Curriculum Vitaes

Yoshitaka Saito

  (斎藤 芳隆)

Profile Information

Associate Professor, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Department of Interdisciplinary Space Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
(BLANK)(The University of Tokyo)
(BLANK)(The University of Tokyo)

researchmap Member ID




 気球本体の開発として最初に手掛けたのは、薄い皮膜を開発し、それを用いた気球を開発することで、飛翔高度を向上させる研究でした。3.4 um厚のフィルムを開発し、2002年にはそのフィルムを用いた気球により30年ぶりに世界最高気球高度記録を更新しています。さらにより薄いフィルムの開発を進め、2013年には2.8 um厚のフィルムにより、再度の記録更新に成功しました。

 この研究と並行して進めているのがスーパープレッシャー気球の開発です。これは、気球を密閉して加圧することで、夜間の浮力の低下を防ぎ、長時間の飛翔を可能にする気球です。2000年代は気球皮膜自体の開発や、ロープと皮膜を組み合わせることで構造強度を向上させたLobed-pumpkin型やその展開性能を改善した俵型の気球の開発を進めました。2010年には皮膜に菱形の目の網をかぶせることで軽い構造で高い耐圧性能が得られることを見出し、以後、この型の気球の開発を進めております。スーパープレッシャー気球の実現には、軽い構造で十分な耐圧性能と気密性能を持たせることが大切です。2019年には体積6,400 m3の気球の地上試験(地上試験としては世界最大級です)を実施し、十分な安全率をもって、高度27 kmに70 kgのペイロードを長時間飛翔させることができる耐圧性能を有することを確認しました。2020年には体積2,000 m3の気球の飛翔試験を実施したのですが、放球直後からガス漏れが発生するという不具合が発生しました。放球時に網が叩いたことで皮膜が衝撃破壊を起こしたもので、これを防ぐべく、2020~2023年にかけて、準静的に気球を立ち上げて放球する新しい方法を開発し、その実証試験まで完了しました。2024年には、この放球方法により、再度、体積2,000 m3の気球の飛翔試験を実施する計画です。また、皮膜を多層化することで10日以上の飛翔が可能となる気密性能が得られること、耐圧性能は3,000 Paを超えることを体積180 m3の小型気球の地上試験で実証しました。2022年には、この型の気球を用いて、南極域での大気重力波観測が実施され、2024年には改良を加えた気球での実験を計画しています。

満膨張になった体積6,400 m3の気球




  • Yoshihisa Irimajiri, Takeshi Manabe, Satoshi Ochiai, Harunobu Masuko, Takamasa Yamagami, Yoshitaka Saito, Naoki Izutsu, Tomomi Kawasaki, Michiyoshi Namiki, Kaoru Sato, Isao Murata
    International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 1 412-415, 2005  Peer-reviewed
    We have developed a balloon-borne superconducting submillimeter-wave limb-emission sounder (BSMILES) to determine vertical profiles of stratospheric minor constituents like ozone and a number of key species related to ozone destruction by observing thermal emission lines from these molecules. BSMILES carries a 624-652 GHz superconductor-insulator-superconductor (SIS) receiver with the system noise temperature of 330-460 K in double sideband (DSB) during the flight. BSMILES flight experiments were conducted on August 30, 2003 and September 7, 2004 from the Pacific Coast of Japan. The system operated properly and spectra of O3, CIO, HCl, HO2, O3 isotopes were successfully measured. After the observation, the gondola splashed down in the Pacific Ocean and was retrieved. © 2005 IEEE.
  • 飯嶋一征, 井筒直樹, 福家英之, 斉藤芳隆, 川崎朋実, 松坂幸彦, 並木道義, 太田茂雄, 鳥海道彦, 山上隆正, 山田和彦, 瀬尾基治, 山岸明彦, 横堀伸一
    宇宙研究開発機構研究開発報告:大気球報告2005 ISSN1349-1113, JAXA-RR-05-012., 117-128, 2005  Peer-reviewed
  • S. Torii, T. Tamura, N. Tateyama, K. Hibino, T. Yuda, K. Yoshida, K. Kashiwagi, S. Okuno, J. Nishimura, T. Yamagami, Y. Saito, H. Fuke, M. Takayanagi, H. Tomida, S. Ueno, F. Makino, M. Shibata, Y. Katayose, S. Kuramata, M. Ichimura, Y. Uchihori, H. Kitamura, K. Kasahara, H. Murakami, T. Kobayashi, Y. Komori, K. Mizutani, T. Terasawam, R. E. Streitmatter, J. W. Mitchell, L. M. Barbier, A. A. Moiseev, J. F. Krizmanic, J. F. Ormes, W. R. Binns, M. H. Israel, H. S. Krawzczynski, G. Case, M. L. Cherry, T. G. Guzik, J. B. Isbert, J. P. Wefel, P. S. Marrocchesi, P. Maestro, M. G. Bagliesi, V. Millucci, M. Meucci, G. Bigongiari, R. Zei, F. Ligabue, F. Morsani, O. Adriani, P. Papini, P. Spillantini, L. Bonechi, E. Vannuccini, J. Chang, W. Gan, T. Lu
    29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2005, 3 329-332, 2005  Peer-reviewed
    The CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) mission is proposed for the observation of various components of cosmic-rays as well as ?-rays on the Exposure Facility of the Japanese Experiment Module ( EF/JEM ) on the International Space Station (ISS). The detector is composed of an imaging calorimeter of scintillating fibers (IMC), a total absorption calorimeter of BGO (TASC) and a silicon pad module at the top of IMC . The total thickness of absorber is 36 r.l for the electromagnetic particles and 1.8 m.f.p for protons. The total weight of the payload, including the detector, the support, the interface instruments with JEM so on, is nearly 2,500 kg and the geometrical factor for the electrons is about 1 m2 sr. The CALET has a unique capability to measure electrons and ?-rays beyond 1 TeV since the hadron rejection power is 106. The energy resolution for the electro-magnetic particles is better than a few % above 100 GeV. The detector is optimally designed to detect changes in the energy spectra caused by physical processes, or a line signature in the energy distribution expected from annihilations of dark matter candidates. This paper is the first presentation by the international team of the CALET collaboration.
  • M. Ichimura, S. Kuramata, S. Torii, T. Tamura, K. Yoshida, K. Kasahara, J. Chang, H. Fuke, K. Hibino, T. Kashiwagi, Y. Katayose, H. Kitamura, T. Kobayashi, Y. Komori, F. Makino, K. Mizutani, H. Murakami, J. Nishimura, S. Okuno, Y. Saito, M. Shibata, M. Takayanagi, N. Tateyama, T. Terasawa, S. Tomida, Y. Uchihori, S. Ueno, T. Yamagami, T. Yuda
    29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2005, 3 321-324, 2005  Peer-reviewed
    Although CALET is originally designed for detections of electrons and gamma rays, nuclear components of primary cosmic rays, from protons to iron nucleus and more, are also observable by CALET, utilizing the total absorption calorimeter (TASC). TASC has 1.6 m.f.p. for protons which is enough to measure the energy of protons up to 1000 TeV. Using the observed spectra, the following items will be discussed: (1) the detailed structure of the spectrum, checking the change of the spectrum index and comparing indices of various components. More than 300 iron nuclei with the energy greater than 1 TeV/n will be observed. (2) secondary/primary ratio. Especially we can observe the both of B/C ratio and sub-Fe/Fe ratio. At the space station, the observation is free from the atmospheric contamination corrections. These observations are essential for the acceleration mechanisms and the propagation of cosmic rays.
  • K. Yoshida, S. Torii, T. Tamura, K. Kasahara, J. Chang, H. Fuke, K. Hibino, M. Ichimura, T. Kashiwagi, Y. Katayose, H. Kitamura, T. Kobayashi, Y. Komori, S. Kuramata, F. Makino, K. Mizutani, H. Murakami, J. Nishimura, S. Okuno, Y. Saito, M. Shibata, M. Takayanagi, N. Tateyama, T. Terasawa, S. Tomida, Y. Uchihori, S. Ueno, T. Yamagami, T. Yuda
    29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2005, 3 337-340, 2005  Peer-reviewed
    We are proposing the CALET (CALorimetric Electron Telescope) for the observation of high-energy electrons and gamma rays at the Exposed Facility of the Japanese Experiment Module on the International Space Station. The CALET has a capability to observe electrons (+positrons) in 1GeV-10TeV and gamma rays in 20MeV- 10TeV with a high energy resolution of 2%@100GeV, an angular resolution of 0.06deg@100GeV, and a high proton rejection power of 10. CALET has the geometrical factor of nearly 1m-sr and three-years observation is expected. Precise electron observation of CALET enables us to identify cosmic-ray electron sources by the detection of distinctive features in the energy spectrum and anisotropy toward nearby sources. The ISS orbit enables CALET to survey all of the sky in a wide field of view of 2 sr without attitude control of the instrument. In addition, by the hybrid observations of high-energy electrons and gamma rays, the CALET can search for WIMP dark matter.
  • S. Torii, T. Tamura, K. Yoshida, N. Tateyama, K. Hibino, T. Yuda, K. Kashiwagi, S. Okuno, J. Nishimura, T. Yamagami, M. Takayanagi, Y. Saito, H. Fuke, H. Tomida, S. Ueno, F. Makino, M. Shibata, Y. Katayose, S. Kuramata, M. Ichimura, Y. Uchihori, H. Kitamura, H. Murakami, K. Kasahara, T. Kobayashi, Y. Komori, K. Mizutani, T. Terasawa, J. Chang
    29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2005, 3 333-336, 2005  Peer-reviewed
    We propose the CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) mission for Japanese Experiment Module, Exposed Facilisty (JEM-EF) on ISS to address some of the most profound questions in particle astrophysics. CALET is composed of two kinds of calorimeter, an imaging calorimeter, IMC, at upper part and a total absorption calorimeter, TASC, at lower part. The IMC is employed to detect the shower profile by using scintillating fibers with 64-anode PMT read-out system. The TASC is consisted of BGO logs to measure the energy deposits in each shower. Total weight of the payload is nearly 2,500 kg and the geometrical factor for electrons is about 1 m2 sr. CALET has a unique capability to measure electrons and gamma-rays beyond 1 TeV since it can have a superior hadron rejection power of 106 for electrons and much better for gamma-rays. It can also measure protons and heavy nuclei in proximity of the Knee. The energy resolution for electromagnetic particles is better than a few % above 100 GeV. We will present a baseline design of the detector, and report the present status of detector development. Compatibility of the detector with the JEM Exposed Facility will also be discussed.
  • Y. Katayose, S. Torii, T. Tamura, K. Yoshida, H. Murakami, H. Fuke, K. Hibino, M. Ichimura, K. Kasahara, K. Kashiwagi, H. Kitamura, Y. Komori, S. Kuramata, T. Kobayashi, F. Makino, K. Mizutani, J. Nishimura, S. Okuno, Y. Saito, M. Shibata, M. Takayanagi, N. Tateyama, T. Terasawa, H. Tomida, Y. Uchihori, S. Ueno, T. Yamagami, T. Yuda
    29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2005, 3 325-328, 2005  Peer-reviewed
    We are developing the CALET (CALorimetric Electron Telescope) instrument for observing high energy electrons and gamma rays on ISS. For confirming the CALET capability expected by simulations, we made a small model of CALET with a size of 2/3 in thickness and had the experimental tests by using beams available in CERN. The beams used are 50GeV, 100GeV electrons and 150 GeV protons. The energy resolution is φ/E = 0.4 ± 0.1% and 2.25 ± 0.04% for 50GeV and 100GeV electrons, respectively. About 97.3% of protons can be rejected by shower image , while approximately 96.8% of electrons are correctly identified. The performance of the model was also investigated by Monte Carlo simulation to compare with the results by beam tests. We confirmed good consistency between simulation and the beam test.
  • Y. Komori, S. Torii, T. Tamura, K. Yoshida, J. Nishimura, T. Terasawa, H. Fuke, K. Hibino, M. Ichimura, K. Kasahara, K. Kashiwagi, Y. Katayose, H. Kitamura, T. Kobayashi, S. Kuramata, F. Makino, K. Mizutani, H. Murakami, S. Okuno, Y. Saito, M. Shibata, M. Takayanagi, N. Tateyama, H. Tomida, Y. Uchihori, S. Ueno, T. Yamagami, T. Yuda
    29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2005, 2 453-456, 2005  Peer-reviewed
    The CALorimetric Electron Telescope(CALET) mission is proposed to measure galactic electrons and gamma rays on ISS/JEM for three years[1]. In this paper we report the purpose of this project in solar physics and the expected results from precise measurement of electron energy spectrum in the 1-100GeV energy range. The CALET measurement of long-term variations of the energy spectrum will produce a wealth of data to investigate electron propagation in the heliosphere. CALET does not distinguish positive charge from negative one. However, we can evaluate the charge sign dependence of solar modulation using correlation with the neutron monitors, since most particles are negative electrons in this energy range. Further we estimate transport parameters, mainly the energy dependence of diffusion coefficient in the heliosphere. CALET will also have a capability of measuring the short-term variation of around ten Forbush decreases(Fds) for three years. Precise measurements of the energy spectral variation of Fds will give a conclusion of the energy dependence of Fds.
  • K. Yoshida, H. Kitamura, S. Torii, T. Tamura, K. Kasahara, J. Chang, I. Iijima, A. Kadokura, Y. Katayose, T. Kobayashi, Y. Komori, Y. Matsuzaka, K. Mizutani, H. Murakami, M. Namiki, J. Nishimura, S. Ohta, Y. Saito, M. Shibata, N. Tateyama, T. Yamagami, H. Yamagishi, T. Yuda
    29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2005, 9 53-56, 2005  Peer-reviewed
    Since atmospheric gamma rays at high altitude are mainly produced by a single interaction of primary cosmic rays with atmospheric nuclei, they are very useful to study nuclear interaction models and atmospheric neutrinos. We have observed atmospheric gamma rays from 100 GeV to 1 TeV with PPB-BETS by a long duration balloon flight of Polar Patrol Balloon (PPB) in Antarctica. The observation was carried out for 13 days at an altitudeof ∼35 km in January 2004. The detector of PPB-BETS is an imaging calorimeter composed of scintillating-fiber belts and plastic scintillators inserted between lead plates. We have collected 5.7×103 events over 100 GeV. The number of observed atmospheric gamma rays is 1.0×102 events in the energy range of 100 GeV to 1 TeV.
  • 海外気球実験に関する小研究会集録, pp. 57-65, 2005  
  • 大気球シンポジウム集録, pp. 126-129, 2005  
  • HASHIMOTO Tatsuaki, SAITO Yoshitaka, INATOMI Hiromitsu, ISHIKAWA Takehiko, SAWAI Shujiro, YAMAKAWA Hiroshi, YOSHIMITSU Tetsuo, SAKAI Shin'ichiro
    JASMA : Journal of the Japan Society of Microgravity Application = 日本マイクログラビティ応用学会誌, 21 66-66, Nov 4, 2004  
  • S. Torii, T. Tamaura, N. Tateyama, K. Yoshida, T. Kashiwagi, K. Hibino, K. Anraku, T. Yamashita, F. Makino, J. Chang, J. Nishimura, T. Yamagami, Y. Saito, M. Takayanagi, M. Shibata, Y. Katayose, T. Inoue, Y. Uchihori, H. Kitamura, K. Kasahara, H. Murakami, T. Kobayashi, Y. Komori, K. Mizutani, T. Yuda
    Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 134(1-3) 23-30, Sep, 2004  Peer-reviewed
    The CALorimetric Electron Telescope, CALET, mission is proposed for the Japanese Experiment Module Exposed Facility, JEM-EF, of the International Space Station. The mission goal is to reveal the high-energy phenomena in the universe by carrying out a precise mesurement of the electrons in 1 GeV - 10 TeV and the gamma-rays in 20 MeV - several TeV. The instrument will be composed of an imaging calorimeter of scintillating fibers and a total absorption calorimeter of BGO. The total thickness of absorber is 36 r.l for electro-magnetic particles and 1.8 m.f.p for protons. Total weight of the payload is nearly 2,500 kg, and the effective geometrical factor for the electrons might be ∼1.0 m2sr. The CALET has a unique capability to measure the electrons and gamma-rays over 1 TeV since the hadron rejection power can be 10 6 and the energy resolution of electro-magnetic particles is better than a few % over 100 GeV. Therefore, it is promissing to detect the change of energy spectra and the line feature of energy distribution expected from the dark matter. We are expecting to launch the CALET around 2010 by the Japanese H-II Transfer Vehicle, HTV, and to carry out the observation more than three years. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Irimajiri Yoshihisa, Manabe Takeshi, Ochiai Satoshi, Masuko Harunobu, Yamagami Takamasa, Saito Yoshitaka, Izutsu Naoki, Namiki Michiyoshi
    JAXA research and development report, 3 97-104, Mar, 2004  Peer-reviewed
    A balloon-borne superconducting submillimeter-wave limb-emission sounder (BSMILES) was launched to observe stratospheric O_3, ClO on August 30, 2003. An antenna with a diameter of 300mm, a 650GHz-band SIS mixer, and an acousto-optical spectrometer are carried in BSMILES. The system operated normally and emission line spectra of O_3 and ClO were obtained. Marine recovery of the system was carried out after the observations.
  • Ogata Mariko, Oyama Koichiro, Matsuzaka Yukihiko, Ota Shigeo, Saito Yoshitaka, Namiki Michiyoshi, Yamagami Takamasa
    JAXA research and development report, 3 65-95, Mar, 2004  Peer-reviewed
    We have developed a spectrometer that uses an accosto-optic tunable filter (AOTF) to measure minor constituents of troposphere and stratosphere by sun light absorption. The spectrometer consists of an AOTF, a RF generator to drive the AOTF and a photomultiplier to detect the light selected with AOTF. The weight of the instrument is 4.0kg and power consumption is 7.0W. A wavelength range to be scanned by spectrometer is 410-460nm, and resolution of wavelength is 0.85nm. A balloon (BT5-21) which accommodates the newly developed instrument was launched to measure NO_2 at Sanriku Balloon Center on September 12, 2002. The results that was obtained successfully showed that height of NO_2 maximum is 30km and NO_2 maximum density is 3.0×10^<9>cm^<-3>. The value agrees quite well with that obtained with UARS (Upper Atmospheric Research Satellite) 10 days after the balloon launch.
  • Kubota Aya, Matsuzaka Yukihiko, Yamagami Takamasa, Saito Yoshitaka, Nakazawa Kazuhiro, Nomachi Masaharu
    JAXA research and development report, 3 23-39, Mar, 2004  Peer-reviewed
    A new command decoder has been developed in these three years as a project of the ISAS/JAXA balloon group. It utilizes PLD (Programable Logic Devise), in order to establish both multi-channel discrete commands and serial commands by keeping its weight light. By using an ALTERA's FPGA device from MAX 7000 family, the first trial product was given in 2001. Through an onboard trial performed on 2001 August 26, the new command decoder was found to work in an environment where balloons are used. In this first trial, power was not optimized, and its current consumption appeared to be very high, 〜100 mA. This problem was fixed in a 2nd trial product developed on 2002 - 2003. The 2nd trial product utilizes the CPLD device, CoolRunner XPLA3, given by Xilinx, and established very low current consumption, 〜10 mA. It also supports 20 channel discrete commands and 8bit serial commands. The basic specifications were confirmed through onboard trial on 2003 September 19.
  • NAMIKI Michiyoshi, MATSUZAKA Yukihiko, SAITO Yoshitaka, KADOKURA Akira, EBIHARA Yusuke, YAMAGISHI Hisao, SATO Natsuo, EJIRI Masaki, IIJIMA Issei, KAWASAKI Tomomi, OHTA Shigeo, IZUTSU Naoki, YAMAGAMI Takamasa, INOUE Hajime, HIROSAWA Harutou, UCHIYAMA Sadayuki, KONNO Yuuji
    JAXA research and development report, 3 1-21, Mar, 2004  Peer-reviewed
    National Institute of Polar Research, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, and other universities carried out long-duration balloon experiment in Antarctica in January 2003. We called this experiment as "Polar Patrol Balloon (PPB)" experiment. Onboard instruments are ULF/ELF/VLF wave receiver, aurora X-ray imager, DC electric field instrument, 3-axis fluxgate magnetometer, and the ionospheric total electron content measurement using GPS. It was planned to launch three balloons with identical instrumentation from Antarctic Syowa Station with a spatial separation of 150 km, in order to study spatial and temporal variations of the phenomena occurring in the boundary regions in the magnetosphere such as plasmapause, LLBL, PSBL and the cusp. The first balloon was launched on 6th January, but the flight was terminated 2 hours after the launch due to a trouble in cut-down command system. The rest of the balloons were launched successfully on 13th January. They reached a ceiling altitude of 32 km and moved westward at a speed of about 20 km/h. When they reached halfway of their circum-polar flight on 25th January, the wind system in the stratosphere changed directions and the balloons were stagnated there, and finally moved eastward. After 17〜24 days from launching, balloons and payloads landed on the sea. During these flight, the separation of the balloons changed from 150km to 1500km. Observed data were directly transferred to Japan by Iridium satellite telephone system. In this paper, we describe the summary of the housekeeping system, balloon operations in the Syowa station, and results of balloon flights.
  • 中村智一, 内田正美, 江尻全機, 海老原祐輔, 大島直哉, 門倉昭, 斎藤芳隆, 佐藤夏雄, 鈴木裕武, 高橋渉, 中川道夫, 並木道義, 松坂幸彦, 松本直記, 向井謙治, 村上浩之, 山内誠, 山上隆正, 山岸久雄, 山本幹生
    平成15年度大気球シンポジウム集録, 79-82, Mar, 2004  
  • Procs. of the 24th International Space Symposium, pp. 869-870, (2004-m-12p), 2004  
  • T. Yamagami, Y. Saito, Y. Matsuzaka, M. Namiki, M. Toriumi, R. Yokota, H. Hirosawa, K. Matsushima
    Advances in Space Research, 33(10) 1653-1659, 2004  Peer-reviewed
    Development of a balloon flying at higher altitude is one of the most attractive trials for balloon technology. We, the balloon group at the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), have been engaged in the development of a light balloon to go to higher altitudes since 1991. We have developed light equipment for house keeping modules and an ultra-thin film with a thickness of only 3.4 μm. Using the equipment and film, we have made and launched some balloons from 1000 m 3 in volume. We gradually enlarged the balloon volume, and on May 23, 2002, we launched a 60,000 m 3 balloon. The balloon reached the altitude of 53.0 km, which is the highest altitude ever reached by a balloon. This event opened a new era for scientific observations at high altitude. © 2004 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Yukihiko Matsuzaka, Yoshitaka Saito, Naoki Izustu, Takamasa Yamagami
    Advances in Space Research, 33(10) 1660-1666, 2004  Peer-reviewed
    The Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS) balloon group has been developing and manufacturing plastic balloons made of very thin polyethylene films which can easily reach an altitude of more than 40 km with a payload less than 10 kg since 1991. In order to launch the thin film balloon confidently and easily with the least amount of people, we have developed a new launch method called the packing launch-method. In this method, we pack the uninflated portion of the balloon in a bag. We can ignore the length of a balloon in launching because the packed part of the balloon is extended in the sky after launching, and it is possible to launch a large balloon from a launch field of limited size. The packing launch-method is a revolutionary way of launching high altitude balloons made of thin polyethylene films. © 2004 COSPAR. Pulished by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • S. Gunji, T. Suzuki, F. Sato, H. Sakurai, F. Tokanai, Y. Saito, A. Kubota
    Advances in Space Research, 33(10) 1771-1776, 2004  Peer-reviewed
    The radiation mechanism of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) is one of the most interesting topics in the field of astrophysics. According to the fireball model, the γ-rays from GRBs should be much polarized. So we have been developing a Compton scattering type hard X-ray polarimeter for GRBs using segmented scintillators and multianode photomultipliers. We carried out basic experiments and computer simulations to investigate the basic performance. As the results, it was recognized that the designed polarimeter can detect the polarization of hard X-rays from GRBs with both the flux 10 times more than that of Crab nebula and the duration of 10 s if the hard X-rays are 8.6% polarized. © 2004 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • K. Kobayashi, S. Tsuneta, T. Tamura, K. Kumagai, Y. Katsukawa, M. Kubo, Y. Sakamoto, N. Kohara, T. Yamagami, Y. Saito, K. Mori
    Advances in Space Research, 33(10) 1786-1789, 2004  Peer-reviewed
    We present the design and initial flight results of a balloon-borne hard X-ray spectrometer for observing solar flares. The instrument is designed for quantitative observation of nonthermal and thermal components of solar flare hard X-ray emission, and has an energy range of 15-120 keV and an energy resolution of 3 keV. The instrument is a small (gondola weight 70 kg) system equipped with sixteen 10 × 10 × 0.5 mm CdTe detectors, and designed for a 1-day flight at 41 km altitude. Detector temperature of -15 °C was achieved through radiative cooling alone. Pre-flight tests confirmed that all detectors exceeded the target 3 keV resolution. No flares were observed during the 2001 flight, but the second flight on May 24, 2002 succeeded in observing a class M1.1 flare. Preliminary analysis indicates the observed spectrum is consistent with a purely thermal plasma at an unusually high temperature of 47 mK. © 2004 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Y. Saito, T. Yamagami, K. Mori
    Advances in Space Research, 33(10) 1741-1745, 2004  Peer-reviewed
    The CdTe and the CdZnTe detectors are considered to be promising detectors for the future of astronomical hard X-ray observations due to their high stopping power and high energy resolution. For the preparation of future experiments, we have performed a simple balloon experiment using a small CdTe detector (2 mm cubic) as a piggy-back mission in 2000. Its energy range was 20-140 keV band with an energy resolution of 3.0 keV at 60 keV. The balloon reached an altitude of 36.9 km, and then gradually descended. During the 10-h flight, we successfully observed the background spectrum. The flux of the background was ∼1.5 × 10 -2 s -1 cm -2 keV -1 at 50 keV, being comparable to those of the past observations measured by CdZnTe detectors. We also found that the count-rate increases as the atmospheric pressure increases. No apparent line emission was observed. © 2004 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • K Kobayashi, Y Katsukawa, M Kubo, Y Sakamoto, N Kohara, S Tsuneta, T Tamura, K Kumagai, T Yamagami, Y Saito
    Solar-B Mission and the Forefront of Solar Physics, Proceedings, 325 353-353, 2004  Peer-reviewed
  • R Blanford, P Chen, T Kamae, G Madejski, J Ng, T Mizuno, H Tajima, T Thurston, L Barbier, P Bloser, T Cline, S Hunter, A Harding, J Krizmanic, J Mitchell, R Streitmatter, J Tueller, E Groth, R Fernholz, D Marlow, G Bogaert, S Gunji, H Sakurai, Y Saito, T Takahashi, J Kataoka, N Kawai, Y Fukazawa, P Carlson, W Klamra, M Pearce, CI Bjornsson, C Fransson, S Larsson, F Ryde
    2003 IEEE NUCLEAR SCIENCE SYMPOSIUM, CONFERENCE RECORD, VOLS 1-5, 1708-1713, 2004  Peer-reviewed
    We are developing a new balloon-borne instrument (PoGO), to measure polarization of soft gamma rays (25-200 keV) using asymmetry in azimuth angle distribution of Compton scattering. PoGO will detect 10% polarization in 100m Crab sources in a 6-8 hour observation and bring a new dimension to studies on gamma ray emission/transportation mechanism in pulsars, AGNs, black hole binaries, and neutron star surface. The concept is an adaptation to polarization measurements of well-type phoswich counter technology used in balloon-borne experiments (Welcome-1) and AstroE2 Hard X-ray Detector. PoGO consists of close-packed array of 397 hexagonal well-type phoswich counters. Each unit is composed of a long thin tube (well) of slow plastic scintillator, a solid rod of fast plastic scintillator, and a short BGO at the base. A photomultiplier coupled to the end of the BGO detects light from all 3 scintillators. The rods with decay times &lt; 10 ns, are used as the active elements; while the wells and BGOs, with decay times similar to 250 ns are used as active anti-coincidence. The fast and slow signals are separated out electronically. When gamma rays entering the field-of-view (fwhmsimilar to 3deg(2)) strike a fast scintillator, some are Compton scattered. A fraction of the scattered photons are absorbed in another rod (or undergo a second scatter). A valid evnet requires one clean fast signal of pulse-height compatible with photo-absorption (&gt; 20keV) and one or more compatible with Compton scattering (&lt; 10keV). Studies based on EGS4 (with polarization features) and Geant4 predict excellent background rejection and high sensitivity.
  • 門倉昭, 山岸久雄, 大塚雄一, 茶珎俊一, 山上隆正, 並木道義, 松坂幸彦, 斉藤芳隆
    平成16年度大気球シンポジウムプロシーディングス, 47-50, 2004  
  • Nakamura,T, Ebihara, Y, Ejiri, M, Kadokura, A, Matsumoto, N, Matsuzaka, Y, Mukai,K, Murakami, H, Nakagawa, M, Namiki, M, Oshima, N, Saito, Y, Sato, N, Suzuki, H, Takahashi, W, Uchida, M, Yamagami, T, Yamagishi, H, Yamamoto, M, Yamauchi, M
    Advances in Polar Upper Atmosphere Research, 18 No.18, 10-22-22, 2004  Peer-reviewed
  • 中川道夫, 山上隆正, 斎藤芳隆, 村上浩之, 鈴木裕武, 山内誠, 高橋保, 江尻全機, 佐藤夏雄, 山岸久雄, 門倉昭
    平成14年度国立極地研究所共同研究報告書, 26-27, Jan, 2004  
  • SAITO Yoshitaka, YAMAGAMI Takamasa, MATSUZAKA Yukihiko, NAMIKI Michiyoshi, TORIUMI Michihiko, YOKOTA Rikio, HIROSAWA Haruto, MATSUSHIMA Kiyoho
    宇宙科学研究所報告 特集, 45(45) 1-10, Mar, 2003  Peer-reviewed
    The balloon group of the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science(ISAS) has been engaged in the development of such high altitude balloons with a thin film as to lift a light payload with a weight of about 10kg since 1991. From 1999, we made several balloons using the 3.4μm film and repeated test flights with enlarging their volumes step by step. In this year, 2002, we made a balloon with 60,000m^3 in volume and performed a test flight. The balloon reached the altitude of 53.0km, and it revised the world recoded of the highest balloon altitude established 30 years ago.
  • TORIUMI Michihiko, MATSUZAKA Yukihiko, NAMIKI Michiyoshi, KAWASAKI Tomomi, UCHIDA Yuubu, HIRAYAMA Shouji, SEO Motoharu, HASEGAWA KATSUYA, SAITO Yoshitaka, OHTA Shigeo, YAMAGAMI Takamasa, MATSUDA Akira, ONO Kazuhiko
    宇宙科学研究所報告 特集, 45(45) 11-22, Mar, 2003  Peer-reviewed
    Every retrieval service of balloons and payloads launched in Japan is provided on the sea. Until now, we have been doing our best to pick up as many balloons and payloads as possible. For example, we have been trying to enhance the retrieval rate by employing both recovery-ships and surveying helicopters since 1996. However, weather often prevents the drifting balloons from being retrieved within a day and in such cases the retrieval process cannot help waiting for the weather recovery. Therefore we developed a system that can continue to transmit a radio wave for about one week after the balloon's splashdown in the ocean. Furthermore, in 1998, we started a development of a new system in which a GPS receiver and NOAA-based ARGOS transmitter are combined, so that we can know the accurate position of the drifting payload, and can ensure its retrieval. In 2001, we succeeded in developing the waterproof self-standing GPS-AROS system, and it has actually been loaded in balloons for the performance confirmation. The results from the performance tests have revealed that the GPS-ARGOS system is quite effective as a basic component of the retrieval service. In this paper, we present a summary of the system including the performance evaluation, and a report on current status of further development for the future advanced system.
  • 野口克行, 村田功, 福西浩, 岡野章一, 佐藤薫, 冨川喜弘, 山上隆正, 松坂幸彦, 並木道義, 斎藤芳隆
    大気球シンポジウム 平成14年度, 57-60, Feb, 2003  
  • Y. Saito, I. Iijima, Y. Matsuzaka, M. Namiki, M. Toriumi, T. Yamagami, K. Ichimura, T. Kobayashi, K. Matsushima
    AIAA's 3rd Annual Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations (ATIO) Forum, 2003  Peer-reviewed
    Development of a balloon flying at higher altitudes is one of the most attractive trials in balloon technology. In 2002, the ISAS balloon group have succeeded in flying a balloon up to the altitude of 53.0 km using a balloon with a volume of 60,000 m3 made of an ultra-thin polyethylene film with a thickness of 3.4 μm. To go to higher altitudes, it is necessary to make the balloon film much lighter. We started to develop the thinest film within the current technology. We have made a special die for molding a thin polyethylene film, and formed a film with a thickness of 3.0 μm and a width of 110 cm. Using this film, we have made a 5,000 m3 balloon and succeeded in flying the balloon up to an altitude of 47.1 km. In this paper, our approach to the 3.0 μm film and the result of the balloon experiment is described. © 2003 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.
  • K Kobayashi, S Tsuneta, T Tamura, K Kumagai, Y Katsukawa, S Kubo, T Yamagami, Y Saitoh
    We present the design and initial flight results of a balloon-borne hard X-ray detector system for observing high-resolution spectra of solar flares. The instrument is designed to achieve a 3 keV energy resolution over the energy range of 15-120 keV. The instrument uses sixteen 10 x 10 x 0.5 mm cadmium telluride (CdTe) detectors with indium electrodes that act as Schottky barriers. Pre-flight tests confirmed that all detectors exceeded the target 3 keV resolution. The detector system is designed to optimize radiative cooling in order to achieve the operating temperature of 0degreesC without refrigeration mechanisms. The first flight took place on August 29, 2001 and while no major flares were observed, the instrument operation was verified and a detector temperature of -13degreesC was achieved. The second flight took place on May 24, 1974 and during the 8 hours of level flight at an altitude of 41 km, we succeeded in observing a class M1.1 solar flare.
  • Roger Blanford, Psin Chen, Tuneyoshi Kamae, Grzegorz Madejski, Johnny Ng, Tsunefumi Mizuno, Hiroyasu Tajima, Timothy Thurston, Louis Barbier, Peter Bloser, Thomas Cline, Stanley Hunter, Alice Harding, John Krizmanic, John Mitchell, Robert Streitmatter, Jack Tueller, Edward Groth, Richard Fernholz, Daniel Marlow, Gilles Bogaert, Shuichi Gunji, Hirohisa Sakurai, Yoshitaka Saito, Tadayuki Takahashi, Jun Kataoka, Nobuyuki Kawai, Yasushi Fukazawa, Per Carlson, Wlodzimierz Klamra, Mark Pearce, Claes Ingvar Bjornsson, Claes Fransson, Stefan Larsson, Felix Ryde
    IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 3 1708-1713, 2003  Peer-reviewed
    We are developing a new balloon-borne instrument (PoGO), to measure polarization of soft gamma rays (25-200 keV) using asymmetry in azimuth angle distribution of Compton scattering. PoGO will detect 10% polarization in 100mCrab sources in a 6-8 hour observation and bring a new dimension to studies on gamma ray emission/transportation mechanism in pulsars, AGNs, black hole binaries, and neutron star surface. The concept is an adaptation to polarization measurements of well-type phoswich counter technology used in balloon-borne experiments (Welcome-1) and AstroE2 Hard X-ray Detector. PoGO consists of close-packed array of 397 hexagonal well-type phoswich counters. Each unit is composed of a long thin tube (well) of slow plastic scintillator, a solid rod of fast plastic scintillator, and a short BGO at the base. A photomultiplier coupled to the end of the BGO detects light from all 3 scintillators. The rods with decay times < 10 ns, are used as the active elements; while the wells and BGOs, with decay times ∼ 250 ns are used as active anti-coincidence. The fast and slow signals are separated out electronically. When gamma rays entering the field-of-view (fwhm∼ 3deg 2) strike a fast scintillator, some are Compton scattered. A fraction of the scattered photons are absorbed in another rod (or undergo a second scatter). A valid evnet requires one clean fast signal of pulse-height compatible with photo-absorption (> 20keV) and one or more compatible with Compton scattering (< 10keV). Studies based on EGS4 (with polarization features) and Geant4 predict excellent background rejection and high sensitivity.
  • 大気球シンポジウム集録, 55, 2003  
  • 大気球シンポジウム集録, 47, 2003  
  • S. Torii, T. Tamaura, N. Tateyama, K. Yoshida, T. Kashiwagi, K. Hibino, K. Anraku, T. Yamashita, F. Makino, J. Nishimura, T. Yamagami, Y. Saito, M. Shibata, Y. Katayose, Y. Uchihori, H. Kitamura, M. Takayanagi, K. Kasahara, H. Murakami, T. Kobayashi, Y. Komori, K. Mizutani, T. Yuda
    Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 113(1-3) 103-110, Dec, 2002  Peer-reviewed
    The CALorimetric Electron Telescope, CALET, mission is proposed for the Japanese Experiment Module Exposure Facility of the International Space Station. Major goals of the mission are precise measurements of the electrons in a few GeV - 10 TeV and the gamma-rays in 100 MeV - several TeV, keeping an energy resolution of a few % over 100 GeV. From the measurements, a systematic investigation of high-energy electromagnetic process in universe will be performed. A detection of SUSY particle which is a candidate of the dark matter would also be expected. The detector is composed of an imaging calorimeter of scintillating fibers and a total absorption calorimeter. Total thickness of the absorber is 45 r.l for electro-magnetic particles and 2.1 m.f.p for protons. Total weight of the payload is nearly 2,200 kg, and the effective geometrical factor should be ∼ 1.0 M2sr. The hadron rejection power can be 106 for electrons.
  • K Kasahara, E Mochizuki, S Torii, T Tamura, N Tateyama, K Yoshida, T Yamagami, Y Saito, J Nishimura, H Murakami, T Kobayashi, Y Komori, M Honda, T Ohuchi, S Midorikawa, T Yuda
    PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 66(5) id052004, Sep, 2002  Peer-reviewed
    We observed atmospheric gamma rays around 10 GeV at balloon altitudes (15-25 km) and at a mountain (2770 m a.s.l). The observed results were compared with Monte Carlo calculations to find that an interaction model (Lund FRITIOF1.6) used in an old neutrino flux calculation was not good enough for describing the observed values. Instead, we found that two other nuclear interaction models, Lund FRITIOF7.02 and DPMJET3.03, gave much better agreement with the observations. Our data will serve for examining nuclear interaction models and for deriving a reliable absolute atmospheric neutrino flux in the GeV region.
  • SAITO Yoshitaka, MATSUZAKA Yukihiko, NAMIKI Michiyoshi, OHTA Shigeo, TORIUMI Michihiko, YAMAGAMI Takamasa, YOKOTA Rikio, MATSUSHIMA Kiyoho
    宇宙科学研究所報告 特集, 44(44) 15-25, Mar, 2002  Peer-reviewed
    The ISAS balloon group has been engaged in the development of the high altitude balloon with a thin film for a light payload of 10kg since 1991. In 1998, we developed the ultrathin film with the thickness of 3.4μm, which is much thinner than the previous film with the thickness of 5.8μm. This film has the potential to develop a balloon exceeding the highest balloon altitude. In 1999, we made the first small balloon with the volume of 1,000m^3 using the film and it successfully reached the altitude of 37km, as reported before. This paper introduce our trial to the highest altitude after the balloon. We have launched two 5,000m^3 balloons in 2000, and one 30,000m^3 balloon in 2001, successfully. The latter balloon reached the highest altitude of 50.7km, which is the highest altitude ever reached by Japanese balloons. We also begin to develop a balloon with the exhaust valve to fly in a level altitude. The first balloon with a volume of 1,000m^3 was also launched in 2001, and it stayed in a level altitude successfully.
  • NAMIKI Michiyoshi, YAMAGUCHI Kenji, MATSUZAKA Yukihiko, TORIUMI Michihiko, HONDA Hideyuki, SAITO Yoshitaka, IZUTSU Naoki, YAMAGAMI Takamasa, HIROSAWA Haruto, SATO Hirokazu, MORIKAWA Kimio
    宇宙科学研究所報告 特集, 44(44) 1-13, Mar, 2002  Peer-reviewed
    In order to launch larger balloon and heavier payloads, we have extended the launching field by 20m and developed a new launcher at the point of the launching field at Sanriku in 1998. Also, we have developed a "semi-dynamic" launching method wich reduces risks to injure films of a balloon. In this launching method, a balloon is directly set in a uprightly floating situation after an injection of the lifting gas. Under such a circumstance, it is important to get the information of lower atmospheric wind, In 2000, a doppler sonic radar (SODAR) for three-dimensional wind field measurement up to 1,000 meters in height was installed to support the launching operations. This paper describes the function, and the performance of the SODAR.
  • S. Torii, T. Tamura, N. Tateyama, K. Yoshida, T. Ouchi, J. Nishimura, T. Yamagami, Y. Saito, H. Murakami, T. Kobayashi, Y. Komori, K. Kasahara, T. Yuda
    Advances in Space Research, 30(5) 1273-1282, 2002  Peer-reviewed
    We have developed the balloon-borne electron telescope with scintillating fibers (BETS) for the observation of cosmic-ray electrons in 10 -100 GeV. The detector is an imaging calorimeter consisting of the scintillating-fiber belts of 36 layers (each 280 mm wide) and the 8 plates of lead (each 5mm thick). The rejection of the background protons was performed with an efficiency of ~2000 using the shower imaging capability with high granulation. The balloon observations were carried out in 1997 and in 1998 at Sanriku Balloon Center (ISAS) in Japan. The observed electron flux is consistent around a few 10 GeV with the recent results reported by the HEAT group. Comparing the flux with theoretical expectations by a diffusion model, the best fit is obtained for the model of a diffusion coefficient of 2 × 10 28 (E/GeV) 0 .3 cm 2 /sec in the SN rate of once per 30 years in the Galaxy. In January, 2003, a newly-developed scintillating fiber detector will be borne on the Polar Patrol Balloon (PPB) in Antarctica and exposed for 30 days to the cosmic radiations. We can increase the statistics of electron number in 10-1000 GeV by 10 times comparing to the present data. © 2002 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Y. Saito, T. Yamagami, Y. Matsuzaka, M. Namiki, S. Ohta, M. Toriumi, R. Yokota, F. Makino, T. Matsumoto, H. Hirosawa
    Advances in Space Research, 30(5) 1159-1165, 2002  Peer-reviewed
    The balloon group at the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS) has studied to develop high altitude balloons that could reach an altitude of more than 40 km with a light payload in order to meet the requirements of observations at extremely high altitudes. In 1999, we developed a ultra thin balloon film with a thickness of 3.4 μm. It is synthesized with a new catalyst, metallocene, and has a ultimate strength of ~650 kg/cm 2 at -80°C. Using the film, we made the first balloon with 1,000 m 3 in volume and 2.6 kg in weight. We launched the balloon from Sanriku Balloon Center on September 1, 1999 and it successfully reached an altitude of 37.1 km. In 2000, we prepared the second balloon with 5,000 m 3 in volume with 6.8 kg in weight. It was launched on June 7, 2000 and it successfully reached an altitude of 43.0 km. Such light weight balloons are planned to be used for scientific studies in near future. © 2002 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • T. Yamagami, M. Namiki, Y. Matsuzaka, M. Toriumi, Y. Uchida, S. Hirayama, T. Komatsu, H. Honda, N. Izutsu, Y. Saito, S. Ohta, H. Hirosawa, T. Matsumoto
    Advances in Space Research, 30(5) 1145-1148, 2002  Peer-reviewed
    The Sanriku Balloon Center (SBC), which belongs to the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, was built in 1971. The launching field of SBC was 140 m in length and 20 m in width. In Japan, the balloon launching method that we have been using since 1971 is a kind of static launching method. In 1998, we extended the launching field 20 m in length and created a new launcher at this point. We have recently developed a "semi-dynamic" launching method. This newly developed launcher is different from the launcher used in the dynamic launching method, it is fixed to the ground creating freedom of rotation around the vertical axis. It is also possible for the launcher to lift up a payload to a height of 5 m from the ground. We succeeded in launching the first test balloon by using this new launching method on September 6, 1999. Utilizing the new launching machine, it became possible to launch a balloon with a volume of 1,000,000 m 3 and a total lift of 2 tons, even in Japan. © 2002 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • K Kobayashi, S Tsuneta, T Tamura, K Kumagai, Y Katsukawa, S Kubo, T Yamagami, Y Saitoh
    We have developed a balloon-borne hard X-ray detector system for observing high resolution hard X-ray spectra of solar flares. The instrument consists of 16 cadmium telluride detectors, each 10 x 10 x 0.5 mm in size. It has a 3 keV energy resolution over the energy range of 15-100 keV. The first flight of this instrument took place from Sanriku, Japan on August 29, 2001. While no large flares occurred during the 3 hours of level flight, detector performance was verified, and one possible microflare detected.
  • K. Kasahara, E. Mochizuki, S. Torii, T. Tamura, N. Tateyama, K. Yoshida, T. Yamagami, Y. Saito, J. Nishimura, H. Murakami, T. Kobayashi, Y. Komori, M. Honda, T. Ohuchi, S. Midorikawa, T. Yuda
    Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 66(5), 2002  Peer-reviewed
    We observed atmospheric gamma rays around 10 GeV at balloon altitudes (15–25 km) and at a mountain (2770 m a.s.l). The observed results were compared with Monte Carlo calculations to find that an interaction model (Lund FRITIOF1.6) used in an old neutrino flux calculation was not good enough for describing the observed values. Instead, we found that two other nuclear interaction models, Lund FRITIOF7.02 and DPMJET3.03, gave much better agreement with the observations. Our data will serve for examining nuclear interaction models and for deriving a reliable absolute atmospheric neutrino flux in the GeV region. © 2002 The American Physical Society.
  • Motoki Takahashi, Shinpei Shibata, Ken'ichi Torii, Yoshitaka Saito, Nobuyuki Kawai, Masaharu Hirayama, Tadayasu Dotani, Shuichi Gunji, Hirohisa Sakurai, Ingrid H. Stairs, Richard N. Manchester
    Astrophysical Journal, 554(1 PART 1) 316-321, Jun 10, 2001  Peer-reviewed
    We have detected pulsed X-ray emission from the fastest millisecond pulsar known, PSR B1937+ 21 (P = 1.558 ms), with ASCA. The pulsar is detected as a point source above ∼ 1.7 keV, with no indication of nebulosity. The source flux in the 2-10 keV band is found to be f= (3.7 ± 0.6) × 10-13 ergs s-1 cm-2, which implies an isotropic luminosity of LX = 4πD2f∼ (5.7 ± 1.0) × 1032(D/3.6 kpc)2 ergs s-1, where D is the distance, and an X-ray efficiency of ∼ 5 × 10-4, relative to the spin-down power of the pulsar. The pulsation is found at the period predicted by the radio ephemeris with a very narrow primary peak, the width of which is about 1/16 phase (∼ 100 μs), near the time resolution limit (61 μs) of the observation. The instantaneous flux in the primary peak (1/16 phase interval) is found to be (4.0 ± 0.8) × 10-12 ergs s-1 cm-2. Although there is an indication for the secondary peak, we consider its statistical significance too low to claim a definite detection. The narrow pulse profile and the detection in the 2-10 keV band imply that the X-ray emission is caused by the magnetospheric particle acceleration. Comparison of X-ray and radio arrival times of pulses indicates, within the timing errors, that the X-ray pulse is coincident with the radio interpulse.
  • Ken'ichi Torii, Y. Saito, F. Nagase, T. Yamagami, T. Kamae, M. Hirayama, N. Kawai, I. Sakurai, M. Namiki, S. Shibata, S. Gunji, J. P. Finley
    Astrophysical Journal, 551(2 PART 2) 151-154, Apr, 2001  Peer-reviewed
    ASCA's long look at the 288 ms radio pulsar PSR J0631 + 1036 reveals coherent X-ray pulsation from this source for the first time. The source was first detected in a serendipitous Einstein observation and later identified as a radio pulsar. Possible pulsation in the γ-ray band has been detected in the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory EGRET data. The X-ray spectrum in the ASCA band is characterized by a hard power-law-type emission with a photon index of ≃2.3, when fitted with a single power-law function modified with absorption. An additional blackbody component of kT ≃0.14 keV increases the quality of the spectral fit. The observed X-ray flux is 2.1 × 1-13 ergs s-1 cm-2 in the 1-10 keV band. We find that many characteristics of PSR J0631 + 1036 are similar to those of middle-aged γ-ray pulsars such as PSR B1055-52, PSR B0633 + 17 (Gerninga), and PSR B0656+14.
  • Ken'ichi Torii, Y. Saito, F. Nagase, T. Yamagami, T. Kamae, M. Hirayama, N. Kawai, I. Sakurai, M. Namiki, S. Shibata, S. Gunji, J. P. Finley
    Astrophysical Journal Letters, 551(2) L151-L154, Apr, 2001  Peer-reviewed
    © 2001. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. ASCA’s long look at the 288 ms radio pulsar PSR J06311036 reveals coherent X-ray pulsation from this source for the first time. The source was first detected in a serendipitous Einstein observation and later identified as a radio pulsar. Possible pulsation in the g-ray band has been detected in the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory EGRET data. The X-ray spectrum in the ASCA band is characterized by a hard power-law–type emission with a photon index of 2.3, when fitted with a single power-law function modified with absorption. An additional blackbody component of kT 0.14 keV increases the quality of the spectral fit. The observed X-ray flux is 2.1 # 1013 ergs s1 cm2 in the 1–10 keV band. We find that many characteristics of PSR J06311036 are similar to those of middle-aged g-ray pulsars such as PSR B105552, PSR B063317 (Geminga), and PSR B065614.

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