Curriculum Vitaes

Shinichiro Tokudome

  (德留 真一郎)

Profile Information

Associate Professor, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Associate Professor, Space and Astronautical Science Course, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI
Doctor of Engineering(Jan, 1995, The University of Tokyo)

researchmap Member ID


  • 徳留真一郎
    1995  Peer-reviewedLead authorCorresponding author
    地上静止状態から音速程度までの低速飛翔環境で作動可能なエジェクタ式空気吸い込みロケットにおいては、混合ダクト出口で超音速混合流を形成することが推力増強効果の点でより有利とされている。しかし、未だその作動特性に関する一般性のある理論や経験則は確立されていない。本研究では、低亜音速までの飛翔環境も勘案した上で、超音速混合流を形成するエジェクタ式空気吸い込みロケットの地上静止状態における作動特性を明らかにすることを主目的として、固体ロケットと円筒ダクトを組み合わせて作動特性実験を行うとともに、内部流評価ために新しい解析法を導入して実験結果を詳細に検討している。そして、広い条件にわたる作動性能の予測法を提案し、基本的設計指針を示している。 第1章は序論で、空気吸い込み式ロケットに関する従来の研究動向と問題点を総括し、本研究の目的と意義を述べている。 第2章では、実験装置と方法を説明している。本研究のために試作された小型固体ロケットモータのノズル出口部を円筒型混合ダクト入口に挿入し、混合ダクト出口背圧が、吸い込まれる二次流側総圧(Pts)以下の地上静止状態で実験を行っている。実験供試体としては、ノズルスロート面積(Atp)を一定として開口比の異なる三種類のロケットノズル、および断面積(Ad)の異なる二種類の円筒型混合ダクトを長さを変えて用いている。また一回の実験で広い主流側総圧範囲の計測データを取得するため、ロケットモータ燃焼室圧力(主流側総圧:Ptp)を連続的に降下させている。取得される測定データは、ロケット燃焼室圧力、大気圧、ダクト壁圧およびダクト壁面近傍におけるガス温度である。 第3章では、安定した超音速混合流を形成する条件において、「二次流閉塞モード」と「亜音速混合モード」の二つの作動形態があることを確認している。二次流閉塞モードは従来から知られている作動形態である。一方亜音速混合モードは、二次流が亜音速のまま混合して、ある程度混合が進行した位置で流れが閉塞するもので、従来報告例のない、著者が見い出した作動形態である。本研究では、広い条件にわたって亜音速混合モードとなったことを指摘している。 第4章では、総圧比(Ptp/Pts)、混合ダクト断面積比(Ad/Atp)およびロケットノズル開口比(Aep/Atp)が作動性能に及ぼす影響を系統的に把握するために、内部流の一次元解析法を提案している。この解析法では、混合ダクト出口位置において一様な混合流が形成されていると仮定している。また新たに、主流と二次流が未混合のまま静圧の等しい流れ(Compound-compressible flow以下CCFと略す)を形成すると仮定した、静圧平衡位置が想定されている。CCFの振舞いについては、Compound-flow indicator を導入して判別できることを指摘している。 第5章では、超音速混合流の形成条件に関する解析結果より求めた超音速混合流維持に必要な最小総圧比が、実験値と一致することを示している。また、圧力測定データを用い、対応する混合ダクト出口位置状態と静圧平衡位置状態を推算している。混合ダクト出口位置静圧P2の解析結果は壁圧測定値に良く一致し、また静圧平衡位置の解析結果は、実験で確認された現象をある程度捉えている。特に、静圧平衡位置における二次流側マッハ数M1sの解析結果から、各作動形態に対応する次のような特徴を得ている。すなわち、二次流閉塞モードではPtp/Ptsの値に依らずM1s=1.1であり、亜音速混合モードではPtp/Pts、Ad/AtpおよびAep/Atpの値に依らずM1s0.52である。二次流閉塞モードについては、本研究の解析法でM1s=1を仮定することにより,作動性能を予測できることを示している。亜音速混合モードについても、経験的に得られるM1sの値を仮定することにより作動性能予測が可能なこと、またM1sを一定とみなすと、流量率比で代表される作動性能は、Ptp/PtsとAd/Atpの比をCとするとき、ほぼ一義的にCのみに依存することを指摘している。また、Cが一定の条件下では、混合ダクト内部に形成される流れ場は、大まかに混合ダクト直径Dを基準とした寸法で発達すると推察し、実験結果によってこれを実証している。さらに、推力増強効果に関する考察結果に基づいて、より大推力・高比推力を達成する超音速混合流形成型エジェクタ式空気吸い込みロケットの基本的な設計指針を示している。 第6章は結論で、本研究の成果が要約されている。補遺には本文で使用される数式等の詳細が記されている。 以上要するに本論文は、超音速混合流を形成するエジェクタ式空気吸い込みロケットの地上静止状態における作動特性実験ならびに混合ダクト内部流の一次元解析を行い、同型ロケットに関して作動特性の新しい予測法と基本的設計指針を与えるものであり、航空宇宙工学上寄与するところが大きい。よって本論文は博士(工学)の学位請求論文として合格と認められる。
  • Ikeda, Hirohide, Tanno, Haruhito, Tokudome, Shinichiro, Kohno, Masahiro
    Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, 1 249-254, 1990  Peer-reviewed
    The SAS’ nozzle two-phase flow computer program has recently been revised to achieve a higher .accuracy in calculating thrust characteristic and behavior of particle streamlines. Alumina particles had been gathered in lots of motor firings over a wide range in scale. The particle size distribution characteristics were obtained and the resulted particle sizing equation in terms of the mass averaged particle diameter D43 is quite close to that employed in the improved SPP, i.e., D43 is a unique function of motor throat diameter. Subscale motors containing highly aluminized propellant were fired, whose nozzles were designed to have significant amount of particle impingement and then severe erosion at the exit lip. The nozzle eroded locations were used to verify the computational accuracy of impingement location prediction. It has been shown that the improved two-phase flow program can well predict the particle impingement location by assuming an appropriate particle diameter DpIMP, which is proportional to D43. The proportional coefficient is rather universal.

Major Misc.

  • M. Kinoshita, K. Ui, K. Sato, K. Nitta, H. Ikeda, N. Morishita, S. Tokudome, K. Hori, Y. Matsuura
    10th Space Debris Workshop, Nov 28, 2022  
  • 近藤, 奨一郎, 福﨑, 俊哉, 坂野, 友哉, 杵淵, 紀世志, 藤浦, 彰友, 奈女良, 実央, 中田, 大将, 真子, 弘泰, 徳留, 真一郎, 小林, 弘明, 坂本, 勇樹, 丸, 祐介, KONDO, Shoichiro, FUKUZAKI, Toshiya, BANNO, Yuya, KINEFUCHI, Kiyoshi, FUJIURA, Akitomo, NAMERA, Mio, NAKATA, Daisuke, MANAKO, Hiroyasu, TOKUDOME, Shinichiro, KOBAYASHI, Hiroaki, SAKAMOTO, Yuki, MARU, Yusuke
    令和3年度宇宙輸送シンポジウム: 講演集録 = Proceedings of Space Transportation Symposium FY2021, Jan, 2022  
    令和3年度宇宙輸送シンポジウム(2022年1月13日-14日. オンライン開催) Space Transportation Symposium FY2021 (January 13-14, 2022. Online Meeting) 著者人数: 12名 資料番号: SA6000173016 STCP-2021-016
  • 藤浦, 彰友, 奈女良, 実央, 住吉, 政哉, 中田, 大将, 内海, 政春, 江口, 光, 近藤, 奨一郎, 坂野, 友哉, 福崎, 俊哉, 杵淵, 紀世志, 真子, 弘泰, 坂本, 勇樹, 丸, 祐介, 小林, 弘明, 徳留, 真一郎, 八木下, 剛, FUJIURA, Akitomo, NAMERA, Mio, SUMIYOSHI, Masaya, NAKATA, Daisuke, UCHIUMI, Masaharu, EGUCHI, Hikaru, KONDO, Shoichiro, BANNO, Yuya, FUKUZAKI, Toshiya, KINEFUCHI, Kiyoshi, MANAKO, Hiroyasu, SAKAMOTO, Yuki, MARU, Yusuke, KOBAYASHI, Hiroaki, TOKUDOME, Shinichiro, YAGISHITA, Tsuyoshi
    令和3年度宇宙輸送シンポジウム: 講演集録 = Proceedings of Space Transportation Symposium FY2021, Jan, 2022  
    令和3年度宇宙輸送シンポジウム(2022年1月13日-14日. オンライン開催) Space Transportation Symposium FY2021 (January 13-14, 2022. Online Meeting) 著者人数: 16名 資料番号: SA6000173015 STCP-2021-015
  • 小林弘明, 坂本勇樹, 丸祐介, 徳留真一郎, 澤井秀次郎, 野中聡, 後藤健, 加賀亨, 佐藤英一, 山城龍馬, 八木下剛, 高田仁志, 角銅洋実
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM), 64th, 2020  
  • 丸祐介, 小林弘明, 坂本勇樹, 徳留真一郎, 澤井秀次郎, 野中聡
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM), 64th, 2020  
  • RAMON Roger Gutierrez, TSUDA Yuichi, SAIKI Takanao, TAKEI Yuto, MIMASU Yuya, MARU Yusuke, NONAKA Satoshi, TOKUDOME Shinichiro
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM), 64th, 2020  
  • 徳留 真一郎, 野中 聡, 丸 祐介, TOKUDOME Shinichiro, NONAKA Satoshi, MARU Yusuke
    令和元年度宇宙輸送シンポジウム: 講演集録 = Proceedings of Space Transportation Symposium FY2019, Jan, 2020  Lead authorCorresponding author
    令和元年度宇宙輸送シンポジウム(2020年1月16日-17日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所(JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県資料番号: SA6000147015レポート番号: STCP-2019-015
  • 丸 祐介, 佐藤 哲也, 小林 弘明, 徳留 真一郎, 野中 聡, 澤井 秀次郎, Maru Yusuke, Sato Tetsuya, Kobayashi Hiroaki, Tokudome Shinichiro, Nonaka Satoshi, Sawai Shujiro
    観測ロケットシンポジウム2019 講演集 = Proceedings of Sounding Rocket Symposium 2019, Aug, 2019  
    第2回観測ロケットシンポジウム(2019年8月5日-6日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所(JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県資料番号: SA6000142004レポート番号: Ⅰ-4
  • 丸祐介, 小林弘明, 大山聖, 斉藤巧真, 徳留真一郎, 佐藤哲也
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM), 63rd, 2019  
  • 小林弘明, 徳留真一郎, 澤井秀次郎, 丸祐介, 坂本勇樹, 佐藤哲也
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM), 63rd, 2019  
  • Ken GOTO, Shinichiro TOKUDOME, Tsuyoshi YAGISHITA
  • TOKUDOME Shinichiro
    Aeronautical and Space Sciences Japan, 64(7) 227-230, 2016  Peer-reviewedInvitedLead authorCorresponding author
  • MORITA Yasuhiro, IMOTO Takayuki, YAMASHIRO Ryoma, TOKUDOME Shinichiro, KISHI Kohichi, OHTSUKA Hirohito
    Aeronautical and Space Sciences Japan, 63(8) 265-272, 2015  Peer-reviewed
  • 58 1-4, Nov 12, 2014  Lead authorCorresponding author
  • Tokudome Shinichiro, Saitoh Yasuhiro, Yamamoto Takayuki, Nakaya Koji, Iwata Naoko, Okada Shyuhei, Habu Hiroto, Morita Yasuhiro, Okita Koichi
    Aug, 2014  Lead authorCorresponding author
    47th ISAS Lunar and Planetary Symposium (August 4-6, 2014. Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)(ISAS)), Sagamihara, Kanagawa Japan
  • 井出雄一郎, 高橋拓也, 岩井啓一郎, 野副克彦, 羽生宏人, 徳留真一郎
    火薬学会年会講演要旨集, 2014, 2014  Last author
  • 徳留 真一郎, 宮澤 哲裕, 彦坂 篤志
    宙舞 : 中部支部報, (74) 7-11,図巻頭1p, 2014  
  • 徳留 真一郎, 清水 文男, 和田 英一, 羽生 宏人, 堀 恵一, 反野 晴仁, 中野 信之, 佐野 成寿, Tokudome Shinichiro, Shimizu Fumio, Wada Eiichi, Habu Hiroto, Hori Keiichi, Tanno Haruhito, Nakano Nobuyuki, Sano Naruhisa
    平成25年度宇宙輸送シンポジウム: 講演集録 = Proceedings of Space Transportation Symposium FY2013, 2014  Lead authorCorresponding author
    平成25年度宇宙輸送シンポジウム(2014年1月16日-17日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所(JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県資料番号: SA6000016010レポート番号: STCP-2013-010
  • 徳留真一郎, 宇井恭一, 清水文男, 羽生宏人, 堀恵一, 中野信之, 谷内雄作, 反野晴仁, 佐野成寿
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM), 54th 1-19, Jan, 2013  Lead authorCorresponding author
  • 徳留真一郎, 宇井恭一, 清水文男, 和田英一, 羽生宏人, 堀恵一, 反野晴仁, 中野信之, 佐野成寿
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM), 56th ROMBUNNO.1B03, 2012  Lead authorCorresponding author
  • TOKUDOME Shinichiro, UI Kyoichi, SHIMIZU Fumio, HABU Hiroto, YACHI Yusaku, SANO Naruhisa
    Aeronautical and Space Sciences Japan, 60(7) 272-276, 2012  Lead authorCorresponding author
  • 徳留真一郎, 羽生宏人, 和田英一
    火薬学会年会講演要旨集, 2011, 2011  Lead authorCorresponding author
  • GOTO Ken, TOKUDOME Shinichiro, OKUNO Fumio, YAGISHITA Tsuyoshi, HABU Hiroto
    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan, 2011 _S042043-1-_S042043-3, 2011  
    A nozzle and a combustion chamber of a small liquid fuel rocket engine used as an upper stage engine of solid propellant rocket and an apogee engine of a satellite requires to operate without cooling by cryogenic fuels. From this reason, materials that can be used at high temperature in oxidizing environment are highly required for such thrusters. To meet with this demand, trial manufacture of a thruster made of SiC fiber-reinforced SiC matrix composite are carried out in this study. A SiC/SiC composite thruster was successfully manufactured by CVI and PIP combination process. The thruster passed the proof pressurize test up to 5.0 MPa (2.5 times higher than operation pressure, 2.0 MPa). However, First trial ended in an explosion just after the ignition of the engine. By changing engine start sequence (provide fuel and oxidizer just before the ignition to avoid penetration of the liquid into the pores), 30s continuous oneration of the engine succeeded.
  • 徳留真一郎, 宇井恭一, 清水文男, 羽生宏人, 堀恵一, 谷内雄作, 中野信之, 矢代顕慎, 佐野成寿
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM), 55th ROMBUNNO.2E03, 2011  Lead authorCorresponding author
  • 小川博之, 野中聡, 成尾芳博, 稲谷芳文, 吉田誠, 徳留真一郎
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM), 53rd, 2009  
  • 徳留真一郎, 成尾芳博, 志田真樹, 小川博之, 福吉芙由子, 八木下剛, 野中聡, 岩田直子
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM), 53rd, 2009  Lead authorCorresponding author
  • 堀恵一, 嶋田徹, 徳留真一郎, 羽生宏人
    宇宙航空研究開発機構特別資料 JAXA-SP-, (07-023) 41-78, Feb 29, 2008  
  • 八木下剛, 羽生宏人, 徳留真一郎, 大毛康弘
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM), 52nd, 2008  
  • 八木下剛, 徳留真一郎, 羽生宏人, 鈴木直洋, 徳永好志, 安田誠一, 嶋田徹, 大毛康弘
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM), 50th, 2006  
  • 高野雅弘, 嶋田徹, 堀恵一, 徳留真一郎, 羽生宏人
    宇宙科学研究所報告 特集, 47(47) 85-116, Mar, 2003  
  • 徳留 真一郎, 羽生 宏人
    宇宙科学シンポジウム, 3 373-376, Jan 9, 2003  Lead authorCorresponding author
  • 徳留真一郎, 羽生宏人, 山本高行, 里吉貴史, 西中村健一, 川口淳一郎
    宇宙輸送シンポジウム 平成14年度, 13-16, 2003  Lead authorCorresponding author
  • TOKUDOME Shinichiro, HOSOKAWA Ryuichiro, TANAKA Syuji, HORI Keiichi, SAITO Hirobumi, WATANABE Masashi, ESASHI Masayoshi
    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting, 2002 337-338, 2002  Lead authorCorresponding author
    The authors have developed the practical prototype of a micro-solid propellant rocket array thruster for attitude control of a 10kg class micro-spacecraft. a target of this activity is to build the array thruster with 10000 of solid propellant micro-rockets arrayed on a 100×100mm substrate. The prototype with the Φ0.8 micro-rockets arrayed at a pitch of 1.2mm on a 20×30mm substrate has built and tested so far. Boron/potassium nitrate (NAB) propellant is used with/without initiator of lead rhodanide/potassium chlorate/nitrocellulose (RK). Impulse thrust was measured by means of a pendulum method. The experimental results show that the prototype has proper ignition characteristics and further experimental studies are needed to evaluate and to control the impulse thrust with accuracy. We are planning to conduct the thrust measurement test under vacuum condition.

Major Presentations

  • Shinichiro Tokudome, Yusuke Maru, Satoshi Nonaka
    Social Science Research Network (SSRN), Jun 9, 2023, Elsevier BV
    The Space Transportation System Committee of the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS) of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has been continuously formulating medium- to long-term strategies in the field of space transportation systems under the Inter-University Research Institute System of ISAS since FY2018. This committee is considering the role of ISAS in cooperation with the organization-wide activities of JAXA to formulate strategies in the field of space transportation systems. Among its previous achievements, the committee assembled a strategic target and scenario for the space transportation system research field at the end of FY2018 and is continuously revising it. Based on the formulated mission scenario, the committee identified three priority areas related to system technologies that must be tackled. These are a “reusable orbit transportation system” that aims for highly frequent mass transportation from Earth to low Earth orbits, a “deep space interorbital transportation system” that aims for a marked improvement in space science and exploration missions in terms of frequency and flexibility, and a “small flying test bed system” for flight demonstrations, which is indispensable in the research and development of space transportation systems. In this paper, the authors summarize the medium- to long-term strategies and their concrete implementation measures over the next two decades.
  • The 11th Asian Joint Conference on Propulsion and Power, Mar 16, 2023
  • Hiroaki Kobayashi, Shinichiro Tokudome, Yusuke Maru, Yuki Sakamoto, Tetsuya Sato
    The 11th Asian Joint Conference on Propulsion and Power (AJCPP 2023), Mar 16, 2023
  • Shinichiro Tokudome
    The Fifth Sounding Rocket Symposium, Mar 1, 2023, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency  Invited
  • 徳留 真一郎, 野中 聡, 丸 祐介, 小林 弘明, 佐藤 哲也, 三浦 政司, 坂本 勇樹
    令和4年(2022年)度宇宙輸送シンポジウム, Jan 13, 2023
  • 丸祐介, 徳留真一郎, 佐藤哲也
    令和4年(2022年)度宇宙輸送シンポジウム, Jan 13, 2023
  • 関二千翔, 渡辺俊作, 吉村拓, 吉田圭一郎, 和田豊, 加藤信治, 徳留真一郎
    令和4年(2022)度宇宙輸送シンポジウム, Jan 12, 2023
  • 宍戸拓, 伊藤千珠, 真子弘泰, 小林弘明, 丸祐介, 徳留真一郎
    令和4年(2022年)度宇宙輸送シンポジウム, Jan, 2023
  • 松浦 芳樹, 北川 幸樹, 松井 康平, 徳留 真一郎
    第66回宇宙科学技術連合講演会, Nov 4, 2022
  • 三浦 政司, 餅原 義孝, 徳留 真一郎, 荒川 聡, 竹前 俊昭, 森下 直樹, 山本 高行, 太刀川 純孝, 竹内 伸介, 豊田 裕之, 奥平 俊暁, 坂本 勇樹, 寺島 啓太, 紙田 徹, 高島 健, 今村 裕志
    第66回宇宙科学技術連合講演会, Nov 4, 2022
  • 宍戸 拓, 真子 弘泰, 徳留 真一郎, 丸 祐介
    第66回宇宙科学技術連合講演会, Nov 1, 2022
  • 坂本 勇樹, 小林 弘明, 丸 祐介, 徳留 真一郎, 野中 聡, 澤井 秀次郎, 大山 聖, 三浦 政司, 正木 大作, 髙田 仁志, 角銅 洋実, 加賀 亨, 山城 龍馬, 杵淵 紀世志, 真子 弘泰, 内海 政春, 中田 大将, 江口 光, Richardson Matthew, 佐藤 哲也
    第66回宇宙科学技術連合講演会, Nov 1, 2022
  • Shinichiro Tokudome, Yusuke Maru, Satoshi Nonaka
    73rd International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Paris, France, 18-22 September 2022., Sep 20, 2022, The International Astronautical Federation
    The Space Transportation System Committee of the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS) of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has been continuously drafting medium- to long-term strategies in the research field of space transportation system under the Inter-University Research Institute System of ISAS since FY2018. This committee is also considering the role of ISAS in cooperation with the organization-wide activities of JAXA to formulate strategies in the space transportation system field. Among its previous achievements, the committee assembled a strategic target and scenario for the space transportation system research field at the end of the last fiscal year and is continuously revising it. Based on a formulated mission scenario, the committee identified three priority areas related to system technologies that must be tackled. They are a “reusable orbit transportation system” that aims for a highly frequent mass transportation from Earth to low Earth orbit, “deep space interorbital transportation system” that aims for a marked improvement in space science and exploration missions in terms of frequency and flexibility, and “small flying test bed system” for flight demonstrations, which is indispensable in the research and development of space transportation systems. In this paper, the authors summarize the medium- to long term strategies and their concrete implementation measures over the next two decades.
  • 徳留 真一郎
    第22回宇宙科学シンポジウム(FY2021), Jan 6, 2022
  • Shinichiro Tokudome
    Proceedings of Asia Joint Conference on Propulsion and Power (CD-ROM), 2022
  • Masahiro Kinoshita, Kyoichi Ui, Kenichi Satoh, Kumi Nitta, Hirohide Ikeda, Naoki Morishita, Shinichiro Tokudome, Keiichi Hori, Yoshiki Matsuura
    11th IAASS Conference - "MANAGING RISK IN SPACE" - (IAASS/JAXA), Oct 21, 2021
  • Masanori Sakaino, Shinichiro Tokudome, Toshiaki Takemae, Yoshitaka Mochihara, Satoshi Arakawa, Naoki Morishita, Yoshiki Matsuura
    The 11th IAASS Conference - “Managing Risk in Space”- (IAASS/JAXA), Oct 20, 2021
  • 徳留 真一郎
    第21回宇宙科学シンポジウム(FY2020), Jan 6, 2021  Invited
  • Matthew P. Richardson, Hiroaki Kobayashi, Yuki Sakamoto, Yusuke Maru, Shinichiro Tokudome, Satoshi Nonaka, Shujiro Sawai, Akira Oyama, Daisaku Masaki, Satoshi Takada, Hiromitsu Kakudo, Toru Kaga, Kiyoshi Kinefuchi, Tetsuya Sato
    Accelerating Space Commerce, Exploration, and New Discovery conference, ASCEND 2021, 2021
    The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, in partnership with academia and industry, are developing the Air Turbo Rocket for Innovative Unmanned Mission (ATRIUM) engine: an air turboramjet + rocket combine cycle propulsion system intended to replace conventional liquid rocket engines in Vertical Takeoff Vertical Landing applications, such as reusable sounding rockets. A subscale Flight Test Bed (FTB) vehicle is also being developed to demonstrate the ATRIUM engine in a flight environment. In this paper, the ATRIUM engine and FTB vehicle are introduced, and current progress in their development is summarized. Future test plans and practical applications are also discussed.
  • Shinichiro TOKUDOME, Tsuyoshi YAGISHITA, Ken GOTO, Naohiro SUZUKI, Takayuki YAMAMOTO, Yasuhiro DAIMOH
  • Shinichiro Tokudome, Ken Goto, Tsuyoshi Yagishita, Naohiro Suzuki, Takayuki Yamamoto
    AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2019 Forum, Aug 19, 2019, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
  • KITAGAWA Koki, TOKUDOME Shinichiro, HORI Keiichi, TANNO Haruhito, NAKANO Nobuyuki
    <p>The development of enhanced propulsion system for the next Epsilon rocket was progressed. The development of Enhanced Epsilon is mainly the renewal of the second stage, and also includes each subsystem's improvement. The second stage motor M-35 was newly designed and manufactured. In order to verify the design, the static firing test of the second motor M-35 under the condition of vacuum ambient was conducted in 2015. The JAXA successfully launched the first Enhanced Epsilon launch vehicle. All solid propulsion systems for the Enhanced Epsilon launch vehicle showed a very good behavior during the flight</p>
  • Yuichiro IDE, Takuya TAKAHASHI, Keiichiro IWAI, Katsuhiko NOZOE, Hiroto HABU, Shinichiro TOKUDOME
    <p>As a replacement for hydrazine, ammonium-dinitramide-based ionic liquid propellant (ADN-based ILP) has been developed by JAXA and Carlit Holdings Co., Ltd. This propellant is made by mixing three solid powers: ADN, monomethylamine nitrate, and urea. The propellant's theoretical specific impulse is 1.2 times higher than that of hydrazine, and its density is 1.5 times higher at a certain composition. Although ionic liquids were believed to be non-flammable for a long time owing to their low-volatility, recently combustible ILs have been reported. The combustion mechanism of ILs is not yet understood. The objective of this paper is to understand the combustion wave structure of ADN-based ILP. The temperature distribution of the combustion wave in a strand burner test shows a region of constant temperature. This region would indicate boiling in a gas-liquid phase. Thus, the combustion wave structure consists of liquid, gas-liquid, and gas phases. The dependence of boiling point on pressure would identify chemical substances in the gas-liquid phase. The dependence of combustion and ignition characteristics on ADN content is also discussed. </p>
  • Tetsuya Ono, Shinichiro Tokudome, Ryoma Yamashiro, Takayuki Yamamoto, Hiroshi Ikaida, Yasuhiro Saito
    Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC, 2016
    Copyright © 2016 by the International Astronautical Federation. All rights reserved. Although reusable launch vehicle's necessity and significance, being cost-effective, eco-friendly and reliable, have been recognized in a long time, practical system still has never been realized except the Space Shuttle. There are two main reasons in this. One reason is that reusable vehicle's recurring cost is high. The other reason is that reusable vehicle, especially that upper stage, have the problem of aerodynamic heating during re-entry. We are considering new upper stage reusable launch vehicle with solid rocket booster, which clear these problems concerning reusable launch vehicle. For the first problem on the recurring cost, the application of the auto inspection system which is cultivated in solid rocket motor's development and launch operation is being considered. That is expected to reduce the inspection cost drastically after the vehicle flight. For the second problem on the re-entry, challenging technologies are applied in the upper stage. Those are material and structure with heat tolerance and lightness, active-cooling system to share the hydrogen with the liquid propulsion system, advanced guidance and control system, and so on. On the other hand, to the lower stage or booster, application of solid rocket is considered. Since the challenging upper stage's size is expected to vary through the iteration of design cycles, the lower stage should be stable and flexible with the thrust level in development phase. Because solid motors of various sizes are developed in JAXA/ISAS since the first small solid motor started to be developed in 1954, those development method has been efficiently accumulated. Then this legacy's utilization for the new system is expected to be quite beneficial. On these technological backgrounds, this paper describes the system study for new upper-stage reusable launch vehicle with the solid rocket booster.
  • Shinichiro Tokudome
    May 8, 2014  Invited
  • Shinichiro Tokudome
    Mar 28, 2014  Invited
  • MORITA Yasuhiro, IMOTO Takayuki, TOKUDOME Shinichiro, OHTSUKA Hirohito
    The development of the Epsilon launch vehicle, Japan's next generation solid rocket launcher, has just moved to the final stretch for its first launch scheduled in the summer of 2013 to carry the planetary telescope satellite SPRINT-A. The JAXA appreciates the advantages of combined benefits of the standardized small satellites and the Epsilon's highly efficient launch system in order to increase the level of space activities. The primary purpose of Epsilon is to provide small satellites with a responsive launch that means "Small, Low cost, Fast and Reliable". The attention should be directed toward the innovative design concept of Epsilon, which aims at developing the next generation technologies such as the highly intelligent autonomous checkout system and the mobile launch control. Now that the full-scale development is about to be finished, the most important is what the next step should be beyond the Epsilon. This paper deals with the significance of the Epsilon launch vehicle and how it contributes to the possible evolution of future space transportation systems.
  • Shinichiro Tokudome, Hiroto Habu, Kyoichi Ui, Fumio Shimizu, Yusaku Yachi, Naruhisa Sano
    48th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit 2012, Dec 1, 2012
    A new small solid launcher named Epsilon is currently under development in JAXA. The Epsilon launch vehicle is normally three stage rocket system and can be added an optional liquid propulsion system to the third stage for the missions requiring precision orbit insertion. The SRB-A motor boosting the H-IIA vehicle and the H-IIB vehicle will be shared as the first stage motor. Upper-stage motors are inherited from the fifth M-V launch vehicle, from the viewpoints of development cost reduction, performance increase, and advanced technology succession. The solid motor side jet (SMSJ) system, which is used for the roll control during the first stage powered flight and the three-axis control after the SRB-A burnout, will be newly developed based on the technology of the SMSJ for the M-V vehicle. A maiden flight of the first Epsilon is scheduled in the summer of 2013. A successive concept of the advanced propulsion technologies for next-gen Epsilon are also described in the present paper. There are many technical challenges, such as new propellants and mass reduction of nozzle liner, to be tackled with for the next couple of year. © 2012 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • TOKUDOME Shinichiro, UI Kyoichi, SHIMIZU Fumio, HABU Hiroto, YACHI Yusaku, SANO Naruhisa
    Aeronautical and Space Sciences Japan, 2012, THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR AERONAUTICAL AND SPACE SCIENCES
  • 徳留真一郎, 宇井恭一, 清水文男, 和田英一, 羽生宏人, 堀恵一, 反野晴仁, 中野信之, 佐野成寿
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM), 2012
  • MORITA Yasuhiro, IMOTO Takayuki, TOKUDOME Shinichiro, OHTSUKA Hirohito
    The Epsilon rocket, formerly called Advanced Solid Rocket (ASR) launcher, proceeded to the full development phase in August 2010 and its launch site was officially declared to be the Uchinoura Space Center (USC), the home of Japanese solid propellant rocket. The primary purpose of Epsilon is to provide small satellites with a responsive launch that means a low cost, user-friendly and ultimately efficient launch system. The slogan is "Small, Cheap, Fast and Reliable". This outcome is also a result of the excellent endeavors of those who devoted themselves to the next generation solid propellant rocket. However, this is not the final destination. Now that the development was approved, the most important is what the next step should be beyond Epsilon. This paper deals with the significance of the development of Epsilon launch vehicle and how it contributes to the possible evolution of future space transportation systems.
  • 徳留真一郎, 宇井恭一, 清水文男, 羽生宏人, 堀恵一, 谷内雄作, 中野信之, 矢代顕慎, 佐野成寿
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM), 2011
  • 徳留真一郎, 羽生宏人, 和田英一
    火薬学会年会講演要旨集, 2011
  • Shinichiro Tokudome, Yoshihiro Naruo, Hatsuo Mori, Tsuyoshi Yagishita, Takayuki Yamamoto
    46th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference &amp;amp; Exhibit, Jul 25, 2010, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
  • 徳留真一郎, 成尾芳博, 志田真樹, 小川博之, 福吉芙由子, 八木下剛, 野中聡, 岩田直子
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM), 2009
  • Shinichiro TOKUDOME, Yoshihiro NARUO, Tsuyoshi YAGISHITA, Satoshi NONAKA, Maki SHIDA, Hatsuo MORI, Takeshi NAKAMURA
  • Shinichiro Tokudome, Tsuyoshi Yagishita, Hiroto Habu, Toru Shimada, Yasuhiro Daimo
    43rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Jul, 2007, AIAA
    Nitrous Oxide (N2O) / ethanol propulsion system is distinguished as the liquid propulsion with non-toxic, user-friendly, and storable bipropellant. The current target of the present study is to build a quick-response and maneuverable main engine of a sounding-rocket like flying test bed which will be applied to the hypersonic air-breathing propulsion researches in the near future. The application to the spacecraft propulsion is also considered due to its compatibility in low-temperature operation environment. Two series of static firing tests were performed with 700 N class gas generator models so far. Current test results showed that valuable design data were collected and operational procedure was verified. Potential of application of composite materials to the combustion chamber was also examined from the chamber wall heat flux data obtained and the result of firing test using a thick SFRP chamber.
  • 徳留 真一郎, 羽生 宏人
    宇宙科学シンポジウム, Jan 9, 2003, 宇宙科学研究所
  • 徳留真一郎, 羽生宏人, 山本高行, 里吉貴史, 西中村健一, 川口淳一郎
    宇宙輸送シンポジウム 平成14年度, 2003
  • TOKUDOME Shinichiro, HOSOKAWA Ryuichiro, TANAKA Syuji, HORI Keiichi, SAITO Hirobumi, WATANABE Masashi, ESASHI Masayoshi
    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting, 2002, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
    The authors have developed the practical prototype of a micro-solid propellant rocket array thruster for attitude control of a 10kg class micro-spacecraft. a target of this activity is to build the array thruster with 10000 of solid propellant micro-rockets arrayed on a 100×100mm substrate. The prototype with the Φ0.8 micro-rockets arrayed at a pitch of 1.2mm on a 20×30mm substrate has built and tested so far. Boron/potassium nitrate (NAB) propellant is used with/without initiator of lead rhodanide/potassium chlorate/nitrocellulose (RK). Impulse thrust was measured by means of a pendulum method. The experimental results show that the prototype has proper ignition characteristics and further experimental studies are needed to evaluate and to control the impulse thrust with accuracy. We are planning to conduct the thrust measurement test under vacuum condition.

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