

  (坂上 明子)

Profile Information

Professor, Faculty of Nursing Department of nursing, Musashino University

researchmap Member ID

Research History




Committee Memberships



  • Mori Emi, Maehara Kunie, Iwata Hiroko, Saito Asuka, Kosaka Mai, Kimura Kayoko, Endo Toshiko, Sakajo Akiko
    Journal of Japan Society of Maternity Nursing, 24(1) 23-30, Oct 30, 2023  
    Although there is a growing need in Japan for interprofessional work during pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period in women of very advanced maternal age (VAMA), there is little accumulation of practical knowledge. This study aimed to explore the interprofessional work experiences of Japanese health-care professionals during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postnatal period in women of VAMA. A total of 32 professionals including 24 nurses, 7 physicians and 1 medical social worker participated in semi-structured interviews, and the content was analyzed. The experiences of these professionals were compiled into 10 themes, such as “utilization of an existing interprofessional collaboration system,” “smooth collaboration stemming from day-to-day interaction,” “collaboration based on diversity in women of VAMA,” and “seamless prenatal-to-postnatal collaboration.” Interprofessional work was smoothly practiced for VAMA women based on an existing perinatal care system. However, this study indicated there are issues up until the VAMA women’s first visit to a perinatal medical center and childcare period following discharge from the perinatal medical center.
  • 森 恵美, 前原 邦江, 岩田 裕子, 齋藤 明香, 小坂 麻衣, 木村 佳代子, 遠藤 俊子, 坂上 明子
    日本母性看護学会誌, 24(1) 23-30, Oct, 2023  
  • 林 佳子, 白井 紀子, 大月 恵理子, 中村 康香, 松原 まなみ, 西方 真弓, 林 ひろみ, 坂上 明子, 平石 皆子, 森田 亜希子
    母性衛生, 63(3) 196-196, Aug, 2022  
  • 林 佳子, 白井 紀子, 大月 恵理子, 中村 康香, 松原 まなみ, 西方 真弓, 林 ひろみ, 坂上 明子, 平石 皆子, 森田 亜希子
    母性衛生, 63(3) 196-196, Aug, 2022  



Books and Other Publications

  • 森, 恵美, 工藤, 美子, 香取, 洋子, 堤, 治 (Role: Joint author, 出生前診断を受ける人への看護・遺伝カウンセリング,不妊治療を受けている女性の心理・社会的特徴、妊娠期の心理・社会的特徴)
    医学書院, Feb, 2021 (ISBN: 9784260042239)
  • 森恵美, 高橋眞理, 工藤美子, 堤治, 石井邦子, 島袋香子, 上別府圭子, 岩田裕子, 坂上明子 (Role: Joint author, 母子看護における災害時の中長期・備えの支援)
    医学書院, Jan, 2016
  • 森恵美, 高橋眞理, 工藤美子, 堤治, 定月みゆき, 坂上明子他 (Role: Joint author, 出生前診断を受ける人への看護・遺伝カウンセリング、不妊治療と看護、妊娠期の心理・社会的特性、妊婦と胎児の経過の診断とアセスメント)
    医学書院, Jan, 2016
  • 小島操子編著, 濱松加寸子, 鈴木和代, 坂上明子 (Role: Joint author, 女性のライフサイクル各期の看護)
    オーム社, 2008
  • 後藤節子編, 森田せつ子, 鈴木和代, 大村いづみ, 坂上明子他, 名坂上明子
    名古屋大学出版会, Mar, 2005



Research Projects
