IEICE technical report, 108(267) 7-13, Oct 24, 2008  
    Ultra wideband (UWB) signal propagation was measured and characterized in comparison with narrowband inside a typical some satellite, considering the potential to realize ultra-high-speed wireless bus connection with in mass and layout restrictions. Spatial distributions of UWB and narrowband path gain, delay profiles, and delay spreads within the mockup were derived from frequency-domain responses (from 3.1 to 10.6GHz) measured with a vector network analyzer and UWB monopole antennas. While narrowband resulted in a number of dead spots (deep fading points), UWB yielded none. This means the UWB systems have an advantage over narrowband ones from this propagation a viewpoint for reducing the fading margins.
  • Iuchi Yosuke, Tomiki Atsushi, Kobayashi Takehiko
    Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE, 2008 101-101, Sep 2, 2008  
  • Baba Hiroshi, Toda Tomoaki, Tomiki Atsushi, Tomita Hideho, Kobayashi Takehiko
    Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE, 2008(1) 229-229, Sep 2, 2008  
  • TOMIKI Atsushi, TODA Tomoaki, SAITO Hirobumi
    IEICE technical report, 107(365) 67-72, Nov 23, 2007  
    NASA and ESA have taken advantage to use Ka-band (32GHz) for the purpose of higher-rate data transmission, more precise orbit determination, and radio science tools for planetary explorations. JAXA has developed a next generation X-band deep space digital transponder for our deep space programs such as Planet-C and MMO. As a next step, we will soon give a Ka-band coherent transmitter function to extend this X-band transponder capability. We will discuss primary design on this Ka-band transmitter attachment. We are also interested in a highly stable onboard oscillator which limits availability of Ka-band telecommunications in deep space. We will introduce our approach to JAXA's USO (ultra stable oscillator) and its in-house validation method for future development.
  • Umebayashi Masaya, Tomiki Atsushi, Toda Tomoaki, Saito Hirobumi, Nakagami Takakiyo
    Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE, 2007(1) 212-212, Aug 29, 2007  
  • TOMIKI Atsushi, KOBAYASHI Takehiko
    IEICE technical report, 106(596) 7-12, Mar 8, 2007  
    The paper experimentally validates the simulated interference effects from multiband orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MB-OFDM) systems and direct sequence ultra wideband (DS-UWB) systems to a quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK)-modulated narrowband digital wireless transmission systems. Average bit error rate (BER) degradation of victim systems was evaluated under the in-band interference from the UWB sources. The experimental results of the BER degradation were nearly identical to the simulated ones. The BER degradation caused by the UWB sources was similar to AWGN. The proposed modified equivalent baseband system reduced the simulation cost. The simulation time using the proposed modified equivalent baseband system is significantly shorter than that using real frequency system.
  • Iuchi Yosuke, Tomiki Atsushi, Kobayashi Takehiko
    Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE, 10-14, 2007  
  • TOMIKI Atsushi, PASYA Idnin, KOBAYASHI Takehiko
    IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals, A, 89(11) 3059-3065, Nov 1, 2006  
    This paper reports on a study of the interference effects from 2 types of ultra wideband (UWB) sources on a QPSK transmission system by simulation. The culprit UWB sources were: multi-band orthogonal frequency-division multiple-access (MB-OFDM) and direct-sequence UWB (DS-UWB), which were modeled on the proposal specifications in the IEEE802.15.3a to standardize high-speed wireless personal area networks. Average bit error rate (BER) degradation of the victim system was evaluated under in-band interference from the UWB signals. The proposed modified equivalent baseband system was employed in the simulation in order to reduce the simulation costs. Interference effects from the UWB sources were also examined under a Rayleigh fading channel.
  • TOMIKI Atsushi, KOBAYASHI Takehiko
    IEICE technical report, 106(320) 25-30, Oct 19, 2006  
    The paper experimentally evaluates the interference from multiband orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MB-OFDM) systems and direct sequence ultra wideband (DS-UWB) systems to a quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK)-modulated narrowband digital wireless transmission systems. Statistical properties of the UWB sources and the average bit error rate degradation of the QPSK system are presented. The UWB sources and additive white gaussian noise (AWGN) nearly identical statistical properties. The amplitude probability distributions (APDs) of the DS-UWB signal greater than small probability is different the AWGN when the center frequency of the victim reciever coincides a multiple of the pulse repetition frequency of the impulse.
  • Hasegawa Kouta, Tomiki Atsushi, Kobayashi Takehiko
    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2006 116-116, Mar 8, 2006  
  • Tomiki Atsushi, Hasegawa Kouta, Kobayashi Takehiko
    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2006 115-115, Mar 8, 2006  
  • TOMIKI Atsushi, HASEGAWA Kouta, KOBAYASHI Takehiko
    IEICE technical report, 105(468) 25-30, Dec 15, 2005  
    The interference was studied between direct sequence ultra wideband (DS-UWB) systems and quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK)-modulated narrowband digital wireless transmission systems. Experimental (from UWB to narrowband) and numerical (from narrowband to UWB) evaluation of average bit error rates was carried out. Electromagnetic compatibility of the two systems was discussed in an additive white gaussian noise channel without fading.
  • HASEGAWA Kouta, TOMIKI Atsushi, KOBAYASHI Takehiko
    IEICE technical report. WBS, Wideband System, 105(365) 37-42, Oct 21, 2005  
    This report studies the interference between multiband orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MB-OFDM) systems and quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK)-modulated narrowband digital wireless transmission systems. Experimental (from UWB to narrowband) and numerical (from narrowband to UWB) evaluation of average bit error rates or packet error rates were carried out. Electromagnetic compatibility of the two systems was discussed in an additive white gaussian noise channel without fading.
  • Pasya Idnin, Tomiki Atsushi, Kobayashi Takehiko
    Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE, 2005 "S-1"-"S-2", Sep 7, 2005  
  • Tomiki Atsushi, Hasegawa Kouta, Kobayashi Takehiko
    Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE, 2005 "S-5"-"S-6", Sep 7, 2005  
  • PASYA Idnin, TOMIKI Atsushi, KOBAYASHI Takehiko
    IEICE technical report. WBS, Wideband System, 104(734) 49-54, Mar 11, 2005  
    This paper studies the interference effects from 4 types of ultra wideband (UWB) sources on a narrowband π/4-shift differential quadrature phase keying (DQPSK) transmission system by simulation. The culprit UWB sources were : multi-band orthogonal frequency-division multiple-access (MB-OFDM), direct-sequence code-division multiple-access (DS-CDMA), DS spread spectrum UWB (DS-SS UWB), and additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). The MB-OFDM and DS-CDMA were modeled based on the proposal specifications in the IEEE.802.15.3a to standardize high-speed wireless personal area networks. Average bit error rates (BER) degradation of the victim system was evaluated in the presence of the UWB signals as a source of interference. We propose a modified equivalent baseband system to accelerate the simulation speed. In the proposed system, the victim system was generated in the p assband domain, while the UWB signals were generated at the equivalent baseband domain to lower the sampling rate of the simulation. It was found that the interference effects of the UWB signals vary according to their statistical characteristics entering the victim receiver. The MB-OFDM marks spectral peaks at every 3.2 MHz in the frequency spectrum, thus, would severely degraded the BER performance in the victim system. The amplitude probability distributions of the UWB signals entering the victim receiver were also investigated.
  • Tomiki Atsushi, Kobayashi Takehiko
    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 139-139, 2005  
  • TOMIKI Atsushi, KOBAYASHI Takehiko
    IEICE technical report. WBS, Wideband System, 104(535) 59-64, Dec 20, 2004  
    Ultra wideband (UWB) wireless technologies have attracted extensive attention, due to their potential to realize ultra-high-speed communications and high precision telelocation, and to economize devices though COMS technologies. Whereas most of the research activities on UWB technologies have been carried out by simulations, the authors have been focused on experimental studies on UWB propagation and interference to the incumbent narrowband systems. This paper introduces an omnidirectional, low-VSWR UWB antenna, UWB signal sources and receivers, a UWB over fiber transmission system, and UWB electromagnetic phantom materials. Some of their applications to experimental studies are also presented.
  • Tomiki Atsushi, Ogawa Takatoshi, Kobayashi Takehiko
    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2004 187-187, Mar 8, 2004  
  • Ogawa Takatoshi, Maeda Akihide, Tomiki Atsushi, Kobayashi Takehiko
    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2004 170-170, Mar 8, 2004  
  • TOMIKI Atsushi, OGAWA Takatoshi, KOBAYASHI Takehiko
    Technical report of IEICE. RCS, 103(682) 191-195, Feb 27, 2004  
    Micropower ultra wideband (UWB) devices are expected to share a wide range of the radio frequency spectrum with incumbent spectrum users and enable the commercial consumer market to realize ultra-high-speed communication, high precision geolocation, and other applications with simple circuitry. Nonetheless, the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) between UWB and conventional narrowband wireless systems has not been fully studied. This report experimentally evaluated the interference from two kinds of UWB sources, namely an impulse radio and a direct-sequence spread-spectrum UWB source, to 5-GHz π/4-shift DQPSK digital transmission. The impulse radio souce yields a larger bit error rate than DS-SS sources when the center frequency of the victim reciever coincides a multiple of the pulse repetition frequency of the impulse.
  • OGAWA Takatoshi, TOMIKI Atsushi, MAEDA Akihide, KOBAYASHI Takehiko
    Technical report of IEICE. RCS, 103(682) 197-200, Feb 27, 2004  
    Microwave vector network analyzer (VNAs), easy to calibrate, are most commonly used as an ultra-wideband (UWB) channel sounder to measure the propagation characteristics of UWB signals. The measurement distance is, however, limited by the loss of a coaxial cable connecting a VNA output port and a transmitting antenna. A UWB over fiber transmission system was developed to replace the coaxial cable transmission which has frequency dispersion as well as the large amount of transmission loss. The developed system consists of a wideband laser diode, a single-mode optical fiber cable, and a photo diode. This system showed a transmission loss of around 27 dB, a root-mean-square loss variation of 2 dB, and a group delay of less than 0.7ps. Typically for more than 30-m transmission, this system outperforms coaxial cables in transmission loss and frequency dispersion. An experimental result of UWB propagation was shown to demonstrate the usefulness of this system.
  • 小林 岳彦, 幸谷 智, 冨木 淳史
    総合研究所年報, (24) 165-170, 2004  
  • OGAWA Takatoshi, TOMIKI Atsushi, KOBAYASHI Takehiko
    IEICE technical report. WBS, Wideband System, 103(75) 33-36, May 22, 2003  
    In February 2002, thc Federal Communications Commission (FCC) conditionally waived unlicensed operation of unlic ensed of personal ultra wideband (UWB) products in thc United States. The UWB technologies have been cxploited to be able to use for super -high-speed communication, highly -accurate sensing and geolocation, low -cost RF tagging, and so forth; and to pioneer a new spectrum resource substantially. Research areas, however, remain to be fully studied such as UWB propagation characteristics and interference effects from thc UWB wireless systems to conventional narrow -band ones sharing the same frequency bands. No netheless, UWB sources have not been readily available for the experimented studies. This paper reports prototypes of impulse radio and direct sequence spread spectrum (DS -SS) UWB sources to serve for propagation, electromagnetic compatibility and other ex nerimental studies.
  • TOMIKI Atsushi, OGAWA Takatoshi, KOBAYASHI Takehiko
    IEICE technical report. WBS, Wideband System, 103(74) 41-46, May 16, 2003  
    Ultra wideband (UWB) technologies have been developed to exploit a new spectrum resource in substance and to realize ultra-high-speed communication and high precision telelocation. However, the interference effects have not fully been studied from UWB wireless systems to conventional narrowband wireless systems sharing the same frequency bands. This report experimentally evaluated the interference from two kinds of UWB sources, namely an impulse radio UWB source and a direct-sequence spread-spectrum UWB source, to 2-GHz digital transmission. Bit error rate degradation caused by the UWB sources were measured.
  • Tomiki Atsushi, Ogawa Takatoshi, Fukuda Atsushi, Terada Noriyoshi, Kobayashi Takehiko
    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2003 168-168, Mar 3, 2003  
  • Ogawa Takatoshi, Tomiki Atsushi, Kobayashi Takehiko
    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2003 167-167, Mar 3, 2003  
  • TOMIKI Atsushi, OGAWA Takatoshi, FUKUDA Atsushi, TERADA Noriyoshi, KOBAYASHI Takehiko
    Technical report of IEICE. SST, 102(537) 25-28, Dec 20, 2002  
    Ultra wideband (UWB) technologies have-been developed to exploit a new spectrum resource in substance and to realize ultra-high-speed communication and high precision telelocation. However, the interference effects have not fully been studied from UWB wireless systems to conventional narrow-band wireless systems sharing the same frequency bands. This paper experimentally evaluated the interference from two kinds of UWB sources, namely an impulse radio UWB a sources and direct-sequence spread-spectrum UWB sources, to 2-GHz digital transmission. Bit error rate degradation caused by the UWB sources were measured. It was found that in both cases the bit error rate had floor characteristics when the relatively-strong UWB sources interfered.

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