Curriculum Vitaes

Tetsuya Matsunaga

  (松永 哲也)

Profile Information

Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

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  • チタン = Titanium Japan, 70(1) 54-57, Jan, 2022  Peer-reviewedLead author
  • 68(4) 320-327, Oct, 2020  
  • Tetsuya Matsunaga, Nobuo Nagashima, Takkehiro Nojima, Shigeaki Sugimoto
    MATEC Web Conference -The 14th World Conference on Titanium-, 321 04010, Oct, 2020  Peer-reviewedLead author
  • 増山晴己, 増山晴己, 戸田佳明, 松永哲也, 松永哲也, 伊藤勉, 下条雅幸, 御手洗容子, 御手洗容子
    材料とプロセス(CD-ROM), 33(2), 2020  
  • 増山晴己, 増山晴己, 戸田佳明, 松永哲也, 松永哲也, 伊藤勉, 下条雅幸, 御手洗容子, 御手洗容子
    材料とプロセス(CD-ROM), 33(2), 2020  
  • Tetsuya Matsunaga, Hiromichi Hongo, Masaaki Tabuchi
    Proc. 10th Japan-China Bilateral Symposium on High Temperature Strength of Materials, 242-245, Dec, 2019  Lead author
  • Tetsuya Matsunaga, Hiromichi Hongo, Masaaki Tabuchi, Yoko Yamabe-Mitarai, Tsutomu Ito
    EPRI-2019 CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, 1389-1394, 2019  
  • Yoko Yamabe-Mitarai, Kei Shimagami, Haruki Masuyama, Tetsuya Matsunaga, Yoshiaki Toda, Tsutomu Ito
    Ti alloys are used as compressor blades and disks in jet engines due to their high specific strength and good oxidation resistance at operation temperature. However, Ti alloys cannot be used above 600 degrees C because creep properties and oxidation resistance deteriorate. To overcome the above problems, the effect of alloying element on oxidation resistance was investigated and it was found that Sn deteriorated oxidation resistance and Nb improved oxidation resistance. Then, we have attempted to design new Ti alloys without Sn, but including Nb because Nb improved oxidation resistance. To expect solid-solution hardening, Zr was also added to the alloys. In this study, the creep behavior of Ti-10Al-2Nb-2Zr and Ti-10Al-2Nb-2Zr-0.5Si alloys was investigated. The creep test was performed at temperature range between 550 and 650 degrees C and stress range between 137 and 240 MPa. The stress exponent and the activation energy for creep were analyzed using an Arrhenius equation. The stress exponent was 5.9 and 3.4, and the activation energy was 290 and 272 kJ/mol for Ti-10A1-2Nb-2Zr and Ti-10A1-2Nb-2Zr-0.5Si, respectively. This indicates the creep deformation mechanism is dislocation (high-temperature power law) creep governed by lattice diffusion.
  • Yoko Yamabe-Mitarai, Kei Shimagami, Haruki Masuyama, Tetsuya Matsunaga, Yoshiaki Toda, Tsutomu Ito
    Proceedings of the International Gas Turbine Congress 2019 Tokyo, 2019  
  • Tetsuya Matsunaga, Maaouia Souissi, Ryoji Sahara, Hiromichi Hongo, Masaaki Tabuchi, Wei Zhang, Michael J. Mills
    Materials Science Forum, 340-345, 2018  Peer-reviewed
  • Ryoji Sahara, Tetsuya Matsunaga, Hiromichi Hongo, Masaaki Tabuchi
    PRICM9 Proceedings, 919-921, 2016  
  • Hiromichi Hongo, Tetsuya Matsunaga, Masaaki Tabuchi
    Proc. 9th China-Japan Bilateral Symposium on High Temperature Strength of Materials, 172-176, 2016  
  • Tetsuya Matsunaga, Hiromichi Hongo, Masaaki Tabuchi
    PRICM9 Proceedings, 714-716, 2016  
  • Tetsuya Matsunaga, Masaaki Tabuchi, Hiromichi Hongo, Ryoji Sahara
    Proc. 9th China-Japan Bilateral Symposium on High Temperature Strength of Materials, 89-92, 2016  
  • Tetsuya Matsunaga, Hidetoshi Somekawa, Hiromichi Hongo, Masaaki Tabuchi
    Materials Science Forum, 838-839 106-109, 2016  
    This study investigated strain-rate sensitivity (SRS) in an as-extruded AZ31 magnesium (Mg) alloy with grain size of about 10 μm. Although the alloy shows negligible SRS at strain rates of &gt 10-5 s-1 at room temperature, the exponent increased by one order from 0.008 to 0.06 with decrease of the strain rate down to 10-8 s-1. The activation volume (V) was evaluated as approximately 100b3 at high strain rates and as about 15b3 at low strain rates (where b is the Burgers vector). In addition, deformation twin was observed only at high strain rates. Because the twin nucleates at the grain boundary, stress concentration is necessary to be accommodated by dislocation absorption into the grain boundary at low strain rates. Extrinsic grain boundary dislocations move and engender grain boundary sliding (GBS) with low thermal assistance. Therefore, GBS enhances and engenders SRS in AZ31 Mg alloy at room temperature.
  • 阿部友紀, 木下詩織, 松永哲也, 松川義孝, 佐藤裕樹, 阿部弘亨
    日本原子力学会春の年会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2014, 2014  
  • 阿部弘亨, 叶野翔, 李鋒, 大場彰, 申晶潔, 李艶芬, 佐藤裕樹, 松永哲也, 松川義孝, 楊会龍, 中澤かさね, 阿部友紀, 木下詩織, 伊藤駿
    東北大学金属材料研究所附属量子エネルギー材料科学国際研究センター共同利用研究経過報告書(CD-ROM), 30th, 2014  
  • 松永哲也, 本郷宏通, 田淵正明, 佐藤裕樹, 阿部弘亨
    高温強度シンポジウム前刷集, 52nd, 2014  
  • 佐藤裕樹, 阿部弘亨, 松川義孝, 松永哲也, 荒井重勇, 田中信夫
    日本金属学会講演概要(CD-ROM), 154th, 2014  
  • 中澤かさね, 伊藤駿, 松永哲也, 松川義孝, 佐藤裕樹, 阿部弘亨, 村瀬義治
    日本金属学会講演概要(CD-ROM), 154th, 2014  
  • K. Nakazawa, S. Itoh, T. Matsunaga, Y. Matsukawa, Y. Satoh, Y. Murase, H. Abe
    Ultrafine-grained interstitial-free steel fabricated by the accumulative roll-bonding method was subjected to tensile tests and analyses of AFM, TEM and XRD to identify the effects of interaction between dislocations and grain boundaries (GB) on the deformation mechanism. The AFM analyses indicated that the main deformation mechanism of this material changed from dislocation motion to grain boundary sliding (GBS) with decreasing strain rate. TEM observations and XRD analysis revealed showed that dislocations piled up at GB and the dislocation density decreased with increasing strain. Those suggest the dislocations are absorbed into GB during deformation, activating slip-induced GBS.
  • 佐藤裕樹, 阿部弘亨, 松川義孝, 松永哲也, 荒井重勇, 田中信夫
    KURRI-KR (CD) (CD-ROM), (41), 2013  
  • 阿部弘亨, 佐藤裕樹, 松川義孝, 松永哲也, LI Yanfen, 叶野翔, YANG Huilong, 石嵜貴大, LI Feng, 阿部友紀, 伊藤駿, 大場晃, 舟山啓太
    東北大学金属材料研究所附属量子エネルギー材料科学国際研究センター共同利用研究経過報告書(CD-ROM), 29th, 2013  
  • 伊藤駿, 松永哲也, 佐藤裕樹, 阿部弘亨
    材料とプロセス(CD-ROM), 26(2), 2013  
  • 伊藤駿, 中澤かさね, 松永哲也, 松川義孝, 佐藤裕樹, 阿部弘亨
    日本金属学会講演概要(CD-ROM), 153rd, 2013  
  • 中澤かさね, 伊藤駿, 松永哲也, 松川義孝, 佐藤裕樹, 阿部弘亨
    日本金属学会講演概要(CD-ROM), 153rd, 2013  
  • Eiichi Sato, Kaoru Ishiwata, Tetsuya Matsunaga
    Materials Science Forum, 735 17-21, 2013  
    Creep tests were conducted at low temperatures for ultrafine-grained aluminum (UFG Al) fabricated by accumulative roll bonding. The samples showed remarkable creep behavior with a stress exponent of about three, a grain-size exponent of almost zero, and a low apparent activation energy of 20 kJ/mol. This creep behavior is similar to that of low-temperature creep of coarsegrained (CG) Al, though UFG Al shows creep under stresses below its 0.2% proof stress while CG Al show it under stresses above that. © (2013) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.
  • Takeshi Maruyama, Hiroaki Abe, Yasunari Shinohara, Sawoong Kim, Tetsuya Matsunaga, Yuhki Satoh
    Extended Abstracts of 1st Asian Nuclear Fuel Conference, 34-35, 2012  
  • Hiroaki Abe, Takeshi Maruyama, Yasunari Shinohara, Hiroaki Muta, Sawoong Kim, Tetsuya Matsunaga, Yuhki Satoh
    Extended Abstracts of 1st Asian Nuclear Fuel Conference, 56-57, 2012  
  • Fumihiro Terasawa, Tetsuya Matsunaga, Eiichi Sato
    Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, C30, 2012  
  • Tetsuya Matsunaga, Fumihiro Terasawa, Eiichi Sato
    Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, C29, 2012  
  • ABE Hiroaki, SHINOHARA Yasunari, MUTA Hiroaki, TAGUCHI Tomitsugu, KIM Sawoong, MATSUNAGA Tetsuya, SATOH Yuhki
    Proceedings of Annual / Fall Meetings of Atomic Energy Society of Japan, 2011 453-453, 2011  
  • Matsunaga Tetsuya, Kameyama Tatsuya, Ueda Shoji, Sato Eiichi
    Bulletin of the Japan Institute of Metals, 50(3) 105-111, 2011  
  • Eiichi Sato, Tetsuya Matsunaga
    Hexagonal close-packed metals and alloys show significant creep behavior with extremely low activation energies at and below ambient temperature even below their 0.2% proof stresses. It is caused by straightly-aligned dislocation arrays in a single slip system without any dislocation cuttings. These dislocation arrays should, then, pile up at grain boundary (GB) because of violation of von Mises' condition in H.C.P. structure. The piled-up dislocations have to be accommodated by GB sliding. Electron back scatter diffraction (EBSD) analyses and atomic force microscope (AFM) observations were performed to reveal the mechanism of GB sliding below ambient temperature in H.C.P. metals as an accommodation mechanism of ambient temperature creep. EBSD analyses revealed that crystal lattice rotated near GB, which indicates the pile up of lattice dislocations at GB. AFM observation showed a step caused by GB sliding. GB sliding below ambient temperature in H.C.P. metals are considered to compensate the incompatibility between neighboring grains by dislocation slip, which is called slip induced GB sliding.
  • S. Ueda, T. Kameyama, T. Matsunaga, K. Kitazono, E. Sato
    The deformation behaviour of high-purity aluminium at low temperatures was investigated in order to re-examine Ashby-type deformation mechanism map. All specimens with different purities showed significant creep below room temperature. Under the same stress and temperature, the steady-state creep rate increased with increasing purity of the material. They showed stress exponents around 5.0 and apparent activation energies around 20 kJ/mol at temperatures below about 400 K, and 4.0 and 70-80 kJ/mol at temperatures above that temperature. The grain size had no effect in the low temperature region. From the microstructural observation, secondary slip system was observed. These features imply that pure aluminium deforms in the different mode from the ambient temperature creep of h.c.p. metals which has similar activation energy.
  • T. Matsunaga, T. Kameyama, S. Ueda, E. Sato
    Only hexagonal close-packed (h.c.p.) materials show creep behaviour significantly at ambient temperature or less even below their 0.2% proof stresses with their stress exponents of 3.0 and their apparent activation energies of 20 kJ/mol. Transmission electron microscopy revealed dislocation arrays as a planar slip without any tangled dislocations inside each grain. Atomic force microscopy and electron backscatter diffraction pattern analyses brought about the occurrence of grain boundary sliding. The grain-size exponent was evaluated as 1.0, which means grain boundaries work as the barrier of the dislocation motion. Ambient-temperature creep of h.c.p. materials is schematically illustrated as that lattice dislocations move inside each grain without any obstacles and then pile up at grain boundaries. To continue the creep deformation, these dislocations are absorbed by grain boundaries to accommodate the internal stress and lead to grain boundary sliding.
  • T. Matsunaga, T. Kameyama, E. Sato
    DISLOCATIONS 2008, 3 012014, 2009  
    Hexagonal close-packed metals and alloys show significant creep behavior at ambient temperature, even below their 0.2% proof stresses. That creep behavior arises from straightly aligned dislocation arrays in a single slip system without any dislocation cuttings. These dislocation arrays pile up at grain boundary (GB) because of violation of von Mises' condition. Therefore, GB sliding must accommodate the piled-up dislocations. In this study, electron back scatter diffraction (EBSD) analyses and atomic force microscope (AFM) observations revealed an accommodation mechanism in ambient temperature creep region. Lattice rotation occurred near GB during creep, as revealed by EBSD analyses, indicating the pile up of lattice dislocations there. GB sliding during creep was revealed by AFM observations.
  • 松永 哲也
    まてりあ, 47 164, 2008  
  • KAMEYAMA Tatsuya, MATSUNAGA Tetsuya, SATO Eiichi, KURIBAYASHI Kazuhiko
    113 351-352, Oct 10, 2007  
  • Tetsuya Matsunaga, Eiichi Sato, Kazuhiko Kuribayashi
    Metals with a hexagonal closed packed (HCP) structure show creep behavior at ambient temperature. Features of this phenomenon are: (1) it appears in all and only HCP structure metals and alloys; (2) dislocations are contributing; and (3) it shows very low apparent activation energy (ca. 10 kJ/mol). Transmission electron microscope (TEM) observation was conducted on crept specimens of commercially pure Ti (CP-Ti), pure Mg, and Zn. Results showed no dislocation tangle. The dislocation arrays were aligned straightly inside the grain. The dislocation array consisted of one dislocation type. One slip system was activated in the ambient temperature creep condition. Therefore, it was considered that work hardening does not occur, and that creep deformation continued.
  • Tetsuya Matsunaga, Eiichi Sato
    Ti-2007 Science and Technology, 339-342, 2007  
  • MATSUNAGA Tetsuya, SATO Eiichi
    111 389-390, Oct 18, 2006  

Books and Other Publications




Research Projects
