Curriculum Vitaes

Sumitaka Tachikawa

  (太刀川 純孝)

Profile Information

Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Tokyo University of Science

researchmap Member ID




  • Rie Endo, Yuto Suganuma, Kazuki Endo, Tsuyoshi Nishi, Hiromichi Ohta, Sumitaka Tachikawa
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMOPHYSICS, 43(7), Jul, 2022  Peer-reviewed
    This study aimed to measure the thermal effusivity distribution on a lunar regolith simulant (FJS-1) using a thermal microscope and to calculate the average thermal effusivity and thermal conductivity using density and specific heat. Moreover, discussions were conducted based on the results of the microstructural analysis of the sample. The FJS-1 particles were embedded in an epoxy resin and polished to a mirror finish. The samples were analyzed using scanning electron microscopy equipped with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDS). X-ray diffraction (XRD) was performed to identify the mineral phases in FJS-1. The results of SEM-EDS and XRD showed that a single sand particle was composed of several minerals, such as anorthite and olivine. Then, the thermal microscope was used to obtain the distribution of the thermal effusivity of a particle from the mirror-finished sample in a 1 x 1 mm(2) area with intervals of 10 mu m. The measured thermal effusivity correlates with the SEM image of the sample. Anorthite has a small thermal effusivity of 1.99 +/- 0.31 kJ center dot s(-0.5)center dot m(-2)center dot K-1, while olivine has a large thermal effusivity of 2.73 +/- 0.35 kJ center dot s(-0.5)center dot m(-2)center dot K-1. In both cases, the thermal effusivity was found to be of the same order of magnitude as the reported values. The average thermal effusivity and conductivity of a single particle were determined to be 2.4 +/- 0.6 kJ center dot s(-0.5)center dot m(-2)center dot K-1 and 2.6 +/- 1.3 W m(-1)center dot K-1, respectively, based on the proportion of existing phases.
  • Sumitaka Tachikawa, Hosei Nagano, Akira Ohnishi, Yuji Nagasaka
    International Journal of Thermophysics, 43(6), Jun, 2022  Peer-reviewed
    Abstract In recent planetary exploration space missions, spacecraft are exposed to severe thermal environments that are sometimes more extreme than those experienced in earth orbits. The development of advanced thermal control materials and devices together with reliable and accurate measurements of their thermophysical properties are needed for the development of systems designed to meet the engineering challenges associated with these space missions. We provide a comprehensive review of the state-of-the-art advanced passive thermal control materials and devices that are available for space applications, specifically, variable emissivity thermal control materials and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), radiofrequency (RF)-transparent and/or tunable solar absorptivity and total hemispherical emissivity thermal control materials, and a passive re-deployable radiator with advanced materials and insulation. Prior to our in-depth review of these thermal control materials, we briefly summarize the thermal environments surrounding spacecraft, the characteristics of thermophysical properties for spacecraft materials that differ from those of materials for ground use, and the significance of solar absorptivity and total hemispherical emissivity for passive thermal control in space. In all four topics of materials and devices, the following subjects are overviewed: the basic principle of passive thermal control techniques in space, the measurement of thermophysical properties of those novel materials, simulation and/or on-orbit verification thermal performance tests, degradation tests in space environments, and some aspects of the implementation of the above-described materials and devices in actual space missions.
  • 冨岡孝太, 太刀川純孝, 長坂雄次
    熱物性, 35(1), 2021  Peer-reviewed


  • 原弘久, 末松芳法, 勝川行雄, 納富良文, 篠田一也, 清水敏文, 備後博生, 峯杉賢治, 後藤健, 太刀川純孝, 小川博之, 木本雄吾, 川手朋子, 今田晋亮, 一本潔, 永田伸一
    日本天文学会年会講演予稿集, 2021, 2021  
  • 瀧口, 裕太郎, 太刀川, 純孝, 小川, 博之, 麓, 耕二, 齋藤, 智彦, TAKIGUCHI, Yutaro, TACHIKAWA, Sumitaka, OGAWA, Hiroyuki, FUMOTO, Koji, SAITOH, Tomohiko
    令和2年度宇宙航行の力学シンポジウム = Symposium on Flight Mechanics and Astrodynamics: 2020, Dec, 2020  
    令和2年度宇宙航行の力学シンポジウム(2020年12月14日-15日. オンライン開催) Symposium on Flight Mechanics and Astrodynamics: 2020 (December 14-15, 2020. Online Meeting) PDF再処理の為、2023年3月8日に差替 資料番号: SA6000164044
  • TACHIKAWA Sumitaka, TOMIOKA Kota
    Aeronautical and Space Sciences Japan, 68(5) 142-148, 2020  
  • Yamazaki A., Toyota H., Tachikawa S., Kondoh H., Sakamoto T.
    Planetary People - The Japanese Society for Planetary Sciences, 27(3) 258-261, 2018  
  • 大矢佳奈, 太刀川純孝, 宮地晃平, 櫻井篤, 長坂雄次
    Thermophysical Properties, 37th, 2016  
  • 宮田喜久子, 長野方星, 岡崎峻, 太刀川純孝, 小川博之
    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM), 17th, 2016  
  • TACHIKAWA Sumitaka
    Journal of The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 54(5) 315-320, 2015  
  • 長野方星, 大野翔也, 藤田涼平, 西川泰司, 沓水真琴, 太刀川純孝, 小川博之
    Thermophysical Properties, 35th, 2014  
    25(4) 220-221, Nov 30, 2011  
  • TACHIKAWA Sumitaka
    Netsu bussei, 24(3) 147-151, Aug 30, 2010  
  • 広沢 春任, 山本 善一, 橋本 正之, 河端 征彦, 大西 晃, 大島 勉, 加藤 輝雄, 日高 正規, 太刀川 純孝, 豊留 法文, 横山 幸嗣
    宇宙科学研究所報告. 特集: M-V型ロケット(1号機から4号機まで), 47(47) 331-350, Mar, 2003  
    M-V型ロケットのテレメータ/コマンドシステムは前世代のM-3SII型ロケットに比べて大幅に変更されている.M-V型ロケットもM-3SII型ロケットと同じく3段式であるが,M-V型では第3段に計器部が設けられ,その結果,そこにテレメータ送信機を搭載することとした.すなわち,第1段から第3段まで各段にテレメータ送信機を搭載することとした.第3段に搭載されるテレメータ送信機はS帯周波数を用い,伝送速度も高めた新規開発のものである.姿勢制御系データの伝送という重要な役割を担っている.搭載送信アンテナに関しては,ロケットの径が大きくなったことにより,M-3SII型の時のように単一のアンテナでは十分なカバレッジを確保できなくなったため,各段とも,2本のアンテナを,それぞれ180度離れた位置に取り付けた.地上局からのガイド送信により,KSC局,あるいは宮崎ダウンレンジ局にとって条件の良い方を選択した.地上送受信系については,M-3SII型の時とほぼ同様である.第2段燃焼ガスが通信回線に及ぼす影響を考慮し,宮崎にダウンレンジ局を設けた.受信結果はほぼ予想通りで,KSC局では第2段モータ点火と同時に,燃焼ガスの影響によりテレメトリデータに欠損を生じたが,宮崎ダウンレンジ局においてその間のデータ補完することができた.資料番号: SA0200138000
  • 大島 勉, 太刀川 純孝, 河端 正彦, 橋本 正之
    宇宙科学研究所報告. 特集: M-V型ロケット(1号機から4号機まで), 47(47) 483-496, Mar, 2003  
    電気計装は各段に配置された搭載機器への電源供給,計測装置からテレメータ装置への信号伝送,姿勢制御装置からアクチュエータへの命令伝達等を担う電気系配線である.ここではM-V-1,3,4号機における搭載機器系統と電気計装について報告する.また,各段に搭載された機器を管制するRB(搭載機器)管制システムはM-V型ロケットから光ケーブルを用いた制御方式を採用した.従来は各制御項目に対応した制御回線を離脱コネクタ経由で機体に接続していたが,新方式により機体外の回線数を大幅に減少することができた.RB管制に関しては,管制装置の概要を述べ,M-V-4号機までの運用について報告する.資料番号: SA0200148000
  • S Tachikawa, K Shimazaki, A Ohnishi, H Hirosawa, Y Shimakawa, A Ochi, A Okamoto, Y Nakamura
    A new thermal control material named the Smart Radiation Device (SRD) was studied and improved. An SRD can be used as a variable emittance radiator; it controls the heat radiated to deep space without electrical instruments or mechanical parts, simply by changing emissivity. This device reduces the energy consumption of the on-board electrical heater, and decreases the weight and the cost of the thermal control system on the spacecraft. Three types of SRD were tried in the process of improving optical properties. In order to reduce solar absorptance, we designed and applied multilayer films for SRDs to reflect solar radiation while retaining its infrared radiative properties. In this paper, we introduce the optical properties of the SRD, a space environmental simulation test on ground, and environmental tests in space. In addition, we report the optical properties of the value-added SRD.
  • Y Shimakawa, T Yoshitake, Y Kubo, T Machida, K Shinagawa, A Okamot, Y Nakamura, A Ochi, S Tachikawa, A Ohnishi
    SOLID-STATE CHEMISTRY OF INORGANIC MATERIALS IV, 755 419-424, 2003  Peer-reviewed
    Variable-emittance radiators based on the metal-insulator transition of (La,Sr)MnO3 have been developed. The emittance property of the material was evaluated from infrared reflectance spectra; that is, (La,Sr)MnO3 Shows low emittance at low temperature but high emittance at high temperature. Moreover, the emittance property significantly changes at the metal-insulator transition temperature, where the material changes from a highly reflective (i.e., low emissivity) metal to a less reflective (i.e., high emissivity) insulator. The (La,Sr)MnO3 thin-films fitted on a spacecraft surface can, therefore, be used to automatically control the emmisive heat transfer from the spacecraft without the need for electrical power. The developed (La,Sr)MnO3 thin-film radiator also greatly reduces the weight and production cost of the thermal control devices.
  • 小川博之, 小林康徳, 中野充彦, 大西晃, 太刀川純孝, 松藤幸男, 長島和宏
    宇宙航行の力学シンポジウム 平成13年度, 2002  

Books and Other Publications




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Major Other


● 指導学生等の数

  • Fiscal Year
    Doctoral program
    Students under Cooperative Graduate School System
    Students under Skills Acquisition System
  • Fiscal Year
    Doctoral program
    Students under Cooperative Graduate School System
    Students under Skills Acquisition System
  • Fiscal Year
    Doctoral program
    Students under Cooperative Graduate School System
    Students under Skills Acquisition System
  • Fiscal Year
    Doctoral program
    Students under Cooperative Graduate School System
    Students under Skills Acquisition System
  • Fiscal Year
    Doctoral program
    Students under Cooperative Graduate School System
    Students under Skills Acquisition System
  • Fiscal Year
    Doctoral program
    Students under Cooperative Graduate School System
    Students under Skills Acquisition System

● 所属する所内委員会

  • ISAS Committee